Saturday, glernlerjl THE DAILY NEWS. BY LOCAL NEWS NOTES ; FOOTBALL GAME WAS I TORTURED ! PLAYED TO DRAW A. N. Patterson of Arrandale' I cannery wn. In thre city y,.8ier- Two home RUE UMAIISffl teams put up a good . . ioolball game last evening after ,Ho baseball fans had left. The Owen f lHlier of ancouver ac.'probables Q and possibles were "FRUIT.A-TIVES-M companled lex Bracken to this chosen some days ago but the i city and he refereed the bout hi. Mi... ..(.e , '.,. .,.. unci ici cu whii mo huiiic. tween the boys Sherman aod The score of one goal each gives 'Fox ou Thursday.nlght. :a good Indication of the relative i 'nlrfTIHll rif Ilia aMaa Thnv unrnl J, W. llirnie of this city, wbo very evenly matched. Murray, i three former occasions was made the aer. fnr ff, inililal rejected as medically unfit, has while for the other team Hardie' 'now...... Irilni'il Ilia MiliorJnn .,.lint!ntl,.n ' .1 . I ."w,... Byi, irom a penalty. Trie teams 'which Is being recruited at Vic-'were as follows: toria. lie tried to go overseas! Possibles 'vL-illl lm iUlli Ilia .r..' 11 li .. . . . ... and the It. P. a lie thinks he Murray; nobertsen, V. Murray! would like to ste Siberia, so wili'and Primrose; Williscroft, Dow-be leaving pretty soon for Vic-'lher, Connachle, Mitchell and MfJ toria wuii a numocr or other; Mlllan, eeruils from Prince Hupert. Possibles me a Ki4e MR. P. M. MCHUCH Wearmouth, Chatman and Cur-rie; 103 Church Street, Montreal. Joe Cook, the man who showed Ai.thur Kingdom and Craggs; JXember lCMh, 1917. the immense strawberries at the Townsley, Menries, Hardie. Sherman w farts a treat su flerer from Rheum- fair, was formerly a resident of and Shaw. . - -1 . T ...I Prince Hupert, where he worked u the drydock. FORT GEORGE Hardly Excusable IjU h but ootbler did jwl. TOea, I beiian to use "Fruit, Lance Carporal Pellendrigh, Even in a Child tire , and In 13 days, Pl was ' BRIQHT PARAGRAPHS formerly of the local provincial t- ier and the llhcaraatlirn was FROM LOWRIE'S LEDGE police staff, Is recniiling here IcHer. Gradually, "FrU- tht" for the newly formed Siberian I' r . ."y r?E.MM- anil niu r battalion T F a child were to enter one of our aeroplane t I 1. f a.4..M It is a short lane that has no . tin cam. . . . Alderman J. 11. Campbell a cf this factories and interrupt a workman with a request city has purchased a home at to have a kite made the workman would smile Most of us can make a noise, ... . . Terrace, where he intend to reside eompuiau ; urn b-imki but to sing we must be trained. in the near future. He has indulgently and proceed with his aeroplane. 2 and in etcry way restored. metobeallh"i-petife P. II. MclIUGIL It i nu trouble to do without both been in the investigating Okanagan and conditions Terrace You yourself would condemn the man if he 50c. a hoiid tot KM,trial site Sfe. something that you do not like. and he finds the tatter place ia stopped his vital war work, to build a toy. It st 1 tr f unt TVit' tvslil nn I 1 more to his taste. Mrs. Campbell At the -front in France auto and family will accompany Condemn yourself, then, if you employ labor ''United.Ottawa. Oat. drivers are not fined for speeding. him. and material to make such goods as cater only to Poker players should go to a France. They have aces in the E. Jones, manager of the Hank your self indulgence. of II. N. A. is away in Prince air over there. PONY EXPRESS Hupert on business.a- Every time you buy a thing "making of superfluous things The Uernis had the best time in PHONE 301. Flirt class hay is selling in you do not need, you interfere for us, whom they are so this war, when lbey stole .the ' this neighborhood at about ftO a with Canada's war work. valiantly defending. France. clock 9 in MOTOR TRANSFER ton. Every dollar you spend on Stop the reckless spending. The Germ must think Paris is goods not strictly necessary, Stop acting like children. CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD a pod or a cok of corn. They are (fleer of Hart nioek). is a dollar not merely wasted This war we are fighting calls but used to employ labor on for men and the brains of men. WiStajeots, Sates, Ceal i:i Wd The Oerms are good runners things that have nothing to If you cannot fightr at least Lately the French have been using do with our efforts to win the do not Interrupt the war-work Manar' Mcbt Call at Garage PHONE RED 126 horses to keep up ,wilh i them. fight for freedom. by buying the things you Flrrt taaletant merely want and do not need. PHONE BLUE 413 The habit of taking a drink of soticl or ccvcELumos or nesenvx Too many of us, in Canada, Proprietor. booe before meals,; has been are flying the "luxury kite." The money you have been 'abandoned In Austria SOTtCE it berrbr tlTfti tbtt the reere spending wastef ully with no PHONE BLACK 4S1. and Germ Too much of the time of etltUat on certain poruooj or Loll Two InsUnt Delivery Metis any. ' , boDdrrd and ere (fOi aad Two boodred Canadian workmen is being result but tto divert labor Every Train and IloatV - aud eiftt it 61) luaro Tbree ( Coast purchased by us to make the from war-essentials will make There as a wise Spear-woman DHlrtct urTTjrl and koo-p at Loti worth-while a sum. Ueteo buodred tod artx-nlne (III!) things that are for show and lived in a shoe Etereii bsndred tad alttr-OM tttCII aod pleasure. Too great a quantity Use that money to build For her children she kne many Cleiea buadred and tmj-lwo tlUf) hj material that fund, that lend of our up a you can what to do: rratoa of a no tire appearlor to tbe BriUiti STEEN & LONGWILL She made them most happy with Cetumbla Ottelte or 7lb December, 1907, soldiers could effectively use your Country, -when your wrigiey'a for all It ranrelled for Mle purpotet. against the foe, goes into the Country calls. DATED ti Victoria. Brnub Colambtt. II kept them in trim at a cost very tblt Kit dr of September, A.D. Kit. SANITAK. mnO HE ATI NO O, IU 7IAOCX, EKOINEERS Fine Letterheads at .The News Deputy MIoLiler of Lands. Published nnder tbe authority of the Print Shop. Minister of Finance of Canada. MINERAL ACT gents for McCLARY fUrU.ACCS Harry Hanson's Certificate of Improvements. PLUMBINO PATENTED KOT1CE f'erro rracttoa Mineral CUlm, tltutle In and Fast Heating Ibe Skrena Nlnlnr Dlvltlon or CatiUr Lt THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH SHEET METAL WORKS DlttricL COLUMBIA. Wbere located .fear Ux bead of Alice Pbone 5, 831 Second LX THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Avnue. Hot Water Coil Ana. TION ACT NlRht phones 578 TAkE XOTIC tbtt t. Levi W. raunore and r Wllxr'i r-riiSrala No aiST.r. and Illne 270 1.1 THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Ccwtl ItS.eS ill coonect4 VP com-pltu trent for John Wtirwd Strombeck, Free JAMES DACE. DECEASED. I. TESTATE. The rlaht work, at tha rloht and furnird for om jf. MUer"a CcrUOcaM o. Ult-C. latend, TAKE NOTICE that bjr order of Hit time., and at lha right prlo. order m u rii ii una ililr dtjit from ibe dilo bereoX, to tpply Honor Judre Younr. Local Judre or the prlr up to Btaf 18 Attf thai th to tbe Mining- Recorder for a CerUOcaie or Supreme Court, made tola Jith day of PRICK WILL OO UP. At Ux prtl-rat tmprorenieou, for tbe purpose of obittn July. I9IS, I wat appointed Administrator pftcm of mtirtal, atk jour Inr a Crown urant of tbe abote claim. or tbe etute or Jame Dack. deceased. All plumtn-r for a prlro 10 n And rurtber Uk noUre Uul action, un partlet bavtnr claim araintt tbe ald et- ordioarr ColL CMuierl it up aod der section S mutl be conuuenced before ate are hereby required to rorward tame Two Questions Phone 93 P.O. Box 33 rutrmira 11 ror oo yr, and tbe Utoe or tueb Certiarate or Improve properly verified to me on or before tbe tod Juilr for ment. tbtn roropart price or and all llth day Sptember, MIS, par- 3rd DATED tbU llth dtf or Acrutt, A. D Are and 2nd St, rwirwtf. tiet indebted to the (aid eaUte are required uUilnt atret-oirnli i i a. on A aQ bcrctofort to pay tbe amount or their indebt pelveen U other plumber LAND AOT FORM NO. 11 edness forthwith. With so many low-priced PA Cartage, Ltd and inre ba eiplred. I fcerttr Dated tbe ttb day or Aurnit. ISIS. rtrokt an- pemu nJroo DMke and IniUU tamo, eiceptlos KOTICE OF INTESTIOK TO APPLY TO J. IL McMCLLE. so-called anti-skids obtainable, Omcial Administrator. ITIIN aiONOWILL LEASE LAKD General Teaming atMMa.-AVlU poitttTrlr iv ni irv riuriLOTT ISLa.Mjs LAND durtoi tat would that host Storage preciii lorrtorementi. DISTMCT; HECOnDl.u BiSTititT nr WATER NOTICE great 8kEEA A.1D SITUATE 0. SOUTH Furniture, Safe and Piano SHOBE OF LAGOON INLET, MORESBY HARRY HANSON of motorists for TAKE NOTICE that R. K. Weill, whose pay more ABOUT 0.N6 MILE FROM ITS ISLAND. Moving. iaggage THC BUM PLUMBER addrett Is Stewart, B. C, will apply ror a MOUTH. licence' lo take and use seven cuble feet tup KmtCF thl I. JOIfX M MAC- "Traction" Tread or water per second out of tbe North Fork Dunlop MILLAR or Vtncourer. B. C oecupaiion or Cascade Creek, which flows southerly rannapvnian. i&inai 10 aDDiT cur zirnuu- and drains Into Salmon River. The water inn in l.ita lha fnllnulnz detcrlbcd Itlldl: wilt be diverted from tbe stream at jl point if they could get its merits Comroenrinr at a pott pun lea on' we about 11,000 reel rrom Cascade Creek. uium tnore or Laroon iniri. tii ii This nolle was posted on the rrouud on land, about one mile froin lit moutli; the tilth day or Aurutt, ISIS. A copy or elsewhere ? FRED llienra wett 10 chilnt: Itienco norm 10 STORK'S HARDWARE thlt notice and an application pursuant rhaini; thence tail to chtlnt more or leu thereto will be filed In the office of the inu- naifr mirk it the brtch: ilienca Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C Also, would that other low mark to the aoutberlr follow Inr wtter Objections to tbe application may be Died Established 1008. point of commencement cooiaininr to with the said Water Recorder or with' tbe trret more or leu. Comptroller of Water nirhtt. Victoria. B. large list of car owners buy JOHN MeLARTY MACnlLLAN. C. wltkin thirty days after the first tp Da led Aututt llb. ISIS, t pr trance of this notice. The date or flrtt "SPECIAL " publication or thlt notice Is Aurutt llth. FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING MINERAL ACT, lIS. f R. K. NEILL. Applicant. if tires which somewhat GEAR AND SUPPLIES. CERTIFICATE OK IMPHOVEMEMT9. 8KEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF resemble it in nonet. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. appearance SHIP Cariboo Fraction Mineral CUlm. situate CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF" in the Skerna Nlnlnr Dlvltlon or Cattlar resembled ibin efficiency ? Dlitrlct. Wbera located) At toe bttd or TAKE NOTICE that I, John McLarty Mte- PAINT FOR BOATS Alice Arm In the Skrena Mlnlnr Dtrlslon. lallltn, or Vancouver. B. C, occupation TAKE NOTICE that I, J. E. Starr, owner canneryman, Int.-ndt to apply for permission or the above cltlm. Free Miner'" Certificate to lease the f olio win r described lands: fio, iilTi. intend, auty ly from me Commenclnr at pot planted on the seuili ibore1 r,r Lifuts Eir, Moresby Is dtto hereof, to tpply to the Miuinr Recorder ror a Certinctte or Improvement, land, aoout, one ml'.a from Its mouth, FWTORK'S HARDWARE for lb rurtKiie or obtainlnr a Crown theni-o south to chains, tbenre vrt to Ortnt of Ibe above claim. chains, thence north to chains, thence And rurther take notice that action, un- utterly alonr ihe shore line to point of ir artlcri SI: mutt ha commenced be commencement, coataintur 40 acres more SECOND AVENUE fore the lituanre ol tuch Certinctte of or lets. rmprovomcni. JOHN MeLARTY .MACMIU.AN, Advertise In The Daily News Dtied mi tux dtr or July, a. u. Dated June tOtb. 1811. Mw n