* Tomorrow’s Tides’ é Friday, July 15, 1932 : Prince Rupert—Overcast, moa‘ SI or 3:44 am. 19.8 ft)" ate southeast wind; baromete) ily Low al ag gr" re 30.02; temperat 86; sea smooth, a Ph I eS Oe ee ole tt) Maina | 80 S8TgaR 7 ceewr iS NS, a OR en Oe a Co Stage ol ee ea i | cc : . ‘ * perature, sea smooth. ea, . . 22:41 pm. 68 ft. XXITT., No. 163. Vol NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER a PRINCE RUPERT, t BC THURSDAY, JUL LY 14, 1932 —a France and Great Britain At "Attempted Black Magic Disagreement As To Whether U, S. Debts Come Under Pact Hopeful Herriot Sees Pact as Resurrection of Entente Cordiale— Italy Announces It Will Also Adhere to New : Consultative Agreement 4 PARIS, July 14:—The first immediate consequence of the new igreement is that deb of the co-operative agreement Great Britain announced yesterday is that Britain in fu- ture cannot undertake to make war debt payments to the \Inited States without first consulting France, Kdouard Herriot told the finance committee of the Cham- x ber of Deputies last evening The new accord, Premier Herriot | said, complement to a “gentlemer United States would not ratify th : anne treaty untill each had ob | tained beforehand an acceptab ttlement of own debts M. Herriot said that he the Franco-British agreement as j resurrection of the Entente Cordials i the opening of new era 1nco-Britirh relations Th French foteign office this af N published the text of thr gentlemen's agreement” by which | oD 90) Ven the principal powers concerned in the Treaty of Lausanne agreed not ratify that treaty until each had Rt. Hor.. Sta Baldw ined a.satisfactory settlement expects great things from tne ‘ wn debt forthcoming Imper - Britain Differs conference LONDON, July 14 It was offi- y I need las‘. night that the Franco-British vccord has Sockeye Run ace aeulitie te onan on explicitly. with the debts owed Falling Off |)» :»° vos suave There is no truth in any state- nent that the accord ipplicable Gillnetters on Skeena River Repor- |». no matt. f British debts to ted to Be Having Quiet Time— i Tintted @tates Trollers Are Still Busy It was revealed that Great Bri- in and United States representa- A great fallir iff in the sockeye tives had hi enret peasion bie run on the Skeena River is reported fore the Franco-British ac was arsivals from there today. Gill-! reached at wi vir igreement et boats are be ing next had been reache } ubiect of nothing war debt I repa A good run of fish, however, con Italy Adheres tinues on the trolling grounds, # is ROME, July 14:—The charge d’- tated iffaires at the Italian embassy in ‘London was instructed to inform NO HALIBUT SALE the British government that Italy No boats being in with catche is glad to adhere to the Franco- there was n ile of halibut on the; British consultative pact which was local fish exchange U morning announced yesterday Outline of Treaty in Regard To St. Lawrence Waterway Is _ Reached, Premier Bennett Says OTTAWA, July 14:—An official statement in re- gard to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence seaway was issued yesterday as follows: “Announcement was made from the Prime Minis- ter’s office today that, after a long period of inten- sive negotiation, an outline of a treaty was conc ‘luded at the middle of June, the final terms of w hich were settled yesterday. “A formal treaty is now being prepared and will be ready for signature at an ear ly date at which time a full statement by the governments concerned will be issued.” BALTIMORE, Maryland, July 14:—A Baltimore Sun dispatch states that the first rough draft of a treaty between Canada and Unite .d States for devel- opment of the St. Lawrence River waterway from Duluth to the sea has been completed and approved by President Herbert Hoover. between France and Premier '“*#*@¢#+¢4+4+¢4¢4+¢4¢204444 , PERMISSION TO SUE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC IS AWARDED BY COURT LONDON Chancery Co permission to ¢ Boardman to the “Grand taken over National in Grand July 14:—The irt yesterday gave ounsel for H. W serve a@ writ on Trunk Railway’ by the Canadian the , action by Trunk first preference for compensation ) $37,000,000 stox carvan. amounting See eeeeeeererere eee ° + + + |? \+ + > + + + + + > a ’ terete ervre ee eee BURGLARY CHARGED William Fishuk Taken By Police in Connection With Breaking Nearly her goat. This “maiden, pure and fair” and her goat and Entering were exhibits A and B in a black magic demonstration that went blooey atop the Brocken mountain near Berlin. Witches tried to William Nick Fishuk was arres- turn the goat into a man ted on the other side of the harbor .« today by Constables R. C. Gilker ‘er ee and G. A. Wyman of the city de- JAIL BREAK ‘CONEY ID. tachme! f the provincial police and i be harged tomorrow morning with burglary in connec-| IN ONTARIC HAS FIRE ion with the recent breaking and| entering of the Swift Canadian Co.| OE a warehouse on the local waterfront ee oa and a cabin on Mount Morse be-| Sia Prisoncrs Make Getaway From! New York Pleasure Resort Swept longing to W H. Montgomery of Industrial Farm—Only Three By $2,000,000 Blaze—Panic- this city. Recovery of goods take’ Still at Liberty Stricken People Rioted from both places led ‘to the arresi; =~ ot of Fishuk SUDBURY, Ont., July 14—Smash NEW YORK, July 14:—Coney The M - cabin was €f-' ing their way through a strong! Island, New York's great recrea- tered on Monday of this week af 1) yooder while guards were in| tional centre, was threatened blankets, a 30-30 rifle, ammuniUlo.t,| the nex ym, six prisoners made} with complete destruction yester- alarm clock, etc. removed a break { liberty at Burwash in day by fire which wiped out five The Swift warehouse was broken | quystria) farm last night blocks of the resort, causing es- into on Tuesday night and eight ; timated damage of $2,000,000. dozen eggs, $8 in stamps and other, 0 e prisone! wa 10 : les taker through hip and, with two Thousands of panic-stricken It is expected Fishuk will be re other W recaptured Three ure pleasure seekers staged a near- manded for eight days on coming | Stl! at liberty riot as the flames swept the Isl- ” a and, finally taking refuge in the up tomorrow water. \*#e*#*e et teneeee ee SEEKING : KILLERS: Manitoba Mounted Police Searching \ For Men Who Killed Farmer i . \* Near Rossburn i i+ o | ROSSBURN, Man, July 14:—/@ Royal Canadian Mounted Police of- + ficers were today scouring the bush |# country surrounding this Northern | Manitoba hamlet for two uniden- tified men who shot and killed James Lee and seriously wounded his wife last night at the Lee’s ca- + + + + + bin seven miles north of here. . RIVERS INLET FISHERMEN ARE ON STRIKE NOW VICTORIA, July 14 A # strike of 300 independent sal mon fishermen at Rivers Inlet has become effective following a strike vote on Monday night after efforts of the fishermen to obtain a 12c¢ increase in the price of fish from the canner- ies had failed. No trouble de- veloped, provincial police of- ficers under Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill of Prince Rupert being on hand to prevent pos- sible disturbances **#*+#?*¢4¢020¢0704874 re * e+e eee eee et eeererere ee + Grace Hall an open window #/ hotel last night, and #)| ment The fire is believed to have been caused by careless boys throwing a lighted match on to the creo- soted board walk. KILLED IN| LONG FALL Miss Grace Hall Drops Five Storeys to Pavement Below From Van- couver Hotel Room VANCOUVER, July 14:—Miss aged 26, while sitting at in a downtown lost her balance fell five storeys to the pave- beneath. She died while being # taken to hospital ; lone Man Critically Injured And Others Are Badly Cut Up | Four of Ringleaders Placed Under Arerst Today in Addi- tion to Four on Tuesday Night—Men Interfered With Strikebreakers-at Box Factory Plant WINNIPEG, July 14:—One man was critically injured and scores received minor cuts and bruises in a second clash here today between police and striking employees of the F. J. Welwood box factory. Four of the ringleaders, in- cluding the injured man; were placed under arrest. Four were also arrested on Tuesday night in a rolice. Two policemen and a number Pn strikers were admitted to hospital {suffering with injuries suffered in Tuesday night’s rioting when the | police interfered with strikers who {Canada was organized at a meeting | t in Prince Rupert Wednesday night! j arrival were attempting to att filling their places. SOCIALISTS ORGANIZED. T. J. Shenton Named President of! Vincial minister New Political Party Here—J. 8. Black is Secretary A branch of the Socialist Party of | |with officers as follows | President, T. J. Shenton Recording Secretary, J. 8S. Black.| Treasurer, D. McPhee. Executive—Ald. G. W. Rudder- |ham, Oscar Larsen, George Lawson | and Cuthbert Westgarth ack workers | ; : | Somethi ng from V°%. set-to with the MINISTER BACK HERE |Hon, R. W. Bruhn Heads Nothing From Victeria Regarding Gov- ernment’s Relief Plans After making a trip to Stewart to look. into. the unemployment situa- (tion there, H4n"R: Ww. Bruhn, pro- of public works, returned to the city on the forestry patrol launch Lillian D. thig mofn- ing by: this after- noon's train on his ,etuffn to Vic- toria via Jasper Park. ’ Mr, Bruhn had expected, on his here today, to have heard toria in regard government's plans for un- and. will leave ito the | employment relief but he had re- ; ceived no information up to noon. The minister of public works wag | accompanied here from Ctewart by The meeting, which was well at-|J. A. Anderson, road superintendent ended, was opened by T. J. Shen-| for Atlin district, who will retury on, Labor candidate for Atlin dis- | trict in the forthcoming provincial ‘lection, who outlined the aims and | YOxX | bar Party of Canada purpose convene chair *bjects of the party. Following liscussion of some length, it was licided to form a branch of the La- All those who had voted for the motion were then invited to remain behind for the of electing officers. Discus- sion along organization lines took place and the meeting adjourned to again atthe call of the PROTEST AT PLAN Government's Proposed Relief Scale Not Acceptable to Union B.C. of Municipalities VANCOUVER, July 14;:—Taking | exception to the British Colum- ' bia government's proposed new direct relief plans, the executive of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities, at a meeting here, decided to apply direct to Ottawa for a federal representative to study the unemployment relief _ problems of the province. Under the government's pro- posal, relief for an average family consisting of parents and one child would be fixed at $20 per month and single men would re- ceive $10. This, it is claimed, is inadequate. WEATHEK f REPORT Dead Tree Petit Overcast, fresh | # southeast wind; barometer, 29.88; | temperature, 55; sea rough Triple Island—Overcast, light northeast wind; sea moderate e al PATRIARCH OF jtomorrow afternoon on the Prince Rupert to his headquarters at An- METLAKATLA- PASSES AWAY Charles Powell, Aged 80, Last of Followers of Late Father Dun- can, Died Suddenly Charles Powell the followers of Duncan, passed the neighboring katla yesterday aged 80, last of the late Father away suddenly_at village of Metla- He had been.en- jgaged for years as a storekeeper at |Metlakatla and is survived bya | widow and daughter The funeral will take place at Metlakatla on Saturday Church of England Bros. in nary ¢ from the with Haynor f arrangements. eresesesecese CONSOLIDATED IS UP TO 56 VANCOUVER . REPORT STATES * ~ * > + **?* S. D. Johnston Ltd. was in- formed by wire yesterday that # Consolidated Mining & Smeit- ing Go. stock reached the high point of 56 as against a low point on June 22 of 27. The aa- vance has been particularly notable in view of the fact that the company passed its usual # interest payment. There was a slight stiffening of all Cana~ # e+? t+ + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + # dian stocks on the Vancouver |# exchange yesterday. + l* +. *e+*+e¢¢4¢e02470704¢4694 a8.s *