— NR Sane: eee wee = = Darn PAG E TWO THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. July 14 2 aia The 40th Anniversary | LOCALITEMS I Seedieai Grapes at sartlett Pears : | Honey Dew Mellon Regular meeting Trades ana = = ft Labor Councit tonsa at cock! Munro Bros. Mrs. George Wils df — oan who left a > two or i! yea Bee Montre eee s Fir ae ve «CVG sure ‘ At 4“ arvertisemen n "nis Sue a . For 40 years SALADA has return to the ~iy thus hah 7 er M.S. Whittier, de yl r of SEVOm: Shep Fee Ry Be ic jac sees petting in tis cares at dae ee Pp sent rice are th + men ‘Ss. women’s r children’s f visit to the « r g ar tea. re p s € footwear you can on fron 1¢ Ala ‘ : lowest in 15 years. visiting the Cut Rate Shoe 8 Princess Louise yesterday af- 63' tern Canadian Legion picnic, Gra Mrs. D. B. Finn arrived in THE DAILY NEWS bey, Sunday. July 17. Adults 0:-ap the Prince George veseray a Ski . Children free. Children must ernoon from Vaneouver to assume PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA accompanied by parents. Truck esidence here. She was met at —_—- Ricley Home, Legion Hail and Jeean Falis by Mr. Finn, wh - Pu ry Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ner of 6th and McBride fr ompanied her here Dez News, Limited, T Avenue an nti] 1 n ae H. F. Pt ED --M g Editor ao. ¥ : { CI J I. B eac *ngine Am 1A C. P.R tG N Hz ter 5 ‘ 2 th f yt aw r r , 1e P Merr Soil eft Mi : ester iternoon retu 4 Jasper Park wt ; a after having made th F visit before returning Golden. He ) Skagway D 1 is a brother-in-law of Capt. Sol rach «Aah ve te lows 7 -_———- ‘| a cide ei | a] j per Miss Julia Waiters arrived in th i nnouncemen S : ADVERTISING RATES city on the Prince George yester-j' cvertising, per insertion. pe: word 02 day from Vancouver, where she is} wal read per insert per line 25 ‘training for a nurse at Vancouver Canadian Legion Picnic, G : ces, each insertion, per agate line 15 General Hospital, to spend a holi-| Bay, July 17 a Transiet display advertising, per inch. per insertion 1.40 day visiting with her parents. Mi — . Contract rates on application and Mrs. Michael Walters. Hay Eagles’ Social Dance Friday. J 4 Cove Cirele. 12. Admission, Gents. 50c; lad : Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 efreshments Editor and Reporters’ Telephone 86 Ser a ection Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Oddfellows opening dance, Jul t } 29 i ; ; WANS : ; oo OAILY EDITION SEA i0i T day. July 14. 1932 TEAM WINS Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20 we FRANCE AND BRITAIN = = Ottawa Valley Cricket Council De- Until comparatively a féw years ago France and Great, ‘ted im Mateh By Visitors . os ; : nn. A ; From Antipodes i britain were open enemies. TI ey never iost an opportunity ‘ é ‘ ‘4 . . = 3 - | F ol showing tne animosity. Un Many occasions there was FASONAL ope vartare and so fearful were the British of their) OTTAWA. July 14:—Scoring 365 | | Pe a ae aes } os ’ a . - ' runs for seven wickets, the tourine nel Ol nat Une ould not allow a innei 0 ve COonNn- : 4 4 M eT Australian cricketers defeated th SUD laf ed peneath the straits of Vover Ottawa Valley Cricket Council ine war brought a change, but still there were suspic-| scoring 82 runs for 18 wickets ons and the a1 mo ity between France and Germany Was + | sho vn henever B itain seemed to favo the latter. Now Friday & Saturday there is a new administration and the Herriot government ; is is showing a new spirit. Premier Ramsay MacDonald, the | OTTAGE ROLLS—Boned Smoked socialist premier of Britain. has been negotiating with the Snoulders, Average 16¢ ; : r feighit 5 ibs., pe socialist premier of France to good effect and a new un- ee - n a “one ' derstand g has been reached w cn promises great thing 2 tiz 7 . 15¢ - @ . as tor the future peace oi the world. . |NABOB JELLY POWDERS 25¢ x ‘ ’ ‘ 7 2& ie | +} : sNaLiOns are how iearning to deal with each other in a pecia S 5 for similar manner to individuals. United States has led the 488T FOODS MAYONNAISE Wa!) in the matte: of ope liplomaey and the new under- | Fraser Valiey Pure Creamery Butter | -_ 23¢ pons 43e standing with France is a very decided forward step which| 100% B. C. Product 55 ape i BUTTER PICKI ES s3 i . 7 9 . * JREAD UTTE .ES sh } ud Nave a great ellect on the Gipit macy oi other na- 2 Ibs Milde by “Best Foods 30c¢ bal tion - = cret treaties are going in tne d seard anda gen-| Maikin's Best Vanilla and} ver bottle i uine effort is be Ing made nicn will tend to do away W ith Lemon Extract ALL'S CHICKEN BROTH | ; , SoC c war as a means of settling international disputes. 2 bottie Vith R yes Ss {ALI HITE BEANS Corr t Ib pke ide ARE F WARS SETTLE NOTHING 15¢ 20c¢ Sugar Cri Flake OATS—Quick- K per pk result of the creat war confirm hat Norman An- Quaker Quick 20¢ KEKIST HONEY 65 gell tried to teach at the beginning of this century when he Rolled Oats, pkg per 5-ib. tin c * published a book designed to show the futility of armed! ABOB PURE STRAWBERRY JAM conflict. He reasoned that the winner lost as well as the| ‘oval Sliced Pineapples 25¢ vr mS peda 0c laser and he hac } h nt > correct. It ie clear 2's, 2 tins per tin ser and he nas deen snc LO De Cf CL. il 18 Cle ‘ . : . i a n a ae : : ; . rere : ki rr 5-STRING BROOMS—Strone nd that wars settie nothing and that there is no kind of dis | Maikin’s Best Aspara- "CC gprviceabls 40 4 pute that could not be settled amicably if the parties there-! gus Tips 25c 7 to were amenable to son. The glory is passed from war-| per tin CHRISTIES’ ASSORTED BISCUITS fare and, now that it is sho t the profit is also gone. | gieet Paragon” Ass 30c oe . ony » os at : Supreme Stee! 1-] nk f t is probable that wars will become fe er until they dis- 7 10c = a . I “eer : Wool, pke RED ARROW CHO pear a8 a relic oI Darvarism. ILATE 29¢ FCLATRS irate. 8 ING OSCAR SARDINES—Packed in Pure Olive O per tin 15c ‘ CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL i i 2 tins Lynn Val Peact : ' | 2 tins Lynn Vall Plums, 2 mae 59c Malkin's Best Tea 4 tins 40c 1-lb. pkg PEARL WHITE SOAP }Royal City Crosby Corn 35¢ 13 bars 50c. 2's, 2 tins 15 CANDY SPECIAI PLANTERS’ Peanut Butter Cc COCONUT & PEANUT 2 1-lb. tin CRISP, per Ib 2c Pitted Dates HEINZ BAKED BEANS i 5 2 Ibs 25 Medium tins, per tin 13c Fels Naptha Soap 75¢ 10 bars FRUITS & VECETABLES Supre ated Coffee Yhoice Bing Cherri . Thousands of bonnie, bounc- aprons Yur Fee 40c caren * 5 Smerries, Oe > : l-lb. pkg ‘ Large Canteloupes, each 13e ing Canadian babies owe their Good Size Oranges—~ 95¢ Bunch Carrots, per bunch 5e health and strength to | 5 doz Bunch Beets, per bunch 6c pias's.A im» the )Swift’s Classie Cleanser 25¢ Bunch Turnips. per tanch 6c ideal baby food. Absolutely ' 3 tins Green Peas, 3 Ibs 25 iy pure... there is no substitute, | Order Strawberries For Preserving Hothouse Tometoes. 2 ths 35e , Now—They Are at Their Best Upriver Berries, per box l5e st and 2 boxes 25¢ | Phone Your Order—We Deliver Alberta Market Watts’ Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS” SSeeeetaesvaeuaee a hristie’s Alberta Mark Arrowroots) "=~ 2 Dresses for the Price of 1 $14.95 $12.95 DRESSES $2.95 NOTE.—The above listed merchandise is new stock just off Wednesday's boat. Come and be convinced. Suit Hat Our Complete Stock Large Stock of Sum- of Hats to clear, your . choice of any hat ip priees, all to clear at Sask ‘ob : : en $9.95 95c. Sale Starts Friday at 9 a.m. Georgette, Lace Ensembles, Flat Crepe, Printed Materials, Flow- ered Crepe Ensembles and Chif fon—Sizes 14 to 44; 2 for the 2) DRESSES 90 DRESSES price of 1— Afternoon and Street Dresses in Flat Crepe, Cantons, Hea Crepe and Flowered Crepes Sizes 14 to 44; 2 for the price of 1— Voile Sizes 14 to 50; 2 for the price of 1— and Broadcloth Dresses— Coats Large Stock of Sum- mer Coats at reduced mer Suits at reduced prices, all sizes — Mr. and Mrs. M. Warden of An- C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise t 5 p.m. for Veacouve yox arrived in the city on the Ca- Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived in port and Victoria. There were 80 \asse1 tala Tuesday from the smelter town at 3:30 yesterday afternoon from gers sboard the vessel inc! ne or and are guests at the Savoy Hotel. Skagway and other Alaska points who d ked her Vie La A rgest Selling in the World TO the Canadian condensery of Carna- A Milk of Many Uses tion Company comes milk from fine Heat treatment and homogenization, Canadian herds. First it is evaporated, which makes the cream globules tiny then packed for shipment to all parts of and distributes them evenly throughout the Dominion and to other lands. For, the milk makes Carnation su per-smooth whether in the frozen North orunderthe ad ling to the texture and consistency of Southern Cross, Carnation keeps good and milk, dishes besides improving richness, wholesome under any climatic condition. Universally popular, universally used, Carnation is the largest selling brand of unsweetened. evaporated milk in the world! and flavour. Enjoy Carnation’s goodness in cream soups, sauces, custards, cocoa, ice cream, and candy, Delight in its creamy double-richness—and economy }-- in coffee or on fruits and cereals. Approved for Baby Feeding The highest medical authorities recommend Carnation Milk as an excellent milk for babies— Two Booklets For You To learn all about this food milk write for The Carnation Cock Book and “Contented Babies"— twe vet hy free booklets. Write Car. sation Co., Limited 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation “From Contented Cows” because of its purity, uniform- ity, nutritiowsness, richness in vitamins and minerals, and super-digestibility. That’s How Good dt Is! MILK FROM CANADIAN COWS, PACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN.MADE CANS AND CASES