o THE DAILY NEWS. Wednesday, September l8 ,t(( 1.1.' AS Red Cross Notes AU .AWT Kiddie's Clothes A GOOD RAINCOAT . yjr Tli rough ttic kind offices of the Ifow to Make Them Wear Longer of the exhibition the management cushion used by the Queen of the There is stringent need of it, as evcrv Carnival has been presented to moincr can icsiuy, in uicsc uays of tho lied Cross Society. This will mounting prices. Well did it ever Maybe an expensive bo rallied by Miss Horvik and, her occur to you that harsh, common soaps, assistants during the week. and the ordinary rub and scrub of the garment at any time .Mrs. Woodland and Mrs. Or- wash board, break down more clothes but PREPAREDNESS chatji, assisted by Miss Watson, than arc ever actually worn out in as who has just returned from use? Its so. We've studied the is the order nursing in the hospitals overseas, question. That's why will be in. charge of the sale in will the hut on Third Avenuo cn Fri of the day, you day. Sunlight Soap find one very much The thanks of the Society are extended to Joe Filion for his rapaFWTWlfll F purest and best of soaps, was first evolved, needed just now. kindness in painting the Hed VrarJD . l years oio to wash clothes gently but Cross hut free of charge. . rrjr2QD iW LL$ X thoroughly, without ruhbinjt the special Whatever be SpCJOQ (554 (j ' "Sunlight" way. , Doubly trebly useful- may Miss Johnston, stewardess on SchcOu P&&K0'L J.!" t now n war ,'mc' w,cn '',c clothes HOBBY in the the S. S. Prince Ilupert, has pre-sented tvTTZjiXftjZti fTrjj . P must last longer. your the Society with $100, being wvfl5vS-""'"""U QS" It't tarr to Jo the washing xourirlf i tho proceeds of a raffle of a of MATERIAL way paii; of socks which were knilby Mrs. Hinlon of Winnipeg, and or a STYLISH GARMENT, which were won by Mr. Tobey of this city. The warm thanks of WE HAVE IT the Society are extended to Miss Johnston for her interest in the AT work. Through the kindness of Miss $15.00, $20.00 McLeod, Regent of Hill 60 Chap ter. I. O.D.E., a cheque for 50 has been received as a donation to the Prisoners of War fund. $25.00' $30.00 ,s a result of the Labor Day sports, the following amounts which have been donated to the Society arp acknowledged with Martin O'Reilly thanks; Halibut Fishermen's Union, (15,00; Trades and Labor Council. $33.15; Retail Clerks International Protective Assocn., $25.00. 4 SYNOPSIS OF , - The sale which was conducted LAND ACT AMENDMENT last Friday in the Table Supply St. James Hotel Pre-emption now:confined to surveyed Store and which was in the cap lands Kecords only.win be granted covering only able bands of Mrs. Alexander and (UTC -gUEJ"J BF?) "Do too sabki omt sasoilstr J land suitable for agricultural purpose, Mrs. Stilwell and their assistants FIRST CLASS ROOMS I I "So.Isssss m so to m ros , uid which is non-timber land. M l I aaoa fLA YEA'S NAVY CUT Partnership pre-emptions abolished, realized the sum of $200.05 for Hot and Cold Water. kJ cwAJtrnxs. tv a but parties of not more than four roar NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with the Prisoners of War Fund. The SO par maM. snd 93 per WmL. Joint residence, but each making necessary following the of the are names improvements respective claims. on NOTICE is hereby lived that the reserve Pre-emptors must occupy claims for donors and winners: Stewart fc five rears and make Improvements to existing on. certain portions of Lou Two value of 110 per acre, including clearing hundred and five (JOJ) tad Two hundred Mobley, tea, won by Capt. P. 0 and cultivation of at least t before receiving Crown Grant. acres, sod eight (JOS), li in re Three (3), Coast Groves; Mrs. Stilwell, boudoir cap Where i a-emptor In occupation not District, surveyed and known it Lou Xellie Joe DENTISTRY less than 1 years, and has made proportionate Eleven hundred and nrtr-nioo (list). won by-Miss McDonald; of Ill-health Improvements,or other cause,he may,be because granted Eleven hundred, and sixty-one uiol) and Scott, Pyrex dish, won by Mrs. T, Intermediate certificate of improvement tjeven hundred and slur.two (1162), by Arneil; Family Shoe Store, slip orncc hours! and transfer bis claim. easun of a.notice appearing In the British F. Mrs am. to 12 1:30 p.m. to Si30 p.m. Records without ,narient residence pers, won by Iirochu; Columbia Catette of 2 Till December, 1807, may be Issued provjdeA applicant make. Improvements to extent of $100 per annum Is cancelled in order that a sale of said Lando, sack of sugar, won by Mrs DR. J. 8. BROWN to and make records Improvements-or same each year."record Failure Lou Eleven hundred and Dfty-nine (IIS). Wliite;"Mis3 JJIanche Hart, teapot, DENTIST same will operate a. forfeiture. Title- Eleven hundred and aiity-one (I Kit and won by "Fred Blitz; Mr. Emad, box OWcsi Smith Block, Third aisass, '. cannot be obtained on these claims In Eleven hundred and sixty-two (Il6f, of of candy, by Walter Ruffner; snone 4S4. lass than S years, with improvements Jfinre Three (2). Cout. District, may be won, I 19 Including & acres cleared per acre. iand cultivated, and residence o at made to the Pacific Mills. Limited. Mrs. M. Jacobson, sack of sugar, 'least 2 years. DATED at Victoria, British Columbia, won by'Mrs. Daggett; McCutcheon Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may this Silli day of June. A.D. ISIS. 811 LAUD REGISTRY ACT. 'record another pre-emption. If ha, re- Drug Co,, casserole, won by Miss ?'ulres land In conjunction with his G, It, KADES, (Sections )t and Ul.) arm, without actual occupation, pro-Tided Deputy Minister of Lands. Margaret Westman; Rupert Pool residence statutory maintained Improvements on Crown made gj anted and ,1100m, box of cigars, won by Mr. lie Application No. ?! k 7l-l. 'land.ftiunirveved areas, not exceeding 20 WATER NOTICE 1G. II. Arnott; Mrs, F. W. Hart, TAKE NOTICE thai application hat oeeo .acres, may be leased as homeeltea; DIVERSION AND USE. (box of candy, won by Miss J..II made to rtclster Nathan Louis Lando 'and .title to be obtained alter tunning residential 1 CI. K 1" ; 1 f .1: 1, Dora Schclnman as owners In fee tinder rcmari and conditions. Qiiubaic , n. J iijuiuu nuis Improvement 1 J ll'liu, twa Tax Sale Deods from the Collector of Areas For exceeding graxlng and(41 acres industrial may purposes.be leased take AOTiCt tast John m. MaeMiiun. basket, won by Miss Gladys Kemp; tbe City of Prioce Rupert, bearlnr dale itlsfylnjl aroma of these fey one person or company. nhose address Is US7 Kelson Street, Van- j0iin Killas. hnv nf cinilv. wnn hv the 11 til day of November, 1917. of ALL cigarettes their unusual richness and cool PRE'EMrTOJtS' FREE Q RANTS ACT. AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or uu to miners' Inrh-s of water nut of vo. , ...i. ui0ci ness, Iiave made them Canada's lavoritc The of this Act Is to scope enlarged tract of land and premises situate, lylnc Include all persons Joining and serving Daas Qreek.. aWih. (low norm and drains Mrs, McMullin, vase and flowery, and belov In the Municipality or the City smokes. with His Majesty's Forces. The time into Larobn Bay, Moresby island, about s won by Mrs. G. M. Hanson: Mrs. it Prince Rupert, more particularly known within which the heirs or devisees of a mil. r ,... f t . - Virginia leaves have ncTcr been blended so deceased pre-emptor may apply for and described as Lot tlevn (II), Block title under this Act Is extended from Th. n.l.- h v.... rm .h- 9 6UIU JJIVI.C, null UJ a. They twt-nty-nve ti. Section seven (7). and E skilfully or manufactured so carefully. from the death of such one year person, as formerly, until one year after the stream at a point about one-ouarter of a "oerncu, -"ir. rawian, pic- Lot thirteen (IS) Block thirty-nve (. are Ideal cigarettes. All dealers sell them. conclusion of the present war. This miie from Ita mouth,,and will be used for ture, won by Mrs. F. Nation; Mil-mlscellaneou Section eltbt ((,, Map Oil. You sr0 required privilege Is also mad. retroactive, purposes. Le. for cannery, ier8 Ciirar Store, manicnm set. to contest tbe claim of Ibe lit Enjoy them I TQWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT Includlnr Incidental thereto, water for .... , r...... . ,,. purchaser within SS days from the date ACT. dqmeaue power and boiler for cannery ' Mra' u' "ulwu -"c.'iue of tbe service of ibis notice (wnicb may today. persons Provision holding is mad.uncompleted for th. grant Agreements to purpose upon the land described ai ap- Uros., doll, won by .Mrs. P. WalltS. be effected by publication In the Dally En. to Purchase from the Crown of, plication., for lease by J. MeLarty Mac-i News, and your attention Is called to sec such proportion of th. land. If divisible, Mlllaa , It is hoDed bv the Societv lhat tion Ift of the "land Dfftsiry Act" with as the.payments already made will This notice was poated on the .round!...,, . ,, cover In proportion to the sale price of ..hii- mn amendments, and to the followinr eitracl NAVY CUT th. whole parcel. Two or more persons on the 0th day of June, if is. A copy of; . w.o therefrom; holding such Agreements may group tills notice and an application pursuant are wounueu ana suuering and In default of a earral or rerllfleate their interests and apply,for a proportionate thereto and to the "Water Act. 1U." will top us in France. Durintr the en of lis pendens betnr filed before the rr lis- allotment Jointly. If it Is not CIGARETTES considered advisable to divide the land be nied in the offlce. of the Water newrderjoyrncnt of fair wcek money or lraiuD as owner or we person enutiea un covered by an application for a proportionate at I'rtpce Rupert, I, . ...... der such las sale, all persons so served allotment, an allotment of land Obiectlons to the annllrallon mar b .'u w' grateiuiiy reciveutat will notice, .... and those clalmlnr of equal value selected from available tnrouin or unoer itwm. son a:i Dcrsons Crown lands In the locality may be Died with the said Water Recorder or with liie liul on Third Avenue. clalmlnr auy lnlerell la lbs land by virtue Ton. for made. These allotments are conditional the Comptroller of- Water !Utbt I'arlla or. any uurecisierea instrument, ana an 15 upon payment of all taxes due the persons clsimmr any tnt treat In tbe laud Crown or to any municipality, Th. ment Bulldmri, Victoria, B. C, wt'.btn THE POLICE COURT by descent whose title Is not rerislered rights of persons to whom the purchaser thirty day after the first appearance, of uuaer trie provisions or mis aci, sow oe from the Crown has agreed to ihlf notice. In a local, newipaper. ror ever rstopDea ana amrtta rroui set sell are also protected. Th. decision of line ud any claim to or In respect of the i. McLARTY MACMILLAN. Applicant. Hefore Magistrate Carss this the Minister of Lands In respect to th. land so sold for Uses, and the Registrar adjustment of a proportionate allotment Tbe daw of the fin t publication of this'morning in the police court Dick shall 'resister the person et tilled under Is final. The time for making application notice Is July tiK 118. A surlt tas sale si owner of the land so for these allotments is limited to 'ITinlilin nt Prnsnf Strool In uhise th. 1st day of May, 1J1. Any application ' old for tates.- made after will house Chief Vickers seized two WHEREAS bas been this date not be IN THE surnzME court or British AND application considered. These allotments, apply to made for a Certificate of Indefeaslbl Title COLUMBIA. barrels of mother's wine the other town lots and lands of the Crown sold at publls auction. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMiNisTRA-(jayr appeared again, lie was to im bove-mentloned lands, In tbe name Lengthen the Life of Every Sack of Your Precious For Information'apply to any Provincial TION ACT of Nathan Louis Lando aud Dora grbrln Government Agent or to charged with manufacturing an man. WHEAT FLOUR Deputy a MhiUter n. NADEN.of Land. in the matter op the estate or intoxicating liquor, being contrary AND WHEREAS on Inestlrtlnr Ibe title Victoria. R, C JAMES DACK, DECEASED. INTESTATE. to tho Prohibition Act. The mag It appears that prior to tbe 1 fill day of YOUR Kiober, 1916 (tbe date on which the said BAKING TAKE NOTICE that by order or Ills Istrate found the accused SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT. OF Honor Judte Younr, Local Judre of the guilty lands were sold for overdue taxes), you QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Supreme Court, made this t4tb day of and imposed a line of 8200 as were tbe rerlilered owner thereof. is easily managed when you have fixed on the propnr July, 1918, I was appointed Administrator determent. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE lhat II Ibe stiiules" to employ. In this tho average woman is : TAJfE NOTICE that tbe Maiset Inlet of the estate of James Dack, deceased. All John Itosfet, who was also lanie lime I shall effect registration In largely by two things, up snd Issue namely, the cereals thot are Lumber Co.. Ltd.. of Port Clements, occu parties bavlnr claims aralnal tbe said elate pursuance of .mcb. applicstlon pation aawmlft,operators. Intends to apply are hereby required to forward samo yesterday under the Idler u Act, Certificate of Indefeasible Title to tbe universally adaptable and tho. preference of the family for., permission to lease tbe followinr de properly verined to me on or before the had the charge laid against him said lands In th names of .Nathan Louis scribed lands;---. IS lb day of, Sptcmber, 19 lf and all parties by the Imperial Munitions Hoard Undo snd Dora Dcbelnman unlesj you lake Provided a Qood Basio Flour Like "ROYAL STANDARD" U Gommenclnr at a post planted at the Indebted to the. said estate are required withdrawn. This morning, he ai.t prosecute lite proper proceedings to Used You Will Find an Excellent Range of Choice In uorbeast corner of Block IS of tbe sub to pay the amount of tbelr Indebtedness establish your claim. If any, to Hie said division of Lot Ht. thence N. to der. It forthwith. produced a certificate from the Isnds, or to prevent such proposed scflon CORN FLOUIl IlYK FLOUIl mln, E. HO feet, thence n. 10 der. 9 mln, Dated tbe 0th day or Aurust, 1918, doctor to the effect that he was on my parL W. . feet, thence a. so der. 18 mln, J. IL McMULLIN, unfit for the work expected of DATED at the Land Retistry Offlce. YKM.OW COIINMEAL W, eto feet to the northwest corner of Official Administrator, Prtncn Ilupert. B.C.. this Slnd day of 110LLKU OATS Lot 1 10, Block It of said subdivision, thence Jiini in the lumber camps, on ac August, 1911. O ATM ISA L ? soulbessterly and foUowlur the hit a wtter EL'EENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF count of tho effect of wounds re II. r. MACLEOD. mark of Stewart Bay 100 feet more or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ceived In B'rance. On hearing District Rcflttrsr or Titles. less, to the point of commencement and Tu Robert Hlldebrandt, 1-rlnre Rupert, B C, contalnlnr IJ.S acres more or less. this the Hoard Immediately will), Michael Byrne, Butte, Montana., Vancouver Milling & Grain MASSCT INLET LUMBER CO LTD. TAKE NOTICE thai I, John McUrly Mac- drjew the charge, and intimated Francis Calve. Prince Rupert, ft. C, Per Fred, .lash, B, C L.8., A rent. mlllin, of Vancouver, II. C, occupation that they would see to it that the CO., LIMITED intends for canncryman, to apply permission Hted' Aprvst lOtn, Ull. 019 to lease tbe followinr described landsi man was returned to whence he HO MORE BEER Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" Commencibr it t post planted on the came in Quebec, at their expense. Rimers L-icenso u Wholesale License 12 IDS There was a wise Spear-woman south score or Laroon Bay, Moresby Island, (Special via 0. T,p. Teleffsphs.) Package Cereal lived in a shoe about one mile from tbenee its west'mouth, Captain Newcombc and officers Washington, Sent, 18,-I'n'JiL Licenses 2010 to 2013 thence south SO chains, to For her many children she know chains, tbenee north SO cbslns, tbenot of the Canadian Naval Service boat dent WJIson today signed a proc- what to do; easterly alonr the shore line to point of Malaspine are taking In the fain larnatlon prohibiting after next She made them most happy with commencement, contalnlnr 40 aercs more and It is expected will attend.Ictober i the use of any foodstuffs Wrlgley'a for all or less.JOHN McLARTY MACMJLLAN. some of the functions. The white in making beer and near beers ex-ensign Advertise in The News It kept them in trim at a cost vcr Dated June SOtb Kit. is always welcome here, 'cept malt and hops. Daily