DRIHESLIMITED Chemists and im. m m m . Druggists The daily P.O. Box 1680 Phones,82 and 200 PhuuL,.iif 25 lOL. IX. NO. 202. pniNCE IIUPERT, B.C., TIIUH8DAY, AUGUST 29, 1018. PRICE FIVE CENTS big DRIVE PROCEEDING MERICANS, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND CANUCKS TAKE TOLL FROM HUN NERAL ADVANCE ON ALL INDIAN SAWMILL,INJURED DIES AT HERE POPULATION OF PRINCE THE LINE FROM ARRAS TO Lot 8 In Raft Fall Upon Him and RUPERT APPROXIMATELY Cause Which Severe Prove Injuries, FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE RHEIMS BY THE ALLIES Fatal. OFFICIAL RETURNS MADE BY REGI8TRAR NELSON SHOWS ROBERT 8ANKEY WAS A THAT SKEENA DISTRICT HAS 20,670 PEOPLE cess Everywhere Attends Efforts to Drive Germans Out of NATIVE OF PORT SIMPSON OVER THE YEARS.AGE OF SIXTEEN France; Canadians and Americans Join with the - Last evening at 8 o'clock Robert The registrations figures have now been compiled, by 0. If. Hankey, an Indian, was admitted French and British in the Big Drive to the General Hospital here suffering Nelson, registrar for this district, and will be a surprise to a great many pessimists who were inclined lo believe that the from severe injuries received population of this city was almost at the vanishing point. The London, August 20. liiero has been a general advance of while working at the result of the registration goes to show that the population of this sd forces along almost llie whole line from Arras lo llheims. GOMPERS IN ENGLAND Georgetown sawmill. He had been city is very close to five thousand. In eluding the inhabitants of French and the nearby canneries the population would be no less than Canadians, Australians, Americans, Knglish engaged in working on a raft of seven CONFERS WITH LABOR thousand, as the following ofllcial figures will indicate: mentioned forward with bp arc particularly as driving success logs at the mill, when the logs Total population for Skeena District, male and female ever' point. The French especially seem to have made lig started to slide down on him. His 16 of London, August 20. Samuel over years age 20,670 inces in the Noyon district. Gompers and his party have arrived right arm was torn off by the Total adults registered In Prince Rupert; Males. . .2,177 t Paris. August 20. Forty villages were recaptured yesterday in England. Their aim is elbow, and his left arm and wrist Females . 1,006 3,273 French troops in a swift advance, driving into the enemy lines to bring the labor union leaders severely cut. The patient also Children under 16 years of age who were enumerated with jome points to a depth of six in England, France and Italy to a had a severe scalp wound, extend females who registered as residing in Prince Rupert belter understanding of the aims ing from his brow to the back of and who registered In Prince Rupert on or before cs me leu uann oi met O.BESNER BUYS June 22nd , . 1,238 and principles of the American his head. lime was reached between Total population of Prince Rupert as shown approximately Inbor movement in support of and Immediately the man was ex Lcourl and the Neslc as well in prosecution of the war. tracted from the pile of logs, he by the registration of June 22 but omitting all who the west bank of the Canal du LUMBER ILL was rushed to Prince Rupert by may have registered even a short distance from the hi between the Ncile and Noon TELEGRAPHERS STAY IN launch, arriving here about 8 p. city as on the Skeena river 4,511 m. hAeryttitng possible was done Since the date set for registrar ir me greater pari oi us while Ketchikan or Seattle or ON THE ISLANDS Winnipeg. August 29. The C. for Iho injured Indian, but he tion there have been a laj-ge num some other American port may irse. P. II. commercial telegraphers paMcd away this morning at I ber who have taken advantage of be regarjled by them as their home flic French third army cap- the regulations which allows throughout Canada who had decided o'clock. to the extent the are same as Itd Dives and pushing on to the 'Plant at Queen Charlotte City to lo bo on utrike for,jncrj?ad jJefca8ed was a native of Port them .to register because of ab- many oiuer nsnermen who taise Mward reached the outskirts of Ion, Be renovated. Improved and pay", have agreed to defer striking" Sampson and was aged abful ctu ooJune .tuu 'lUelr' tfWntitledUo-be Operated by Local fr the time being and instead to ears. ,reB n,. -u .. w,c iiVf ,cinssifled with the Prince Ruotxt In the region inerican troop Man. lay the situation before the Gov An inauest will be held here to- and include a large numoer oi( , . . luvigny ivpulsed numerous ernment at Ottwaa. morrow moWinR at 10 o'cloek lo fishermen and sailors mo'nt,;s Jn ihe they make this tian counterattacks and broke $25,000 WAS PRICE PAID; inquire into the circumstances of at sea at the time Of the registra ! year . . in soutff er j of attempt Barouches.to cross the WILL COST $15,000 MORE Jloats returning from Dundas J this fatality, .and the necessary "on. u saie 10 say mai irom, same as M . il. -1 Island yesterday afternoon report wilncsxes will be broucht froml" lo iou nave regisiereu whu, This Would, ic Australians in wieir au the postmaster here and else- ed fish very scarce there. : Port Simpson. make a' decided increase in the cc yesterday reached the line The lumber mill a I Queen where under this rule. kresnes-Uarbcrcourl but have Charlotte City has been purchased population here. in by O. Hesner of this oily American Subjects. Canneries Belong Here. with much opposition chlng the Somme river at Hrie for the sura of 125,000, and will 100,000 PRISONERS TAKEN In addition to this there United were There is another aspect of the a number of fishermen on that be taken into Peronne. at once be put in shape for cut population may boats who States owned fishing tie village of Crolsellcs where ting spruce. Something like 115,-J account. In the enumeration of BY ALLIES SINCE JULY 18S ere American subjects and werp .ritcialrants In Prinrp Rlinert. all rnemy maintained a stubborn 000 will have to be spent in order required to register. In some,., rnnprifii, wilh ,he exceDtion lo out the of the new-owners. tan a was Rradualiy out- carry plans instances these registered as a ted by London troops and is At present the rapacity of the Prince Rupert one are a llrilish hands. of the mill is something like 50,-000 EACH DAY ACCENTUATES GERMAN DEFEAT ENTENTE hey omitted. The canneries of the riltsh troops fought their way feet a day, but a resaw is FORCES ENGAGE BOLSHEVIKI IN NORTHERN to do business here, but in many Skeena are very closely identified the life of Prince Rupert. being added to the plant and then with rard toward Ycracourl and 'cases RUSSIA; DISTRESS SPREADING it is safe to say that they banking Is the where the This IlirBNl of Fontaine lei CrolseL the capacity will be about 05.000 point These uid not register. men feel a day. That will be a great AMONG INHABITANTS in this cOhnectio'n is done and considerable of the trading Is out addition to the epruce producing capacity of the Islands. London, August 29. Since July 18 the Allies have taken we,lCplnAJ Q jOPFW of here. "More and more this is BRIEF TELEGRAMS Oueen Charlotte City was over 100.000 prisoners. Guns captured number more than 1,000 .oLIaUvLsu Ui Lill becoming the case and It is held Lrt'aur Playfalr the famous ac founded year ago by Mr. Young, and there also have been taken vast stores of ammunition. by bonding of these houses canneries that the might population who interested tho lumber com-tiiauy completed the capture of Troncs ts dead. of the The llrilish troops yesterday fairly be classified with Prince reiich deny the capture of in the possibilities Wood north of the River Somme. Cherishy has been amidst Rupert. iveixer. Islands. Ho laid out a towns lie and sold a number of lots there. fierce fighting. The same applies to no small 111 and Staff Expected Icrnnri seriously New Principal haiiiec Lmprcss not nblo lo leave her On one occnslon the steamer The British forces lighting east of Arras have reached the to Arrive Tomorrow In Readiness extent to the canneries on the tide. Princess Charlotte was chartered outskirts or llaucpurl, Ilemy and Hoiry Notre Dame, north of the for Important Naas. from the C. P. It. lo run a special Evsnt. The figures for the Skeena can road. Htawti Government conslder- with Arras-Canihrai neries showed 1855 males and 574 rrairganuatlon of C.N. II. excursion to the townsilo in the a Kash day accentuates the German defeat and the losses in females. The Naas canneries lh new board of directors ellm- view to interesting of lots. The people mill was men, material and prisoners. Secretary W. I. Vance of Ihe showed the following: 581 males, iling Mackeniio & Mann. The purchase forces have the City School Board received a wire and lit females. omewhat ahead of its lime ami Archangel, August 20. The Kntente engaged iignotion of these magnates Is pv In the hands of Ihe Oovern- for a number of years has been Holshcviki lied Guards and dispersed Ik. Uo.viU riven no.H.a. .JSZtSFl tnt. shut down. Tho people in the villages along the White Sea are starving. the 8chools would ope Tues day Us purchase by Mr. Hesner Insures iiistrpss is snreadinK and the inhabitants are begging the Entente nni September 3. This is final DEMERS WILL OPEN its operation ttl once and will aiiiiw lo nssisl Iheni. 'and arrangements are already be- TEMPORARY PREMISES interest in the old lowneite .lup mauo lur io cvuuuiiuuiiu bo revived, GERMAN NATION of the pupils. Demers will temporary open FACES DARK DAYS nany Mr.lo Hesner operate is me forming nun.i uuu a com-. t j in CANADIAN ATTACK ON A FIVE-MILE' The new principal, Angus M. quarters just opposite of the McDonald, and most mem the new stoiio, Saturday, is taking place. corporation now Amsterdam, Aug. 29, mill bers of his' staff are expected to August 31. The new-store Joo Hortelance Is to bo man The German army and Fs arrive tomorrow on tho Steamer will shortly be finished, nation now ace dark hours ager.Naturally by this timo inucn oi FRONT ENTIRELY SUCCESSFUL;iPrinco Ilunert and as soon as but stock is beginning the they have llmo to investigate conditions especially may God protect tho woodwork about tho nun i to come in, Fatherland," concludos an In need of renewal and much otn- the allotment of the teachers milinery, so we will show article by General von Ar- materlal will have lo do lo the different schools will the new styles In hats and DRIVEN FROM POSITIONS denno, in the Dusseldorff (nought in. The Prince John nnu ENEMY bo made. probably dresses. Kvery I Many parents had been led to Whriohten Tuesday. Prince Albert both have consignments express will bring something, tho that place and believe that the schools would not such as corsets, I M work will bo for rushed In order that London, Aug. 29 The Canadian troops in their advance oven until a week later.than the coats, suits, etc. and have not yet com- ,UUIC BCfc COME AND SEE there may bo no delay In gemng astride the Scarpe River yesterday captured more than 'plclei, preparation3 for Uie child tho mill In operation. 2,000 Germans. Their advance was supported by tanks ren returning. Now they will have WESTHOLMR Hfin.A nunorl t seems IS UK doing her sharo in the develop and was a most dashing performance. (to finlmnt hurry Initios up h4 ineir In purrnases.Iia hnnelit TONiQHT ONLY ment which Is going on London, August 20. Canadian troops yesterday delivered nn'nn(, bools overhauled. 'PMti mil Artrrtri rcitautoN Feature, me in prii part of the province. attack on o front of about live nines, evenly Honking the Arras-Cambrai There are eight new teachers MTHI ROtf OP TUB WORLD" assortment of pip road, Fighting is continuing into tho main artery of this term. Good lovely womn in t beautiful play. the llindenburg line. upporttd by t sironi ml. GIFs. Auction sale of extra equipment OFFICIAL WAR OAZETTat Later 11 is officially reported that tho Canadians have suc full r tntereitlnr newt, Wellington Coal re from several defended ter such as horses, wagons, block FOR QUALITY KOMEDV Ladymllh cessfully driven tho enemy strongly nnllAv lnniWr trucks, unclaimed Aduiu 3So. Children 1B. i r.ml bill and oWe races and important trench systems and captured the village ofbapgage particulars later Pony SERVICE AND SATISFACTION .P. "erry Carey bird tomorrow Feature.in Blue ntlsfactlon. Phone 15. Hois Notre Uamo and Pelvs. tf.jFood Hoard Licence No, 10.7310. Coal Co, .