THE DAIbY NEWS. The Daily News "War-Time Cookery" MAIL SCHEDULE WRIGLEYS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday,-by" The News FREE Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays , Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a.m. and address for Send H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. namo new"War-time Cookery" This From the East. -Sundays, book contains recipes chosen Tuesdays and Fridays Keep W RIG LEY'S In SUBSCRIPTION RATES: by the judges as the best and at 4 .50 p.m. mind as the longest-lasting City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. most practical recipes submitted Tor Vancouver: confection you By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. in our recent cash prize Tuesdays 5 P'1" can buy. Send It to To United States and other countries, in advance, 7.60. sniurdavs 7 a.m. competition. It is intended to iondays 1 a.m. the boys at the front Telephone 98. assist in the conservation of food and to effect savings in From Vancouver TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. Sundays .....10 p.m, Contract Rates on application, homo cooking and baking. Wednesdays 8 a. m. Fridays 0 a.m. Approved by Canada Food Board DAILY EDITION. S$P Thup.S(fay, Aug, 29, 1918. ADDRESS For Anyox: E.W.Gillett Co. Ltd. Sundays Fridays to 10, Roads Must Be TORONTO, CANADA Built In Rupert. From Anyox: The question of road making is one that has always been a Tuesdays problem for every community to solve since the very earliest Saturdays a.m. days of civilization. In fact roads are great civilizers. Prince Nasi River and For Port Simpson riuperl must have roads if she is to keep pace with modern ini points: sywl provements. True they cost money, a good deal of money, but TO SUBSCRIBERS Sundays 10 p.m. that is no reason why Prince Rupert should not have them. The Subscribers to Tim Now first thing to get is proper roads in the city and then the next are asked to pay the delivery From Port Simpson and Naaa War Time Economy thing to go after will be roads leading out of the city. Eventually boys each month River Points: they must be built but just when nobody seeni6 to venture a : when they call, except Tuesdays a.ui. In Sweetmeats guess. As a matter of fact they will be built sooner than most where payment has been made for the year in advance. Queen Charlotte Islands: people expect. The boys when For Massett, Port Clements and a 5-cent package of W RIG LEY'S will when there will be a road the Skcena The time must come up collecting carry ofllclal ro- Upper Island points: Valley, a scenic drive which will be one of the great attractions ccipts which should al Vcdnesdays .......... 6. p. m. give you several days enjoyment: (o the north country. Automobiles by the thousand will come ways be preserved. It's an Investment In benefit as well this way and then Prince rtupert will become a tourist as well From Massct, Port Clements and as pleasure, for it helps teeth, breath, as an industrial and distributing centre. It is no pipe dream. The Upper Island points: lime will come and many of the people living here should see Salvation Army. "ridays, p. m. appetite, digestion. it if they take care of themselves. For Skidegale, Queen Charlotte CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL The roads cannot all be built at once. Victoria once set out Public meetings, Tuesdays, and Lower Island City points: to pave the city in one season and let a million dollar contract Thursdays and Saturdays at B p, aturdays 8 p. tn. 1,i on ncnnnll nnmnanv hnl if no-lrlv tnnrln hnr. linnL-rnnf fihn id DUnaayS ai .(.JU p. in. Lasts The Flavour still struggling under the load of debt. That is undoubtedly one I From Skidegale. Queen Charlotte of the things to be avoided. To make the improvements sanely City and Lower Island points-Tuesdays. and yet not too conservatively is the sensible way. Do a little Sealed tlcht-KcPt right every year. The City Council that makes a good financial showing MA0C tn For Skagway and the Yukon. but allows the roads to go to ruin, is one that has failed. Similarly CANADA fa Mondays 7 n. m. the council that runs the city into needless debt is a failure. Roads Vcdnesdays 10 a. m. must be built and the people must pay for them, and there must NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. M be a settled policy that will be steadily pressed forward year by .NOTICE U hereby riven that the reserve From Skagway and Yukon. year until the city has roads that will be a credit to the place. existing- on ceruln portion or Lou Two Saturdays a. in. hundred and nve (JOS) and Two hundred Red Cross in Need md elrbt (108), IUnre Three J), Cotil Mondays 8 a. in. District, surveyed and known at Lou Of More Supplies. Eleven hundred and nxty-nlno (tl9). Advertise In tho Dally News. Subscribe for The Daily News The Canadian Red Cross Society has notified the local asso Eleven hundred and sixty-one Mill) and Eleven hundred and sUty-lwo (lltt), by ciation that more supplies are needed on account of the calls t-ascn of a notice appearing In ttM Drltlib mnrlA rn Ihpm Hm'SrlEr 4hf rlnivA IViqI line hAAn crniner nn popAnllv Columbia Catelte of J7lh December, 1887, ' " U cancelled in order tlui tle of uld uanaaians nave been winning successes and we are all proud or I Lots ttcveu hundred cad nriy-nioe dittj. them, but we must show that we are proud of them in a practical g 'S'lwiuwA way. ii we let uie uanaaian uoys wno are lighting for us sutler nan? Tbrco j. coait District, may be "The food crisis is and grave urgent, beyond possibility tn rtf TtaA citnnlloa n-o l,o mc .. I rwf made 10 IOC PiClHC SIUIS Limited. "" v. ou..v. ""S'""1"" " DVTF.D at Victoria nntUh miumhli people. There is only one thing for Prince Rupert people to doiii th day of jum.'a. d. its. su'l of exaggeration." Sir Robert Borden and that is to increase materially the supplies that are being sent a. n. ifADE.X, Deputy Minister or Lands. from here. The businessmen are earning good money and the SKEE.XA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or fishermen are being well paid. The same is true with most QVtZS CIIAItLOTTE ISLANDS. City and Town Labor people here, and we can afford to give even more than we are ,lir.l ... . wl I, John MCLarty Mae- Hninir fnr Ihis crronlpcf of nil nrinlir .niee Tot nvonnno ..... . .... " .....r. . -- v-.vjv .. i(nwun. or Vancouver. D. C. ocevDatlonl- a mue deeper into me wages pocket this week, and keep it uplc,nnfrvman. intends w apply for permis- Mtist Save .tv. ...v, uuJO u.v mui .ibiniut, iui at toiunenclnr a post planted on tbel us. Ihey need the supplies and we are not in any great need of oul" lt,ott 01 Laroon Bay. Moreby is- n,,l.ln 4i.n ;rie ih!e n., si 'n(, 4but one mile from Its mouth. """'"J- t.. nvvn.. uuh v ""6" I thence soulh SO chains, thenea n.n al The Food Situation Victim chains, thence north SO chains, tbencel Schweiger a easterly alonr the shore line to point of I Of His Own Policy. commencement, ccnuinlna 40 acres more or less. Lieut. Schweiger was a victim to his own policy of fright- JOHN McLAfiTY M ACHILLA.". HHE heart of tho food production problem is labor, and the fulness. He was gloating over another sinking when the enemy Dated June iOtli 1(1B. heart of tho labor problem is tho city dweller. City people came on him unawares just as he came on the Lusitania unawares WATER NOTICE and his wretched U-boat was sent down quicker than she had must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support ever dived before. The worst feature of the whole Itfid business DIVERSION AND USE. of our soldiers and Allies. TAKE NOTICE Hut John M, MaeMlllan. is that in all probability Schweiger will be saved and fed and whoe address Is 1817 Nelson Street. Van- Men who are needed on farms must come from tho cities and eventually liberated, while the British and American men and couver, will apply for a licence to uke and women non-combatants who went down on the big ship can "iWefc townsthere is no other source. Tho Provincial Departments never ub uueruieu. i ney were me liiiiuceiu victims ut a miir-llnto Liroon Day. Moresby Island, about ll of Agriculture co-operating with tho Canada Food Board, can Uerous gang OI pirates. mnes rrom sewell inlet. place thousands of farms in this The water will be diverted from the men on good Province. Munitions Board stream at a point about one-quarter of a I They are needed at once. m 19 rrora " ,nou,,1 w' be Is Dellverina the Goods. . . , used for I rnlft(Iinnii. ri m n I --1-1 i - i -!-! i - . i .. ' Those who remain at home must also Grow Food jecieu io a great ueai 01 criwusiii in some pans 01 tne country, laomesuc power and boiler tor cannery but it must be said that, here at any rate, they are working w lb M,"rw" p" " wna described as ap A War Garden will not excuse the nnd Vacant Lot cultivation will energy and dispatch and are producing the goods. Yesterday no ., Ml1"' 1C man whose rightful place this year leave the farmcra free to less tnan si.t scow loaas 01 spruce tieci up Here and were loaded This notice was posted on the t, 13 farm. But War grow on a Garden more food for on ti-ains uouna east, inis spruce came from the uueen (Jhar- on ",0 ,0,n ar fne, tut. a copy of export. lottes and other points and is only the beginning of things. The " pp"f.lUon Pur'un service is needed from those who speeding.... up work is only just beginning. to take effect. ?If. nearly. . Itnereto. flIcd. and,n the of tbm Act. 1911." will. can do no more. The vegetable garden offers nn -l -!. I I I vv. v opportunity for service a minion ana a nan leet 01 picneu spruce can e mnueu nere in ii mnce ituperL to men a day now, what will be the condition three months from now, "UJ .Von' 10 ,De pp-----n may u Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make it impossible ,!,.,. Ihn. mills nil o-pf infn ninnino- nrdfir. u.,ru ,n0 "Ia water Itecorder or with produced on city land by for them - - to work d- o coniDtroIler or Wn nihi. n..n. on a lanr l.nni ini. o.tnn.f nlfn.l in 41.n inn.. !l l.nal .. ... ' city will be luo liuuiu iius nccn ucuuiiiK nni uiiuii iu inc uu it iiu.-)iuifni uuiiainrs. V Ictorll. II C Ulllilfl labor, a positivcaddition farm, to women, to boys and girls in liana ana it nas ueen most auiy nackeu dv tne provincial m-ny rwr tne nrst anwarinca or to the food supply. Home Garden to city people Minister of Lands who has done everything possible to facilitate . e. 'l,. .Vu,f,piper- generally. the work. Much of the present prosperity of this city is due to The dau'It 1 the nni pummuod Applicant.i' this Be a Food Producer This Year tne activities 01 tne uoaru anu, wnue mere, inigiii nc more 01 notice is juiy em, iu. A6 I the material benefits come this way, it is only fair to say that ' If there is a garden or vacant lot movement in your they arc doing excellent work and should receive the hearty co community, associate yourself with it. If no organization operation of everyone, as undoubtedly they will. V. I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AQCNCV exists, do what 209 Mstropolltsn you can to interest your Bldj., Vancouvsr. neighbours in the Var Garden campaign. Nlhi Day Pbone, Seymour 4 let, : Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture rhone, Fairmont 30lfl, for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. BAIT AND ICE DEPOT Htsd Offlca, 812 Hlbbtn-Bons Bids Victoria, B. O., Phont 3412. CANADA FOOD BOARD BUTEDALE m m Princess Royal Island 1 Q. O. WALKER Director of I Director of Western Packers, Limited ;: PIANO TUNEft Production US Agricultural Labor ChalmiAn Phona . Blu 389 - P.o. Boi 2(4 Head Office - Vancouver, B.C. ftofercncei Any Music T-acher or (In Co-operation with the Provincial Departments of Agriculture.) 33 Musician lo rrince liiipert, w J