Today’s Weather Prince Rupert—Rainiiig, light outheast wind; barometer, 29.90; emperature, 57; sea smooth. arty 4, e Xe, mC NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER —— Saeunnnenmemeneeeeel Mp, I>, — XXII, No. 162. Yy ‘by ©, * ——— *, itty ‘ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C B. C;, WE ., WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1962 Tomorrow’s Tides Thursday, July 14, 1932 Che Daily News |=: 16:05 pm. 9.0 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS BRITAIN Aivv FRANCE TO CO-OPERATE DELEGATI ONS LEA VE SOU THAMPTON FOR EMPIRE PARLE wo Nations to Exchange Views On Problems of Mutual Concern; World Economic Parley is Next 1G TOLL BY FLOOD -—— LONDON, July 18:—Great Britain and France have! agreed that, in future, they will exchange views with com- plete candor on matters similar to those which were settled at the Lausanne war debts and reparations conference, | Sir John Simon announced today in the House of Com-' mons. First of all, Sir John said, they will co-operate in laying vut ground for a world eco- Important Announcements Are Made Co-Incidentally By | Simon and Herriot—Other Governments Invited— | All Europe May Join in Movement th List in West Virginia Min yg District Placed Last Night At Twenty-Five HARLESTON West Virginia istrous floods 0 Pair mer \ . {nomic conference | ; West Vir att SHIPMENTS ‘It is hoped,’ 'said Sir John, “that ' z other governments will join us in we! 0 adopting this procedure i property damage am SUSPENDED ‘The French and British govern- | $2.000.000 Pat ments intend to work together with other delegations at Geneva to find among U sUrVi- Granby Co. Sending No More Cop- jin _— F , ve me a. 68 ©P- « sdlution te disarmament questions : pr From Any roma ; me pe Seen >on, eae | which will be beneficial and just. to; Smelter | ide ak : \* i powers concerned ' ° oe The two governments have agreed I Ukranian ANYOX, July 13—Owing to the} : ee we ©! also, the British minister contin hostile tariff of feur--cents -a : Jued that, pending negotiations of ound on copper, the Granby ‘Con : {a commercial treaty between them, | Wedding Rites The Deiniiadil thal’: Stanley Baldwin H Hopes For Great Things From Ottawa Economic Meet Hails Gathering as Next in Importance to Lausanne--Pre- dicts Laying of Foundations For Great Expansion of Beneficial Empire Trade SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., July 13:—“After Lausanne, Ottawa,” was the message of Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Lord President of the Council and head of the British delegation to the Empire economic conference at Ottawa, as the steamer Empress of Britain sailed today for Can- ada with the British, South African, Indian, Northern Ire- Jand and Southern Rhodesian delegations to the confer- ence. “We are leaving,” Mr. Baldwin said, “with the full hope that we shall be able to add a further step towards the re- vival of world trade to crown the first year’s work of the _ National government by agreeing at Ottawa upon a policy of freer trade which will lay the nountiatiqn of a great ex- pansion of Empire trade to the mutual advantage of us RETURNING _ _—= — = IS CALLED — Forest Fires In | played by Prime Minister J. Ramsay ; Wedded Recently R. Bl k. MacDonald at the Lausanne con-| Most Big Le eace OCK | terence, stating that it was through | One- of Progress,” in a bog, have sold the | VANCOUVER, July 13:—Death]| wrecked ship to the Soviet govern- jclaimed one of the most popular} ment for $15,000 -and are leaving | members of the British Columbia | here for Berlin whence they will re- Oo ale I gat iting v lidated Mining & Smelting Row ‘tboth Great Britain and France will | ' : Co. has. discontinued making ship | javoid any action which would dis- ere SETVEG ments of concentrates from |here} : SS os a ; bn Mendes weneiter, The bath jcriminate against the interests of) being operated toa limited extent | °° °* Michael Manson, M. L. A. For Mac’ | Mattern and Griffin Sell Wreck of . ’ _ - oe. Ti 1 € oust 2G - t > : yay S / i “ E, July 13—Full Ukrar order to provide employmen ihe eo in the House of Com | Josephus Daniels, secretary of the United States Navy under Wilson, | kenzie, Passes Away Suddenly Their Plane to Soviet Govern- . , bserver eee }mo ym the Lausanne reparations | } : rites were ODSCrV The product is being stored for the} pees: ke: Suede 7 ne kidding the Democratic donkey along for better or for worse. | at Bella Coola ment For $15,000 here of the daught et jagreement revealed that actual do-| : oe Mrs. } ri Charles Bock eenident and | anne see Senee ae | Pioneer of B C MOSCOW, Russia, July 13:— wichuk. R Father P jceneral manager of the Granb | Berea France one realy no o\we James Mattern and Bennett Grif- O.M.I. officiated I is now in the East in connc-| _ the settlemen ee — BASEBA | fin, whose attempt to make a time tion with the situation leffective until the United States| | Had Sat in Legislature For Many | record for flying around the world : . Ire vises the war debt agreement | Years—Master Mariner in ended last week near Minsk when , emler Cou le Sir John Simon, paid an eloquent} IS CL A Early Days they crashed their plane, “Century p |tribute in the House to the part ague Games Won By | Gyro Club Approves Welfare League Run Margins and Would Loan Money For | ; . i J . ss Lily Marian Davidson Became [one ee oe reek as oe a |Legislature in the person of Mi-]|turn to the United States to pre- Bride of George W. Naysmith Cinders Flew Through Dense Air|cnce had reached agreement | NEW YORK ily 13:—All Big} ‘The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at |chael Manson, Conservative mem-|pare for another similar attempt. \t Ceremony Few Days Near Fort St. John Recently Herriot’s Announcement | League baseball games but one yes-| it. requlat monthly “busines Sate ber for Mackenzie, who died on} The pair of American flyers have Ago — PARIS, July 13:—Premie Edou-| eins were wo! i lost by mar-| sheon akin went on record as|Monday afternoon at Bella Coola,/ established the most cordial rela- aa a FORT ST. JOHN, July 1'—Heavy|ard Herriot told a joint session of} |, It required 12\peine i: ; sympathy with the’ pro- according to word received last} tions with the Soviet authorities by MIER, July 13—1 mar-| forest fires raged west oO! i ie foreign affairs and finance re nn r Pittsburg Pirates toj posal of ssavor C. 3 Orme ‘Mek1 | aight vhom they have been gnanted per- \ j he recentiv of (a few days recently the air being|committees of the Chamber of De “|. a ied ine ieee ee as ree . 7 s wt Born in the Shetland Island in] nission to fly across Russia at any m piace nh . mus : Seer jdown Brooklyn D rs in the Na-| welfare league in dealing with un-|,.°_ ] I Marian Davidson and/dense and filled wit ide! | putic today that Great Britain an | League while Washington | employment distress in Prince Ru- | 1857, deceased came to Canada inj} time W. Naysmith. both of Pre Timely and heavy rain »ppe | France had reached ar nee oe Senators needed 10 innings to van-| pert and also expressed itself as bhe- | 1874 and followed the sea as a mas- a ) Rev. G. H. Moody officiated. | the fires icerning efforts they will make to| vuish Chicagt ithe end that their mutual co-oper- iheavy hittin ition may culminate in confident fait ! ifa nd fe o-operation on the part : ron eae i | Cleveland I iof all Europe ifourth to thi ROOSEVELT i=: iDr. Nicholas Murray Butler, a Staunch Republican, Not Very In the Nati i t oe P it Hopeful Re re, His murg Pirate Party's Chance two and a h Novembe to break a vi }Columbia University and himself] ia staunch Republican, predicted; New York Sschestale that Governor Franklin| Cleveland jindustry, Major J. A. Motherwell, | city of Trust ichief supervisor of fisheries, arrived |W. O. Fulton \in the eity yesterday afternoon on! meeting. of NEWS! | the trip by Mrs. Motherwell! and son, probably be wh aeltne AME ge ee idelphia Athieti | Louis Brown ! WILL WIN. oe tae eho over the Phil increased to eight Cubs who defeated Boston Braves jyncheon on Friday of this week in Be ‘ a 22 ‘ . ! Trae } 5 e lace } NEW YORK, July 1’ Dr. Nich two teams [fo pace da place oe lotas Murray Butler, president of} Yesterday's Big League scores American League >. Ip Roosevelt, the Democratic can- | Boston 3, Detroi ance ; : , i ‘ : ie aie ; : ; didate, “may” carry the presiden- | Washingto shicag : ’ > f , she rs i : , P ; tial election in United States in| innings) — as om ' n ; November National League | ; |Charles P. Balagno presided at the — - Pittsburg 8, Brooklyn 7 (12 in- Norwegian Cone Oath a | | 4 i\Chief Supervisor of nings) G C *) Fisheries Is In City; New York 4 ra D —— Chicago 4 ‘ } In the course of a tour of the! St. Louis 7 coast on inspection duties in con-| nection with the salmon canning! Owing to the absence from the , ithe fisheries protection steamer) trustees, scheduled for last night, Malaspina. He is accompanied on} Was postpone Yankees won over St 4, St. Louis 2 was in the chair at yesterday's lun- 7, Philadelphia 6 cheon and there was a good atten- detroit 2 dance of members. C, E, Starr was n 18, Chieago 12 (10 the winner of the luncheon raffle . . ter mariner. In 18698 he joined the | White Sox in @/ jing in favor of loaning money at Wellin pena : 0 a rie ag zton Colliery Co Am in League af-| present being held for the gymna- se oy ; ; The late Mr. Manson first enter- stum project to be used in relief ndian. defeated Phil ed the Legislature in 1909 for Co- ndians defeated Phula-|work providing satisfactory ar- : th tl ; ; , . . excep ) ) 8 advance from rangements are made to protect the | MOX Ba wi e ae re van ra p in the Ameri-\cjub’s interests in these funds foe her eee we eo oe : —— ‘ of ‘the House ever since, in later : C. C. Mills reported to the club Amelia Earhart Putman Trying to ; , _.| years, representing Mackenzie | : . : that he had interviewed the mayor ; Lower Capt, Frank Hawks : . o +f : Deceased resided at Stag Bay, d ind their margin Of in regard to certain repairs which Mark for Transcontinen- ric League Vancouver Island, where he was en- ah \merican League were necessary to equipment in|. | tal Flight ‘ Athletics w ; ‘ gaged in sheep farming idelphia Athietics WaS Gyro playgrounds. It was under-| Forty yeat ine’ Inte Die: Reda < 4 omnes } yame | 0 ears ago tne e r an- . pilin ated da half games. stood that the majority of the re- | & LOS ANGELES, July 13 Intent : the Pitt ‘son spent a year in his own vessel a eae eee Lo (quirements in tis tegatd'hax a uling in the Bering 8 | upon shattering the transcontinen- ; ing bi sealing e Bering Sea ra ire still leading by been taken care of | val flight record of eighteen hours, al umes over Chicago It was decided to hold a special ee Nara twenty-one minutes and fifty-nine IS LAID AT REST seconds, set up by Capt. Frank rtual ie between the connection with the visit to the city Hawks, Mrs. Amelia Earhart Put- of James L. Barr of Yakima, district} The funeral took place this af-\ man United States woman flying governor vternoon from the chapel of Haynor 1ce, hopped off from here yester- President William Cruickshank| Bros., undertakers, to Fairview Ce-) ay afternoon for New York, plan- metery, of Muriel King, eight-year ning to make the trip non-stop old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-\ghe js using the same plane in liam King, Ambrose Avenue, whose | which she recently flew across the death occurred a few days ago. Very, Atlantic Ocean Rev. James B, Gibson, dean of St, Halibut t Landings | j ania At Seattle Dead Cs d Tht | American 2p,000 pounds, 5.3c ar 0 $ and 2c. to 6c. and 2c. Canadian—None. American Defence, 16,000, Pacific, 6c. and Andrew's Cathedral, officiated and Cincinnati 3. Boston 3 Philadelphia 6, Thomas H, mohteven Had Served | As His Country's Representa- | Mrs, Nick Gurvich and family de- | sire to thank their many friends for) ithe kind expressions of sympathy 2c and floral tributes received during | Ethel, 5,100, Cold Storage, 5.9¢ SEATTLE, July 18—Thomas H.'their recent bereavement land 2s d. The meeting will Holderup, Norwegian consul Jere Those sending flowers were: The, Reliance, 7,500, Cold Storage, since 1906, passed away yesterday, | (Continued on Page Four) 5.3c, and 2c ’ ees D. C. Schubert and | tive in Puget Sound City 1, the regular monthly For Quarter of Century the board of school) held later this week _