Friday, August 23, 1018. TBI DAILY HEW8. ECHO FrlOKfl MA88ET 8MILINQ QEO. WALSH , 8YNOP8I8 OF SKEENA LAMD REC0RDIN0 DIV10ION DI3TI1ICT OF COAST, RANOE THREE (3), Harry Hanson's BEDRIDDEN WITH AT WE8THOLME TOWIQHT LAND ACT AMENDMENT The following ic an extract TAKE NOTICE that Alexander 0 don, Fro-empllon ray now confined to urrejrt4 PATENTED from a letter by V, N. Glegerich George Walsh is lo be at the land only. of Santa Monica, California, occupation written from Massct to the H, G. Westholme tonight. This athlete land Ilecorde aultable will for be (ranted aanicultural covering-purpose only mining. Intends to apply for permission to Fast Heating RHEUMATISM Agricultural Journal and published and actor is a general favorite and which la non-timber land. lease the following described land: Partnership pre-emptions abolished, Commencing a! post planted ai high-water In the last Iseue: wherever he is shown. His films but parties of not more than four mar Hot for with mark at the extreme northwest corner Water Coil arranre adjacent "Perhaps you would like to have plenty of life in them. Joint residence, but each pre-emptions,maklnf neces or Price Island. Laredo Sound, Province Fell Thai 1 Would Never Walk AIn know that there are a couple of In the new production, "This sary iTe-emptors Improvements muat on retpectlve claims claims.for of British Columbia, thence south "FKUiiA-iivu oroufbt n.nei. silos in use on Graham Island, Is the Life," in which "Smiling Are years and make occupy Improvements to along t"i westerly ibore line of tbe ald Cost iro.00 all connected up complete value of I0 per acre. Including clearing; bland to tbe southwest comer of Ibe laid and guaranteed for one year. one of them in use since 1912. George," the athletic William and cultivation of at leant acres, before Island, a distance of Dine hundred and Order wilt be received at thla Mr. Watch, of Tlcll, put up one in Fox star plays the leading role, Where receiving;i -emptor Crown In Grant,occupation not sit iv (f0) chains, more or less, thence price bp to May 16 After that the that year to handle his wild grass there is a perfectly appointed less than a ears, and has made propor easterly along- tbe foutnern shore line ot PRICK WILL GO UP. At tbe present tlonate Improvements, he mar, because trie aafd Island to e southeast corner price or ask from off his tide-flats. We some. dental offlce In one of the scenes. of Ul-health or other cause, be x ranted material, your Intermediate certificate of Improvement thereof, a distance of two hundred and plumber for a price to make an lime have, considerable rain dur- Miss Wanda Petit, who plays opposite and tranafer his claim, eighty (JJO) calnsf more or less, thence ordinary Coll. connect It up nt .ing llio haying season, and he him bad one scene in a mar Kecords be Issued without provided permanent applicant residence makes norinerir ana tonowmg me easterly snore guarantee It for one year, and ee built it to handle such hay as dentist's chair. Improvements to eitent of $100 per annum line or the aald Island to the northeast then compare prices and Judge for t and records same each rear. Failure corner or tbe aald Island, a distance of yourself. .might otherwise loss. that are to make Improvements or record prove a "Now, imagine you nine hundred and same will operate as forfeiture. Title sixty (sso) chains, more A all heretofore existing agreements I The grass growing on his flats Is having your teeth drilled, and give cannot be obtained on these claims In or less; thence westerly along the northerly between the other plumbers VfcS'ySSsM wild or the ordinary salt, us some real action," said the less flO per than acre.S rears,Including;with improvements I acres cleared of snore line of tbe aald Island to tbe and myself have expired, I hereby grass growing on tidal lands, and director lo Miss Petit. and cultivated, and residence of at point of commencement, that la tbe northwest revoke an? permits to anyone to least 2 rears. corner of the said Island, a disunce make and Install same excepting it made palatable silage, anyway. And Miss Petit did give some I're-emptor holdlnr Crown Orant mar of two hundred and eighty (ISO chalna, ITIIN A LOfiaWILL If he Don't imagine he has ever considered real action. Tlie man who played record another land in pre-emption.conjunction with requires his more or less. durinr my absence Will positively having i analysed. His the parjl of the dentist started the farm, statutory without actual Improvements occupation,made provided and ALEXANDER CRATDON. prosecute Infringements. flats are not dyked and he could drilling machine going, and in the land.residenco maintained on Crown granted June 7th, ISIS. HARRY HANSOM MR. LORCNZO LCDUC grow no other silage crop anyway, ezciletnent of the action, began lo Unsurvered areas, not exceeding; 20 Fine Letterheads at The News THE BUM PLUMBER s Ottawa St., iiuii. r.Q. lie no doubt found the silo drill one of Miss Petit's good title acres,to mar be obtained be leased after as fulfilling;homesltes;residential Print Shop. uni'uuvi 'a satisfactory investment, for; he teeth. The rest can be imagined. and improvement conditions. and Industrial r TUlvftWTCa utuuuui; For erasing; purposes,-areas . . . .. t in r got. the second one a couple of exceeding; 040 acres mar be leased . . 1 i -..1 In Iwwl years later. They are stave silos, PRISTOL BAY PACK or one or company. PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. (and, I think, about 18x30. lie The scope of this Act Is enlarged to ..A. Ml llntf fkATIJIP doesn't keep dairy cattle only Salmon fishing in Bristol Bay Include all persons joining and aerv-lng with His Majesty's Forces. The time 1.a t ..i.i avi m ariiA milks sufficient for family use by waters for the season is over and within deceased which pre-emptor the heirs mar or devisees apply of for a Sale of City Lots. walV a iraln the silo, which assures him of the pack of the canneries is estimated title under this Act Is extended from . .a I 1 -J T one rear from the death of such person, just that much more feed for at approximately theaame as formerly, untU one year after the ir fi - II ui lli rrnit I mil his conclusion of tbe present war. This wintering range stock." as last year, 1,000,000 cases, according privilege Is also made retroactive. to advices received by F. TOVYNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT WATER NOTICE M. Warren, president of the As ACT. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince USE A.1D STOIUCE. . socialfon. persons Provision holding;la made uncompleted for the grant Agreements to Rupert will sell by tender all the lots In Section Two purchased a MiHiUr v until iTnr inca Ico conditions in Bering Sea delayed to Purchase from the Crown of such proportion of the land. If divisible, by the City at 1916 Tax Sale (Except thosa already I SI. I All MB TAKE NOTICE llut Tti Oranby Con-aolidated the arrival of the cannery as the payments already made will Mltilar, Smellier and Power Co. cover in proportion to the sale price of disposed ot), titles of which have now been obtained by LW.. wboae addreti It Brltltb fleet last spring and operations the whole parcel. Two or more persons Anroi, Columbia, the City and all local Improvements thereon boldiag- such Agreements mar group having been started later than usual. In view ii ir M will apply for a licence to take their interests and apply for a proportionate and u tli aecoad feci tad lo Hon J.100 of this fact, Mr. Warren said the allotment Jointly, if It Is not fully paid up. X.KDUC, considered advisable to divide the land XjORENZO rre feet of water oat of line Creek which size of the season's A list of the lots for sale be pack was re covered by an application for a proportionate can seen upon application . Vior. for 1"0.trUl ii 25o. flow eoulberljr end drtni loio IDaervatorv allotment, an allotment of land Inlet about 1-4 mils Knilhrtil of tbe north-eai garded as highly satisfactory. of equal value selected from available at Treasurer's office. All daucri or seni poftirwu on Crown lands in the locality may be rorwr or Lot till. Tbe atorare-dam made. These allotments conditional Tenders In will be received a. f 1... Umll .a are writing by me up till 5 o'clock " i mill Im lorilrd it th natural outlet Ptarmigan Returning: That the upon payment of ail taxes due the f a 1 l.. Ant Crown or to any municipality. The September 2nd. Each tender must be of Crnr Laac TtM capacltr of Ux accompanied by a long absent ptarmigan are re rights of persons to whom the purchaser rwrro)r to m created la about JtOO acre from the Crown has agreed to certified for 5 and cheque per cent of amount tendered, returnable tttt. and It will flood about JJ0 acre of turning to their old haunts, eell are also protected. The decision o( land. Tbe water will be dlrerted from are appearing in ever increasing the Minister of Lands In respect to the If tender not accepted. adjustment of a proportionate allotment tbe nmn at a point about 1-3 mile twrtti- numbers is the report brought to Is flnaL Tbe time for making application Terms cash upon acceptance of tender. The City Is not eail of tba Dorlbeail corner or lot lilt, for tbese allotments Is limited to Office;2nd St. and will be used for mlacellaneoui pur-poe various mining camps by prospectors the 1st day of May. 11. Apr application bound to accept the highest or any other tender. 3rd Ave. and the made after this date will not be upon tbe land deaenbed ai Lot ill. and travellers, says considered. These allotments apply to Tbit notice waa potted on tbe around Yaldez Miner. They aro reported town Iota and "and? of the Crown sold E. D. JOHNSON, Pom fip I or fa no I in oo the Utb dar of Jul;. HIS, A copy (o be gradually making their way at Vor public information auction. apply to any Provincial Dated August 7th, 1918. City Treasurer. aod of ibi oo lire an appllcaUon pursuant Government Agent or to a UW1I1W vma.k SkVenw aw -r thereto and to tbe "Water Act, till," will towards the coast. Large numbers O. R. NADE.V. be nied In tb office of tbe Water Re of chicks exe seen in the Deputy Minister of Lands, Victoria. B. C General Teaming corder at Prtoce Rupert. B. & hills and the present warjn dry Objection to tbe application mar be Storage season promises a good crop. filed wiin tbe aaid Water reorder or wita Get your envelopes at The News w- . cr I d: Alaska Empire. Advertise In The News rurnnunf. jaic auu m ibiiu tbe Comptroller or Water Rlrbu, farlla Daily Print Shop. ment Buildinn. Victoria. B, C witbin Moving. Baggage tblrir dar after tbe firat appearance of There Is character in printing thlt notice In a local newapaper. just as there is characters in people. ORA.XBT CO.tSOUDATED MIM.tO. SMELT At Tbe News Print Shop HQ k I'OW EI CO, LTD., Applicant. By I. Fred Ritchie. Ami they do the kind that brings business. Tbe dile of tbe Aral publlraUon of thti Prince Rupert Feed co. notice I sttb Julr. lll. All Keep the up PHONE sa It THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH "T AM assured that 1.1 THE COLUMBIA.MATTER OF THE ADMLMSTRAT A my people will respond I0K ACT and Food Supply to every call AY. GRAIN, FEED, I THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE OF necessary to the success CHARLES McLELLAX. DECEASED, I.V 1 ESTATE. TIMBER SALE X 1391. of our cause with TAKE KOT1CZ thit by order of ills and the indomitable lljoor Judr Young, Local Judge or tbe Sealed tender will be received by tbe Help same Supreme Court, made tola lit ar or Minuter or Land not later than noon on ardour and devotion Augiiit, till. I wa appointed Admlnlitr be xlrd dar of AuruiL KH. ror the pur- tor of tbe utile of Cbirle McLeUan. de c&ate of Licence XlJtl, to cut l.ifO.000 that have filled me with reeled. Ail partle bartnr claim I film I eet or Spruce. Cedar. Balaam and Hem-oca, Make and .1 1 TM M PMnU 1UMMM M. tbe Hid eitato are berrby required M for on an area adjoining Lot 710. Matbie- Victory Pride gratitude ward same properly verified to me on or ton Channel. Range I, Coast District since the war began." beror tbe lit day of Ociobr. 111. and Two (I) year will be allowed for re- all pat-tire Indebted to tbe aald ctat are uoval of limber. His Majesty Kino Gxoxox required lo par the amount of tbeir in Further particular of tbe Chief Forester, Sure drblednel forthwith. Victoria. B, t, or DUtrkt Foreater. rrtnee Dated tbe I Jin dar of August, ttlS. Rupert, B. C A.ti J. IL McMCLLIX, dvcrlise In tne Daily news. Official Admtniitrator. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. soldiers must be fed; the people at NOTICE. OUR must be fed. And in spite of Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, dtuate In tbe Skeena Minlnr Division of Caittar Germany's murderous campaign to DlttricL Where located: At tbe bead of Alice TAKE Arm.NOTICE lo tbe that Skeena 1. J. Minlnr E. Stark,Division.owner cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking of tbe above claim. Free Miner CerUncatc No. 11171. Intend, ality day from tbe every ship on the High Seas an ample and date hereof, to apply lo tbe Minlnr Recorder 1 1 baaaaaaaaaW . :-3eaHaaaaaaf? m ror a Certificate of Improvements, unfailing flow of food to England and ror tbe purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of tbe above claim. France must be maintained. And further uke notice that action, un der aerllon It, must be commenced be fore the Issuance or such Certificate or Improvement. This is National Service- Dated tola am dar or JuiT, a. p. ii. SKEENA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Not to the Farmer only QUEEN CIIAItLUTTE 13 LA.ID 3. aaaaaaaLaLr IsaaaaHiP '"iaiaB But to YOU to everybody TAKE MOTICE that Horace John Brad This is directed bury, of rrlnce Rupert. B. C, occupation appeal clerk. Intend to apply for permUslon to lease the following described land: M&JW ' ''' "'saaaaaaaaaai Commencing at a post planted about one must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden small or large. Utilize and a bait mile from Um mouth of Lagoon WE PLANT Day In tbe north arm or Selwyn Inlet to SAVEand to PRODUCE, Men, back yard. Cultivate the BBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaBaBauBaaEaaaHata''a Moresby Island. Q. C Island; thence weal women and children; the young:,the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food thence south 10 chain, thence i,BglHByflliH to to chain,chain more or less to beach, thence aged and the old all can help in the along beach to point or commencement. Including Nations Army of Production. atl foreshore between high and low of towns ran find no better containing 40 aerea more or lea. WOMEN watert HORACE JOHN BRADBURY-Dated EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps important outlet for their June 17, ISIS. SS the cost of living and adds to energies than in cultivating a vegetable WATEn NOTICE the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. TAKE NOTICE that R. a. Nelll. wboe Be in act addreaa la Stewart, B. C. will apply for a For information on any nthjtct ulating patriotic as licence lo lake and uke teven cubic feet of water per aecond out of Ibe North Fork to th farm and Cardan, writ: well as in thought of Caacado Creek, which flow aoutherly and dralna Into Salmon Rlvrr. The water INVORMATION BUREAU will be diverted from tbe dream at a point Department of Agriculture about 11,000 feet from Cascade Creek. Use every means available Thla notice wa posted oh the ground on OTTAWA the tUth day of August. It IS, A copy or Overlook nothing. thlt notice and an application pursuant thereto will be filed la the omce of the water necorder at Prince Rupert. B. C Objection to the application may be filed Dominion Department of Agriculture with lb ald Water necorder cr wiin me Comptroller cf Water RJabU. Victoria, D, c within thirty day after the 8rt ap TTAWA, OAK ABA. WILLIAM FOX TKODUCTW pearance of thi notice. The dale of flrl publication of thlt notice I August nth, HOW. MAMW Hflllf I, Mlatoter. ll, . . R. K, WEILL, Applicant. Showing at tlio Wcslholmo Thcatro tonight.