THE DAILY NEWS. Wednesday. Srplnnl.t 1 G.H.Arnold j Local News Notes j weight antf energy-vco Harbor View look pa!o and feel las&iivO HOTABV PUBLIO need the healthful effects of Chautauqua E. J. Conway of Anyox, was In LOTS the oily yesterday. FOR SALE - Beecbam's Airs. Howard White 'who has been ill with tonsilllis is now convalescent. Festival Block 6. Section 7. Pills Entire furniture and house t hold equipment for 4-room Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipsctt IN flat as it stands in No. 4, jwere among the passengers ar-' UrtartSale ur MaJidaa In tla WuU. Clapp Block, for $275. A $225 each the riving town last evening from ttii emjaeia. la kaiM,IS. Westholme Theatre snap. The flat,can bo rent-ed for ?22.50. 11. E. lloss was line $5 this SUPERIORITY OF morning in the police court for FLYERS McCaffcry, Gibbons 'keeping his pool room open afler CANADIAN Wednesday and Thursday H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. 'closing time. & Doyle, Ltd. Statistics Indicate Fewer Casual Hob Lowe, of White Horse, was ties Among Those Learning Heal Estate Agents in town yesterday. He brought to Fly In Canada Than In FIVE PROGRAMMES THE DAILY NEWS 'down two vflne teams of horses Great BriUln. and cr Vocal Instrumental Music, and Lectures by 1 Prince Rupert, B. C. from the north on the Princess am hi Classified : Advertising Sophia. . Canadian air force cadets are Speakers. particularly high in ability as Phone 98 Launch Alice D. for the Salt athletes and in alertness and INFLUENZA I akes leaves Prince lluperl Uoal-houso brain power. This is shown by Programne for Weikesday Night SPANISH Thii U the Advertising Co'.eran that every hour commencing 10 the comparative statistics com- people .read wben they want,anjth inf. ON THE INCREASE o'clock on Sundays. Round trip piled for purposes of comparison .1 bring results 50 cents. tf by the Uoyal Air Force. The loi H. RUTHVEN MACDONALD IN MILITARY CAMPS lowing is. the official rerl: WANTED. William Keith, of this city, has "For the purpose of preparing tlsriume and humotiil. aatlsled by Musical Monolir" been wounded in the leg. thigh the total number of Mrs. Msetonald. a'-erxnpanlsL or statistics, PIAAO WASTED Would rent puno. could pltee Deaths Are Reported Both In the anu according to infornia-Unlted mvcine wlshlne to store one arnii and casualties throughout flights "Sju of the how" Sutikrfpsy sa an .id It without charge. Mn. A. L. Carruthers States and Canada, Hon received here. He is1 at Sll pres. fiie entire It. A. F. during a cer So. S. Waldron Apartments. From Preumonla "In the !ayfQel t ituven" "The Admiral's Br-i. Chleny enl in hospital in England. tain period was obtained. For the WASTED Smtrt girl for omce work. I ... "Osnf sas'. Honnle Lassie' -The Floral luo-r Leave application In own writing- st purpose of comparison, similar offlce of this piper, addressed -Builncss" .Washington, Hept. 25. Nearly Inadvertently the name of Mrs. statistics were obtained from the WASTED Girl to look afler children, rood 3,000 new cases of Spanish in- Geo. Woodland was missed from training squadrons operating in DR. W. .J. HINDLEY v.at0.. .nnlr f.-.j U UrULIil 710 Htlh" fluenra In the army camps havo the fled Cross notes. She is es- England. In the II. A. F. Canada, Avenue, axil becn reported to the Officers Of npeinllv thnnV-Pil hv h rnmmiflA Will lectury. taking as bis subject there 3C.253 Mights, 'with were old false teeth bought. soittD on the Surgeon General of the army, for hen work at the hut last week K13,5C6 hours flying, during which "THE LAST GREAT WEST on iWSUVS? ' lla number of wnere she was one of those in.there wera 59 crashes. 3C of mce Box tilt. Vancouver, Highest cases to nearly 23,000. Deaths chance "fb rtcw 8fDt by re'oro m"' " which were admission to the hos rPpnrtoH were 112. due chiefly Afternoon's to; Thursday Programme ,'pital. .The English statistics give wanted Young Ud7 as waitress, appiyjpneumonia which followed in- "Take out that advertisement, o nnn nt. m. i Ann i,n. to Matron: Prince Rupert General II os pIUJ. tf fluenza. The total uu,u.r u. e are Deing nooded wun app i-fl , duri whjch lhtre wcre cases was 390 for all camps. ew cations." That was one of the The Ladies" Festival Orchestra. WASTED Woman for kitchen work; $60 58 (practically the same number per montn, imanaer.Boaraing House. cases of influenza were reported messages received this morning of crashes, 16 of which were ad March, "Star utl Stripes" today from 21 camps in all. ftjjm an advertiser in The News. WASTED Row Boat, phone Red 411 tf Ottawa, fcept. 25. Spanish In- The moral is when you want any missions to hospital. Iiallet, IIgptian- I. "From the above figures it will WOMES HELP WANTED Steady employ fluenza is increasing in the mili- thing, try The News. :be that four limes ment Pioneer Laundry, tf seen for as Song, "Ming. Hang. Iliiighaiii, O'Ms, with three times as BOY WANTED SAVOY HOTEL. tf cities. A number of deaths have' Government agents throughout!man' Heading occurred. the province are wording over- WASTED Waitress. Hotel Prince Rupert - !liiii nrpna fin rr IhA liala fnr Iho Oirlieatrn. "Till the amide Hull Hy" WORK WANTED FEMALE The Faster arrived today with coming provincial tax sale which!Practically the same as the num Sonsr. "ScJiuberts Serenadew . 30 Onn lh nf hnlihnt on.I o rr.ll taVi nliirn tnnai-H (ho onH nf.u ol '-"B8" t-aouuiiicff, WO MAS WASTS WORK Phone Blue lf. ti,Av.. mt aoove iiigius in ianaua hni v,v. einn tk. ntrua ...hi V .itn Soto. "The lice," s. i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ;the Prince nuperl district u.tlcover approximately 813,060 miles 31 times around the thus lied Cro Number or globe, ng, Rev. W. Marsh of Terrace, who early next week. DRUO CLERK, experienced, married, wants there is one fatality for 110.280 position in good town on O. T.P., or has for; a week past been in Ihe "Hume tiweet Home, the World OVr." would take run chirre ror doctor owe-lnt hospital here undergoing treat. F. li. Warner, editor and pub- miles, or for five times around store. State wares and hours first Uie globe. The conclusions to be lisher of the letter. R.C C, 817 Richards St, Van ment for a poisoned hand, lejj Interior News of couver. 11 this morning for his home. Smithers, arrived in town yesterday drawn from the above figures are DR. WILLIAM RADER FOR SALE and is leaving for home this so evident that no further expla Now that the road to the mill afternoon on the train. He,was nation ii required. Will lecture, having for bis subject FOR SALE Good household furniture fori on in connection sale, S3t Slnth Ave., East, fhone Bluel s completed the Prince ftupert "e(T 7, uus'?.es "THE MAKINQ OF A MAN" umber Company is ready to de- wlIlh ,fh,e, pu ,ca"0". f lhe tax FOUND iver lumber. to the- local lrrfP. ...hia distncL SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Orders may be Daced wth Albert 1 j 09 w m t Season Tickrts fur the five Programme, (ransfr a! FOUND Girl's extension gold bracelet, set McCaffery. tf. vsut n . t..i ... Mrs. II. within Ih Owner family, costs f 4.00. wun stones. Apply Daily ftews offieo i iinuii ouiiuci i-arij ii Ileaumont has gone to appearing in the Chautauqua pro-;Vancouver for a short visit. All Season Ticket Holders Must Book Their St at Ormti FOUSD At Sslt Lakes, lady's bathlnf suit and two towels. Owner may hive same We pet pep Into our printing grammes here this week, is the I - ... DruB Storfl, at Dally isews office by paylnr for this nsine-. ai j ne iew9 J'rini Mir.p. owner 0f one ot the jjegt Italian Mr. and Mrs. 3. F. Chawner advertisement. tf violins now' In exislance. Its Williams are at present occupy- "i maker, Gaspain da Salo, lived ing a cottage at 207 Second Street from 1542 to 1009, and his pupil wnere Mrs. Williams will receive TALBOT ROOMS taught the famous Stradivarius. on Thursday afternoon. M. M. STEPHENS ... and Restaurant The steamer Tees, the well At Home Miss Pollard will be NOTARY PUBLIO This establishment will be known C. P. It. coasting boat, lias pleased to receive friends at herl taken over by D. GIBB, a returned now been transformed into a sal-'residence, 452 Eighth Avenue, E., IS OFFERS FOR QUICK vage craft. She is equipped with Jon the occasion of the marriage soldier, on October 1 ie ii-jul-u cemruugai pumps ana oi ner niece, miss Dorothy JIc SALE and will be run as a flrst-class numerous smaller water nailers. Ouillin, to Mr. Margin Scaife at The Followlnr Choice Properties.- place Cook has had fche lakes the place of the Salvor,9:30 on Thursday evening, Sept. LoU Z7 A ZS, Block 7. taction 1. 600.00 aach. 20 years' experience. wnicii was recently sold by the 20lh. Lots 23 St 24, Block 10, (action E, B. C. Salvage Co. J. M. Hewison1 Cornar 6th 6, Tatlow, $1,760.00 for the pair. is in command. Get your envelopes at The News Two Questions Lot 20, Block 23, Section 6, Eighth ! IpjrJnt shop. Aa, E. near school with thraa-roomad, Principal W. If. Vance who was summer kitchen;plasterad$800.00,house terms and Be sure to buy a of here a few week's ago has been WATEH NOTICE S 00-00 cash and balance copy appointed a member of the Labor r 1. USE ASD STORAGE. . With low-priced monthly. This la convenient to so many drydock and all parts ef City, Committee of the General Synod GET MY RATES BEFORE RENEWING "Resources" Of the Church of Eneland in Can-' tax SOTICE that The CrstAy Cn anti-skids obtainable, YOUR FIRE INSURANCE ada Associated wun niin on that 1 0,iaurli Uiuiut. Smelttnt and Power Co., so-called IT WILL PAY YOU. THE NE MONTHLY MAGAZINE Ud wbau. ABroIf rtititb are oanon i'lumire QJ lumhls, will apply for licence to take would that host Illustrating all this part of Toronto, Chief Justice Mathers of!,ml UM' tttt smi to store J.seo great M. M. Stephens the Province. Winnipeg, and Lansing Lewis ot''flows"l flV,r drslns lf"c Into c,?ek lbservslory Mbich of motorists more for Montreal. Therje is pay in nothing REAL ESTATE INSURANCE miet about 1-4 mile sootbesit or the north-est FINANCIAL AQEKT the despatch to indicate what is corner of Lot lS. The sire 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 At all News Stands. committee the scope is of expected activity lo?over.which the cf dam Carney will be Lake.Iocs ted The st the capacity natural of outlet llxl Dunlop "Traction" Tread retervolr to be crested Is about ItOO acre feet, and II wil! flood about 310 acres of I if they could its merits get j Win. Manson, sr., last night lund. The water will be diverted from saved the life of David Lawson, the stream it point about 1-1 mile north "A Dollar Saved is east of the elsewhere ? an American 45 years of age, who northesit corner of Lot ItJJ. snd will be used for mlscellsneous pur Dollar Earned" If You Would Succeed was trying to commit suicide by poses upon the land described is Lot lis. a drowning in the Eraser; ftiver, This notice ss potted on the rround Also, would that other says the Vancouver Province. The on the 17th day of July, 1911. A copy to your credit men was a powerful swimmer and of this uotlre ind sn ipptlrsllon pursuant A' thereto sod to Ihe "Wsler Art, till." will large list of in me is car owners buy oanic, yours. at first it was thought he might t filed In the office of the Waier Re You don't have to ::Be:: be Tieo. Leaf, fugitive from justice. corder at Prince Rupert, D, C " " work for it all over He is Objections to the application may be SPECIAL now recovering at the again as you do for the dollars filed with the said Wsler erorder or with I that have been spent. hospital. He appears to have Ihe Comptroller of Wsler Rlrbts, Parlia if tires which somewhat come from Bellingham and had ment fiulldlnts, Victoria. 0. CN wlihln How many dollars have you on. tried previously lo take his ortn thirty dsys after Ihe first sppesrsure of that you can call your own ? life. this notice In s. loci I newrpaier. resemble it in appeara e CRANBY CONSOLIDATED VIKI.XO. SMELT- Why not start in an account our Savings Department and Time At the meeting last night in IXd'li i-OWEn Vf I CO..Fred LTD.,Ritchie,Applicant A rent resembled it in efficiency? save a part of the money you connection with the fair, W. J. The date of the firil publlrailun of ihl earn? A few dollars saved Klrlpatrick suggested that next notice Is Kth July, nil. Afll eachweekvamount tohundreds year there should be a Prince Rupert in the course of a few years. district exhibit. He did not THE BANK OF Buy Your Watch from see why when they raised such a YE OLDE COUNTRIE lot of vegetables and other proJ FISH AND CHIPS British NoHh America ducts they should not have an ex-' 717 Second Avenue. BULGER hlbit. It was suggested thai MrJ T YEARS IN 11V&INESS. Kirkpatrick should unJ personally CAriTAt. AND 6-UHPLUS, Will be open every day at S7.D8M0O. derlake to look after this U depart- PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Expert Watchmaker ment and see thai it was a credit TAKE 11 SOME a. m.HOME, Advertise In The Daily News to the city. This it is' W.J.SMITHERS,Manager j Mr. Kirjkpatrick undertook .. The to do. Paper that gets Quick Remits