THE V v SEW8. - 1 The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. . . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News MomUya, Wednesdays and Saturdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9 30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. EasL From ths Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:5 p.m. ! City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per racnth 75c ' By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. For Vancouver: 10 m. To United States and other countries in advance. 7.50. Sundays 5 p. Tuesdays P-m Thursdays 10 p.m. TKLKrHONK PS Saturdays ? TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cent per """mB From Vancouver" i Contract Rates on application. Up Uted for making WjB Suudays 10 PJ' hard and aeft ioid. for 10:30 m ; W softening watsr, for clean Wednesdays a, Any Way You Tun? DAILY EDITION. Wednesday-, Sept. 55, 19 IS. Ing,disinfecting and lor over Saturdays ,10:30 (in i ft 500 other purpose. For Anyoi: Great Problem of KtFWM WMTTTVTtSl A JM Sundays 10 pjn. you will find WRIGLEY'S. W ednesdays 10 p, m. the War. After Saturdays 10 p. m. Everybody thinks of WRIGLEY'S A great question the greatest of the war depends for it solutiou upon the folks at home. They, more than soldiers or From Anjros: when chewing gum Is mentioned. military authorities, have to do with the successful working outjTIMV W4S a se Spear.vkomauj Tuesdays . ...ajn, or thai wonderful in in 5 or wbicn every one iai.s ana aooui wnicn lived n a shoe Tharsdays aon. This Is the result of years of so ver few seem to have even oue definite idea Reconstruction. For her man? children sbe ane undays p.m. effort to give mankind the Is.' it not true that every one firmly believes that with the coming what to (k: made them most, uilb For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvst She happy of peace there will also arrive that uther sral blessing, reconstruction? Wrijrley for all points: benefits and enjoyment of this It not also true that with this placid assurance is U kept them in trim at a cost er Sundays 10 pjn. there exists the other assurance thai some one else is managiHg low-cost sweetmeat. thai problem? No one feels personally responsible, but each one hertise in the Daily s. From Port Simpson and Naas feels sure that some one else is working hard on this stupenduou LAND REGISTRY ACT Tuesdays River Points: aun. WRIGLEY'S helps appetite and puzzle. (SKtlca 31 aa 11U digestion allays thirstrenews Homes Must Aso a aracai .v. ttt -1 nw ma, Queen CharlotU Islands: Reconstructed. TVUC SonCE Cat tOcKtea fcu For Masrlt, Port Clements and vigour. aaS a rtftsatr Krc&asa O. Xwa u4 There are many reasons why every individual interested in Upprr Island points: this war should take a personal interest in reconstruction, and ewaer a ra cadtr a Tu txa rrwa Ved&esdays .......... 6. p. m. HAOC M CAM AO Uw OUKtcr t at CUT af rrtecc fcxsrt. never allow that interest to lag until he has found the fountain-head Froei Masset. Pert Clements aad II Awat itit. c joi xo snccuui cat mu Sealed tlfibt of reconstruction activity either found it or created iL To Upper Island points: trrti er tran f tea aaj pntm m Kept rUM begin with, individual homes must be thoroughly and consciously ue. Qtss tad fee&f Ca U XtaVgaltTT a ridaya, p. m. reconstructed. Habits must be reformed or abolished accordine 15 CK f mac Ksprrv aure jirGc to whether they are required for the model home. The men 'I', Wxi rt(Mn (1 J SrOea til For Saidecale. Queen Charlotte 4 . cny or rnn Ksiwrt. X19 a CHj and Lower Island points: from returning back, and overseas are bringing thoughts feelings alurd&r 8 p.m. to which they "were utter strangers before enlistinr. Most ofj tu TmrcXistr toa 31 irs rraai 0 sm them have grown, mentally and spiritually, by leaps and bound: Frotn Skides-ale. Ue-n Cbarlotte Have their women folks and their children kept pace? WiM they CLXr aad Lower Island points understand what the men hare gamed? Will they appreciate its to fsi7!wt JMf Mtnwt 8a timrriiwiBt!i.Utrrrtnai. ui to Tuesdays. value? Will they agree or sneeringry criticise the attitude of the 14 tti MI Mic CM twrsrv tk rtIS For SWasira and tha Yukon. men towards kfe? Will they have such a broad outlook, them bum ar t m mm naw va FNeey tee days. serves that they can be both patient and tolerant with what seems ira mtacv. . . aaa taawr ma tec amcra r s3rr Own, n1 aa rn a mistaken view and finally either persuade back to the best way etiwf ar caitmt as tte lol ter itrtw From Skagway and Yukon. Or forsake their own narrow views? U rrnxos a rttiawr EarrrM4 axr txrrr ta am Uatf aa Kry ten days. tar Ofnr itM uOt u at rrcta4 Health and Education waAir m'(mnMiaiati.'T(4mHn)H Vs sevnneat C ma Art. aaaa t Advertise in the Daily News. Subscribe for The Daily Nei Belong to Wotntn. ts acj cta&a aa r aa rrcs r tke sua a tn wr an, aaa oar Brcmrar atsas The establishment of a national Board of Health belongs to irffearr tac (wma cxw uivrt- mts m csV a cf xar lul a aaa far the good time coming- in the Reconstruction Period, and the tuts. AD WCXaXlS t3aUa lias ha responsibility for its establishment rests the naturally on mothers sua Hr a Ctr&eut t ladcf NaM TtU of the land. The same is true of the entire educational system. n aSi-aaaabnl laaa. Ca a aass t Imm C Slice aaJ av-r L. Xaere Laws relating to food are women's; work. These are what might axn nous ta ovtstma ct oe called house-cleani&r work, without which any recoastraclioa tsa anan Bat rrw a tac im ear u The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility work would be hopeless and they should be wisely planned and sail taa ltl aaat Sac Far tiuv mtrat vfidea Ut Cto. of exaggeration," Sir Robert Borden started at once. In both France and England many of these re-i rt war n aftttwrd rr UwtmC. nimt Txix sotkx mi at ta forms are already under way, made necessary and possible hv the tx ssa :saS i rrrcraam a par violent overturning of old methods found eadeouale ia war. r ws vvntaa i&i tese a IOiWiav r tsfMr TSa to Ut salts City and Town Labor Those countries have waged and war begun recosstractiea skncl-taneously. passu aa Car case tt a aJarrfci rsrac Their women are cognizant of aa these profelea, and ani-u J UXe as ftaatcmto Cac trarw BTuwiimrs aa csaiaa. yaar ctuav a say. wrkiBg on them honestly. Is there not a too general feeJteg to aa salt lattaa, r to wnu aek rr thai the absolateir necessarr reBtrMMi trd tn ri m sar Must Save ' W at m X -. ... .v. . - . - I a&ne. rn j .v ivn m rirarM wisjaagr ine aaswev teiawrm. t c. um w u tt &sm&r. any snrn attitude is the question: -How did the things reoaa-struction a.It tSIS. k. r. XtCUOB. The Food Situation s to replace come us So hetng by wtshiar or. worse Bnnct irf-rmrar as TUra. yet,- by indiffierence?" Wafarr CL X-urx. rPHE heart of the food production problem is labor, and the S1XXXS tan w i rwcT ct sracT or heart of the labor problem is the dty dweller. City people WHICH ROAD ? must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support TUt acOrc Bat Sruftf Caoafeatw4 of our soldiers and Allies. Wtoc SmMv S. rtr Oa Unttoa, tf arm. B. C tqM Thlmm 1 aa4 swM-X. Men who are needed on farms must come from the cities and YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE tstosvs a ar tar Hminha to towns there is no other source. The Provincial Departments I S-W caawiu wwr aiais( at 1m a tut.r Caas&ar Zwirvrt at IS of Agriculture co-operating -with the Canada Food Board, can 7 toawa avss-mvaarrtr 4 c)m MDrvaas place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. i( tos vaaw sun. to a JJt carat af Lm . tbbr att is eft to lr vaart They are needed at once. j;r afiaat'aaB rw- gfararr aar&ratatr S AaSu 7 1 irf 1 tm 'tb fettar trar vaatr aaars.; Ckrorr awrta riKt (aw to Or rat tt fcrrtaamc saa m Those who remain at home must also Grow Food UBW i rrs saar tr itaa. aaXT oa.sisuTX2ii rtrt n t A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will cbs 1 rowxK omtrnvr. uwt k a. rtvs asKUc. ani. man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to P0 Xwta. JlOf Ctt. IMS. is on a farm. But War Garden more food for export. THIS THIS service is needed from those who can do no more. The vegetable garden offers an opportunity for service to men LEADS TO LEADS TO LUMBER Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make it im produced on city land by possible for theza to work on a dty labor,will be a positiveaddition farm, to women,to boys and girlv YOUR LOSS YOUR GAIN A rents for to the food supply. Home Garden to dty people generally. Prtiac Rvpn Lvmbce Co. Be a Food Producer This Year HxsUiss Ss Mills If there Is a garden or vacant lot movement in youf community, associate yourself with it. If no orga"1' COAL ration exists, do wliat you can to interest yo1"" neighbours in the War Garden campaign. TAKE NO Afu for CHANCES Ksaaima WstlLBtbsi C-aal Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture ant for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. WITH FIRES CANADA FOOD BOARD PUT THEM OUT lame of eUlLOINC aATXJtUU rtractor of Director of Advertise in The Daily News Agricultural Labor I (la Co-operation with the Provincial Departments of Agriculture.) The Paper that Quick Rejulu ta lMi aawi a.,. its