How Will You Protect Red Cross Notes h RED CROSS STOCKS Your Wife BECOMING DEPLETED; APPEAL FOR MORE ITTTir772 Sunlig it and the children should you The I'brt Clements branch has fall ill or lose your employ A cable from England sent in a cheque for $500 and this mcnt ? Have you money in exceptionally liaiuloome donation has Just been received al the Bank to tide the family headquarters, in Toronto, is acknowledged with many Wash Dayi over until you are "on your thanks. feet" again ? saying that although the i urn nmmm Red Cross Society has been Every married, man. should ablo so far to supply the The Prisoners of Wur llranctr A Sunlight Wash Di lyniree 111 open an account in our demands made it, is in receipt of (87.80 from Mayor HHiBi Savings Department and put -further tremendous upon drains McClymonl which represents the from the toil and labt jur usuauy . . i .-dms mmtm by a part of his earnings every as a result of tho recent proceeds of m collection taken al associated with week or month. great battle- are causing 4t the Wcslholme Theatre on August Soch torn, earning Interest, will be slocks to become depleted 4, ltemembrance Day. The Col because Sunlight Sot xp wosncs unrr. . j&m K&frTOa welcome protection for the family. lection amounted to $110.30, out and tlto necessity for clothes beautifully clean and W A Saving Account may be opened work to of which an expeiiM f 922.50 for is urged with one dollar. keep greater up a sufficient supply printing was paid. The use of white without nil bbini! or in um uj em THE BANK OF to lake care of the wounded. the theatre was- donated for which British North America In Prince Hupert either the management is lhankod scrubbing. Iffl m WXJk food or money may be . . The usual monthly meeting of 79 YEARS IN BUSINESS. left at the lied Cross hut the lied Cross Society was held Sunli .CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $7,884,000. on Third Avenuo any Friday the Court House on Saturday last doiiV all and by so PRINCE- RUPERT BRANCH can "do their bit.,- In the absence of Judge loung, -'president, Mrs, 11. H. Mcintosh W.J.SMITHERS,Manager ...kit. It-.. T.. l n.l fcaajitiiStS)t)IStt3t yicaiucu, nuitc .uj-s. i-ciuis ui.tiu as secretary. The financial state- Soap BUILDING PERMITS AND iment for the past month was pro - STEEN & LONGWILL fit ism MS COLLECTIONS sented by the treasurer which dis 'closed a balance in.hand of $1,600 The buildins permits for the of which amount $1,500 was or being the surest, gentlest, purest 9AKITnn mnD heating. month of August amounted to Oered rcmltleU to llie heail oince all cleansers is kind to the clothes CffOINeERS $20,320 and the customs collec-jin Toronto. It was also decided they last ever so much longer kind lions for the same peridil prp.tif tiuiu tx uuutuiv in iiiv ucui iu Agents for $23,908.51. ture in aid of St. Dunslan's Hob to the hands, too. Every cake McCLAFtr FURNACES lei for the blind. carries the Sunlight $5000 guarantee There was a wise Spear-woman PLUMBINO l lived in a shoe The sale on Friday of this week of purity. lFor her many children she knew will he held in the story lately and li what to i do: occupied by the Prince Rupert All you do is soap tin et clothes I I I !yv -- ;r SHEET METAL WORKS' IjShe made them most happy Willi Table Supply, the premises hav. with Sunlight roll each garment Wmimm Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. II Wrigley's for all ing been kindly offered for tho k. Later tightly and leave to Night phones 678 It kept them in trim at a cost verj occasion, Mrs. J. A. Alexander mWWi and Blue 270 smaUl and Mrs. Stilwell will be in charge you rinse thoroughly. o wrench- lSSifecSi ; Tho riaht work, at th right In addition to the sale of home in or relentless a nil jbinif. The d IraSiS5?-22: time, and at. the right prloo. WATER NOTICE cooking; luncheon will be served DIVERSION AND USE. dirt just really drops from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tea TAKE NOTICE that John M. NacMlIlan, will be served in the afternoon can go out shopping or doolJiaJt whose address Is 1857 Nelson Street. Van and an orchestra will bo in aU work while Sunlight couver, win apply for a licence to take and 'tendance; The proceeds will be Phone 93 P.O. Box 38 is use so actually cleaning miners; tacnes or water out or devoted to the Prisoners of War Office: Diss Creek, "uich flows north and drains J 3rd Aye. and 2nd St. Into Laroon Bay, Moresby Island, about 1 Fund. the clothes for you. miles from Sewell Inlet. Good news, isn't it ? The water will be diverted from the A donation of $25 frpm Lynch Pacific Cartage, Ltd stream at a point about one-quarter of a Its true. Hros. is gratefully acknowledged. mile from Us mouth, and will be used for miscellaneous purposes. L e. for caraery. An urgent appeal comes from , General Teaming including- Incidental thereto, water for across the seas on behalf of the Try Sunlight for yourself domestic power and boiler for cannery iifiSllP1 starving prisoners of war and unless an J see. Storage purpose upon the laud described as application for lease by J. MeLarty Mac-Millan. parcels of food are sent Furniture, Safe and Piano promptly by the society very few LEVER BROTHERS Moving. Baggage T,h onn.K r1"1.-?. "? Jround'of Ihese unfortunate men wilt be LIMITED, Toronto this notice and an application pursuant48Pared lo return to Canadian thereto and la the -water Act, 1914," win 'shores. They have done much Tor fce filed In the omre of the Water Recorder ajl 0f us and we Can now assist .1 i-nucc nuprcb I horn DENTISTRY j Objections to th appUcatlon may be!- tiled with the said Water neeorder or wltni the Comptroller ofwater nirhts, Hariu- The proceeds of the sale last OFFICE HOURS: mem Buiidinrs. victoria, b. c, within Friday amounted to $95.45; The B am. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to B:30 p.m. the donors and ,following arc this notice in a local newspaper. DR. J. S. BROWN J. mclarty macnillan, Applicant, winners: Mr. Goldblooin, $5.00 DENTIST The date of the first publication of this ifold niece, won bv Mrs. flavftran: St. Jam6s Hotel Offices; Smith Stock, Third Avsnue; notice is July etb. 1 918. 'r. w narr. ,t- - HMIIVI Vi OUVA OUjUt nun (LATX "OUtlflt") Phone 414. "Do rom saiaKfoOT MBaltosr' WATER NOTICE - 1 wi" kimvf 9 a a;, ti . I&lllllfji C FIRST CLASS ROOMS "No,todwd not M loot Tom USE" AND STORAGE. sack Hour, won by Ceo Waddell; Hot- and Cold Water. o FLA YEA'S NAVT CVT CIGAR ETTLS. TW 4uWl Mrs. Bowness. Fyrex baking dish. BOO- pr Night and $3' prWk. TAKE NOTICE that Cranby Consolidated V-nn liv S Un-li,.v ti- dnrl- Mlnlng, Smelting k power Co, Ltd., whose! ,T.. address Is 718 Crannile SI, Vancouver. j"'""u msn, won uy urs. L..D b.c wiu apply for a licence to uke and Nickerson; I). G. Stewart, bor of REOISTftY ACT. use (0 second feet and to store f&.OOO iro (Sections It and 114.) ', , , "VII V .11, li. iUVACVIU. acre feet of water out of Clearwater ' Tk ,, which Row. southwesterly and drains Ws,M"' V McI)onald, tray cloth, He AppllraUun No. J78-IA SJTI-I Kiuault River, about 31 miles rrom Alice -Mrs. Nickerson; Mrs. TAKE NOTICE that application bu ito NOTICaT OF CANCELLATION OP RESERVE. Arm. - Uulcer. cud nml untmop tt-nn hv rnide to rrfitur Nathau Louis Lando and The storage-dam wUi be located at out- t pinni Drrs ?chplnn)n as omnrrt In Tc under ... -I ... . -., .. ...uiv. lo Tar Sale Vttlt from the Colhrtor of NOTICE Is hereby riven that the reserve exlstlnr-on certain portions or Lois Two be reservoir lo be created Is about tnc Cllf of Prince lliipfrt, bearinr daw hundred tmt. nre (J0) and Two hundred ere reel, and II will flood about 100 acres C V. Evitt who Will be rcinflin. "50 tar or Member. 1917. of ALL and eirbt (S08), Ilanre Three (3), Coast T land. The water will be diverted from ...horoH l.v, Pvrvn on.l '"1. uai eerttin l.arrcl District, surveyed and known as Lots be stn-am at a point about 4 miles north- r. 1S u ,,nrt w Mwj in(j p, ,mMi j.,nf Eleven hundred and nrty-nino (1159) as terly rrom N.W. Cor. L. 380S and will jjtjsuucr ui oej-iiinny, nas ncen 'sna iin lo tha Muolrlpalltr or the Ci Eleven hundred and Uty-orie illSli anS e used ror twer purpfises upon the land adopted by the society. Under thelof rr,na uprt. mure panijiari known Eleven hundred and slity-two 1ICJ), fjy (escribed as Lots 308. 479, 891, 899, 480, new retrulallnn. wIiapaW nM.!,nJ KtUa as Lot eleen ("'. eason.or a notice appearing- In the OrltUb O 486 Inc.. 1973 A. 1973, 1986, and Columbia Gazelle of 37th Oecenuxr, 1907 'ibers comprising the mine and smeltery r.u.iiinj iii Miiaua win idok aner ui thlrtern (1J) Block thlrij-flrf (3S is cancelled In order that a sale of said r Anyoi, B. C us own prisoner of war it in Se tkwt elrhl 8(. Map 333. yoo arc re Lots Eleven hundred and fifty-nine (USB) This notice was posted on,the ground hoped lo lake caro of every pris quircu in cnnieii iiw claim of Uie la Eleven hundred and slitr-one (1161) and n the 37th day of July. 1918. A copy oner of war. To support each purcliaer. within 33 dars from the date tieven hondred and sity-iwo (Itcii of ibis notice and au application pursuant cl Hi srrrlce of this notice (which may Ifang-e.Tbrea (3), Coast District, rosy be tbereto and lo tbe "Water Act, 1914," will man for one year requires sending w enectea cy publication In the Dally made to the PacUe Mills Limited. be Bled In tbe office of Water Recorder1 parcels lo the value of al least .ir. aiu your atlention is called lo see rcniar DATED at Victoria British Columbia Jt Prince Rupert, B. C. $200. As there are already hun iH4i an 01 lite "Land Derlslry Act" wlUt satisfying nroma of these . anenamrntj, and to the tins 5Ui or Objections to tbe application may be .1 followlnr eilract day June. AjD. 19 IS. S13 ureu oi sucn unrorturiate men. tiu rerroM cigarettes their unusual richness and coolness, a. a naden. iiled with the said Water Recorder or with Deputy Minister or Units. ibe Comptroller of Water Rlgbts, Parlia their support will necessitate a -ana in aeraoit or a ar-at or rartinut Jiavo made them Canada's favorite 01 11 iriiueiM ueinr niea berore the rest ment Buildings. Victoria, B. C-. within l)g eiTorjt. I re M011 as owner of th imnn miiim Sk'EENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or hiny days after tbe Brit appearance of der such Ux sale, all persons so served smokes. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. .his notice in a local newspaper. who iM.uce ana those cunning Virginia leaves have never been blended ro RAKBY CONSOLIDATED MINING, SMELT fiood assortment of pipes at through- or under ihetn. and ti imom ING! it POWER CO., LTD, Applicant r.ii's. If f.iiuiu.s biij luirrrai in llie laoa UJ rirtue skilfully or manufactured sO carefully. They TAKE NOTICE that the Masset 'inlet of any unregistered tnstrnrnent. and all Lumber Co Ltd, of Pert Clements, occu By E. E. Campbell Agent. tiertons cUUnlnr any Interest In Ibe Unit arc Ideal cigarettes. All dealers sell them. patlon sawmuj operators. Intends to The date of the Orst publication of Ibis SKEF.NA LA5D PISTIUCT-I8TIIICT Of uy aesreni mw tine is not rerlstered apply notice Is Stn uiner iiw proTisicns of this Acl. thall be ror permission to lease the following- de August, 1918. CA 991 Aft. or erer rsionpm ana Otuarred rruui set 11 scribed lands; Per J. Fred RitchK Una uti auy claim Ui or In retnert i.r itut ..fl'er' land s eold fur tales, and llie Iteststrar Commencing- at a post planted at the TAKE notice ttiat-oraobf WATER NOTICE ConsolldaK'd shall rerlster tbe person entitled ur.der northeast corner of Block 3t of the subdivision DIVERSION MliKnr, SmUtlnr k Power Co., Utnlted. or urn m ii ic as owner or the Isnd so AND of Lot 746, thence N, SO deg-., it USK. njrtT. B. C, occopation-tnlnlnrand amelt-Inr, oa ior taica. Ms: tnln. E. 660 feet, thence N. 30 der. 9 min. TAKE NOTICE that I. Andrew Intends to apply for permission lo AND WllEnEAS application lias been W. 9(8.4 feet, thence S. SO der. M mln. Bostad, agont for Martin Woldson lease the rollowlnr described lands: made ror a Cernnrale of Indeftaaible Title CUT W. 650 feet to the northwest corner of whostj addreee Is 444 Peyton Dldc. Comrnenrlnr at a post planted t the to the above-mentioned lands, in tbe namo Lot 10. Block 36 of said subdivision, thence spoKane. wasmngton. u. S will ap S.W. corner of Lot Hit, Casalar Dlstrlcti or Nathan Louis Lain!:; ;-J IMra tlcheln I southeasterly and following the high water ply for a licence to take and use 150 thrnia southweiteriy 40 rhitns followlnt man. CICARETTES mark of Stewart Bay 1300 feet more or cubic feet of water out qf Cascade tiirh water mart, to tbn BJi cornet of Loi AND V,TEI1EAS on invrstltatlnr Ibe title less to the point of commencement and Creek, wblca flews southerly and 891; thence smith 10 chains to low water It appears that prior to tbe ifth dsy of 11 containing 13.8 acres more or lest. drains Into Maple Bay, about where mark; thence northeasterly 40 chain fol-Jnwlnr truatvr. 1910 (tbe date on which the laid MASSET INLET LUMBER CO.. LTD tbe wharf of tbe Outsider Mines la low water mark; thence north 10 1 lands were sold for overdue late), you Per Fred. Nash. B.C.U8, Agent- situated. Tbe water will be diverted enjins. to tbe place of Lerlnnlnr and con were use rrrtstered owner thereof. Dated August 10 th. 1913. 019 from tho ktream at a point about lalnlnr 40 acres more-or less. ' Fuirriitn take notice that 11 the 6,500 ft. from Maple Day and will CllANnV CONSOLIDATED Ml.MNO 8MEI.T same lime I shall ttttct rerlitreilon In IN THE SUPREME' COURT OF BRITISH be used for mining purposes upon the ISO Ic POWEIl COMPAJIV. LIMITED pursuance or such applirstlon and mot COLUMBIA. uuuider Uroup or mines, described 8- L Fred Ritchie. Atmt. a Certincate of Indefeasible Title lo the IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA as lu. 664. U. 6S. L. C66. L. 667. TION Dale. July 8th, 1918. said lands In thc names of Nathan Louis ACT U. bbB, 1j. U 6 SO, Li. 681. unao ana oars Hclielninan unless you take and ibis notice was posted on the and prosecute the IN THE MATTER OF. THE ESTATE OF SkEETIA LAND DISTftlCT fJlSTfllCT Of proper prtir.eeriinii to ground on tfco 27th day of Juno, establish your claim. If any, lo tbe said JAMES DACK, DECEASED, INTESTATE. 1918, A copy of tbl notice and. an Wi;r.r..i umiLOTTE ISLANDS, lands, or lo prevent such proposed action TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills application pursuant thereto ana u on my part. Honor Judge Young, Local Judge or .the tho "Water Act. 1914." will be fllal TAKE NOTICE that I, John XeLartf Mar. DATED at the Laud neaistry Office. BAIT AND ICE DEPOT Supreme Court, made this 34 to day of In tbe office of the Water Recorder tnllian. of Vancouver, B. c, occcDation rrlnce Hupert. B.C.. Una If mi day of July, 1918, I was appointed Administrator at Prince Rupert, H C cannerjroan, inicnas 10 apply for permission Aurusi, isis, of the'estate of James Dark, deceased. AU uuiections to the application may to Jesse the followlnr described lands-Corameocinr II. F. MACLEOD. BUTEDAIE v parties bavlcg claims agtlnst the said elate be filed with tbe said Wfiter Recorder at a post planted on the District lierlstrtr of are hereby required to forward same soma anore or t-sroon Titles. or with the Comptroller of Water Dsy, Moresby Is To nobert Ilildebrandt, Prince properly verified lo me on or before the Rights, Parliament Dulldlncs. Vic. una, about ens mile from its mouth. Michael Byrne, Uulte, Monuna..Hupert, I). C Princess Royal Isiaiid,, ltth day.of Splember, and aU 1918, par toria, D. C. within thirty days after Francis Calve. Prince ftuperl. B. C ties Indebted to the said estate- are re-quired the first appearance of this uotlce in rhalps, thence north 80 chains hn lo i pay the amount or their Indebtedness a local newspaper. easterly aloor iht abore line to point of It Is Just as choan lo gel your Western Packers, Limited forthwith. commencement, eontaminr MARTIN WOLDSON, Applicant 40 aei mam Dated the 9tb day or August. 1911. Dr Andrew Bostal, Agent. or less. printing done well and dono at Head Office - J, II. McMULLIN. The date of tba first publication of JOHN McLAItTY MACMILLAN. homo an it l lo send It nway. Try - .YllccnlV5BCJ Oruclal Administrator. this notice Is July 26th, 1918, Dltti' June JOId 93, Tho News Print Shop.