OftlHES LIMITED GF.O.J.FRIZZELL Chcml3t3 P.O.BOX 18BO and THE Daily News Good Particular People Meats for phones,82 and 200 Phones, 10 and 25 vim.. IX. NO. 220. MINCE IIL I'EIIT, D, C Fill DAY. BF.PTF.MUL'Il 27, 1918. PKICJ FIVE CENTS VICTORY ci ?7v 7R 77 V? f7VF3 Trn VT rt?T?T A TRv frv K IK VK MIKWAKI WEST OF VERDUN lliaRIANS BEING CHASED BY ALLIED FORCES: CHANGES IN RUSSIA ti iiiiii r n r - bbokui rm m m m m am h. n LETH0NIANS APPEAL BULGARIANS ROUTED BY I'll R. H IBII M J Uaa B-F VJU 1 L- H kf m m m U K T I HI U M u 1 h iw mi i n 4 rim ii unii 11 r nil 1 i TO WORLD AGAINST GERMAN APPRESSION ALLIED TROOPS ON BOTH OF 20 MILES; 5000 PRISONERS (Special via 0. T. I. Telegraph.) SIDES OF GREAT SALIENT Washington, Sept. 27. The inhabitants BEEN TAKEN WEST OF VERDUN llussian border of Lethonia,provinces one of seized the EFFORT BEING MADE TO REACH USKUB AND THUS MAKE by the Germans under the BresU Litovsk treaty, Iiave addressed a VICTORY COMPLETE GERMAN REINFORCEMENTS WdVe lOWnS LapiUieu uy men ban auu ncuiu numcj icsici- formal protest to all nations of UNABLE TO CHECK the waijd against their fate. After BIG ADVANCE day After Stubborn Resistance Reports General Pershing having, without result, addressed themselves to the German Chan-rellor, (Sprdal to The ftewa Tla 0.T. P. Telegraphs.) to Washington Government. they now appeal to the London, September 27. Reports received emphasized the Special K. Tb u u T r TwgTpn. outside against world their in vehement protest demoralization of the Bulgarians who are retreating In confusion, oppressors, Washington, September 27. Attacking yesterday over a front PRINTING IN ENEMY I leaving behind an enormous amount of material and probably . . ... it.. ...... r Uarsdin.. In rwinrtlrn. with the French GETTING PUBLICITY many thousands of prisoners, as the allied troops strain every I LWOIIIV I.II IV. ..www w. . . . . j . .. .. .....n . .r ....... LANGUAGES FORBIDDEN energy t oget to Uskub and thereby make their victory complete. - nM.i.. cimi apmv iinvinceu. lo mi qici auv uuwm wi bvivm Miiiciiwau i w lit". - - is taken It is pointed out that the Bulgarian estimated to iu nnd Matured twelve town and more than 5,000 prisoners, The following clipping army, .-...i D.Mhinnii Hnnri ttAtftt. In lection "A" this mornlna, Special vu 0.T. P. Telegraph.) from the Monetary Times, Toronto, aggregate 300,000 men, is In a dangerous position, but the victory - ik. cl..i A.mw nlinrboH tha entmt on a front Ottawa, Sept. 27. No more of recent date: "Contracts will not be decisive, in the opinion of military experts, until Uskub, for the construction of five steel newspapers, tracts, painpuieis. the centre of all enemy communication lines; is captured..,U that twenty mlle and penetrated ni line to an average uepin 01 books or any ol,r kim of puMj.'si,ip for the Norwegian govern it Is believed the will be numbered . ... ...... ... is accomplished victory among -.II a u-tnnawiw-inia. n n nnn mmm i a uiii ri ininiii. inn iiiu n 3t ik huilwi in i nn.'ina ment have been let and they will Major General Liggett' corps, stormed Varrne, Mont Blaln- in enemy languages until after be constructed in Prince Huper(t, the few decisive ones of Ihe war. This hat been decided H.C. John Little, of Pittsburg, The renewed resistance of Bulgarian retargulards and the head of the construction company, In Macedonia have not n. w - uiHiu iir iiic vjfjtri iiiiiciiv oiiu arrival of German reinforcements succeeded otner corp., ero.i.ng rorge. vroox, epiurca . 0;.r.in.)uncil has been pa.l is expected in Prince Ftupert this In stemming the great allied advance. d wic id from the onemy the town of Malancourt, Belhln- lrfln,,nHni, .,- derision into law. full. Ilesides the construction of British cavalry yesterday entered Bulgaria opposite Kosturino, ii n. iiiani rxucoih uuiav. naiiLiiioi. A.ouLiar uDD ua im7uua auu iniiirtf v it mvpn uir fiziiiu HLirtri iiuikiucib uiuv.ii ivpau w . . . . m . M . i .l .i....tln f fill oLn Ha itnarlaVcn It la AT thus avoiding the Belachlsta mountains which, it was feared, bar its while Serbians, French, Greeks and Hie llCCn- pccicu inui wuru wni io might progress, ...... . , 4. lf j lr -iiMtlH ing privilege aliorus me mewiou oon 10 couuntrucK tiruuiufe uw mc. truisn troops rouiea wis cuigrians irom euner side of the ur.iB Hr.iinv uH mu ww 'if of the shioyards to he erected ,inimi nn.! rpeulalinn a great salient, which now stretches far into Serbia. . ... -" 111 1 HIM.. Illl'Ui.l 1 1 1 UU lllllll. .1 u..m. vhiiu k uciiiiii, no pruuauiuij is vua mo uvi ! """iUanneo pUDIIcauoiis nircnuj in. DROP BOMBS ON TOWN oesion.' BORDEN RESTING BRITISH STILL mo in mak icviur usiurs luiiy. j I , ! NOTED FOR SAUSAGES .Cmi.I ft-la fl T P Telf trtphi. UIUW a VI a I w M a CANADIAN VESSELS Wm. L. Padgett,in Prinrn of New rinnort York.; Ottawa, bent. 27.- Premier Bor-capital DRIVING TURKS (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) CIIW TiV CNUMARInlF ; B",.i,r in ink ihn len has left the for a BY HURRICANE !position of cler in the United fortnight s rest. I1T mi rAl rOTPIfcTT1 hSIlm1 men Lqiyiou.yesterday Sept.dropped 27. British boibs air-IIM on nA r.irh.. f n.h in.i Throuah States consulate, has been trans-' ill 1 rLLiliV ILlWJ lhe Gerrdan city of Frankfort. Raldor on jFive enemy machines were shot Action Cnemy oj Qn panipd fay Mf8 HndIejrt ,efl lown down. Four British airplanes are cn uamanA Mnn. nir i n . ' 'getting rid of a slight physical last evening for Vancouver: Capt. Many More Points Occupied and Callfornlan Coast City or ..-mi uT77 T,tn. jdisability. hopes to get away to Hindley was lecturing here fon the Enemy Retreating North- ;tiu.ssiiijj.London, Sept. 27.--To British immediately thereafter. Chautauqua. ward Followed by the I in the LaPai It Partially Ottawa, Sept. 27.-The loss of divisions have captured Destroyed. nine vessels valued at fSOl.ooo; - - Allied Forces. last few days the German system land laden with fish worth f 130,-1 'of trenches and strong points " t v. Ttferrapb.) t! UUU n at IIirouBll t. acutiuro-.I..(II.. wi.f "n anli ' ARMY OF 200,000 HAS BEEN (Special via 0. T. r. Telegraphs.) inorthwest or St. Quentin with 1,-London, all .1 b Hhr., Sept. 57. marine off the Atlantic coast, is Sept. 27. The British 500 prisoners. There were only, a fate Sliipiiintr Hoard shown b u fisheries statement forces have occupied the most!minor encounter yesterday, ! ihfir maiden trips for Auaiisl. Another e.l from - FORMED IN SIBERIA AND iiiipoijtsiit Turkish centre of j Paris, Sept. 27. The Franco-Amman ' aud a Heel of other Yarmouth laden with a pood on the Jedjai railway, American altack on both sides of w f- badly battered; the catch of fish, was also destroyed .thirty miles east of the Jordan. Argonne is continuing: satisfao- l-ara wa parlloTly de- by a raider. 30,000 OFFICERS THERE - Turks are retreating north-1 t.iy. Ftvnch troops have made . '" . and the flonfinir iniiln (. AllnnKx lnrt. Sent. 27. W ard along the railway and are an advance of nearly four miles 'l' I Hi I ft iu. StnloH--"-!- "'nnvnl mi till. . f Unulitn k IllTl being closely pursued by , the -on certain points west of Argonne. ... ii i ii-n-.i ! ...,Mak -rnniiun im diigoih UU HIPH I T I -' A 1 1 i t r "MB l lffllCI HUO I'VVH ivi' . IVill-ft "---- - - . .... . .... . . . . . Ill fl fWl I II A A 1 - 1 Whl I I O It operating in; . . troops r.onA assortment of at u .it 1'imni rT iii.ni r v nn. mi inn iiiiilii k iinnrn iiu m-g r- n avM w w i plpos Inli.lin nr pxlpndlnc, their. OO- n.iv tf uur uunng a terr no lantic roast. Tbo crew Of 27 AND ORDER IN A DE-VASTED 1 " w - -.- y 11 n. .cupationabout the Sea of Galilee. - ui ijikpu on tno n-nciu-ii nero saieiy. LAND IWAI. I--uniia nil t ana. northwest iThey have occupied Tiberius andj on the borjlers of that . jSemakh, JAPANESE CAB n.l ...a - - via n T t T.1-t ri-rt t RESIGNS OFFICE tsPena. .u " T' !a, and Essamura. ! "DEKIERS" ,w K t i the steadily increas- Washingloii, September ueiiaicii iu me iimmiuh ..-, j,rUuh casualties during the '? "S(. -if siinnlln I 1.1 (St'"' T. P. Trlrgraib. li.issv from M. nolovnschelT, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs ofrensjVfl xvere jes man one-tenth We have moved and just underSgnpi nnd u ,,PC(?(,'ary ; Tl)kl0( pcpt. 7. The Japanese' r j,e Omsk Ooveniment, says that an army of more than 200,000.the number of prisoners taken(. nbout settled lit our new . . .... - 1 1 11 ..la.nm I .r. T.i.b. the store. It's real cozy and an. un increniln in rlmrtri.. l,lnt linnilo.l bv Field Marshal tnt'ii has been formed in oiucria oy cuuscrn'iiuu unu uut ic i uu.5, announce. home-like, nnd will soon be . ... lr Irnin nnil Innil i Thn U'lllCni SiaieS. .uit, un unii niinr i:niini Tcrnucni which has hem Ilioro ...... . ... nrmv .... 1 'OP 1 Oni. ,11..... ...til rt i . . - i . iitflrt tin-i .10 UUU oincerp huhu.u ihvv ......j full of slock. New Coats ulluli W nup- OHiCC flinrc ucuuirr, iviv. organized on tho basis of strict discipline and will con- ! tho last being came on express DIVORCE i! .'01.'.1"' ,,ew Pr'co lists.Signed. ... . : .......i.rnli. iMiwrtrfnl fnpr In niflrnln vvilli...... Ihn... , 1 1 i "1 1 GRANTED ! value for iu.i.i.h I.AUNUIIY. SliUlie "II lllvicusiHBij ""' -. t and are splendid CANADIAN I.AUNDUY. Lady-mllh Welllnolon Coal re and Czccho-SIovak forcea in Siberia. .Jt, following from a Taconia the money; also blouses in ' CUC9S your fuel bill ana gio With the safe arrival of United Kerensky Government by tho Bol- newspaper will prove of interest the wanted shades. blouse ntlsfactlon. Phone IS. .P. Oenoral Poole at shevikl there Is emerging a cenJ ca ly as tho Mr. Oroy therein We have a dandy WESTHOLMg Cool Oo, c !ttTm " from Moscow addl-'lrnl authority which omclals and mentioned was formerly .Mis$ 95.00.COME AND SEE i""'". . . . .....f..rv .I.J flli.lnmnta hitra lirtnA will i.n uuiu i.i sioiin wniipv nr Crinccr Itupert: TONiQHT "" . .. . I t...t. K..A it n.tntillali I. 1 tlllll MtnAUV Stella Oray was granted a dl- ONLY eondillons in uenirai uussiu ' .i.--v-,u..0.. .v..-, ,nnx. in ,,.' been obtained. The ma-sacn of:tlie light against the common """"""t""" T, J)olhle A'rriiAt-Tiojr i nm.i.i ii ... i. .ii nor nr court. Saturday on the, WANTED Ihislans In Moscow was con-.enemy. iiiiif'im imiii iiiitLinii nun - - "THE MASTER. .,..! ti.ni.mhAr o wh nlinllt roiichei tiio Jlussian iiniuassy CROOK" that the vas given custody of their son. Donkey Engineer, '150 executions nightly. More paiullusslan conference uiITerenL nnH. live Two Chasers, than I.""0 persons have been at Ufa, European llussia, which Hordon." nnd . One Chokerman, shot in rcimi"'1"' mi u - ( .v0...- fpL CHARLIE One Blacksmith. till Len ne. the iiolsiieviMivH!iui overninenvs uppusuie; BIRTH CHAPLIN Inremler. !1"8 'tolshevlkl, including tho SI Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas FOR QUALITY HE MOr"oAN, LIMITED . ..........., . . Iteynolds of Lewis Island, ft son PROPERTY J. R. 11 ll B I 1 1 1 L I I III Dt'l L. I VU v.. " MAN" " ... I...I..I . . ... ... SERVICE AND SATISFACTION at Wellsvlllf Apply Williams A Mnnsoii. lmni WHICH lias ex sieu lu.mi iiiinuie oi uvu as tho on September 13, . the Ad m I..1 in ase ami 0. Itusnin since the overthrow of the lawful authority for nil llussia. Utah, U.SA, Food Hoard Licence No. i0.7'340.