THE DAILY NEWS. Friday, September 13, I nia . The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE RED CROSS STOCKS , PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA BECOMING DEPLETED; For the EaL Published Every .Afternoon,, except Sunday, by The News APPEAL FOR MORE Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- Printing and Publishing Co.,tfhlrd Avenue. - A cable from England unlays at :30 a.m. , H. F.iPULLEN, Managing Editor. has Just been received at headquarters, in Toronto, From the EaaL saying that although the Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (led Gross Society has been days at 5:45 p. m. -afcL'- aw -wv. r.. . m ablo so far to supply the a, id.iu.x. w- r i v -- City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c Following By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. demands made upon it, For Vancouver: further tremendous drains 10 in. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Sundays p. c.-' with as a result of the recent Tuesdays 5 P,n the sun great battle are causing Thursdays to p. m Telephone 98. stocks to' become depleted Satnrilava 7 n.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING -50 cents .per .inch. and the necessity for greater work is urged to From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. keep sufficient supply up a Sundays 10 Pn' WIMGIEYS to take care of the wounded. Wednesdays 10:30 a. in DAILY EDITION. Friday, Sept. 13, 1018. In Prince Rupert either Saturday 10:30 a.m. food or money may be left at the Ited Cross hut For Anyox: (Congratulations to on Third Avenue any Friday Suudays 10 p.m. for moment, those far off and by doing so all Wednesdays 10 p. m Vision, a ports The Carnival Queen. "do their bit." This paper wishes to be among the first to congratulate the can Saturdays 10 p. m beyond the trackless seas new queen on her election to so important an oillce. She worked From Anyox: From Arctic ice. to the torrid lands well and she deserved the honor which has .been done her. The Tuesdays ..........., ....a.m. TO MINERS, CONTRACTORS, ETO others,worked hard also but it was so dilllcult for the supporters Thursdays . . beneath the Southern Cross of either to know exactly- what the others were doing that there A eontnacl for driving 500 feel Sundays was. a large element of chance in the final returns. Miss West-man of tunnel, size 10x12. and S00 From towns tucked in the mountains, to feet of Crosscut, size 8 x 9, at the For Port Simpson and Naae Rivet will undoubtedly carry oil the honors with dignity and grace Sullivan Mine. Kimberly, will be points: the busy river's mouth and the supporters of the other candidates will undoubtedly unite made with responsible parties Sundays 10 p.m. in carryiuK out the will of the majority of those who voted. We Specifications may be'Obtained on WRIGLEYS Is there! humbly bend our editorial knee and kiss the hand of the queen application to the undersigned. From Port Simpson and Nans Vive la Heine! A further contract of 500 feel River Point: There, because men find MADE IN CANADA of both (unci and crosscut will be Tuesdays , . . .n.m Splendid Record, considered on completion of the comfort and refreshment SEALED TIGHT- Of Achievement. above. ' Queen Charlotte Islands: In Its continued use. KEPT RIGHT This district must again congratulate itself that il is doing THE CONSOLIDATEI)MIMNG & For Massctt, Port Clements and something realjy big in helping on the war. The report published SMELTING Superintendent CO. Upper Island points: Because of its benefits yesterday in regard to the spruce output was most encouraging, Sullivan Mines, Kimberley, II. C. Vednesdays 0. p. m. and because II was inspiring for it showed what can be done when determination Charlotte Islander From Masct, Port Clemonls and and intelligent co-operation combine. To double the output Uneen can Upper Island points: not do better than mail their Sjrhe Fla V05 in one month is a great feat and worthy of emulation. ( The next printing needs to The News Print ridays, p. m. step will be to save the extra profits which are being made here Shop and get the work done and put them into Victory Bonds so that; we may have just as romptly and well. For Skidcgalc, Queen Charlotte good a showing when it comes to putting up cash as when we LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 City .and Lower Island points nlurdays, 8 p. in are raking in profits. .notice or iNTEjrnojf to apply to Mr. Carvell's LEASE LAND From .Skidvgate. Queen Charlotte Western Tour. I.N QLEE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND City and Lowor Island points DISTRICT; RECORDING DISTRICT OF Tuesdays. Hon. F. B. Carvell is about to lour.the Webt .aud will visit S KEEN A AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE OF LAOOON INLET. MORESBY the cities of Vancouver and Victoria. He cither may possibly ISLAND. ABOUT ONE MILE FION ITS For Skagway and the Yukon. come or return by way of Prince Rupert and in that case some NOUTH. Every ten days. TAKE NOltCE that I. JOHN MAC arrangements would undoubtedly be made for him to address MILLAN, of Vtncouver, D. C, occupation N. From Skagway and Yukon. a public meeting. unnerynian. inienas 10 ippij ror permit ion to lease tbe rollowloj deicribtd lands Every ten days. Members of tho Union Government have not been keen very Cttir.minelng- it a pott planted on tlx on meeting the people so far and if Mr. Carvell consents to speak. south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moreibjr Is Advertise in the Daily News. Subscribe for The Daily News land, about one mile from Its mouth ., Jiere he will Certainly get a good hearing. Mr. Carvell was one thence west to chains; thence north to of those new members of the Government on whom the people chains: thence east SO chains more or less to low water roait at the beacbi.Jhtnre rested their hopes at the time of the last election, and it will somberly rollowlna- low warif mark to the indeed be interesting to hear him give an account of the. work point Of commencement;' containing 40 acres mote or less. of the Government and possibly explain some of the things which JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN; the people do not understand. Dated August I tin, ll. N8 "The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility There is a feeling among a great many that the Dominion MINERAL ACT of Sir Robert Borden Government has toot made good. They certainly have not given exaggeration." general satisfaction, but perhaps Mr. Carvell can set us all right. , Certificate of Improvements. We shall welcome the opportunity of hearing him, if he comes, NOTICE for1 he is said to be a very able speaker and in the past has been rerro Fraction .Mineral Claim, situate in City and Town Labor tbe Skeena Mining Division or Caular looked upon as one of the coming statesmen of Canada. District. Where located: Near the head .of Alice Letters to Editor Must be Signed. Arm.TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. Fatmore. Must Save A letter was received yesterday from someone who signs the Free Miners certificate No. I0407-C as word "Citizen," but fails to add the name and address. The rent ror John Watford Strombeek, Fr letter is criticism of the Marathon Club and Miner's Certificate No. HISt-C, intend. a newly registered sixty days rroiu tbe date hereof, to apply if published would possibly involve both ourselves and the writer to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of The Food Situation in a libel suit Improvements, ror tbe purpose or obliln-Ing Crown Urant of tbe above claim. The News knows nothing about the Marathon Club except I . And further take notice tbat acUon, un that it is a local institution, but the account of its multitudinous der section S3 must be commenced before HPHE heart of tho food production problem is labor, and the possibilities as published in the British Columbia Gazette we the Issue or sucb Certificate or Improve thought -would be of interest to" Prince Rupert people. That is ments. heart of the labcr problem is the city dweller. City people DATED this 15th day of August, A. D. why it was used. 1918. 019 must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support All sorts of reports about the conduct of some of the clubs of soldiers SKEEN'A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF our and Allies. in Prince Rupert have come to The News- but none of them QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. appear to be authenticated. If they are a menace to the city Men who are needed on farms must come from tho cities and they should be suppressed by the police, but The News is taking TAKE NOTICE tbat Horace John Brad towns there is no other source. Tho Provincial Departments no chances of publishing libellous things about them unless it bury, or Prince Rupert, D. C, occupation is sure of its ground. clerk, Intends to apply ror permission to of Agriculture co-operating with the Canada Food Board, can lease tbe following described lands: People wishing to get into print in this publication must in Commencing at a post planted about one place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. Mie first place sign their names and give their addresses, which and a half miles from the mouth or Lagoon They are needed at once. In the north arm of Selwyn Inlet .names and addresses will be verified before the communications Day Moresby Island, Q. C Islands; thence wesl are used. It is not necessary that the names of correspondents 10 chains, tbenoe south to chains, tbt-ner Those who remain home also Grow Food be published, but as a guarantee of good faith it is necessary to 10 chains more or leas to beaeb, thence at must know from whom the letters come. along beach to point of commencement, Including A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will all foreshore between high and low Added to that,-writers must be careful not to make statements waters containing 10 acres more or less man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to grow .about people or institutions unless they are prepared to go into HORACE JOHN BRADBURY. the witness box of a court of law and back up their statements. Dated June 17, 1918. S is on a farm. But War Garden more food for export. Hearsay evidence is of no value. It must be direct evidence. service is needed from those who They must have seen, not heard, about the things of which they can do no more. The vegetable garden offers an speak. opportunity for service to men It must be remembered that a newspaper has no license to LUMBER Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make It impossible attack people or institutions. It has no privileges except those produced on city land by for them to work on a which all possess. There are regular constituted authorities city labor,will be a positiveaddition farm, to women, to boys and girls which deal with transgressors against the law and a letter in Agents for to the food supply. Home Garden to city people generally. these drawing attention to irregularities would very likely be cifective, but the police would take no more notice of an unsigned Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Be Food Producer document than would a newspaper. and a This Year Gasoline Shortage Hasting'a Saw Mills If there is a garden or vacant lot movement in your iDanger to Country. community, associate yourself with it. If no organization "The news dispatches yesterday recounted the fact that there exists, do what you can to interest your is n gasoline hhortage and that for the year it will probably amount COAL neighbours in the War Garden campaign. ;to a million barrels. Unless there is a definite attempt to save Agents for Write to S'our Provincial Department of Agriculture gasoline; voluntarily it is quite probable that users will be put on Nanalmo Wellington Coal for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. rations by the Government. The supply for the tanks and transport and wagons at the front must be kept up, whether cars here Yellewhead Coal CANADA FOOD BOARD operate or not. That will be the first consideration' and following it will..he the necessary legitimate uses of the fluid. Joy riding as .a pastime will have to be eliminated altogether, If not voluntarily Complete line of then Jy compulsion. That is the verdict of those in authority. BUILDING MATERIALS In view of this owners of cars throughout the country Director of n Director of are taking walks instead of going joy riding on Sundays and other Production Agricultural Labor Chairman holiday occasions. As has been said before there cannot be much Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. gasoline saved here in Prince Rupert, but every little counts and Wharf Offlcs, Phont E64 (In Co-operation with the Provincial Department of Agriculture.) 33 doubtless the Jocal people will fall In line wjlh the rest of the ome l.cond Avenue, Phone lie country and curtail the output. I