The Daily News MADE IN . MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA-Published CANADA For the East. WRKLEYS Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat Printinjr and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. urdays at 9:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Six irs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 p.m. a City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month,75c, reasons HMMT m cqod TTlPrvA Vancouver: By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. For HF -wiry; 10ip. m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays Sundays ...5 p.m. " ..' 10 p.m. " Thursdays Telephone 98. Saturdays .m 1 Steadies nerves TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. From Vancouver 2 Allays thirst Contract Rates on application. Sundays 10 p.m. Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. MM 3 Aids appetite DAILY EDITION. Saturday, Sept. 21, 1918. Saturdays ......... 10:30 a.m. 4 Helps digestion For Anyox: 5 Keeps teeth ciean Work of Churches Suudays ...... ........10 p.m Under Discussion. Wednesdays 10 p. m 6 It's economical Saturdays 10 p. in. A visitor to The News ofllce a day or two ago was discussing the work of the churches in this city"and expressed the opinion From Anyox: that most people quite understood the plan of salvation, but that Salvation Army. Tuesdays there was little practical effort made here to provide recreation I'ubllc meetings, Tuesdays Thursdays ... ... a.m. and menial stimulus for the young men, work which might well IlhurMlayt, and Saturdays at 8 Sundays ............. p.m. n. Suudays at 7:30 p. m. .retbtOelMMMMW. come within the scope of the churches. He went on to say that For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei the churches were to a large extent neglected because they did There is character in printing points: HMMH MMMMMMMMi T - HMHHHHHHh. not keep up to date and lead the young people instead of following ust as there is character; in peo Sundays 10 p.m. sailors up,''jBk I de. At The News Print Shop and acting rather as a drag on them. hey do the kind that brings bust From Port Simpson and Naas The conversation was interesting, especially in view of the fact that fl came from a.leader in church work who was realizing icss. River Points: Sealed how little the church really counted in the life of the community. LAND IlEdlSTIlY ACT Tuesdays ..a.m. ahf- (Section S and ISi.) yjggm He had been looking around and siring things up, and had come Queen Charlotte Islands: to the conclusion that everything was in the melting pot, and the Be Applieaion So. 101181. File seo For Maosutt, Port Clements and church was in danger of being thrown aside as dross, unless she TAKE nOTICE Uut application lias btti Upper Island points: riant MSm made to register Brenton O. Moore and adjusted herself to the changing conditions. He was. beginning nor L Moore of Prince Rupert. B.C. Vednesdays A. p. m to that there owner In fee tinder a Tax Sale Deed from see was no real difference between religion and life the Collector of tbe city or Prince nupert, From Matset, Port Clements and and that-when religion did not affect the life it was of little value. bearing date tbe Jlln day of Sovember, Upper Island points: It 17, or ALL AD Sl.NGULAn that certalo 8ibria Attracting parcel or tract of land and premlMS slto ridays, p. m. many Recruits., ate, lylnr and belnr in tae Municipality tbe City or Prince Rupert, more partlcu An effort is being made throughout British Columbia to recruit Urly known and described as Lot eighteen For Skldegate, Queen Charlotte (18), Block eltbteen (IS). SecUon City and Lower Island points: for a batttdion which is to be sent to Siberia to take part in (6). City of Prince Rupert, Map ttS. You aturdays 8 p. in. the campaign there. That country being almost unknown to us art required to contest tbe claim or tbe lai purchaser within Si days from tne date and the nearest point on the coast of Asia is very attractive. It or tbe service of tbls notice (which may From Skldegate. Qucvn Clinrlotlo is the country with which Prince Rupert will do business after te effected by publication), and your at City and Lower Island points lion Is called section of tbe "Land ten to 14 the war for there is no doubt that it will hereafter be thrown open heflMry Act" with amendment, and Tuesdays. Chew it after every meal to foreign trade. There will be great commercial opportunities the fallowing extract therefrom: And In default of a caveat or certificate For Skagway and tne Yukon. f2 there and the present is an opportune "time to get acquainted of Its pendens belnr Died before tne reels Every ten days. with iL irauon as owner or tne person entitled un The Flavour Lasts! der such tax sale, all.persons so served There cannot be nun nouce. .... ana inose clausing From Skagway and Yukon. many men available for overseas service in throurb or under litem, and all persons this city, but apparently there are a few and already these are or claiming any unregistered any Interest In instrument,tbe land tor ana virtue Every ten days. joining the new battalion. ' persons claiming any Interest in tbe land Subscribe for The Newi by under descent tbe provisions wbose title or this is not Act,registered snaU be Advertise In the Daily News. Daily Better Accommodation ror ever estopped and debarred rrom setting For Indian up any.claim to or In respect ef tne land Visitors. so sold for iaxes. and tne Registrar snail register J be person entitled under aueh There have been a thousand or more Indians"taking' hdliday tax sale as owner of tbe land go sold for in tnis city during the last few days. They have spent a lot of taxes AXD" 'WHEREAS application has been T money here and have been welcomed by everyone. Unfortunately mad for a Certificate of indefeasible Title o tbe above-mentioned lands. In tbe name however has there, been so little accommodation here that some r Brenton O. Moore and Roy L. Moore. 'The food crisis is and oi tnem nave fared rather badly in that respect No rooms or AD WHEREAS on investigating tbe grave urgent, beyond possibility hotel accommodation title it appears that prior to tbe llth day of Sir Robert Borden could be secured in many cases and in th or October, 191 (tbe date on which tbe exaggeration." day time there has been no place where they could go when the aid lands were sold for overdue taxes) you were tbe assessed owners thereof. weather was wet as it was on Wednesday last FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat at tbe In view of the mutual benefits to be obtained from these same time I shall effect registration In pur suance of sucb application and U.ue City and Town Labor visits of the native population of the northern districts it has been Certificate or Indefeasible Title to tbe said suggested that on any future occasion, when a large number are lands In the name or tlie aforesaid parties expeciea, some provision should be made the unless you tike and prosecute the proper for by city housing proceedings to establish your claim. If any, Must Save ineni, not so much in the way of providing sleeping accommoda to tbe said lands, or to prevent sucb pro- Msed action on ray part won as in providing snelter during rainy weather. The visitors Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince feel that they would like to have some place to which they could Rupert. B.C., tills ih day or September, A. D. IBIS. The Food Situation go wnnoui leenng mat they were intruding. H. P. MACLEOD. Some of the cafes in town have kept 6pen house for the District Registrar or Titles. To Wslter 0. Jndians and but for this they would have had a rather poor time Robert Williams,Laurie, on Wednesday and other nights. The matter is worth thinking William Jones, '"PHE heart of the food production problem is labor, and the aooui wiui a yiew to action. Prince Rupert, B. C heart of the labor problem is the city dweller. City people SKEENA LA.D CASSIAR.DISTRICT DISTRICT OF must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support TAKE notice that Oranby Consolidated of our soldiers and Allies. Mining. Smelting & Power Co., Limited, or nyox. B. C. occupation mining and smelt Men who are needed on farms must come from the citie3 and Tax Sale of City Lots tog lease intends tbe following lo apply described for permission lands: to towns there is no other source. The Provincial Departments commencing at a post planted at the S.W. corner or Lot I lis, Casslar District of Agriculture co-operating with the Canada Food Board, can thenre southwesterly 40 chains following place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. Lists of delinquent taxes ard u'frn water mark, lo tbe S.E. corner of Loi subsequent taxes In (98: thence south 10 chains ti law They are needed at once. arrears will lie published In the Daily News on September mark; lattice northeasterly 40 chains foi 28th and Oct. 3rd. In the Empire on September 24th and lowing low water mark; thenre north 10 Those who chains, to tbe place of beginning and con remain at home must also Grow Food October 1st. SALE TO TAKE PLACE OCTOBER 9th. Mining 40 acres more or less. All whose taxes ORANBY CONSOLIDATED MININO SMELT A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will persons for 1918 are still unpaid after ISO & POWER COMPANY. LIMITED September 25th will Incur expense of publication. II I. Fred Rltcble. AgniL man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to grow Date, July eth, 1911. is on a farm. But War Garden more food for export. .Names of Active 8ervlce men who own property will service is needed from those who be appreciated. The vegetable offers can do no more. garden an opportunity for service to men E. D. JOHN8TON, , LUMBER Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make it impossible Treasurer and Collector. produced on city land by for them to work on a city labor,will be a positiveaddition farm, to women, to boys and girls Agents for to the food supply. Home Garden to city people generally. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. rrrrffff it jjjirrn Be a Food Producer This Year Edward Lipsett, President Harry Llpsett, Manager and Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Hastlnp'a Saw Mills If there is a garden or vacant lot movement in your community, associate yourself with it. If no organization COAL exists, do what you can to interest your Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. neighbours in the War Garden campaign. Agents for Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture LIMITED J Naialmo Wellington Coal for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. FISHING A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE and HARDWARE , Yellowhead Coal CANADA FOOD BOARD Steamship Supplies, Oat Engines and Accessories Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Complete line of PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. BUILDING; MATERIALS Director of Director of neglstered; Office: Prince llupert Office: Albert 5 Production Agricultural Labor Cbainnari C8 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 McCaffery, Lid. Vancouver, D. C. P. O. Box 1698 Wharf Ofllce, Phone B64 (In Co-operation with,the Provincial Departments of Agriculture.) 23 'r' Office Second Avenue, Phone 118 a. (i