Friday Septmibcr 13, 1018. THIS- DAILY NEWS. CANADA'S CROP . TERRACE NEWS LETTER WHICH ROAD ? bdward Lipsell, President Harry ipsett, Manager Edward Cunningham, Vice-President LIKELY TOTAL The Port Kssinglon band is in town for llm Terrace Fall Fair, YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE which ia to bo held on Monday Lipsett-Cumiingham & Co. $1,000,000,000: The exhibits timmlso to be ery good. " 1 f 1 LIMITED Ontario Makes Record In Fooc The local growers are expecting FISHINQ A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Production and Maritime to bring the cup back from Prince S!SS Province and Quebec Huperl for they will send a line Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories . Do Well. display of products which will Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage surprise some of the people at PRINCE B. C. RUPERT, Totalling the crops of Canada the terminal port. from the census return and Itegislered Office: Prince Rupert Office: from reliable estimates In the The Port Esslnglon band gave 08 Water Street, No. 95 THIS provinces. Including Miss Cora their services free at the ited Telephone Vancouver, 13. C. P. O. Box 1698 Hind's Cross entertainment which was reports, it i found thai II the whole field crops of Canada held last night. A dance followed LEADS TO LEADS TO this year will likely total 11,000,-000.000 the concert, the band providing In value. Considering Ihe music. The people of Terrace the heavy drought and frost dam appreciate the services the band YOUR loss! your gain age to the grain crops of Western is rendering the community. Cnnada in August where the wheat totals have been reduced by near, There will be a dance on Mon High Class Printing ly 100,000,000 over 1017 returns. day evening after the fair. tills Is an amazing fine record. Mian ilonald hna reliirnnri In Ontario enrrien a great crop in all departments, so does Quebec Terrace after a very enjoyable' land the Martlmes, where advices trip to Seattle where aho spenlj I state that the oats are record her summer vacation. The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do.the TAKE NO CHANCES ... 1 crops in many places. On the finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable Mr. Carriker, the Presbyterian iwnoic iasiern uanaaa surpasses WITH FIRES in wealth her wonderful field crop minister, Is leaving on Sunday for prices. No job is too small to receive careful returns or 1917. the Stales to join the American Field Crops. Flying Corps. attention and none too big for.the shop to handle. PUT THEM OUT Field crops of Canada last year figured out by the Census Hureau The tennis season is nearly at 1 1.141,030,000 In value. The over. It i with great regret that I the players will give tho RUSI.VESS AXD SOCIAL CARDS loss to the Western crops shows up game how which is a very popular; pastime strong the whole country is XOTK HEADS AXD ENVELOPES. I by reason of Us mixed farming in Terrace. Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 sand livestock operations. Had the DISPLAY POSTERS AXD DODGERS j prairie held even an average Tom, Tom, the Spearman's son, & iwheal crop year the returns would Ftole a Wrigley box and away he ROOKLETS AXD FOLDERS Co. Prince jupert Engineering Supply readily have beaten any previous runl CIRCULARS AXD jyear. Rut the splendid crops in l!ach slick he chewed his health POSTAL XOTICES Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors Eastern Canada have held up the renewed " FRATERXAL SOCIETY WORK totals to nearly last year's totals. And helped his appetite for food! Estimate furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete Threshing lylnrns are showing liul his father said The boy is RECEIPT ROOKS, AXD CHECKS it.. Plant Installation heavy weighing wise, 1 E. ' grain and big , 8?JV. yields in Ontario. The Ontario let him do it to advertise! 80$ Northern B.C. Representative government report for the week Fincc I quit my piping and bought Canadian Vestinghouse g-' $2S&?t l optimistic in all lines, with this store Co., Hamilton Lamp, &c comparatively little demand for "m selling Wrinley's gum galorel' The Daily News Print Shop labor. The pood weather has assisted xlyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical"Extra rower"Rabba Illtiri Goods,Uo. farmers to take care of It is just as cheap to get your r Co., Toronto. -ada their rrops. In very few places printing done well and done at Third Ave., Prince Rupert Wire & Cable Bar and ' losaUUd Copper , in Canada will there be any shoring" home as it is to send it away. Try Co., Montreal Steel and Iron Wirt. ? m money this year. The News Print Shop. No Frost Damage. Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention Domestic Engineering "Dtleo" LtM ProdoeU Good assortment of pipes at Co., Dayton ,. Iolatcd Electric Plants Although the first week of September Gil's. tf opened up with much cool Pelton Water Wheel Co., Water Wheel and er weather in Eastern Canada, no San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatva frost damage to buckwheat, tomato and corn crops Is reported ftpm aoulh and central Ontario, where the bulk of these crops are Dodge Manufacturing "mt$$fi: grpwn. Warmer weather Is expected 10., lOrontO HiDfera, ttc and the outlook now is for A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical a good month of fall weather. Corn crops have developed won-J Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried In stock dcrfullr. far exceeding all early expectations. The supply of fod-' m fHlifoiiiiia Fruit b der for slock and dairy feeding this winter is good. There is a fairly large acreage of buckwheat jln Ontario and Quebec which will rfftfik S. S. PRINCE RUPERT J be harvested this month. Ontario narijc a great crop m jP& S.S. PRINCE GEORGE 1 nil lines. FISHING RIGHTS FOR V SAILING J RETURNED SOLDIERS MIDNIQHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, Ooean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. LATEST PROPOSAL MIDNIOHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. There is a proposal afoot to re I S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. serve certain fishing rights in the Alurnaltng Weekly to Queen Charlotte Inlands. nrovince for returned soldiers The following report of the initiation of the movement is from TRAIN SERVICE the .New Westminster Columbian rMt aoor, Wednesday ud Saturday at it : .. far saiinm mart Own. ttooatco 14 W1anirt, mmtr Olrtcl contcikxit for til if ivcenl dale: olnU tail nd tmilti. "A nronosal that certain fishing rights be reserved to returned For information and reservations apply to soldiers to be fished by returned Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. aoldiera under the superintend City Tlckat omce, 618 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 ence of the Invalided Soldiers K favorite flavor California Commission was before tho local Fruit in ADAMS, the most Unionist executive yesterday for popular and largest telling confection endorsement, but after being ats-cussed action was postponed till In Canada. n.ri Tuoailnv whpn another? inocl- '(ng will be held in the oftlce of You'll see it everywhere,prominently CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY W. J. Whlleslde, K.u presiueni displayed in all kinds of stores. r lhr Unionist Association. At this meeting representatives of Lowest Rates to nil Eastern Points Ihe Great War Veterans' abso-Kiniinn Youll enjoy it anytime, particularly via Steamer to Vancouver and the will bo asked to attend when you crave something tasty Canadian Pacific Railway and also representatives from and refreshing. the Ilurrard Unionist Association CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO. Meals and Berth included on Steamer which fathered the scheme. UMTID Prominently dltplajrad In atorca rrywlir "The proposal, according to Annandale. secretary of Ihe FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE p Ala ADAMS (the original) TUTTI FRUTTI GUM Westminster, . O. V. A. In New princess Sophia uiii from rrmra nurM !nimtr tlin. llrd is to reserve exclusively to re tr ith, int, ind ,h turned soldiers all Ashing rights in rosrard to Vancouver Island i'M "T0H1"N, JUNEAU,. .. WRANOELL, SKAOWAY, ALASKA waters from Cowichan bay to Haro an..... Strait. Tiie government Is to put ": October 10th. tut .nd J til. nn the money to finance opera tions to start with, and thereafter mnla will be devoted to buying W. 0. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent. 'additional boats and gear until a C largo fishing Heel is built up. The I Fou,lh S" nd Third O.C. Av.nua. Prlnc. Rup.rt. Vancouver member? are unuer- inmi in hftvo endorsed the scheme and tho local organization put it A ADAMS' up lo w O. McQuarrie, M. P., wno I Hint n indctintr of the exo- Advertise in "The Daily News" 'cutive be called to consider it " y Pure Chewing Guru .