I-"rlila . A.igjHl i; NBWS THE DAILT 1 1 e'F I OF - i TO HAVE CHAUTAUQUA CONSOLIDATION WHALING INTERESTS EMPRESS THEATRE Local News Notes FESTIVAL IN RUPERT Consolidation of the the principal Pacific Sunday, August 25, 2 pein. sharp NOTARY PUBLIO Party Expected In Near Future Good assortment of pipes at whaling interests on Gils. coast has resulted in the ln?or-poralion FHEC ALL WELCOME With Object or Entertaining tf PRe Consolidated of the An Illustrated Lecture by and Educating. FORCED SALE Int ictus Staler: Shoes at the Whaling Company Limited, with J. B. WILLIAMS The head Family Shoe Store. a capital of 12,500,000. Prince is to have a Rupert m of the company will bo at Under the Auspices of the Assoc iaUl Bible Students. iBJf t LOT 7, BLOCK 44, SEC. 7. Chautauqua Festival in the near A. W. Carter, of Oceanic Cannery, Torpnto with the head operating 'The World Has End6d; Millions Now Living Will Never Dl, future if the plans of the promoters fine level lot is This a on is in town today on a visit. o. ituc. scleral Avenue, m1way between are carried out. It is ex office at Victoria, COME, COMIi, COME I KVEItVUODY WI I.i:nyp Eighth Hays Creek and Seat pected to give five programs in Just arrived, our first shipment manager. has taken Scats Frje and No Collection. The new company Cove. The owner must sell, this city, consisting- of lectures of Vassar ladies' fall shoes, Very Victoria Whaling Com therefore the very cheap and concerts by well known speakers latest Creations The Family Shoe over tbe ai nyu- wilh whaling plants those pany price and musicians, Among Store. It ami uuou liaroor Hose who are expected are such men as quot. $200 Dr. William Hader, CapL W. J. Mr?. It. J. I). Smith and family Harbor, owning eight steam and j tender whalers and a whaling Hindley, the well known McDonalds, are expected to return to the city H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. and the members'of the Ladies' this evening from Vancouver, a large whale meat cannery nt Festival Orchestra. where they have been on a holiday Kyuquol the American racinc FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Whaling Company, with a station This group of entertainers and visit. THE DAILY NEWS educators has been going through at Day City, Washington, owning the country and has met with Launch ' Alice U. for the Salt four steam whalers; and mo Established 1008. Classified great success everywhere. Not Lakes leaves Prince ftupcrl Boat- North Pacific Sea Products Com-nariy. : Advertising only are the lectures of an educational house every hour commencing 10 which has a station al Aku- .nature but they are o'clock on Sundays. Round trip tan, Aleutian Islands, owning Phone 98 carrying the message of "carry" 50 cents. If thwMi giaarn whalers, and the A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING This Is the AdverOVnf Coll did tt' on" in connection with the war steamer Elihu Thomson. 1000 QEAR AND SUPPLIES. Mrs. F. G. Dawson who has tons, and the auxiliary powered people read when they want anvtAinf activities. been in Vancouver and The latter is touring onj schooner Halcyon. It brings results In a place like Prince llupert where visiting coneert companies ancouver island, is expected engaged In halibut and cod fish will home this evening on the Prince ing. SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE lEAr this WANTED. are not often seen group be particularly welcome. llupert. PAINT FOR BOATS . I WAX TED Two suitresses for Hockley P. G..E. CONTRACT Ey. Apply for psrtlcnlars phone tie. F. G. Doherty, who recently re It is just as cheap to pet your signed from the local branch tof WASTED At Seir Care. Up waitresses printing done well and done at tbe ftoyal Bank of Canada, is IrxT tton Hrplhers of Vancouver and a nir&t cook. tr home as it is to send it away. Try peeled to leave for Winnipeg'on haje secured the contract for the WANTfeD A teamster. Pony Ex The News Print Shop. Monday. construction of he IS miles of FRED STORK'S HARDWARE press. the P; G. E. from Clinton to Wil EMPRESS THEATRE For the second day running, the liams Lake. Their bid was 308. JOB WASTED drirlur slnle horse end rig by relumed wldier. Apply News Omee. f'Jj EVERY NIGHT police magistrate had a clean 0d0. There was one lower bid, SECOND AVENUE air PROFESSOR ALEXANDER sheet this morning. The conduct that of McKinnon, Cooper. Drab WAX TED A home for a boy silriKtior Iiirh School where be would be under of the citizens of Prince flupeTt ble & Co. of Vancouver, but in kindly discipline, Aag-llcsn preferred. Friday Temperament. remains most exemplary. consultation with the chief engi Apply S. if. Hoskins, Haztlton. 197 Saturday Mental and Vddern Tpm-pemurnt neer of the road the Government Education. J. Munn, of the Borden Milk Co has decided not to award the con VOMAX HoteL AVAXTED, for hotel work Centrtl its Sundajr To Men Only at p.m. and is spending a day or two in the tract to that firm. Their; bid wan Advertise in "The Daily News K:3e p.m. city. Mr. Munn will leave forf 300,00f;. Palmer Ilros. of Van WASTED rood eapafcle sirL four tn Monday Tralnlnr Children. Anyox this evening, accompanied couver came third with a tender family, applicant pleat,'slate salary expected, Tuesday Woo are Our Benefactors f , by Jack Venables, of the G.'IV of" 1310,000. The Paper that get Quick Results Admission Collection Taken. r. O. Box HSO. 199 Free, Nickerson Co- who are tbe firm's Don't MUs bla treat lecture on Lore, WASTED Woman for weekly household Couruhip. Mtrriare and Jealooiy. local agents. waabinr. Phoae Green 411. tf ConsultaUons from 10 a.to., room fi. intiv"-' 'rai Prince Rupert Hotel. The Unity is in this morning WASTED Experienced lady book-keeper with 5,000 lbs. of halibut; Tom immediately. Good salary. Pioneer Laundry. tf and AU 07,000; Livingstone, 19, 000; Nidaros, 9.0D0; Lansing, 8,- The Shoe Store Family WOVES HELP WASTED Steady employ-naent. Pioneer Laundry. tf II. ! STEPHENS ,000;Volunteer Fairbanks,wilh 1,500 6,000, lbs.and the So BOT WASTED Apply Orme's Limited. ales were made up till noon. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BOT WASTED SAVOY HOTEL. tf FINANCIAL AGENT The Hoard of Works committee WASTED A brlrlit boy to learn tbe print of the City Council met last even lor Avenue.business. Apply Sewt Otnce, Third Flvt-roemsd pltstsrtd house with ing, when the deputation of prop bath ntar drydock In fine location, erty holders on tbe hill were also WASTED Waitress. Hotel Prince lluperL lot level and good view. Price Ipresenl. The pros and con of White Drive the reconstruction of thn stair, FOR SALE the value of the houss. Terms. way leading from Fulton Slr,cet to Houst and lot at Seal Covt at a T. II. . t Mr TOR SALE omee desk and cbalr. Apply rouriu Avenue were again ais C E. Balnter. 19S Brrgalii. cussed, but no definite conclusion FOn SALE Furniture for sale, Phone Double Corner, Fifth Avenue, Section iwas reached. The matter is till Black Hi. ie 81s. lunder consideration. FOR SALE About fifty gasoline THSB! are ALL ESPECIALLY C. S. Hcinline, accompanied by offensive all Ladies' and cans. Apply News Office. COOD VALUES. Miss Grace Peck and Miss Nina Saturday opens our on For Sale An English billiard JCarr, who are representing the '"Children's White Shoes and The table, 8 pool tables, bowling alleys, Loans Arranged at Low Rates of Ellison-White Dominion Chatau- Pumps. System ana afe. Apply li. E. Iloss. Interest en approved Real Estate Empress Hotel. tf Securities Bearing Satisfactory quas the city of on Calgary,Wednesday passed on through the way of this store will be not to carry over goods from FOUND Revenues. north. They are going to Juneau and other Alaskan cities in the season to season but, at all times, to keep new and FOUND Young rot terrier black and white E20 Third Ave. Phone 222 interests of the Chatauqua Festival with long tall Apply Newi Office. to be held in these places. up-to-date goods. A glance at the prices below FOUflD At Salt Lakes, lady's fcsthlnr suit jThey will return to Prince llupert at and naily two towels.Sews once Owner by paylsf may have for tame this on their way south and will ns-Isist will Convince you to buy even for an investment. advertisement. tf f the local committee in the MISCELLANEOUS Fctel Prince Rupert arrangements for the Chatauqua festival to be held here. Women's fine while kid lace Women' while canvas lace Invlctus Brand rniscE nui'EnT musical society Persons desiring- to become members of EUROPEAN PLAN ARMED RAIDER HAS boots, receding toe, turn boots, while sole and nie-lialf Women's win lr calf the above society are requested to make 1.50 per day and up. NOW DISAPPEARED soles and military heeln. French heel. This is ImjoIs, receding lo Go.. application to tbe secretary by Tusday, a very stylish boot; regular Aujtust 17. Itebearsals will shortly commence. This 1s one of the best and Well Leather, onr FIRST-CLASS CAFE London, Aug. 23. The ariti'ed 1.75, now CHARLES C. PEnnY, Secretary. most popular shoes In America. Louis heels, a smart raider which A La Carle. Triumph has been sinking Allied merchant ships Note the makers, Utz ?3.80 for'slreet wear, it is only has disappeared. So close n net T)unu. ling. $12.00, now of-ur beautiful ntyle.. Every Launch Should . has been drawn around her ljiat ;; 112.00, now v Have a it is believed she must have been ?8.95 Wumeir white canvas Inee St. James Hotel sunk to escape ,capture. boots, pointed toe, while 58.95 LIFE PRESERVER j oles and military heels, reg. (LATE "QUEENS") BASEBALL SCORES 94.50now FIRST CLASS ROOMS Women's whiti Itciiiskin Hot and Cold Water. National League. cloth lacd boot, pointed toe. 53.70 Women' very line The Wbeelr "Sef.tr Flnt" Is a corker SOe per Nlstu, and $3 per Week. Cincinatl, 0; Philadelphia, 6. Oogdycar Welts, while enameled canvas boots, extra for ok Ufa although It Is not cork. Jt Pittsburg, 3; Iloston, 0. weighs onljr few ounces, can be ee.ll SI. Louis, 4-2; Brooklyn, 3-5. military heel. This tnpn, medium toe on' stowed, is adjuetabl to any site, and If .a Chicago, 2; New York, 4. is the most up-to-date walking Women' While Cunvas Luco covered French heel. needed can be aaaj for a pillow. V. I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AOENCY American League. boot, flegular 10.50, now Hoots, medium toe, white enameled Inr $5.50, now 209 Metropolitan Bldg.', Vancouver, St. Louis. 1; Boston, 0. nolo and heels, rcgu-ar Thompson Hardware Co. Cleveland, 1; Washington, 7, $4.95 $3,25, now 54.35 Day Phone, Seymour Hit. New York, 5; Detroit", 3. LIMITED Mtht Fbone, Fairmont SOU, ?2.45 215 Third A nua,pppoeita 2nd Street Philadelphia, 3; Chicago, 2. Head Office, 312 Hlbben-Bone Bldg. Mall Orders attended to promptly Victoria, B. C, Phone 841 2. Caribou Invasion: Malcolm Mc Women's while canvas Wonicsi' fine while : ? Laren, the Sunnydale farmer, has pumps with leather or rubber WijmeiiV very smart while lace boots, high tp returned from a trin to the head soles and heels, juat the canvas pumps with covered ditim lyes, coveretJ al of Swede creek, and reports a big shoe for comfort. Ileg. $4.00, heels and white soles, regular heels; u very classy I l PONY EXPRESS nun of caribou had passed on the f trim: 3,00; now Ileg. 4kleV a hills, and were headed towarvis now til.00, now PHONE 301. THE ENOINtyKEf INEMEN the Forlymile country. It Is In $2.70 $2.35 52 95 MOTOR that region thai lens of thousands TRANSFER itcst tad CfCYet of the caribou r ancc nearlv FISHERMAN'S KNaiNE every fall and winter, Dawson CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD t CvL 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-1B INCWS. (Rear of Hart Block). Horse Power, See our new arrivals of the very latest creations I Oyl 3 -4 In. by 5 1-2 In., 26 Cause Excitement: WVo Soil Tents, Safco A Coal. Morse rower, Considering in Ladies' Up-to-date Footwear the number who havo left, the Manager's Nlpht Call at Oarage 4 OyL 1.8 Mors In.rower.by In, 21-55 town business in Juneau is very PHONE RED 126 ralr, und two newspaper?, both First Assistant, published in tho afternoon, add PHONE BLUE 413 For Further Information very considerably to the excitement PHONE Proprietor.BLACK 451. Apply to of the community. -Victoria The Shoe Colonist. Family Store Instant Delivery Meets VJ. E. WILLISCROFT Train Every and Boat, Prince Flupert, B, O, T.mlipR, fnlcn n Innlr,wv ni iu.iut3 will.i eeweieee dows of the Family Shoe Store. 1