OMESUMJED Chemists P.O.Box 1880 and The Daily News r?f- (iood Particular People a Meats for Pfiones,82and200 Phones, 10 and 25 VOL, IX. NO. 22 I'HINCIJ IlUPI'ItT, I). C WEDNESDAY, BEPTKMDEP. 11, 1918. PHICR FIVE CENTS DEFENCE SYSTEM OF HUNS 3 LINES BEHIND HINDENBURG LINE; ANOTHER UNDER CONSTRUCTION ST QUENTIN IS SURROUNDED THREE GERMAN DEFENCE LINES G.T.P. MANAGER CONFIDENT ON THREE SIDES BY FRENCH; RUN PARALLEL WITH EACH OTHER BIG SHIPS WILL BE UNDER LAFERE NOW OUTFLANKED CONSTRUCTION HERE S IN Paris, Seplembcr 11. There ore three German lines of de fence behind the Hindenburg line, the first closely parallelling it 11- The village of Travccy near the southern and others providing for retreats ulou'g the fronts, according to w. P. HINTON 8AY8 MULLEN CONSTRUCTION CO. MAKING Pan Sept mi untune of tlio Herman the Matin defence system pruned by main Hindenburg line has been captured by the French. ARRANGEMENTS AND WORD WILL BE RECEIVED d of the today. : H the French can hold this town the important position at Lnfere, The first line in the rear of the Hindenburg position, according FROM THEM SOON A3 TO DATE northerly defence of SL Uobain Massif, tw omitcs south of lo mat newspaper, starts from sown of Lille and parallels, me OF COMMENCEMENT the . . . . 0 ' f: l I; it Z will be virtually outllanked. iiiiiueiiuurg inie ai an avenge oi irom inree 10 six Travccy,the capture of Iloupy the French are now six and a half The econd comprises a line running from Lille to Metz, the "The John Mullen Construction Company received the lease Iy on the southwest and with a force pressing intermediary points of which the newspaper does not indicate. of the shipyard from the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co. only St. Qucntin miles from Thi line would be about 180 miles in lentrth. two weeksago and they are now making, theinarrangements to miles south of the city they now Honnccourt seven beyond Finally, the newspaper adds, there is a fourth retreat line on SL Qucntin on three side. start work. They expect lo give us definite information as to command nil approaches to which the Germans are now vigorously working. It runs from London, September ll-Dnring last night the British line Valenciennes 20 miles west of Douai in a southeasterly direction when Ihey will start within a very short time."' That was the information advanced slightly in the region of Vermnnd, northwest of SL to Oivel on ihe Meue at the Belgian border. The front thus conveyed by W. P. Hinton, General Manager and President wa(juentin. The Germans made a counter attack in the region of indicated extends for about sixty miles. of theGrand Trunk Pacific Railway m an interview with a after stiff fighting. There News manJtlnSmorning. Keourt St, Qucntin and wero repulsed was sharp fighting also at GouscaucourL The Ocrmans were HUN REGIMENT i FUEL CONTROLLER Mr. Hinton was quite Is of such magnitude that the British remained ahead and,K is impossible to do It in a day. beaten off except at one point where posts ! ASKS ELIMINATION that the work would go Mr. Hinton left this afternoon that it would commence very soon. in the enemy's possession. MUTINIED AT on the special train which canned ! OF ALL JOY RIDING Naturally, he said, the arrangements the Alholstan party, Superintendent WHIPPED GERMANS could not be made for the Hewlett, of the G. T. P. Tele MI8SAIVABIE TORPEDOED COLOGNE CITY The Fuel Controller has enlisted building of 'bis steel ships In .graphs, F. C. Wade, the recently- HOWL FOR PEACE life services of the Canadian few days. There are so many!appointed Agent-General for B. London, Sept. 11- It is things to be arranged and the C, and a number of others. Press Association with view lo C. a rumored here that the Count Ciernln Having Failed with Missan- Declined to proceed to Western1 rislnHnc lli nmotint of easoline P. It. steamship Ouns and Qas Flr off Soma , able has been torpedoed Front Another Regiment consumed throughout Canada. BOOST THE PRISONERS Lofty Sentiment. by the Germans. Site was Refuted to Fire Upon People are asked by the Fuel Controller GREAT ACTIVITY AEROPLANE IN AUQUST OF WAR FUND FRIDAY on hen '' home after Their Comrades. lo give up Sunday joy riding London, Sept. 1 1 According taten number of having a and all motorins to word received here a strong unnecessary Paris, Sept. 1L Durjng The Rupert Table Supply Co. troops to Europe. YOUTHFUL DEFENCE FORCE as alpart of a general policy of August the French bombardment, peace party is being organlxed in have placed at the disposal ot the IS ROUGHLY HANDLED theifti The appeal lo editors tot .' Uermany. COUntCxemln" 65a-tluded a e r,o planes ladie's in charge of the-'r'egular 'inl-n rnfl trt f Kta m rtn IflTt fTl I j. an Inlcrjvlew with a call dropped more than -629 Friday sale this week the spacious Amsterdam. September II. Hides with the following: tons of projectiles according lor follows; premises in their new large store as peace CLEVER CAPTURE The Twenty-flflh German Hegi- "Money can be saved by favinp! to a statement made Fron banks of the Danube 'on Sixth Strjeet. The proceeds of nieni mutinied ai uoiogne on gasoline ana motor wear ana iear War Office. In by the the this ea ought to go forth to the ithe day will be given to the Prisoners August 31. according to in forma- with results that surplus savings month 280 world; 'Wale wake up from same enemy of War Fund. Mrs. Alexander up. OF WAS LIQUOR (ion published by the Telegraaf to the people may be materially1 machines were downed or bad dreams of blood and force, and Mrs. E. E. Stilwell together here. An lo the in- increased and mnde available for cye-wilnes seen falling out of control fur a new and better future must with a host of assistants, ridenl lhat the soldiers on the war. It i conservatively es-bcing say and 06 balloons be shaped. War as a political MADE YESTERDAY enemy jwill be in charge. Lunch will he ordered 10 leave Cologne timated ?150.000 can be saved were set on fire. means mutt be combated.' The .served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., for the westcw fronL refused next Sunday In Canada if motor- day will come when millions In and tea from 2 p.m. until 5 p. m. blank lo board the train ing is reduced lo necessary er- polnl . 1 all countries will repeat this call." Chines Watched Police as Police Incidentally, the Rupert Table whleh was to take them to the rands." Watched for Owner of $300 " jSupply Co. will take advantage of Another regiment Worth of Fire Water. naliling xone. . Iiav.ia.. cnMIni. riant; tin fha IFRANK MARTIN ithe occasion to declare this as FLAMES AND PILLAGE, tea ihoronnnn ordered 10 lorcc v-.t. v.o ...v, ik- ttnn. in nip id youngsters rather badly. Eleven i their opening day, and are con RIOTS AND MURDER Happening lo be...on the wharf cars, but they refused to (Ire upon members or the Defence force SHOT DEAD AT tributing their tea and coffee as r;a tcmonstralion. ...!. 1.1 ...mlnalUn comrades. il,ed and many were wund- TROUBLE PETROGRAD their J One of the special features of out of some goods which turned A detachment of the Home De- ed. tho day will be a thrj?e-piece or- to be perfectly harmless, Con-Washington, fence Guard, which is composed ' SWAMP POINT cnestra from tne westnoime Sept. II. Word stable Adams noticed two cases of youths, was then oijlered l LatNamlth WellinBton coai re- Theatre, and there will also be has reached Washington from of coal oil which had been shipped undertake the task, which thev tuces your ruel Dili ana ewes the usual sale of home-cooking .European sources that imports up here from Vancouver addreas-Ihere slarled in to do. but a free fight atlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. Was Provincial Government Road and raffles. Every effort Is being said Petrograd is In flames ed to Wing Lee, apparently from followed, In which Ihe seasoned Coal Co. Superintendent In Portland made to make this occasion a in many places, and thai the clti. his name, a Chinaman. Knowing success, so help the ladies with coal oil is shipped in Canal District. lens are being indiscriminately that never a big day. slaughtered. Pillaging and rioting two case lots from Vancouver SUBMARINE MAKES DARING It in progress in all parts of the here. Cosslable Adams' curiosity Chief Minty of the Provincial BOSTON IS LEADING city, and, according to these re- was aroused mUdly. One of the Police Department received n tele IN WORLD SERIES porls. there is no semblance of cans was noticed to be leaking, RAID ON MERCHANT SHIPS gram timed late last night from law or police nnd absently Constable Adams or, military protee- Constable Shiels of Anyox, stating: Boston, Mass., Sept. II. Baseball "on. scented Iho leak. It did not smell "Frank Martin, government in the world's series players like coal oil. Ho lasted It. U did CONVOYED BY DESTROYERS road superintendent, shot and at?) now disputing about the division 'iiMiMMi coal oil. Tho only not laste Ilko 1 killed at Swamp Point. Leaving of the proceeds. Although' thing that had a ijeal coal oil ap with coroner tonight. Constable tho admission fee was reduced, "DEMERS" pearance was tho oulsiuo case, i nmimi Snlpmber 11. The American ship Dora, which Jack away in hills near Stewart," the attendance at the games has for the cans were gasoline cans. 11 .. 11. t..i-i. llni, ivfis InrnAflnorl nnri sunk The details given are so far A shipment formerly snncu iuiuit iuc huouiui .w.-v--- .-- ""- been very slim. Boston is now has arrived, of dresses Wing Lee. being a Chinaman had nn SentembeM. while approximately four hundred miles off the meagre and it is impossil to leading with three games to two, taffeta, consisting of unknown lo Ihe Police, they roast of Franco as a. result of an attack on a cargo convoy. The judge yet whether Frank Margin Chicago having won yesterday. latest satin and serxe, to wait until instructions came crew of the Dora were saved. The steamship was struck at 0 has been shot deliberately or ac-o'rlock Tlieso trimmings nnd stylo. regarding delivery. They followed in tho morning, and tho sea being calm, enabled the.crew cidentally. Swamp Point, where - at dresses will be sold the rig carting tho two cases of eighty-live to escape, being later picked up by the escorting this occurrence took place, lies - prices that would not up town and found lhat they were 'some thirty-five miles from Stcw- CARPENTERS WANTED and pny for the material. Come left on tho slrcel near the head destroyers.The submarine daringly took up her position about 150 yards art on tho Portland Canal, and at For Port Clements, wages dresses Investigate.for Two of Fulton Street. Tho constables from the starboard side of tho convoy column, and about an equal this place tho Granby Company 75o per hour, fare paid. Pert lo what you ex nnarnnafO,! themselves OUt Of distance from the nearest destroyer. She fired at the steamcr-nro operating a largo camp. It is Apply NICKERSON CO., w nelher pay fop sight, where they could watch vvliirh was heading tho column of threo vessels. The escorting from there that they secure their Post OfUce Building. you want a dress Lee come for his two cases, at the r "L Wing ,inirnvers immediately dropped numerous depth charges supplies of limestone fort their this u an opportunity hut evidently Wing Lee was point whero it was believed the torpedo came from. '.smelter. Our not to bo overlooked. ..-iiOtinir Om rormtAhles. for ho Owing to tho speed with which the warships acted and the. Frank Martin is well known all you. prices will decide for n content to nllow them to go in. nrovimitv of the submarine, it is considered certain that the through' this northern district. Wanted on watching tho two cases lying submarine was cither destroyed or very badly damaged. jn0 is one of ihe old timers of Laborers on the street. He wouldn't claim 1 Rupert, as ho used to have For Mill at Pott Clements 1 Wun B5t pr hour. them. a news ufct'iioj iiure in mo eany I iio.-ir.n- nihnr duties, the con days, around and before 1009. Apply Nickerson Co. stable finally seized the stun and 11 He left here then foi Stewart, and I'oal Offlc BulUia. Prince Rupert Exhibition relumed with it to the police "THE BARRIER after that went to the llaielton SEPTEMBER ofllco whero a further Inspection district for a year or two. Ho returned 18, 19, 20. proved tho supposed con! oil 10 :Rex Beach : to Stewart in 1015, and be-onme be ellher Sam Jlng or Moy hooeo More Interesting than "The Spoilers" road superintendent in 1010 nt Onice, 310 Plflh 8lreel Loo, a Chinese liquor cfl"yln, AND GAZETTE Iwhich position he has held sincn. high contont of alcohol. Ho is survived by a widow, Mrs. liquor 50 per Is gallon,estimated making to be tl worth cP-turo Wednesday and Thursday, One Show Each Night I Anyox.Martin, who at present resides in FOR QUALITY ENTRIES worth 8800. Eight o'clock Sharp ' A late report states that a man DY, 8EPT Adults, 50c Children, 25c. named Johnston S, Hartley was SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 11. Wood, 12,50 a load, Pony K- DHIfllfffrffl f W W.W W responsible for Martin's death. Food Board Licence No, 10-7340. press.