"; Thursday, August 20, 1018, THE DAILY NEWS. LUMBER MILL IS , 8YNOP8I8 OF V SKEENA LAND RECO7IDIN0 DIVISION A LIFETIME OF MINISTER OF LANDS LAND ACT AMENDMENT DISTIUCT OF COAST, IIANOE THREE (). Harry Hanson's BEING MOVED NORTH ON LUMBER TRADE Tre-emptlon now confined to uveye4 TAKE NOTICE thai Alexander Oraydon, PATENTED bind only. or Santa Monica, California, occupation TO CUMSHEVA Itecordii will be granted corerlnc only INLET lnd suitable for agricultural mlnlnr. Intends to apply for permission to Fast SUFFERING purpose Heating Hon. T. D. Pattullo Writes Article end which In non-timber Und. lease the foilowinr described lands: Which Gives Interesting 1'artnerahlp pre-emptions abollahed, bimmencinr at a post planted at high-water Shearwater Lumber Company to Facts Regarding arrange but partlea for adjacent of not more pre-emptlona,than four with mar mark tt the extreme northwest cor. Hot Water Coil cut Spruce for the Imperial Joint residence, tut each making- necea ncr of Price Island, Laredo Sound, Prov Output. aary Improvement on respective claims. Inca of British Columbia, thence south Munitions Board l're-emptCTi During must occupy claims for fire year and make Improvements to along the westerly shore line of tbe said Costs 110.00 ail connected up complete til i-i..i r...ii ii.ji.i. a ivnnnpu ii hr it MPnir. nn Winter. lion. T. D. Pattullo, inininter value of $10 per acre, Including- clearing Island to the southwest corner of the laid and guaranteed for one year. U II UIIUWI IWI IUII IIIWUIVHIW and cultivation of at least I acre, before of Island, distance of nine hundred and Orders will be received at tbli Lands, lias been investigating recelv.ng Crown Grant. i l itanirvnivi St.. Hull. Ouk. The 8henrvater Lumber Com. Where i -emptor In occupation not sixty (90) chains, more or less, thence price bp to Mtir IB After that the I f . 4 I.- . 1 ! pav.y Is moving lis plant up from the 1). C. lumber business arid lea than 2 years, and has made proportionate easterly alonr the southern shore line of PRICE WILL QO UP. At tbe present in nil oniuwu,uv wilier mcuicino gives his conclusions in the Improvements, he may, because liic said Island to the southeast price of of Ill-health corner material, ask your the Fraser river lo Gumshewa or other cauae, be granted o sooa s 'Frult-a tlrc' for course of an article published In Intermediate certincate of Improvement thereof, a distance of two hundred and plumber for a price to make an where it will be put In running the Canada Lumberman and and Ilecorda transfer without his claim.permanent residence eighty (S0) cams, more or less, thence ordinary Coll, connect It up and order at once and will be ready lo may be Issued provided applicant make northerly and foilowinr tbe easterly shore guarantee it for one year, and see 'cut logs during the late autumn. Woodworker. His article is optl Improvements to extent o; MOO per annum line of tbe said Island to tbe northeast then compare prices and judre for inislic and lie gives some inter and record same each year. Failure corner of the said Island, a distance of yourself. . until T Ml T waa This with the two mills which to make Improvements or rurord arc esting statistics, lie points out earn will operate a forfeiture. Title uir.r hundred snd sixty (0 chains, more As all heretofore existing agreements rauic. being erected at Thurston Harbor cannot be obtained on these claim In or less; thence westerly alonr the northerly between tbe other plumbers that In 1917, Icspite a lack of leu than S with Improvement of and the renovated Queen Char, $10 per acre.year,Including; acres cleared shore line of tbe said Island to the and myself have expired, I hereby ii - II..at T. 1 1 r r rt T lotto City mill, will make the four shipping, cars and labor, there find cultivated, and residence of at point of commencement, that Is the northwest revoke an? permits to anyone to . . . . it.t . I 1 1.1 was an increase on production of X year. corner of tbe said Island, a distance make and install same, exceptlnr mills that are lo openate Tre-emptor holding; Crown Grant may of on two hundred and eighty (0 chains, TEEN A LONOWILL 307,012,000 feet board measure, record another pre-emption. If he requires if imi in n. iuuii liujo u Moresby Island during the coming land In conjunction with hi more or less. durlnr my absence Will positively winter. ment. farm, without actual occupation, provided ALEXANDER ORAYDON. prosecute lnfrfnrements. Citing other hopeful signs Mr. statutory Improvement made and June I9IS. JXJNAT JjAIAr Uri Mr. McMillan who is in charge residence maintained on Crown granted 7th, I'attullo "While the ex land. HARRY HANSON , ft box,0 tor J2J50,trUI siie 23c. of the work of the Munitions proceeds: Unaurveyed area, not exceeding 20 Fine Letterheads at The News THE BUM PLUMBER port of water-borne lumber to the be leased a homesltes; VmIt..U acre, II J..l.ra nr from P. may Hoard in this part of the country! title to be obtained after fulfilling residential Print Shop. . United Kingdom shows a not unnatural ' i.nt in.. and Improvement condition. I Lf-1 is k n and who arrived In the city yesterday For and Industrial decrease of 0,000,000 feel g-raatng purpose, from Thurston Harbor. areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased and to South Africa a decrease of by on person or company, said that the work of erecting the ni I) n II ov IK 0,000,000 feet, yet our- cvport lo PRE-EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. I new milts thcrje was well under The scope of this Act I enlarged to Office: Australia shows au increase of Include all person Joining and serving 3rd Ave and 2nd St (way hoped and to have wllhin the sixty first In days operation. he 11,000,000 feet, and the total ex. with within Ills wblch Majesty the heir Forces.or devisee The time of a Sale of City Lots. port, as compared with 191C, deceased pre-emptor may apply for That will mean that they title under this Act Is eilended from a mm r m m U shows advance in favor a slight one year from the death of such person, wilt be able to cut lumber during as formerly, until one. year after the nnr. Lanane. liu of 1917. the Again, carrying on the winter when it is difficult lo conclusion of the present war. This comparison, the 'cut values have privilege la also made retroactive. I tow the Davis rafts across. The TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT General Teaming lumber will then be shipped here increased about one-third, which ACT. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince . . I is commensurate with the increased Provision Is made for the grant to c )in the ocean-going barges which of lumber; persons holding uncompleted Agreement Rupert wilt sell by tender all the lots In Section Two purchased production Purchase from the Crown of have been secured for the purpose to by the City at 1916 Tax Sale (Except those the value of the 1917 forest crop cuch proportion of the land. If divisible, already 'and will the as the payments already made will prevent supply of loving. Baggage being 948,300,000, while the cover In proportion to the sale price of disposed of), titles of which have now been obtained by aeroplano spruce being cut off the whole parcel. Two or more persona during of the figures for 1016 were 135,528,000. holding such Agreements may group the City and all local improvements thereon having been any season year. their Interest and apply for a proportionate This record of a of great year allotment Jointly. If It I not fully paid up. WATEfl NOTICE stress, of a year when the demands considered advisable to divide the land I covered by an application for a proportionate A list of the lots for sale can "be seen upon application r n n t (JSC AMD STOFUOE. of the already Land army upon an allotment, an allotment of i'u n I u r " 1 1 i.i TAKE .10TICK thtt Tbe Onnby Coo civil of equal value selected from available at Treasurer's office. considerably depleted Crown lands In the locality may be i Klldtd Mlnlnr, SoxlUof ioJ Power Co., population has made great inroads made. These allotment are conditional Tenders In writing will be received by me up till 5 o'clock PHONE 58 Ltd., wtMM tiartu It Anroi. Brltlib Co-lurnblt. upon payment of all taxes due the MO. will tpplJ for t Ucrne to Uk into the available labor Crown or to any municipality. The September 2nd. Each tender must be accompanied by a BOAIID UCEKCE of right persona to whom the purchaser tod me lt tccood fet tod to Ho re l.tot supply, is a year lo which we in from the Crown ha agreed to certified cheque for 5 per cent of amount tendered, returnable icrr ttl of witcr out of Hue Cretk wblch Drilish Columbia sell are also protected. The decision of flowi ouUwrlr n1 drtlm into IbMrraiory can justly point the Minister of Lands In respect to the If tender not accepted. with adjustment of a proportionate allotment V TRAIN FRED Inlet ibout 1-4 tnUe souUirtil of U nortb-rail pride. is final. Tbe time for making application Terms cash upon acceptance of tender. The City Is not i corner of Lot ll. Tbe nonreturn "An important feature of the for these allotments is limited to will be located tt tlx natural outlet lumber industry is that of the the 1st made day after of May.this lilt.date Any will application not be bound to accept the highest or any other tender. )S AND FERTILIZER of Carorjr Lake. Tbe capacity of tbe he considered. These allotment apply to and mills," reterrolr to I created la about 100 acre pulp paper suggests. town lot and land of the Crown sold E. D. JOHNSON, reel, and II will flood about ISO aerea of "Not only have all plants at public auction. For Information apply to any Provincial Dated August 7th, 1918. City Treasurer. L.n ETmA ffrttrlallw land. Tbe water will t diverted from been running to full capacity, but Government Agent or to tbe atreant at a point about I-J mile nortb- new ones are being erected. The O. R. NAD EX, rail of tbe Dortbeatt comer of Lot till. Deput7 Minister of Lands, enquiries received as to the pulp Victoria, B. a and will be tited for mlaceUaneoua pur-toe Or rreir.plljr AlUn4t4 I. upon tbe land deacrtbed aa Lot If I, possibilities in Dritish Columbia Tbli notice waa poutd oo too rrouna show that, so far as the province Get your envelopes at The News on tbe nib dr or tuij, it is. a ccpr is concerned, this industry is but Print Shop. Advertise In The Daily News of this notice and an appllcaUon purauant Si tU. SOS Third At. in fls infancy. The decrease in thereto and to tbe "Water Act. Ilia, will ! Bled In the once of the Water Ite the year's production of sulphite corder at Prince Rupert, D. C pulp brings the remarkable figures Objection! to tbe application may be of 300 per cent, to light; the production Died wiut tbe said Water ecorder or witb tbe Comptroller of Water Mrbta, Parlla for 1917 being 43.0U J THE UimiWQVXVk ment BuUdinr. Victoria. B. C, witbin tons, against 14,389 tons for 191C. tbirtr dan after Mm Oral appearance of Newsprint also shows an appreciable Keep the tnlt notice In local newspaper. increase, the output for; up M A WELT- a!IA.1BY CONSOLIDATED 1.11.10. AM assured that MSKtMatjUrS KJMMW IS 0 A POWER CO, LTD., ApptlcanL 1917 being 75,833 tons, and for I , i.z I, kr r ta it-ii Br J Fred KltcbJe. A rent. the previous year 65,229, while my people will respond Nkm Pr. Tbe date of toe firal pubUcaUon of tbli the 'wrapper production was 3,-170 Food to call Supply every All nour la tltb JDlr. 111. t-4 ta. br S 1-1 to-. B tons. These figures justify Hf p . BtEE.IA LA.1D DISTIUCT DISTB1CT Of the hope expressed in 1916, thai necessary to the success 1- to. kr S Uu, 0UEX.1 CILirtLOTTE ISLANDS. 1917 would show a doubled pro of our cause with TAKE JSOTICE that Horace John Brad burr, or rrlncc nupert. B. C, occupation duction." I and Help the same indomitable clerk, lotendi to apply for pennlatloo to Further Information leate tbe foilowlnv deacrtbed landa: There Is character in printing ardour and devotion Apply to Cwnineoclnr at a poet planted about one just as there is character, in peo that have filled me with and half milet from tbe tnoutb of Laroon At The News Print isnop ple. Bay la tbe nortb arm of Selwrn Inlet Make Victory pride and gratitude r urn inkuavnur I f B rv f T a Mrebr lalaM. 0. & tilaade; tbenc west they do the kind that brings business. n-l... D.... n r to tbain. tbrnce (ouUi to rbaina, tbrnce since the war began." to cbalna more or lea to beacb. tbrnce alone beach lo point or commencement, tn-rludint MINERAL ACT. His Majxstt Kxxq Georoi all foreaborw between bijb and low Sure SUBSCRIBE FOR water; contatnlnr 0 acrea more or leia. CERTIFICATE OF 1MPH0VEME.NTS. HORACE JOlin BBACBIHT. Daily News Dated June IT. Itll. Si .tOTICE. Cariboo FracUon Mineral Claim, altuate in th jtlwrn Mlnlnr DlrUlon of Caiatar soldiers must be fed; the people at DlttrtcL Where located: At the bead of Alice TkF.Ann NOTICE In tbe that Ekeena I. J. Mlnlnr E. sure,Division.owner OUR must be fed. And in spite of of tbe above claim. Free MlneraCerUflcate Nn 1 1 174. Intend, altlr days from tne Germany's murderous campaign to date hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder . for tbe for purpose a Certificate or obiatnlnr of Improvements,a Crown cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking Oram init of rurther tbe above take notice claim. that action, un every ship on the High Seas an ample and der fecilon M, mutt be commenced be fore tbe Issuance or auch certificate of unfailing flow of food to England and Improvements. Dated this m my ui uiy. a. u. ii. France must be maintained. Two Questions IK THE SUPREME COL'IIT OF BRITISH r.ni.tiMBlA. IX ION THE ACT MATTEfl OF THE ADMINISTRAT This is National Service With so many low-priced IN THE MATTER and OF THE ESTATE OF Not to the Farmer only so-called anti-skids obtainable, CHARLES MCLELLAJI, DECEASED, INTESTATE. But to YOU to everybody TAkE NOTICE that br order of His host Honor Judre Younr. LocaI Judr of tbe This appeal is directed would that great Supreme Court, made this 1st day of Aurust, ttlt, I waa appointed Adiulnlslra-mr of motorists pay more for ceased.or the AU estate partlea of bavtnr Charles claim McLellan,a rains de 1 WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE PLANT a garden email or large. Utilize the said estate are hereby required to tor-. to SAVE and to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the Dunlop "Traction" Tread before um tbe nronerlr 1st day of verified Octobr,to 19IJ.roe. on and or women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food all parties Indebted to tbe said estate are aged and the old all can help in the if they could get its merits required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness Nation's Army of Production. forthwith. o( towns can find no better Dated the 17th day or Aurust, tsia. WOMEN elsewhere ? J, 11. McMl'LUN, EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps important outlet for their Official Administrator. the cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable WATER NOTICE the for garden. Food Supply Overseas. Also, would that other Titr notice that n. K. Melll. whose address Is Stewart,,B. C, will apply for a Be patriotic in act as large list of car owners buy licence to take and use seven cubic feet For information on any subject relating " of nater per second out of the Worth Fork to the Farm and Garden, unite: well as in thought. " SPECIAL .i r.ir.itn creek, which flows southerly ind draina Into Salmon River. The water INFORMATION BUHXAU will be diverted from tbe stream at a point of Department Agriculture if tires which somewhat about 1,000 feet from Caacade Creek. Use every means available ti.i. nmira waa noated on the around on OTTAWA the alith day of Auruat. ISIS. A copy of Overlook nothing. resemble it in appearance this notice and an application pursuant thereto will be Died In the office of tbe iv.t nornrder at Prince Rupert. U. C. resembled it in efficiency? Objections to tha application may be Med Dominion Department of Agriculture with the said water uecoraer or ,nnipnlli nr Water Tllrhtl. Victoria. 0. C within thirty days after the first appearance TTAWA, CANADA. or this notice. The date of first rTrtK1 I A I I af rvTT'TinW publication of this notice Is Aurust 1Mb, HON. MAXTB4 BURRHX, Minister. r CvJIALCC I J! MM I J fKifTKiiwM ll. . K. NEILU Applicant. i w m i m w v i i i