day, BfPtcmwr- in, m( THE DAILY NEWS. T iur; SCIENTIFIC FIGHTER, BUT Tax Sale of City Lots NOT A BRUISEIS BURNS; r WHICH ROAD ? taxes and subsequent taxes In YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE delinquent Lists of CHAT ABOUT HIS CAREER arrears will be published In the Dally News on September ?ftth and Oct. 3rd. In the Empire on September 24th and October 1st. SALE TO TAKE PLACE OCTOBER 8th. THINKS IF HE HAD BEEN ALLOWED TO GO ON HE COULD All persons whose taxes for 1010 are till unpaid after HAVE BEATEN JOHNSON FOUGHT MANY September 25th will Incur'expense of publication. BATTLES BEATEN ONLY FOUR TIMES riKi Names of Active 8ervlce men who own property will be i ppreclated. A real hard boxing go with plenty of punch and considerable' E. D. JOHNSTON, science is the sort of thing that may be expected tonight -wheni Treasurer and Collector. Tommy Hums meets Tex. Uracken in the Westholme Theatre. THIS Tommy is a scientific fighter. A man who uses his brains 'Mi ax well as li is fists and nobody is ever quite sure what game he is! LEADS TO I ' LEADS TO going In jilay until he plays it His opponent is one of the liard BBS I hilling, bruiser kind who is good on straight boxing and if not r award Llpoctt. President Harry Lipsett. Manager outmatched by brains is likely to knock his opponent out. He has YOUR LOSS! YOUR GAIN Kdward Cunningham, Vice-President been wanting a match with Burns for some lime past and thinks he cannot be slopped in ten rounds. &Co. The two men aw something if he can. He does not belittle Lipsett-Cunningham about the same height and weight liiui for be bas learned not to probably two hundred pounds, so hold anyone cheap. LIMITED - there is bound to be some fun for Tex Uracken who arrived yes- W" FISHING A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE a little while when the game lerday with bis trainer Owen TAKE NO CHANCES ; starts. 'Fisher has fought sixty battles Steamship Supplies, Oat Engines and Accessories Told of Battles. and has won a goodly share. He Fish Netting. Twines, Lines, Hopes and Cordage Yesterday afternoon a News certainly Is no kid, neither is he. WITH FIRES PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. man called on Tommy Burns at'an opponent to be dispised. He( the Prince Iluperl Hotel and had eems to think he can not only, PUT THEM OUT HegUtered omee Prince Itupert OITlce: a chat with him. He was asleep put up a good match but deliver! Telephone No. 95 when the visitor arrived, but the goods to the satisfaction ofj 8 Water Street, Kectned quite pleancd to talk and 'the crowd. i I i Vancouver. D. C. P. 0. Box IC08 for half an hour or more be an-1 V swered questions and told about ADMIRAL MAYO, OF U.S. Don't merely smofher your coogi bis battles with the various Cham NAVY, NOW IN ENGLAND pions he had met. rvmri rrt Mstnicn ajrwp of Tar tu Cod Urer OU not our I lllCl II w-cxhdGt rreru COTjrWir, bat thmti to ititosk mil Asked what he really thought London, Sept. 18. Admiral WMJU Mtrcortheniiir Mcrtkitbdptbc7alcsifea P of the boxing game, Burns said Mayo, of the United Stales navy, fW cold and thai effect pcrmAscat ear. It i thil qrjility vbkk Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 be thought every boy should learn jhas arrived in Great Britain from Bsk Urift mil ot u coagh aad eotd rcaacdj la Canixa. 10 vox, as li aeveiopea nis ooay.uie united stales. JSC haOUt, tmijtmii. I and bis brain, taught him to JL L StATSXSO C. f If. SBBBSMBX IVS Prince Rupert think and act quickly,-gave bim Gel your envelopes at The News self confidence, and taught him Print Shop. Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors to keep his temper. Besides that it prevented bim being a sissy. for Electric Wiring and Complete j- Dtimates furnished The art of self defence, be said, Plant Irutallationa was more in favor now than it Northern B.C. Representatives bad been for many years. In nearly every country today boxing Canadian Westinghouse ' was being taught, and it was A., I1UII1HWW Lamps. 4fc found to be beneficial. Goodyear Tire& Rubber Mechanical Kubber Goods,Ho His Waterloo. Co., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. Tellintr of the lime when be met his Waterloo. Burns said Canada Wire & Cable lUre and Insulated Copper. that he thought if the police had Co., Montreal Steel and Ima Wire. not intervened he would have NOTICE! Domestic Engineering- "Delco" Light Products eventually knocked Johnson out. Isolated Electric IUnU lor tie bad punished him a good Co., Dayton deal and the next day it was Pelton Water Wheel Co. Watet-Whecl and . found that Johnson bad two of "San Francisco " Hydrvulic Apparatrs his rjbg broken. His friends (and To United States Citizens in Canada Pacific Coast Pipe Co. all the neonle of Australia were Vancouver Wood Steve Pipe, Tanks, etc his friends' thought he was getting the worst of it and they were Dodge Manufacturing TrnoaIn shStta1' afraid be would be beaten up too By the United States Military Service Convention Regulations, f Co., Toronto Harca.r. badly, whereas be was Just wearing approved by the Go vernor-in-Council on 20th August, 1918, Male be Citizens of the United States in Canada, within the ages for the Johnson ouL Pretty soon f A line of H'etinrhouc Motors, Lamps and other Elec would have rome back. time being specified by the Laws of the United States prescribing trical Equipment and Gao Jyear B jlting carried in stock "I have won a good many compulsory military service, except those who have diplomatic exemption, are made subject and liable to Military Service in Canada, through using bead," matches my and become entitled to exemption or discharge theiefrom, under the "When I fighting T-miny. was said Canadian Laws and Regulations. The regulations governing this Billy Allan I was getting l!i liability are published in the Canada Gazette (.Extra) of 21st Aug., orot of it. when I suddenly bit 1918; copy whereof may be obtained upon application through the on a Dlan which I thought would post to the Director of the Military Service Branch of the Department S. S. PRINCE RUPERT win. and it did. I pressed him all of Jnstice at Ottawa. around the ring, taking a good United States Citizens of the description aforesaid who were in OH deal f punishment but tiring Canada on 30th July, 1918, have fcixty days from that date within bim out. Then suddenly I chang which to exercise an option to enlist or enroll in the forces of ths S. S. PRINCE GEORGE back and ed my tactics, stepped United States, or to return to the United States; and those who for struck ham and the result was any reason subsequently become liable to Military Service in Canada SAILING. Just what I expected." hare thirty days from the date of the accruing of such liability It is no good to rely on any one within which to exercise the like option. It is stipulated by the MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, of attack, Tommy thinks. plan Convention also that certificates of diplomatic exemption may be Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. He sbts that the short arm jab granted within the optional periods aforesaid. Every citizen of the MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. is the mosL effective stroke as it United States to whom the regulations apply is required to report gives the opponent no notice of to the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, for the province S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. what is coming. To lunge nacx or district within which he is. in the manner by the regulations Alternating Weekly u Queen Charlotte Islands. is to give notice of the blow. It prescribed, within ten days after the expiry of his optional period, in ey to learn to throw the body and will be subject to penalties if without reasonable excuse he fail TRAIN SERVICE behind the short stroke and make bo to report For the information of those whom, it may concern. fj-e-war Moaor, wcdnksday ari4sTUDAV aitl:)0tJn. for smiuwr it tell even more than the other Sections 3 and 4 defining the requirements of registration, with Oeorr. EOtootiloo tad Wlnnlprs, mtklnr dlrwl rwiaeettons for all kind of blow. which it will be necessary strictly to comply, are set out substantially point .lit imI souia. Burns is a sergeant in the First as follows: Depot Battalion at Vancouver and REQUIREMENTS For Information and reservations apply to he has been instructing a class in I. Erery m&le cltixen ot the United States witMn the acea for the Umt Q. F. JOHNSTON rii- o... a ti.l.i boxing at Victoria. He will aUo belnr specified In th laws of the United States prescribing compulsory city Ticket omce, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 2G0 probably teach the boys who are military service, sot Including- those who haTe diplomatic exemption, within to ten days after the expiry of the time limited by the Convention within which how Siberia jul going to the Qovernment ot the United States may lsue htm a cerUDcate ot diplomatic handle themselves. exemption, shall truly report to the Itedstrar by registered post, and Sixty-Six Contests. In writing- which la plainly legible, his name In full, his occupation and the The ex-champion has fought date ot his birth; stating also whether he Is single, married or a widower: and If the Utter, whether he has a child living, also If married, the date ot 60 contests and lost four. Three his marriage; and stating, moreover his place ot residence and usual post-o nf them weno at the time when trice address In Canada; and. It he reside within a city or place where the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY he was in the middleweight class streets and dwellings are named and numbered, the name and number ot his and the only defeat since be became street and dwelling; or It be reside In another place, the lot and concession when he number, section, township, range, and meridian, or other definite description a heavyweight was whereby his place ot residence may be located, having regard to the custom Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points fought Johnson In Australia ten ot the locality In which be lives; and If without reasonable excuse he via Steam w to Vancouver and the years ago. For two. years he was neglect or tall to report In the manner and with the particulars aforesaid, Canadian heavyweight champion, defeating within the time limited as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of an offence, and Pacific Railway who beat FiUgibbon; shall be liable upon summary .conviction to a penalty not exceeding Five Meals O'Brien, Hundred Dollars, and to Imprisonment for any term not exceeding -six and Berth included on Steamer Gunner Moier, champion of England; months, and moreover, he shall Incur a penalty ot $10.00 for each day after Jim rioache, the Irishman; the time when or within which he should have registered during which be FOR Jewey Smith, tho South African shall continue to be unregistered. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE champ.: Bill Squires, of Australia, e. Every United States cltixen who bas diplomatic exemption, although fv?,'NC.".V,0rM' "' be met at Frisco, and Bill not otherwise subject to these regulations, shall within ten days after the whom ,rom Mure Rurrt Rerlemtwr nth,!" granting ot the same truly reportto the registrar, in like manner and with " th tnd tun. Lang who beat Jack Johnson. the same particulars as required by the last preoedlag section; and In addition Burns is only 5 ft 7 inH but he be shall embody in his report a true and complete statement of the ri'tCMMH' JUNt. WRANOtLL, SKAOWAV, ALASKA has fine shoulders, keen eyes particulars of his certificate ot dlplomatlo exemption. Negleot or failure $0rHI and he without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements ot this section " look at square, 'otiNi from ml which you l'Mnw Huprrt Srpiembrr th. ' and the shall constitute an offence punishable In the manner by penalties active as ever bo was. Perhaps is section. provided la the last preceding he has too much weight, but he ima already trained down 27 lbs. Issued by tho Department of Justice, Military Service Branch. W. C. 0R0KARD. Qanar.l since he has been in tho camps. Fou,tl He says that this is no spacing Street end Third Avenue. Prc. Rupert. ti.C ..i.ihitlmi that ho is giving but ,he intends to trim bis opponent i