Thursday, July 14, 1932 PAGE THREE SL * 4 * 3 mye en i ) | HE NEW IMPERIAL 3-STAR * * * a new and better gasoline, goes on sale today at all Imperial Oil stations and dealers. Here is a gasoline . ' that is eager to go « « « full of power « « * won't knock « » * and so completely refined there is no waste. No carbon or gum to worry about. Nothing but eager, i smooth-flowing power to sweep you along the highway, or ease you gently through the thickest traffic. * * * Refined in British Columbia by British Columbia } H E | EW labour. « * * The New 3-Star is Green in colour, and sells at the regular price. nA a & R IA L a ee a - _—— - - - ee . . ing at Digby Island, the annual ducted, an abuncanec of ice cream . W ddi Rushbrook officiati when M NEW GASOLINE SHOULD C N R T 5 Annual Picnic al of the junior Sun iav School and good food also being served, wiet e Ing Lila Hai! and Murdock W. Macken BE HERE NEXT WEEK . - . rains of St. Peter's Anglican Sundty| The affair was under the super- e zie, a well known local couple, weré fave ¥ School was, nevertheless, held yes- vision of W. B Skinner assisted by | S | d united in marriage. Both bride and} The local office of the Imperial _ " Held Yesterday _ le n and it proved a teachers of the various junior $ 0 emnize groom have « wide circle of frier 0 Company states that the For the East— ; he eer” yrades and Canon W. F. Rushbrook ee th tv and y ill t Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- very happy affair for all 1s: Maher Wilkes, ASwuadiiber of pare Nuptlats of Miss Lila Hall and Mur- elves | acaniaedl Mahe 7 tt with the new Imperial 3- days 12:30 noon Junior Sunday School of St. Peter's Rev. W. B. Jennings took We “™ ld bs dives inal sak pre- dock W. Mackenzie Took Place a se rh : i . ; cs _— oline is expected to arrive’ Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fri- Anglican Church Had Happy children for a run on the harbo: { at Abm Cottage =; ae. ee a e city next Wednesday, July days 3 pam. Afternoon aboard the mission boat Northern een aiid, 5 xt y, } i : Cross after which the gathering ad A quiet wedding. took place at Tonight's mixed train from the 20 | the gasoline will be on sale From the East— Although . rainy. weather inter- journed to the spacious ehurch hall For guick returns Try a Want Ahm Cottage Overlook Stréet, East, due at *t p.nwits reportéd fn Prince Rupert the following Sundays, Thursdays and Fridays | with original plans for an out- where spo! na game e con- | Advertisement Tuesday evening, Canon W, F.\ this morning nh Wm Ga, j il pam, _ ‘ %*. ; . ed i Sie ‘ é 7 ” (hs 5 { 1 st ' i?