THE DAILY NEWS. Thursday, 8cple,nlier IBla JtKGlSniV ACT. LAND MUCH INTEREST ScctM)t'J n.1 111.) IK Application No, t8-l mi l, BORSAUNO IN EXHIBITS TAKE NOTICE Ul application tin Men imd t resmer Nathan Louia Undo au bora icbnlnmen 11 owners In fee Under I Do r-LAYXR-S V CIGARETTES. Tk.1, d.,SJ two Tat Sale needs from th Collector of 271 ""nmaPl ntrac,m.lM m Ln fancy I , AT FALL FAIR tbe City of rrlnce Kuporl, bcafinr dele Fl r1 dP A nenEnliBd.- J J J the llh day qf November, 19 IT, of ALL AND Sl.NOl'LAIt that certain parcel or I trad of land knd prtmlws situate, lying Continued Hrom Page Cue. and being In Ihe Nuiitrlrlr or the Qtr of rrlnce Itnpert. more parUeulaily known Is the most pop- Mrs. H. Hellman, Mrs. (J.' W. Ho twrnty-Bve nd decrlld ill).as Lot Section elecn seven 17.Woe ami mer. Lot thirteen (IK Mock thlriy-flve (II). Strawberries Mrs Wni Adams bee Hon tirht i8j. Nip 911. You ar0 re- conteil the culm or the tax If fl I Tl Ha.T aTi..,AaWaV7 JTlLV.' V i'sjt WTi f iHa I V Mis. V. D. Vance. quired to wlibtn It daya from I he due ular the W. J. Kirk purchaser Hat Ilaspbcrrles -Mrs. on of the service or ton notice (which May palrick, Mrs. 11. Hellman. U, cirectcd by publication. In tlie Duly Cherries Mrs. Wni. AdauM, Nee. and your tlenUou U calkd to mc tf. n r.-ii Hon J J or me "una pttistry aci v.. amendments, na to the following eitrtel Plums Mrs. U. W. Nalcntinc, Herefrom market to-day. Mrs. H. H. Shockley. .inrt tn deriult of i carcet or certificate Pear Mrs. D. McD Hunter, of ' pendens bcinc filed be Tore the rem- Mrs. iw N. Naleiltine. der tucb m sale, ail persons o served Peaches-Mrs. Herb Hampton. ,.0.11,5 Mrs. 1). G. Stewart clalininr any Intereit In the land by vlrtwl Pickled Pears Mb E. X. Vat mI persons any elatmlni tmretisierea any tntereat intirunieni,In the ana land iu The mild, but remarkably , It has adurability and distinctive entitle, Mrs. V. K. Williams. by descent whose title la not rertslered -mmm-n .aw it ii under the provisions of this Act. ahall be satisfying nroma of theso TomatoesMrs. l. McD. Hun for errr estoDned and debarred front ael- llnr up any claim to or In reaped of tnel cigarettes their unusual richness and cool, style not to be had in ler. Mrs. II. Atkins. land so aold for taxes, and the Reaiatrarl hare made them Canada's favorite new, any nnlloollnn nt. 10 vnrilii-a. Mix. ahall rctlater tbe pcraon entitled underl .. ..... ... nr nt ihj. l.nrt K iV. Valentine, Mrs. W. J. Kirk- old for uses." smokes. 'other make. No matter what Patrick. Mrs. II. Atkins, and WllUiEAS application La been Virginia leaves have never been blended to Huckleberries Mrs. t McD. ade ror a Ceruncate of Indtfcurble Title skilfully or manufactured so carefully. They ..u...,.,,II.,!.-.. lra t n w ...V v.,. ,nf w u v.ih,uwirratnuraH tnni. I anffi uuui,.ml nnrs w iih flrheln-uu are Ideal cigarettes. All dealers sell them. size, shape or color you may desire Blueberries Mrs. II Hellman, min. Enjoy them miss uerntcc raimcr. ajmd whereas on lnteatiieuor tbe uu have it in Borsalino at (liyinberries Miss D. Tovcy, ppcrt that prior w lm day of we a Mr I' IIMImm i ictooer, I via (ine aaie on wmrn tne ava . , Ilands were aold for overdue lairah you m..u Huapucirjus .ura. were ihe rerlaiered owner thereof. .uclf. iiunter, airs. a. itcroer. I ri'ItTIIEft TAKE NOTICE thai It the T i-NAVV CUT $7.00 each Collection wild fruits Mrs. K.laanie time I ahall effect rtilatratloo In I Hellman, Mrs. D. McD. JIunter, P" ' n PPeaUon and Uaue ... a Cerlincatc or Indereailble Title to the CIGARETTES iuiss u, tovey. aald landa In the naiuea or Nalban Loula Embroidery, Fancy Work, Etc. Lando and tore seneinman unleas you ule . ... ... . ... ... and prosecute the proper proceedinrs to - ""omcs rucnev worn; M,.LI1ih your claim. lr anr. ta the aald Ibn. for 15 Martin O'Reilly In 12 inches, two Mrs. II, S,hands, or to prevent such proposed action I (Woods, .Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. Jon my Prt. Spiv 2 Trnv ilnlh Mm. J. K.I DATED at the Und Registry Office, PrlhCd Rupert. B.C.. this ttnd day of I Doddie, Mrs. W. D. Vance. August, 1918. Sec. 3. Tea cloth (white embroidered) II. F. MACLEOD, Mrs. H. Atkins, Mrs. District Registrar of Titles. 8YNOP8I3 OF .j. W. D. Vance. To Robert llildebrendt. Prince Rupert, B. &. w LAND,ACT AMENDMENT I Sec. 4. Lunch cloth with six Michael Byrne, Butte, Montana.. Francis Calve, rrlnce Rupert, B. C. . Pre-emption now confined to surveyed liapkins Mrs. W. J. Kirkpalrick. Unas only. Records will be granted covering- only Mrs. O. Wick. ,)ii.,i,i.t..,..,.i,ui,.,Karv'W'' l!,fn"NW'AJW- . . Und suitable for and which Is non-timber agricultural land. purposes Sec. 5. lied spread Mrs. O; Partnership pre-emptions abolished. Wick. . . bui. pariies 01 noi more man rour ma; NOTICE OF If You Would Succeed arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. Sec. 0, Centre piece in silk 1 Joint residence, but each making- neces SSrr fniDroTmnfi on rMitMtlv. flalm. embroidery Mrs. Thompson of NOTICE Is hereby given that the Pre-emptors must occupy claims for reserve 1 Ave years and make Improvements to exIsUor on certain portions of Lots Two Terryice, Mrs. W, D. Vance. i and value cultivation nt 110 per of least Including-6 acres,dealing be-? hundred and five (I0SJ and Two hundred Sec. 7. Centre piece In white fore receiving Crown Grant. and elfht (108), Hange Three (3. Coast work Mrs. W. I). Vance, Mrs. W. ::Be:: Where t a-emptor In occupation not Dlttrlci, surveyed and known as Lota. Two Questions i less than 2 years, and has made propor-tlonate Eleven hundred and nrty-ntno Miss). Perkins. r of Ill-health improvements,or other cause,he may,bet because granted Eleven hundred and sixty-one itlSII and Sec. 8. Towels, one pair Miss t. Intermediate and transfer his certificate claim. of Improvement Eleven hundred and slity-two tilt!), by rVnnie Lunbere, Mrs. D. McD. eason or a notice appearing la the British Records without permanent residence HOnter. t may be Issued provided applicant makes Columbia Caiette or J7IQ December, 1907, on With low-priced i Improvements to extent of flOO per an-.' Is cancelled. In .order that a sale of said Sec. 9. Sofa pillow, embroidered so many lire,turn to and make records ImDrovements same each year.or- record Fall- Lois Eleven hundred and fifty-nine (l US). Mrs. W.J. Kfrkpatrick, Mrs i same wiu operaie aa forfeKure. Titls r.ieven nunarea and sitly-one 411611 and Hugh A. Harris. so-called anti-skids obtainable, canaot be obtained these claims In on Eleven hundred and sitly-lwo (I16j lAJIS than K T,in. with mnmnn.nti rf .. . Sec. Time , Tnrce (3), (.oast District, be 10, IMn cushion Mr?. W. 110 Der acri. Includlna- S acrea claxd may would and cultivated, and residence of at nude to tbe I'aclfle Milts Limited. Perkins, Mrs. J. K. Hoddle. that great host t lease z years. DATED at Victoria, British Columbia, Sec. it Filet crochet (three Pre-emstor holdhnor Crown Ctrant miv 4 record another pre-emption, if he r-I this !Stb day or Juni-. A.D. J0IS. SIS of motorists for pieces) Mrs. W. J. oulres land In conjunction with his O, R. .NADE.N, Kirkpalrick, pay more -. farm, without actual occupation, pro-i Mrs. W. A. Wattle." Deputy Minister of. Lands. land.Tided residence statutory maintained Improvements on Crown made gianted and Sec. 12. Hardangcr work Buy Your Watch from Dunlop "Traction" Tread Unaurvsyed areas, not exceeding 20 WATElt NOTICK Mrs. Thompson (Terrace', -Mrs. i title acres,to may be obtained be. leased after as fulfilling homesltes;rest, DIVERSION AND USE. O. Wick. if they could its merits c dentlal and improvement conditions. Sec. 13. Ladies' underwear (3 BULGER get For graxlng and Industrial purposes, areas exceeding (10 acres may be leased TAKE NOTICE that John M. MacMlllan. pieces) - Mrs". W. D, Vance, Mr. by one person or company. ,wnose aaaress is 1857 Nelson Street, Van-, elsewhere ? W. D. Cornish. ' PRE.EMPTORS FREE GRANTS ACT. eouver, will apply for a licence to lake and Expert-:- Watchmaker The scope of this Act is enlarged to juse to miners' Inches of water out of Sec. 15.-.Home made nips Include all persons Joining and serving 1 naas Creek, which flows north and drains Mrs. Dan Porter, Miss Annie Lun-berg. -t with Ills Majesty's Porcos. The time Also, would that other . Into within whl.1. V. k.lH A. J 1- -. Lagoon Bay, Moresby Mland, about 3 i deceased pre-emptor may apply for J tulles from Sew ell Inlet. ivl .r.. L X "tended from Tbe water will be diverted from the Sec. iC, Knitting one pair each large list of car owners buy as formerly, until one year after- the stream at a point about one-quarter of a socks and stockings Mrs. J. conclusion of tbe present war. This 'mile from Its mouth, and will be uedTor Wells, Mrs. Wm. Keith.' if " privilege is also made " 1 retroactive. I miscellaneous purposes, Le. for cannery. a. o. WALKER SPECIAL Sec. 17 Knitted sweater Mrs: TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT ucjuuiiis uiciaeuui aiir r PIANO TUNER domestic power and boiler"for Win.. Keith. cannery lTovision is made for the grant to Phone Blue 399 p. o. Boa 2M if tires which somewhat i iicnwnj noiaing uncompleted Agree rurpose upon the land described as ap- Sec. 18, Knitted man's s!mivo- j dents to Purchase from the Crown of purauon mr irae Oy i. MCUrty M4C!lo Iteerence: Any Music TraeSer at t utn iirumriioa vi me tana, ir ainslble, Mlllan. tinn r .11 I S, H. A. Harris; Musician In rrlnce rtupert. i as the payments already made will This notice -was Sec. 20,Tca cloth in bracket resemble it m appearai - cover in proportion to the sale price of posted on. the ground ' wnol parceL .Two or more persona on tbo iOlh day of. June, 1 9 II. A copy of work Mrs. ilary Fotos. Mrs.' J. . holding such Agreements may group this notice and an application, pursuant O. Weston. . ' resembled it in efficiency? m"" mr a .'"allotment "4'r proportionate mere 10 ana to me water Act. 1914." will ,t Jointly. If It is not : considered advisable to divide the land be n led In the office of the Water Recorder Sco. 21 Sofa pillow in crof.het . covered by an application for a propor-. at Prince fiupert. workMrs. W. A. Watlic. Mh A" tlonate allotment, an allotment of land St. James Hotel Objections to the application . omuu niui aeieciea xrom available mar be Mary Fotos. y' L-rown isnos in the locality may be Died with the tild Water Jlccordcr cr with uwue. intn auounenis are conditional the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parlia See. 22. One pair pillowslips (LATE "QUECrll-J rZn own P,rnjent or to any;of all due Tbe the ment Buildings, Victoria. B. C. within Mrs. W. D. Vance, Mrs. II. S, FIHST CLASS ROOMS H WW J) IKAL - niuu chafer from ui perBona 10 wnom the pur- thirty days after tbe Drst appearance of Woods. ; Hot and Cold Water. the Crown has agreed to this notice. In., local f fSU ff.e Ai"0 Proeeted. The decision of . McLARTV a newspaper. Sec 23, One Dresser scarf- 50e par Night, and lT'psrWsa. s!i Mln,st'r of Lands In respect to the MACMILLAN. Applicant , y"uuiH w av proponionaie allotment Tbe date of tbe first publication of this Mrs. JV Perkins, i ' if tlon fln5L for these Tna tlm allotmenu or making Is limited applies,to notice it July tn. 19 J B. At Sec. 21, One dresser scarf iu. i.i uy m ay, his, Anyappllca. (crocheted) Mf?. W. J. Kirk tlcn made after this data will not K. ' ! fonsldered. These allotments apply to IN THE SUPREME COUIAT OP BIUTISJI palrick, Mrs. W. D, Vancn. Lengthen the Life of Every Sack of Your Preoloui ' r .uu uiiihioi ui wrown eoia COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMIXISTIIA Sec. 25, Table runner Mrs, DENTISTRY WHEAT FLOUR 1 For ' uwTvriiincni Information ABDl.applr or to any lo Provln- TION ACT J. Director, Mrs. J. K. Doddie. O. R, NADEN, and Sec. 20Embroldered blouse orncE nouns YOUR BAKING Deputy Minister of Lands, W THE HATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Victoria. B. C AMES DACK. DECEASED, INTESTATE. Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrfck. a.m. lo 12 1i30 p.m. te Bi30 p.m. TAKE NOTICE that by order f Ills Sec. 27, Daby's dress (em DR. J. 8. DROWN is easily managed wficn you havo fixed an tho prop- S Ck'EENA LAND QUEEN CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ISLANDS.DISTRICT OF Honor Judge Young, Loral Judge or the broidered) Mrs. II, fl. Woods. DENTIST btiliites" to employ. In this Uio average worn n :! July,Supreme 1918,Court,I was made appointed this Administrator(tb day of Mn. W. D. Vance. Offlcei Smith' Block, Third' Avsnu. largely by two things, namely, the cereals tii take NOTICE that the Massel Inlet or the estate of James Dack, deceased. All Specials. Phone 4S4. universally adaptable and the preference or lh1 t Lumber Co., Ltd., of Port Clements, occu parties baring claims against tbe aald ea- patlon sawmill operators Intends to; apply ate are hereby required to forward same Crochet work Mrs. M. It. Jam- Provided a Good Basic Flour Llko "ROYAL STANDARD" n tor permission to lease the following de properly verified to me on or before the ieson, Mrs. Sherman. Used You Will Find an Excellent Range of Cho(ca In asenped lanisi is in day or sptember. 1918. and all Dir. Painted sofa pillow Mrs. K. commencint; at a post planted at the ties Indebted lo tbe said estate are re COUN ri.OUIl Love. PasDi Cicea 156 P.O.ra 120 IIYB I'LOUU t northeast corner of Block 35 of' the sub quired to pay the amount of their Indcbt Division or Lot 746, tbence N. to der.. IS edness forthwith. - Oil painting- In silk, Mrs. Stock- -YKU.OW COUNMKAh imin. E. eso feet, thenee N, 10 der. 9 mln. Dated the 9th day or August, 1918. land. mm sbros. rt l s . itoLn:i) oats flW, vte.t feel, thence 8. to der: It mln, J. II. MCMULLIN, Handkerchief ' OATMEAL W. 50 feet to tho northwest corner of Official Admlnlstrstor. Mrs. W. D. Lot 10, Block 3 or said subdivision, thence Vance. Dealers in k (outbeasterly and following tbe high water 6KEENA LAND Ded spread (handwork) Miss DI8TIUCT DISTMCTi OF Vancouver .mark or,Stewart Eay 1900, feet, more or gUEEN CHAftLOTTE ISLANDS. Annie Lunberer. Milling & Grain less., to tne point of conuoenceuent and Wall Paners .containing IT.8 acres more or less. Table clothi (handwork) --- Miss CO,, LIMITED MAS9ET INLET LUMBER CO, LTD, TAKET NOTICE that I, John MeLsrty Mac- Annlo Lunberg, Millers of the Famous "Rnvnl Strmdnnl Flour" 4 rer Fred. Nash, B. c L.8., Agent, mlllan. of Vancouver, 0. C, occupation Knitted slippors ICiA. Mrs. ,ated August 10th, 1918. 019 canneryman, Intends to apply for pernila-Hon MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE Millers License 139 r icnnsn l to lease tbe following described landai llarrie. STOCK In THE NORTH rncKago Cereal Licenses 2010 to 2013 Coiumenelng at a post planted on the Plctuijii frame embroidered There was a wise Spear-woman south shore of Lagoon. Bay, Moresby Is. Mrs. I. Director. Prompt and Caroful Attention . . lived in a shoe land, about one mile from Its mouth, Given to Out of Town Tray embroidered thence, south .30 .chains,, t hence west fu Mrs. I, IDI. Orders. Samples 80rit Woe her children she knew jn many chains, ibence north to chains, thence rector. i t what to do; raiterly along tbe shore line to point of Cross stitch centre Ileijuost. 8ho made them most happy with commencement, containing 40 acres mori'i. Director piece Mrs. FULL LINE OF PAINT8, .k . . . .a .. r. i a -WricJey's.for all nuvci uoc m i iie jLniiv john; Mclakty MAcviLLAN, ' o teo .aprorui Mrs, U Direc KAL80MINE, ETC. It kept them In trim at a cost very Dated June tOtb 1918, tor. , Tt.. D- .1 . . ... J . i a io i apcr mat gets quick KetW