Mjrr-r-W"-; Wfdnc-Jny- 8pptnbcrgS, 10IB. THE DAILY NEWS, t DAWSON T I Phone 93 P.O. Box 38 If first. (iffirr a. Kindled I formerly of ?rd Ave. and 2nd St.- the Klondyke, has Just started it paper at Spirit ltfvr. Alberta. Pacific CartageLtj This I. Is' In the Peace Iliver din-trie , . General Teaming Joli'nTIrguon, of the Good Storasrq Bamnrflftn Hospital, has gone Furniture, Safe and Piano aoulh and expects to visit Van. Moving. Baggage corner, Seattle and California. Mrs. A. H. Devcra. whose him. hand is a member of the Dawson News stair, has gone to Wisconsin. PONY EXPRESS I PHONE 301. i Krauk n, Pitider, formerly of MOTOR TRANSFER JJnyles lukon battery and wh later transferred to the flying CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD corps, is back in KttKland after Hear of Hart IJIock). many exciting experiences at the front. Tents, Safes, Coal and Wood tit Sell nert Uguuijn lias gone to the Manager Nlitht Call at Oaraee Iditarod to take charge of the op. PHONE RED 128 rations of the Yukon Oold Co. Pint Assistant - PHONE BLUE 413 Will Welch, formerly of this proprietor. city and who was wounded in the PHONE BLACK 461. 102nd Iiattaliou lias Joined the Instant Delivery Meets flying corp in England. Every Train and Doat. Inward Morrison, of Dawson, has been wounded when fighting with the Canadian forces. His STEEN & LONGWILL brother Wilfrid is reported to be In the hospital with trench fever. SANITAR., HEATING CP0INEER8 WHITEHORSE III Atinowltdt'mnU to Lmkt Fit Jet Aganta for Kergt. Aubrey Simmons, son McCLARY FURNACES Mr, and Mrs. Leo Simmons, of every home there comes a time when every thought, Carcross, has been wounded TO PLUMBING the hack by gunshot. He is doing hope, every prayer for the future centres on the and well. SHEET METAL WORKS recovery of one loved one. Tn that hour of anguish, every means The. steamer Dawson on her Phone 5, 631 Second Avenue, last trip towed out a barge carry to recovery is sought the highest medical skill, trained nurses, Nipht phones C70 ing cars and other railway equip and Blue 270 ment for the Tanana Valley rail costly treatment. Does the price matter ? The right work, at the right road. time, and at the right prloa. . 4 He Creek in the Atlln district was killed In a clay slide In one of the tunnels of a mine. He ha It may "be so great as to stagger If anyone says "I cannot save" Prince Rupert Feed Co. relatives living at AUin. the imagination a sum beyond the let hrxn consider to what extent he PHONE 68 ihi. Josepn w. itoyle is ne possible. would pinch himself to relieve the ported a prisoner in Germany. rOOD BOARD LICENCE KO t III! sufferings of loved at home? a one W. fc. Drury of this town has But does anyone ask, "Can we gone to spend the winter in Vic and surely he would not pinch less HAY, GRAIN, TIED, do it?" Money or no money, they toria, where since he was down for fighting brothers in France. SEEDS AND FERTILIZER lat a son and heir has been born do it, And somehow they pay. our Mrs. Ilandall and three children Without suffering -actual privations, I Chicken Fesd a Specialty. oi ar wawson passed tnrougn. . on It may mean doing r without nearly every farfiily in Canada their way lo Vancouver. Mr. Ilan dall is an rngineer for the Gran things they think they. need. It can reduce its standard of jiving, Ottf rrmfVf Allans U. vine rower uo. and is Marine in privations, sacrifices, may mean for the winter. can practice reasonable thrift, can hardships. They make unbelievable sacrifice enrich the make cheerful to Ui tu. sea Thi't Mrs. j. i.angiois lieu lias re At. turned home from a visit to Van savings, they achieve the impossible, life-blood of the nation. couvcr. but they get the money to pay. Harry Hanson's PRINCE GEORGE You who read this, get out PATENTED pencil and paper NOW. Set 'down Fast Heating The hay crop here has heen the To-day in this critical period of the 'items of your living expense. best in the history of the district Hot Water Coil Settlers are still cutliriK wild our nationhood, there is imperative Surely you will find some items grass and putting it up in anlici pation of needing it during the need for MONEY vast sums of there you can do without. Cats ll' oo at) connected Bp com-Pu coming winlcti sti susrsnleed for mm fur. m money. Only one way now remains Determine to do without them. rdc-s will t received t tuts ; Aldennan Kwgan has resigned Pf! rv ti Star IS Arts I hit th. to obtain it. esici wtu. oo up. ai um pre- from the aldermanic board, the lii Start TO-DAY. Save p't f material, iik jour 'reason ghen being that the salary your money p:ua&e? r ( price to ma, an attached to the oRlcc is not large The nation must trtfiaar . ,! fonntrt II up sod save, every so that you may be in ap position to r;irsult It tor one year, and Hr enough. 3oip prices Hid Jud tor community, every family, every lend it to your country in its time Martin Zadelovirh of the Arcade As i! bemufurr ciuiln arree-au restaurant was up before the individual Canadian must save. of need. mttn u other plumbers f m-Kir bin Mptrto. I her by magistrate a few days ago on wota charge of aedltlou. He was re MJpuD lo mu' Publi&sW vndcr the Authority of "xl ouii uim( aicpuut- manded for a week. He is said lo ...,.TI1" L0NWUL The Minister of Finance have that w-iar m, al-ncvm expressed tho opinion prcjt'ute Inlrliiremenu. .ho hoped the soldiers who had ol Canada lgone overseas would not come harryInson hack but would lose their heads. TMt BUM PLUSIBUI "c ,nVi mintfUm lllimut Hill mi mist Chns. S. Pyno has returned from 259rsaaMes9RsssE w the a visit to tho Peace Hiver roun SlNlEstt court or nnmsn try. Free Milter's CerttOcate No. JOIOT-c tt 'Von aTTER or THE xwistiu- irnl tor John W.lrord Strombeck. Free A 'man named Jackson of Ques-nel Miner's Ceriincate No. 11101 C, tuttod. and has heen committed to Jnil for lily day. from the dale hereof, lo apply IS THE MATTEn nv 1-1,.- to the Mlnlnr Recorder lor a Certificate or jAMr-i ..... " " or 18 months for evading military FRED STORK'S HARDWARE DECEASED, INTE8TATK. 1 Improvement, for the purpose or obtaining; service. a Crown Oram or the above claim. 1' 'att r. tocal Judr of tl And further take notice that action, under ImFSh'T1 n,de Mt ,m V of Qeorge K. Smith, former teller NOTICE Or CANCELLATION OF RESEIIVE section 81 must be cuininenced before Established 1908. ihe Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. Lu J PP0101 U, V,' Adralnuiraior of the Iloyal Dank here and re ai cUU" Iil"t cently locomotive flncman on Ihe NOTICE Is hereby riven that the reserve DATED this 16th day of Auctist. A. D. I0 , Lot. Two certain of h eil.tlnr on portions has to Virtoria to ISIS. Otl O.T.P, gone hundred and Ave (SOS and Two hundred "uTto 0U A TULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING 2 "J or ,or the join air service. Coast or .nd elsbt (tot) Ranre Three (3) LAND AOT FORM NO. 11 District, surveyed and known as Lots GEAR AND SUPPLIES. ... ,nU"1 " WATEH 0TICE r.K'.m niitii-i' nr iNTrvrinv Tn nni v ti ' Eleven hundred and slity-one (llfll) and LEASE LAND l"M ,he ! Eleven hundred and sixty-two ) of Auruat. ,s OL.EEJ CHARLOTTfi ISLANDS LAND wtw IBIS It. McMULLIN. TAKE NOTICE lUal I. K. StlU, reason of a notice appearinr In the British WsTRICT. ntC0IUU.N0 DISTKICT OF SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF w adrtrcw Is B. C 'IU api'iJ Omclt Adminlttriior. Blowart, , Coiumuia uasetie oi inn iereiuurr, SKEENA AND SITUATK ON SOUTH licence la laks ud ul acven curie im is csnrelltd for sale purposes. SIlOllE OF LA000N INLET. MORESBY PAINT FOR BOATS LAND DlSTIiirr hi..... dT wstcr pr acrond oat of lha North lota DATED at Victoria. British Columbia, ISLAND, AUOUT ONE MILE FROM IT8 " or aouinerir w:e aunwm LAao or Caicada Cmk, which noi this 10th day or septemter. A. o. '! MOITII, and drama Into Salmon Wcr. Th at a po"i a. n. KADEN, TAKfi NOTICE lliat I. JOHN M. MAC-MILLAN, will lie diverted from the trm Minister of Lands. Deputy cre. or Vancouver, II. C occupatlou Mae- bout u.coo fret from CtMi Ihe iwund on Cannerynian. Intends to afply for permission ThU iu.Uca wea polled on MINERAL ACT to lease the followinr described lands: FRED STORK'S HARDWARE S for K 1I-IMS to ,0, H.rn.U. the altth day of Auut. and appUc.ttcs purauanl Ciuiunenclnr ai a post planted on the notlcs an " atiore It lA po! pUlu'(l n ttrlo wui in Wed in Certificate of Improvements. south shore or Uroon Inlet, Moresby. Island, c. about Its mouth: . B one mile from had. sisnii l'T 'l4' Ua' u- Water Recorder at rrlnce Hup" thence west go chains; thence north JO SECOND AYEJfUC "ro inulh .r "a lit mouib, t.ljeclU.i lo the .ppticallon "jj or h N0T1CR chains; thence east so chains more or less with the atld Water Recorder Wma, l ewri . Frrro fraction Mineral Cairn, situate In lo low water mark at the beach thence hmmanerm,,? 'u' o Comptroller of Wter afier IM nr.' ap the Skeena Mlnlnr Division of caisiur southerly followinr low water mark to the Point t of C. vl thin thirty d.yi of District. point or commencement; contalnlnr 40 TW resrsne. of ltd. aol.c. Au,u,, Where located: Nar the head tr Alice acres more or leaa, public.tion 19"' of lht nonce 1 Arm. john nclartv macmillan. N,jAdvertise In The Daily News ", mil, n, k, ma Arpnt I TAkE NOTICE that I, Lewis W ratwors. Dated August 10th, toil