TI1E DAILT SEWS Lowria's Lightning There u BANK OF SWIMMING GALA pood demand for brains In Ottawa, and a rreal scarcity of horse British North America sense in Vancouver. Winnipeg- LAKES AT SET tan or mule, and Toronto has tutesteat to tbe rxtnUiloo Gorrra-vxt.1 the mob fever. Grand Forks Is tCmOtBMAt lilt 3tszrr. full of bouts, and Nelson Is In tll. First Annual Event of Swimming terror of a nude parade. This ffotfi LIABILITIES la CtrecUttco TO TMC..I PUBLIC Mtt.140 Club Flied for Next Wednesday world nerds fixingsThe Ledge. IffOflU Sf.7ff.ftS Afternoon Do to ether Bixl 114.711 Salvation Army. Across Harbor. euu rtyiMe fAMcpt-uoet fcy Loodoa erne) Public meetings, Tuesdays, fjtf.fff PREPARATIONS MADE Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. ittrpuuot tmter fjtl-urt ct OtOii (u per FOR A BIQ DAY'S SPORT n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. contra) .. l.flt.ftf DC THE SUPREME COl'BX Of- BMTlSIl lit.iot.tii Next Wednesday afternoon COLUMBIA. Attrrt. ever)tiling on tbe harbor tbat can IX THE MATTER OP DQXHICUTO.il Ciih la tnsd s4 Is BinXUMIM" D-A-tD&EA kSti IX THE XATTC Of Deposit wlfli Coreni-nstnt float trill be busily occupied in THE -AM15IST1U1KX ACT." TAKE SOTICE Uul U order or HU Beawr 5otc Gl- o; trans porting tbe crowds of Prince etUUon tIMtl r. MtB. Tfvar. Local Jsdre mad tt UU (xtus:: Ccstni Ooia Rupert people acrs tbe Inlet to day mt AoprH. 4. 0. ttlt. I u lj;tWtd attnuiwator to Ite estate of lb sM IUerre t,7e.eee the Salt Lakes, wbere tbe Prince Dostateaacaa ail GorenuDtnt, Xtraielptl D'AAdrea, deceasedL and ud otter Securities lt.Sfl.ItO Rupert Swimming Club will bold parttM tartar ctalans arat&tt U said t-uu Ctll and Short Lotas .. 7,111,447 its first annual gala. Tbe Swim, are hereby mrulred ta ram sasse, prHwtr wtted, M soe on mt be rare the Current Loans and DU- eonnti and ot&er A- mtng Ciub bas already done good I it Hay of September. A.XL If it. and an parOo tmStUtA to U estate are.reqalred KU 3MIM40 work tbe accommo in improving to pay the amoeot of their l&defSAs Liabilities or Cuitom- en under Letters or dation at tbe .Salt Lakes and mak to me forthwith. JOH.X a Credit (as per contra) 1.111,404 desirable KtULU5. ing ibis point a place oaetal Admmairator. bank Premises f,40t,fts to go to. DATED this lith CtJ of ACnuL A. D. Iflt. Aft f7f.4tt.4IS On Wednesday next tbey want to show tbat tbey bave been IX THE StmiEME COIRT Or BRITISH working for tbeir real purpose as COLUMBIA. Vt THE MATTER OF JXXZ& GQTT DECEASED well for the improvement of as A-TD LI THC MATTER OF Ttt CIRC ALARM SYSTEM. tbe Salt Lakes, and tbey hope to ADMLXISTTUT105 ACT. be able to prove tbat there is some TAKE ."(OTICE that In order or IUs Ilooor CIRCUtT NO. 1. swimming club r. McB. Toosr. Local Jndre. mad th J J th justification fox; a day or Aurust. A. D. if 18, 1 was appoaiied Boa 12 IIS St and f rd Are. like this. In a maritime city Adislatstrator, with Will annexed, to tho Boi 1 eta st. and frd Are. Be i 14 tih 8L and frd Are. Tbey bave got up a fine pro estate or the said James Ooff, deeaedf ei 1B JuacUoa ct itt, fnd and gramme of events for tbis gala. aod aU parties hartne claims aralnst th said estate are berrtry retjulred to rornlab frd Ares. There are 30 yard races for men IS 1st Are twtweea ith tad same, properly tertsed, to oe on or be or tth Bit. (Knox Uotel). and women, and 100 yard races. fore tbe if th day or September. A. D. if if. The love- things i 17 tst Are. and 1th It. .Cen There are also handicap racing and all parties Indebted to the esute. are dainty you tral Uottl). events for the children, and some reqrtred to pay the amount of their la-debtedaess thing tbe which to nx rorthwlth. on Box 22 frd cpcurr Are and no.frd z, SL (Pott will apneal to programme every lover of JOIL1 Omctt!IL McMtLU.X.Administrator. You need no longer dread laundering them. There a a way Omee). aquatic sports, liven for those Iflt.Dated this itth day or Aorust, A.Aft D. to keep them safe though you tub them dozens of times oi 24 frd Are. an1' MeBride St who do not care particularly for Boa 24 1st Are. and MeBrlde Bt swimming there is always a particular 15 THE SUPREME CO CUT OF BRITISH the Lux way. Bos 2S fnd Are. and fnd St charm in watching other COLLMBIA. : ! . Itox 26 fnd Are. and th 8L Boc 270. t. P. people displaying their prowess IX TlO.t THE ACT MATTER OF THE ADMIXTSTRA- The Lux way dip the garment up and down, gently squeezing i in tbe liquid element. As a spectacle, CIRCUIT NO. 8. ' " next Wednesday's affair IX THE MATTER OF and THE ESTATE OF .0 the pure Lux suds through and through the fabric then Box 31 I th Are. and Falton St ought to satisfy even those peo JAMES DACE. DECEASED, INTESTATE. beautiful Box 32 Borden and Taylor Sts. ple who are admirers of Annette TAKE NOTICE that by order Of His pressing the water out, not wringing it gives new, Box 34 7tn Are, and Pulton St Honor Judre Tousr. Local Jodr or the Box 36 ota Are. and Comox Are. Kellerman. Saprenie Court, made this f4ih day of life to the garment every time it is so washed. Box 37 8th Are. and Dodae PUce Valuable prizes for the different J sly. tfif, I was appointed Administrator Box 33 tta Are, and Thompson SL events will be given. There parties or the esute bar lor or claims James aralnst Dack, deceased.tbe said es AH It all comes back to the ultra purity of these shimmering, will be a first and second prize for CIRCUtT NO. 4. tate are hereby required to forward same their Lux flakes notwithstanding cleansing each item the satiny power Box 41 itb Are, and Fmmerson on programme properly verified to me on or before the Place, which will stimulate the competi I lib day or Sptember, Itlf and all par they injure nothing that pure water itself may touch. Box 42 f tk Are. and UcBiide SL tive spirit. For entry to each or ties Indebted to tbe said estate are re Box 43 5 iti Are. and Oreen St quired to pay tho amount of their tndebt all of these events, only a nominal Box 44 tn Are. and Basil 8L ednest forthwith. Bon 4S 7 in Are. and Ebertf. fee is imposed, and these amounts Dated tbe ftb day or Auruit, Iflt. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO Box 141 7th Are. and Younr 8L are not sufficient to keep anyone J. II. MeMl'LLl.H. away, Intending competitors omclal Administrator. should see to it that they enter at SKEEJtA LAKD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF once for which ever event they CASS!AIL IWOrfT SHRINK . Ifw WATEIl NOTICE care most. TAKE notice that Oranby Consolldtted 25 USE AflD STOIUOE. A Mlnlnr, Smelling at Power Co., limited, of JW(LLMS Necessary Accomplishment. nyox, D. C, occupation mlnlnr and smell In addition to tbe value of this Inr intends to apply ror permission. to TAKE NOTICE that Orsnby Consolidated affair, both as a spectacle and a lease tbe following- described lands: Mlnlnr, Emeltlnr fc Power Co., Ltd, whose Commencing at a post planted at the address Is 71 1 CrinrlUe St., Vaneourer, competition, therjj is the educa 9.W. corner or Lot IStt, Caitlar District; B. C, will tpply for a licence to take and tive effect to be considered. In a thence southwesterly 10 chains following use SO second reel and to store 15.000 city like Prince Rupert, where in high water mark, to the 8.E. corner of Lot acre rcet or water out or Clearwater Creek, thence south 10. chains low order to anywhere, it is necessary 898; to water which flows go southwesterly and drains Into mark; thence northeasterly 40 chains following Kltztult IUrer, about ft miles from Alice to go on the water, everyone low wster mark; thence north 10 Arm. ought to be able to swim, whether chains, to the place or beginning and containing Tbe storage'dam will be located at outlet they like it or not. And if only 40 acres more or less. or DO YOUR ADVERTISING IN 'THE Clearwater Lake. The capacity or CnAJiBY CONSOLIDATED ill.ll.VO SMELT DAILY NEWS' the reserrolr to be created Is about tf.OOO for the sake of the rising genera ISO & POWER COMPANY. LIMITED acre feel, and It will flood the about 100 acres tion, greatest encouragement S It J. Fred Ritchie Agent. or land. The water will be direrted from should bo given to this gala. Date. July 6th, 1918. The Paper with the Largest Circulation in Northern Beitish Columbia. the stream at a point about 4 miles north easterly from N. W. Cor. L. 3805 and will be used for power purposes upon the land described as Lots 308, 479, 808, 809, 480, i . OS nrTfn to 480 inc., !7f A. 1073, f S86, and others comprising; tbe mine and smeltery or Anyoi, B. C This notice posted on tho ground on me 7tn day or July, 1918. A copy or this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, 1814," will ix cied in tbe ofOce or Water rtecorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections to tbe application may be flled with tbe said Water Recorder or with PER the Comptroller or Water Mgrbts, Parlia ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within 15 thirty days after tho first appearance or this notice In a local newspaper. ORANBY CONSOLIDATED MI.WIVO, SMELT- Ltd . POWEIl CO., LTD., Applicant. PACKAGE Br E. E. Cxmnbell Airpnl The date of the first publication or this notice Is tth August, 1918. Ter J. Fred MtchK WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that I, Andrew Soatad, agent for Martin Woldson, whoso a1drce li 444 Peyton BIdg., Spokane, Washington. U. 8.. will ap ply for a licence to take and use 150 cubic feet of water out of Cascade Creek, which flows southerly and drains Into Maplo Day, about wbere the wharf of the Outsider Mines la Ituated, The water will be direrted front the ttream at a point about 6,600 ft. from Maple Hay and will be used for mining purposes upon the I Outsider Oroup of mines, described as L. C04, h. 665, L. SC6, U C67, Li. 668. U. D6U. L. &SU. Li. &S1. This notice was posted on the NAVY ground on tho 27th day of June, CUT 1918. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to tho "Water Act. 1914," will be fllal In the office of the Water Recorder at l'rlnco lluDort. U C. Objections to tbe application may CIGARETT be tiled witn tne eaia water uecoraer or with tho Comptroller of Water Itighbs, Parliament liulldlngs, Vic. torla, I). C, within thirty days after tho first appearanco of this notice in a local newspaper. MAKTIN Ily Andrew AVOLDSON,Sottal,Applicant,Agent, BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING The date of tbe first publication of this notice Is July 26th, 1918. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Daily News rm-rrrr. ,i . ,r,n,irrrr,ij . Ill, . m, . . . . FFfffffWW Ihl IIIItTtI