31 SEP Piones.ORMES Chemists P.O.BOX Drufjlsts 82and200 LIMITED 1680 and THE Daily newH Good GEO.J.FBIZZEU Particular People Meats for L " Phones, 10 and 25 ' ' " - VOL, IX. NO. 210 JWNCBJUIPKnT. BtC THURSDAY, SKPTUMIIKa 10, .1916. : BIGjDRIVE PROCEEDING PRISONERS TAKEN YESTERDAY BY THE BRITISH NUMBER 6.000 MORE THAN 6,000 PRISONERS (Special KILLED rit 0.IN T.ACCIDENT P. Telctrapbt.) MUCH INTEREST TAKEN IN ARE TAKEN BY BRITISH FORCES j derson lard Nelson,was was killed Sept.seriously and 10.Murdock V. ft.injured lien Mot EXHIBITS AT FALL FAIR when an automobile went over the FRENCH ALSO DRIVE FORWARD grade two miles from Trail yesterday, TERRACE MAKES FINE SHOWING; FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES Mollard was a business ATTRACT MUCH ATTENTION PRIZE man of Trail. Henderson was the LISTS SHOWING WINNERS IN driver of the car and a resident nptnv S Defences Penetrated at Manv Points Kv A;,l TV. of llossland. SOME DEPARTMENTS Ladymlih Wolllnaton Coal re-L. " " tT8!' ?"wu i wie uauery is used so that the ma- and Counter Attacks are Kepulsed by hrench in St. " u cucea your fuel bill and atraci? 7 A8wcullural and chine does not have to work all Quentin District. utlfcf-ctlor.. Phone 15. .P. n.l,n1dust"a' AMOci.allon when ask- the lime in order to keep the light Loal Cu. ed yesterday what he thought supply going. U is undeiibJod to Tt ! U 11. T. f. Tllftptn.. about the fair said that he was that two of these outfits were sold well satisfied with the results obtained. by the firms yesterday as a reaulf 19. The British have London, September penetrated the There had been riifllrnllv of the exhibit. The firm also has enemy s defences northwest of 9U Quentin (o a depth of three TREACHERY AND MURDER !in cretlinc Iioln n iinnl fini nvmv 'some other specialties such as miles and captured more than 0,000 prisoners. The British also .thing had gone well and he babetling metal, belling, .and a . . . . . I II .1 I 11.11 I t jthougbt the results ropiuririi rrcnu i.v rtui, ucinuiibuuii nuu i uuuu .tiuu uie MARK ACTIONS OF LENINE quite justified number of other things of interest Australians have occupied Leverguier, Villercl and HargicourL the efforts. to engineers and machinists. I l.nli itkaiiiI 1 emit It tt niiiyoniipnilH h n a itr ttrrnt t I ha Terrace. Barrie'a furniture house also ' I I Ig Ql UUUU til W ft VMM V w M ''WM (IJ The exhibit thai seems to have has an attractive exhibit. He Hntish, who reached the outskirts of Yiller Guislain and occupied AND TROTSKY IN RUSSIA attracted mosl attention was the shows a fine dining-room set in Gawhlwood. Tcmpleux Le (iucrard, Ilonssoy, Kpchy and I'cizicre district exhibit from Terrace, fumed oak which Innlca iiniisn'illv hma nun lo 11 fntimi.., llm.. I..mnn ttpiiol.rn I in cr In n irrffkl lnlli This is lhe on,y di8lrict exhibit in'well and was the subject of favon-PROGRESS ...IV. UIV W w J J... w UV'II WHILE the line. PEACE CONFERENCE IS IN BOLSHEVIKS the show and it certainly indicates able comment. There is also a ai.:iig WERE SENDING AGENTS TO DISORGANIZE ARMIES hat Terrace is delivering the'white bed-room set that looks Pans. September iU. The French attack, on the right of the goods is far OF THEIR ALLY, ROUMANIA, SAYS OFFICIAL ( so as production Is pretty. Ilnlfsh in St. Quentin sector resulted in au advance of a mile and DOCUMENT ISSUED AT (concerned. If. LefonUine Is in' An all too small Indian exhibit j third along u six-mile front French troops co-operating with WASHINGTON charge of the exhibit and he is 'shows fine needlework, crocheting the Dritlsh progressed west of til. Quentin. Th'ey advanced their kept busy pointing out the excel- and basket work. The quality is Lanes two kilometers between Ilolnoti and Essigny Le Grande on (SprcUl la Tb TU O.T. P. TIrrph.) jlence of the various products and good but the quantity is lacking. unsweijng questions in regard to The work of the schools is in,. a front of 10 kilometers. They reached the outskirts of Fraucilly Waihinglon, September 10. The betrayal of Iloumania and jt The principal exhibitor in this dicaled in the exhibit in the gal- SeJemy and captured Savy Wood and FonUihcles CJcrcs. They elalmrale advance plans of Germany and her Russian tools for section Is Fred Bolder or perhaps leries It makes a good showing iiuw littld the Milllherii nnltklrfa of Y'jiiilnsrntirl. SYrjil Inm. suppressing and murdering Idval Roumanians. Russians and it might be almost as well to sav altlmneh there is nothing there drcd prisoner werelakcn in this6rraUoiiMThe French mlso Pole are exposed iu today's chf.oler of-astounding Russian secret 'Mrs. Bolder for she it was whQunusually outstanding, made progress 10 uie west or Jouy (northeast of boissons). The documents which the American Government is giving to the , .5g ?ast mldn'8ht io.eet; The following.are some of the nemy w strongly counter-attacked on the plateau to the ealP,,Wic- 0,ner installments of the series have described how the hibitors from Terrace were Geo" HOME COOKING if Aile'1 11L We drove him back and irnineci mnro nmnml I liolsiieviki leaders, I.enine and Irolsky. and their associates were Howe. Mrs. Little, n. Hnpiptf. taking IJ0 prisoners. I bought by Germans for millions in gold and engineered the Messijs. Wick, Swan, Heep and Mr?. Hunter, 1st; Mrs. Kirk- bloody overthrow of Russia for the benefit of their masters. ,L.ciontatne. mere was one ex- patrick, 2nd; Mrs. W. S. Fisher, ITALIAN ACTIVITY CRIMINALS MUST PAY Now the Mory told of how, while the Brest-Litovsk peace h,ibl1 .of very 'are ever-bearing 3rd. " """"" rau uuus . Mra' ...,r.rn,,. fnn.. dill in t.rncrrpcw nnkh.nti nV cnn.linn. FAVORS THE ALLIES CAD AI I ATRnrmK - - .MB inal attracted much attention. tMiss Georgine Hunter, Mrs. A. C. run. JILL I hired agents into Roumania to disorganize the armies of Russia's Judging Delayed. T.i'itio ally, delhrone Uie Roumanian king and turn loose German armies, In the other parts of the liall Fruit cake Mrs. D. C. Stewart, 1 Kft U O. T. P. Trtompbf.) o.vm pied there for service in a .great offensive on the west front. JudsnB aS delayed. in order that .Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, Mrs. C..V Home Sept. 19. An official A.k h i. r 11 r - - rarf, Sept. 19. Premier "15 cAuiuiio iiuui iue uueen liompr. n . ad -u from Italian head- Cle mmceau speaking i n the Charlotte Islands might be in- plain cake Mrs. II. Ness. Mrs. H arlrr s "North of Monte French Senate, last uight declared ARMY OF 4,800,000 FOR THE STATES eluded. stuff There however was a fine and lot lhe of V.ter.H. Vickers. Mr?. B. E. Web-garden the Allies must keep on fighting ,flowei were splendid. The roses' Pickled Onions "Mrs. D. McD. tftl k$ in an MTort to rtnkA trrAnml until Germany understands there NEXf GENERAfiMCH and sweel peas made a great Hunter, Mrs. H. Atkins, can be no compromise between BY JULY SAYS showing. j pickIedGherkins' Mrs. D, McD. I rilUlRPfl. 1 lift tlltmfiAf crime and right. France desires In minerals there was an in- Hunt or Uken in minor operations biv the honor of expressing her grat .teresting exhibit from the Surf Mixed pickles Mrs. William 5pwui io Tb Jif u 0. T.r. TfirTiph. .Inlet mino showing the native tween Ccsilla Vulley And Col Del ore Adams, Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. I IP1A A a . m m itude to splendid soldiers of the Washington, September 10. An nrmy of 4,800,000 by next and the processes through which; Mustard pickles Mrs. D. C. s -w mm t hntente whoso efforts are about I Jiilv. after all deductions have been made for casualties and re- ,l t';3 ' recoering me goiu. Stewart, Mrs. W. S. Fisher. " -ivw ui PUHllO ioizoia. to free the populations from the . tj , , t u en,nrged American military programme calls ero rwas a,so, ore from, thf nespberry vinegai-Mrs. Hell- subjugation of barbarism, de for. General March explained to the House appropriations today, of blister copper and some ore ,fM(.n ;nnr ively Oahlinir between ferring to German atrocities he I rccon-1 the $7,000,000,000 estimates. There I in discussing new army are fipm Granby. Mrs. D. Tovey. iiaruri. in Mm Orri n saya: "There must be no victory! UIICV, A ..vMC hiil.l. ...1 uuiihiil. was can until such criminals are made tot now about 3,200,000 men under arms, General March said, and Industrial Exhibits. j" Tomato chutney Mrs, II. AL "ml, tnemr arllllM, pay in full." thc Plan is to call 2,500,000 of new draft registrants to the colors' m tnc industrial section special m,,, Mrs. W. E. Williams. . ... ' - fi..i..j.."1UIW active alone- II. til...- between October and July. " - '-; Z:" i?lZr": UmmatK vain I M I II . ... III I II A MakI.I1. viivi.iv tit"v piauk Airs. . j. iwrcpaincK. BRIEF TELEGRAMS .shown by the Prince Rupert En-j Orange marmalade Mrs. II. t'gineering and Supply Company Atkins. Mrs. W. D. Vance. the German Bolshevik!rvgulur troops have along joined the SALVATION ARMY !jwhero the booth was lighted by .Jam Mr?. W. E. Williams, tho plant in there operation and Continued on Page 4) Volga river. It is believed that a "DCWERS" also the lights over the throne t We Still hnvp n l. nr serious pending. militury operation Is I TAG DAY were k?pt going by it. A storage tv Oulotnest prevails along tho FREE LECTURE 'Jhoso lk,pretty satin dresses left, Canadian front. SALVATION ARMY IS and 'ty ar clng at serge.very tfeveral bloody collisions oo- TO-MORROW HAVING TAG DAY The Christian Science reasonable shipment prices. Another curinl trinn and in Belgium German between soldiers Aus-re In aid of the work of the Army among- the soldiers If Society lecture on announce Christian a Science free ' of ready.to- Everyone has heard of the work cently. at the front. by John Randall Dunn TJLba8 ,camo ln ,n8l being done fun tho soldiers at the of Member of Jloard 2 uijlayj also underwfcar, Lloyd George is now convales- front by the galvalio'i Army. This) the Pe llcoal,. Lectureship of the Mother hoilery, klmo-nas. cent. . .o.iwij lllSilvuilUll IS lllilblll a Church. The First Church etc. A Hungarian oflleer tells of tho 1 iall on tho citixens tomorrow, to of Christ, Scientist, of COME AND SEE revolt of two regiments recently '(support the work and with that Prince Exhibition .. . Boston, Mass. Rupert - 2.. I I I. 1. 1 1 in Budapest. - enu iii ic uiv iiieinuers or ne i The publie is coijlinlly Ai:irlfim tronim embarked fori local organization, assisted by invited to be present at 1 fJJ,---. ' Kuropo in August numbored 313,. Closing Day and Street Carnival friends, will, .be out bright and this lecture which will be-delivered carried on BtftUh to make the collections. 000. Th-? total (eary iu the Westholme WESTHOLME J At present 800 uniformed work-' ships was 180,000. Theatre Sunday afternoon devote their entire time to1 ' of tho PROGRAMME for FRIDAY: ,crs UHIQHT Mi.mJ.i.r -nf Hie crew at 3:30 o'clock, Sept. 22. OWLY .religious and social duties. Fortfy-.! American steamer Dora, torpedo 10.30 Baby Show in Great War Veteran's LENA CAVALIERI ed and sunk on September 1, have a. m., I viniiv myiui - aiuuuiuiiucs "i,'')!'l(SIll-l AND- Ilooms. jboen rontribuled for the work of LUCIEN 5 lauded nt Irish ports. ttho army and are manned by! MURATORE Boat Race. 11 The American delegation to tho a. m., Speed Jthem.. Something like 300,000 Inter-Allled Labor and bociaiis 1 p. m., Carnival on the Strets. isoldiers nnd sailors ar catered! '" Odd no,,,,,, fM(ure conference yesterday preseuu-u 2 p. m.f Parade Starts. for weekly in the various institutions, 1 nrin,ni. 11.ni iim ronferenco en- ..... and an immense lot of 4 1 1 .ii 5.15 m., Baseball Match. p. other work is accomplished, of down by President Wilson as tho 9.30 p. m., Grand Masquerade Ball at Exhibition which there is not space to tell. B.,u!: ?h,,n, 1.. pm..niiin. . ...1.1M1 nonce may he Hall. FOR QUALITY " n miiq. estnbllehod and expecteu Good assortment nf pipes SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Jmnlntnlnod. (Gil's. tfli Food Board Licence No. 10-7340,-