PAGE FOUR NW Pi GOOD NEWS! | THE DAILY NEWS SHAVING EASIER | In the Summer mam THIN CHILDREN (Continued from Page 1) during which he worked out plan and finally perfected the mo- NEED Gel for the Gillette safety razor. The device eventually made him a Scott's Emulsion EASY TO TAKE wealthy man and his face one of the best known in the world, for his likeness was printed on the wrap-| per of every Gillette blade, the isales of which mounted to more han 1,000,006,000 a year Slow te Take Hold Like many inventions, the safet slow gaining popularity rst placed on sale in 1903 that year 51 razors and f blades were disposed of The next year these figures increas- ed to 90,000 razors and 100,000 doz- ns of blades. In 1926 the company sold 15,000,000 razors and more - In Prince Rupert Twenty Years Ago | July 11, 1922 ever stag n the history of ‘than 50,000,000 packages of blades r é L P packages i ace Ruper G i priz ix ts of the wor ited ital were oOlierec Mr. Gillette was born at Fond du Lac, Wis., January 5, 1855. His fa- SUR erseeeaeeaaesteerreresaeeeee ee NEW ARRIVALS! |: Our Large Stock of Ladies’ Shoes In the latest styles is proving very popular with the ladies of Prince Rupert. Here are a few among the new arrivals: Sport Elk 7 immed Ladies’ Patent T ith arct oes sass S75 || = $3.50 Kid Patent Sanc regula Ladies’ One-Strap Kid, regu- ae “$4. oe we ed $2.95 Fieetfoot Runners soil = 95¢ B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Next to Frizzell’ s Meat Market MAT 1Vnihninnne S@eeaeeaeanaaesaamw om "Ts t - : ai » wT. i.e Wo wa _ #5 — . & , r Var : y ' e >> “ S aa . T as M Mi F F : am] : i * Mr. anc a: Bt bi —_ — ws 2 wa a Mr. and WV C i White u k Bo ne the mos popular volumes oa: S . P N Grit n ME states ne £g re Britis iit n Vv tea ir : gC PRINCE GEORGE the United ne saies iorce ol Impany In 1901 he was placed in charge 1¢ latter company’s London of- remained abroad only ears when he resigned. By 4 rfaort . 4 pertecte ne ide anc returnec t& all his time & believed that onls priz T e wel S aposties, John, es-|sports and foo zame betwe yrdom McBrids nd Prince Geor = eA AR AR a oe ’ x : ' - [eoonsve Bru MaNDAY Say CAoghs CAN A SISTER 2 awa naoeimmaten | S ( STOP SCRUBBING | OFFER ALITTLE 2 \ ANN. ITS REALLY FRIeno aovice 7 / WELL, WHAT / bath te eng is *y NOW? i FOOUSH WHEN—}) ee [i xnow ! #ouRE Gos SOME RINSO, PLEASE \ TO TELOME ALL } } / \ | HEAR IT WASHES |] ABOUTNOUR PET ) cuoTMes werree SOAP AGAIN AU { WITHOUT SCRUBBING NEXT MONDAY i A wea’ SUDS' & THIS HARD WATER, TOO MY WASH IS AS WHITE AS SHOW AMD | | YON T SCRUD A BIT } SEE HOw WHITE BiN5O WASHED YOUR SHIRTS DAN? THEYLL LAST LONGER TOC ee $ THEY WERENT |} SCRUBBED OF BO bs ( YES! Amb RISO Is ) ) JUST AS WONDERFUL FOR DISHES A BUDDING ROMANCE ALMOST ‘s ee: on we ent ) ‘9 Millions wash clothes » (ie ty this safe, modern way ——— ILLIONS of women a er the country get whiter, brighter clot ‘ifn onal. FY € % aaanes Rinso suds ’ my, active suds—even tm hardest water ¢ at much ~n suds, Cup ‘Ser cup, a3 bght-weg puffed ut i soaps give. Rinso is safe for your finest cottons and linens —white or coloured a Recommended by the makers of 40 famous Washing machines. (et the BIG package today. | The herd-woter socp for twb, washer ond dishpon il SHATTERED HER FIRST DANCE WITH JIM. HOW THRILLEO i SHE was! | BUT AFTER OWE = DIONT COME i ; ; } DANCE JIM LEFT HER *wHY DON'T MEN NEAR HER AGAIN A LIKE ME?” sue al SOBBED THAT NIGHT ° ee 2/4 -_ T . j } ; I — Q 7 ae as v ‘ (MP 1 SS A \ FINALLY AMY TOLD HER HOW SHE HAD UNKNOWINGLY OFFENDED . 1 \ ‘sar - : > . KE ee ee ae ! 1 : ; y ; A } ; ah ncilitlijinieindtghadh TODAY SHE IS ENGAGED TO JIM. SHE BEGAN | USING — enoen 'B.O! Forever ' Whytake chances with’B.O.'? RES are constantly giving off odour-causing waste—a quart daily. We don’t notice this odour in ourselves, but other: do! Play safe. Always wash and bathe with Life- buoy. Its creamy, abundant, searching lather purifies and deoderizes pores— ends all “B.O.” danger. Its pleasant, extra- Fine Bi Los Prepared by a Resident of Long Standing £ Angeles Yacht | ene The Queen Charlotte Islands have the last and only gre Is Caller Here stand of Sitka Spruce in the world The Queen Charlotte Islands have the largest stand : press or yellow cedar in the world. This timber for railroa With tt wner, W. Hole, and will outlast treated or creosoted ties as three to one .Ther arty on board, the 120-foot diesel millions of yellow cedar poles on the Islands and it is be! - = red stee! yacht Samona II, on¢ by many that a very high grade of turpentine can be extr “ty a - a most eT wre from the trees, also. oil for mining and flotation purpos me vin sper { ae ai Queen Charlotte Islands have very large red cedar sz on her way beck stands. When recently examined by Japanese expert ' Angeles following a cruise of | pronounced to be the toughest and best in the world Ala . quantities of this timber are suited fi piling, whic! - moored during her stay treated with creosote will outiast fir four to one. The ff Ros Canadian Nava! Volun- millions of feet of alder on the Isiands for which there Reserve headquarters : lo be a ready market in Japan - - | Queen Charlotte Islands have over 100 miles of golk U | d A ’ ing sand on the east and north coast beaches nem> oye $$ 1 Extensive copper deposits and gold-bearing quart . known to exist. Also antimony, iron and other ore Branch Orvanized : have attracted considerabie attention ™ ; For many years oi! prospectors have been attracte At Stewart Town, seepages at various points. There are extensive oi! sha and evidences of natural gas. Coal is known to underlic STEWART ] 2 coal siderable part of the country 7 National Unemplay- SPORTSMAN’S PARADISE Workers’ A iation has beer Charles Lake The Islands are a sportsman’s paradise. Black’ b« irman. Te Morrice secretar numerous, and there are also plenty of deer, wild cattle : ; bey . the geese, pheasants and qual! King salmon can be catg n ¢ : Joe Grace. Gordon] a trolling hook S. McLeai a y= Seal =. a w Pe ae DIES IN ST. JOHN bys ° ce fo Continued from Page 1 ° ws f) loan ; 7 For many years the late Chief Justice McKeown was a member of | ) he board of regents of Mount Al lison University, later becoming ’ ‘ tr . ohn ane \lum! aaneshieties 7 ns oo ; Pm salmon abound in countless numbers and Chu : 7 : up the creeks in the proper season He was president of the §t ; John Anti-Tuberculosis Association The Islands have fine razor Clams and scallop clan in 191 to be the only extensive beis in the British Empire. Ti In 1901 deceased married Edith wh = rival to the oyster, has not yet been introducer A. Perkins, who died @ month afte world’s markets. They are found in thx neighborhood of ? the wedding. In 1905 he married Harbor, Rose Spit, Tow Hill and Skidegate Inlet Agnes Grace Burpee of 8t. John Crabs abound in the waters adjacent to the mou! who survives him streams on the north and east coast of Graham Islanc ae Other commercial fish found in the adjacent wat The late Chief Justice McKeown clude grey fish, sable, various varieties of flat fish, herrin isited Prince Rupert a few years sardines ago in his capacity as chairman of the board of railway commissioners THE CLIMATE ae ee, The climate of the Islands is mild and tourists who w DR. J. H. CARSON WILL TAKE to get out of the beaten paths will find it & wonderful cha POST-GRADUATE COURSE from usual routes of travel. There is a great field for arche . gical and natural history studies, for mining ventures, for ! Dr. J. H. Carson is leaving this ber industries, for oil Speculation, for sport or just as a pla week for Lakelse Lake where he to loaf and enjoy life. will spend a month after which he intends to proceed to Vienna to — seteaiiaalaan ee ee take up post-graduate work in eve, _— ear, nose ana throat work, return-| = ———— —= ing here to practice later. Myr Carson and family will reside at E l Ad. C the Waldron Apartments during| 2 arty opy is appreciated ihis absence tinea ' i — Of Key Subject — Ot | Biography S. G. Law operator at rence, genial telegraph! Stewart and the town’s consistent booster, was a visitor to} Vancouver early last month for| the first time in more than a de“) cade, says a biographical sketch in; the magazine section of the Van- ouver Provirce. He has watched | boom, run through a de- yression and boom again, and he is| MUSSALLEM | Arrangements Made for Continua- | | Mussallem | will carry on at the old Third Avenue that effect , Tuesday, July 1» iy CARRIES ON Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS — 7 and Feature Starts at 7:40 4, ADMISSION — lic, tion of Grocery Business at Old Stand What Was Justice lh Case Like This? See, Laugh, Sy mpathj Cry at Announcement is made by the Cash & Carry that it tand, on arrangements to made having been Mr. Mussallem says he hopes to) sure that she will be on top of the : i 6“ I rve his old ; as hereto- world again when prices of silver) Serve his old customers 4 —_— Th and lead improve |fore. His firm was the one instru-} e Four ye ars ag uning c dis tf» profitable mining operations) I were is down Mr. Lawrence visions a splendica there were forty-|mental in ympanies operating in| Prices and ict. Now the number/give his old possible basis bringing down grocery) he plans to continue to) customers the bes?! on a cash and carry Strange Case Clara Deane’ With prices Third Avenue has | Mecca | His store on T Pri uth mpt xo u ( th