Today’s Weather Prince Rupert—Raining, moder- DO > sis 9:8? am. 15.9 ft. ate southeast wind; barometer, a a ‘a p.m. 19.9 . 29.84; temperature, 58; sea smooth. \p, dy aR Re as Ee OG Rei ES Ae ce teenage Sines Seamer ena ce any au ae ae = Cy 4 ; ; F “Sy, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER —— > See een i _— eens _ D| XxIIL, No. 161. ie ~ Che Daily Netws a» PRINCE ‘RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1932 Tomorrow's Tides Wednesday, July 13, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS BENNETT ANNOUNCES AGENDA OF I IMPERIAL CONFERENCE Document Regarding Finances Of British Columbia is Given In To Provincial Secretary Today overnment is Given Six Weeks to Announce Findings— If Not Released Then, Committee Will Make Public Recommendations Itself VICTORIA, July 12:—The report of the commission aded by George Kidd of Vancouver which investigated fairs of the province with a view to recommending im- ‘ovements and economies in administration was deliv- ed to Hon. S. L. Howe, provincial secretary, today by W. Barrett-Lennard, secretary of the volunteer committee anc& men of Vancouver e's si WILL STAY “os OFF GOLD “ritish Government Has No Inten- tion of Returning to Gold Stan- dard in Immediate Future British rnment has no intention ol re- istrict Governor leak ae DE Gyro Chub Will :2ve:2ment nas no intention of re Pay Visit to Ci iy 3 ea anak future, Ron. Ney “told Parliament today von Friday of t =: Showed Profit. ees | oP pee In Poor Season Gyr » b ne re bu luncheon in Pacific Mills Lt operating pulp re Ca h President | and paper mills at Ocean Falls and uck . th ha 4 paper converting plant at Van ttendance of members. |couver, report net profit after bond i nterest, depreciation ana taxes for) . . ; vear en ; Anril 1 1932 at! nterior Man Fined = ee “— a i - $119 For Setting Fire 134.00 in preferred divider there remained a surplus of $95,970 whi GEORGE, July |! J brought total earned sur} € yuund guilty by Magi 89 068.46. For the 12 months endet DM e at Lily Lake niAp! 30. 1931, net profit was $413, | the 515.79 and there was a D f 1 permit al was |ter preferred dividends for that pt ays for s¢ n riod of $293.58] N \ cas 4 GOOD NEWS! sme amseamame a Hon. R. W. Bruhn Minister of Public Works who i investigating the unen ployment lany longer on the ‘DEMANDS APOLOGY Governor General McNeill of Irish Free State Resents Snubs of President de Valera DUBLIN, July 12:—Governo: General MeNeill of the Irish Free State has publicly demanded an apology from President Eamonn de Valera for what he considered snubs by the Free State during the past two months Alternative to apology, McNeill said in his letter to de Valera, would be the removal of the Gov- ernor General from office. STATEMENT ON STRIKE Communication From Northern B. ©. Fishermen's Association minister | WITH CITY Mayor and Aldermen Have Meetinr With Hon. R. W. Bruhn, Min- ister of Public Works No Announcement Word From Ottawa Still Lacking, Provincial Government Cannot Commit Itself situation as pertains to un- employment in this municipality ‘was put fully before Hon. R. W Bruhn, minister of public works, at a conference last evening with the city council Informing the council that no in- formation had as yet been received it Victoria as to the relief agree- Iment with Ottawa for the coming year, Mr. Bruhn advised the coun- cil that he could not yet commit the provincial government to any un- dertaking in the matter of relief As late as yesterday morning, Mr Bruhn was in long distance com- nunication with Victoria with a view to ascertaining*’if any word had been received from Ottawa Mr. Bruhn left this morning on ‘the forestry cruiser Lillian D. for |Stewart to investigate the unem- ployment situation. there and ex- nects to be back here Friday morn- ng, sailing that evening on his re The } turn to Victoria By the time he returns here, M1 |Bruhn expects to be able to mak ome announcement in regard ft) government’s relief plans | ibeiatapeiain a DIES IN | ST. JOHN ton. H. A. MeKeown, Former Chair- man of Railway Commission, Dropped Dead Sunday ST. JONIN, NB., July 12:—Stric- ith a heart attack as he step-| | ed with his wife aboard a ferry at} | Westfield near his summer home e, Hon. Harrison Andrew Mc f 4 + + * + : St * | Overflowing Creeks in West Virginia AT RES] |# week, Mayor Anton Cermak # Reported to Have Claimed ; + + + + + Hymns weré| the cor- tege to Fairview Cemetery where in- Dean Gibsor commital steem in which deceased # MAYOR CERMAK OF + CHICAGO VERY ILL i+ indaineaee \+ CHICAGO, July 12 IN FLOODS Follow- # ing a nervous breakdown last }* took a relapse yesterday and # his condition was reported last # night by his physicians as be- '4 ing serious. Cermak is in hos- \" pital and only his doctors and 4 rurses are being admitted to # |# Lis room Numerous Lives CHARLESTON, W. Va., July 12:— Between twelve and twenty-two persons were believed drowned yes- terday by floods of the Paint and * armstrong Creeks in the mining * \districts near here. Eight badiés |\@ 6S PSH HSH HSS FE | Wore recovered. WEATHER REPORT —_ Victoria Mill mamesmowas sen! Us Destroyed Dead Tree Point--Overcast, fresh | | +| Southeast wind; barometer, 29.80; s estroye "| temperature, 54; sea moderate. : Triple Island — Overcast, light Plant of Dalziel Box Co, Wiped Out py touthe rly wind; sea moderate, On Sunday With Loss of - $60,000 VICTORIA, July 12:—Fire eariy Sunday totally destroyed the fac- vory, stock and sheds of the Dal- ziel Box Co. here causing a loss of $60,000. \ VANCOUVER WHEAT ; Vi NCOUVER, July 12 was quoted at 50%ec exchange today Wheat on the loca S. D. Mac = a One Year in Prison and Fine Of $1000 For Curtis; Mystery Witness in Kidnapping Held | FLEMINGTON, N.J., July 12:—John Hughes Curtis RUPERT IS DEAD) was sentenced to one year in prison and fined $1000 here Fred Ray Mrs. G. W aged 59, brother | veste rday for obstructing justice in connection with the of} search for the kidnappers of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Dunn of this city,' jr. He had been convicted of the charge over a week ago. passea away recently in Vancou- Already notice of appeal he is been give n. ver where he had been which deceased a member The late Mr. Ray was unmarrie and is survived, in addition to hi ‘ister here, by two brothers. beeeeeeeseeess ¢ * SOCKEYE FLEET + IS BACK AT WORK + nn # Following settlement of the # recent three weeks’ strike, the sockeye salmon fleet of \# the Skeena River was reported # back at work. @: # yesterday to be Bad weather was interfering with success of fishing opera- fisheries office had no reports this morning as # to the catches being maae. . “#@@*+eee 744484 a resident was “ Following Curtis’ sentence, it was for twenty-eight years. The ~ | cevealed that the New Jersey State nera) took place from Nunn « SHAVIN( Police were holding another mys- Thomson's funeral chapel in bir 8 itery witness who, it was reported, C1 of : oo prc eee night give the most valuable evi- Wolfe Lodge A.F. & A.M., Port Ray EASIER d| King C. Gillette Benefactor to Man is kind—Put His Idea Over | jence since the kidnapping occur- red, The would not disclose he identity of the witness nor they make known any other | particulars police yould The difficulty of trying to shav |-e@#¢#4¢¢4¢4¢064¢6¢4¢4¢44¢80 4 | With a dull, straight-edged razor in «+ a * | spired King Camp Gillette, who|# INTERNATIONAL BANK + ¢) died near Los Angeles Sunday, to do|¢ IS IN FAVOR OF GOLD # * |romething to make that daily task! ons aw jeasier and safer |# BASLE, Switzerland, July 12: # - He studied the problem constant |# —Directors of the Bank for # iy and finally there came to him # Internationa! Settlements yes- # ’ the idea of the thin, sharp, double |# terday adopted unanimously a # |edged razor blade that could be'¢@ resolution calling for return to # |manufactured so cheaply that it # the gold standard as “the best # oI could be discarded when it became ¢@ available monetary mechan- @ e dull '# ism and the best suited to @ How to use the blade was an-'¢@ make possible a free flow of # : other matter that occupied the at- | world’s trade.” * a1 |tention of Mr, Gillette for five years, fe 4) (Continued on Page Foux) je eee eee ee eee ee eas ee... Fs im