THE DAILY NEWS. 1tiip M A CTCD rnnnvti isi iruiLML.ii i,nuuiY CRIPPLE FOR AND CHARLIE CHAPLIN i Thorn Is a IiIk double nltrnri... THREE YEARS tonight at the Westholmc Theatre' ,when "The Master Crook" will bo the realure, wJth a fine Charlie lltlpteas In Bed With Rheumatism Chaplin Mm, "The Properly Man' Until H. Took -FRUIT.A.TIVESr, as a big attraction. Uoth of these lllms are said to be unusually good and doubtless will attract a large crowd, especially in view of there, havitig been no picture for lhe; Inst three days. MR. ALCXANDCR MUNRO ! Mward Ureese, the famous actor, U.K. No. 1, Lome, OnL plays five different parts in! iT.r ner three ycrs. I was j The Master Crook." lie shows' coarined to bed with Kkcumatum. a versatility which Is seldom seen1 irinr tint time, I lad treatment Jand this adds intercut to a film I (ism a Dottier of doctors, and tried which is Hi Itself first rate. ' ... . ' inI fcatr adrrrUwtl to Chaplin is always Interesting.: curTUie'.mAUsin, without receiving A great many people never miss ai in Urns:-. Chaplin film. To watch him lifts! Final!;- I decided to try 'rant-- them out of the routine of lifej 11VOT i": u- and carries them away and makes 1 netted w tmi'roTcmeiit; the pain them laugh and enjoy themselves.! not o r- p. d the swelling u Tiiit double programme is one noli tti 1ia mliifH- I aiiti Mine lklifril mt. BUM, iffl.'"' MW M"f fu CANADA'S HUGE . Ill liOm A t ?... -- - - uifbt chuff about the place". EXPORT TRADE home there comes a time when thought, every every Me t box, 6 for i2X0,trul lu 2Cc TO j- jot d.-vi. -f or sent rottpaid on for the future the This War Prosperity Cannot Last every hope, every prayer centres on r ,pl cf cs hy Fruit tiius We Should be Conserving Surplus Savings Now. recovery of one loved one. Tn that hour of anguish, every means to is sought the highest medical skill, trained St. James Hotel The commercial prosperity of a recovery nurses, country may be largely gauged by costly treatment. Does the price matter? (LATE "OUttHS") the calue of its export trade. FIH8T CLASS HOOMS Judged by that standard, Canada's Hot and Cold Water. present prosperity is literally as. SO pf Night, u IS WHt touudiug. In the year tV13, the last yvar before the war, our to-1 It may .be so great as to stagger If anyone says "I cannot save' tal f 377,010,355.export trade'on the amounted fiscal year Ui the imagination a sum beyond the let Him consider to what extent he DENTJSTRY ending in March this year, it possible. would pinch himself to relieve the reached the amaxing, almost stag office iintrnj: gering, figure of 1.580,109,72. sufferings of a loved one at home; I a.m. u If J 1:SO p-m. U Si0 But does ask, "Can In other words, the value of the anyone we DR. J.OCNTISr 8. CROWN goods sold by Canada to other do it?" Money or no money, they and surely he would not pinch less countries is today more than four for fighting brothers in France. Omcj Smllk Block, Tftlr At mid. our Ptwee 4S4. times what it was in the year before do it. And somehow they pay. the war. .Nor is this the Without suffering actual "privations, whole of the story. In the latter It without may mean doing year the imports to Canada ttjiin nearly every family in Canada STEEN&LONCWILL other countries were of the value things they think they need. It reduce standard of its of f 0;o,O89,O06, while for the year can living, ending last March they amounted may mean privations, sacrifices, S&riinA nO HEAT!ft C can practice reasonable thrift, can CffClKECKS to That,tK02.521.847.wbilo we are selling to hardships. They make unbelievable make cheerful sacrifice to'enrich the other countries more than four savings, they achieve the impossible, Agents for life-blood of the nation. times the goods we sold them five HoCULRY FURNACES years ago, we are buying from but they get the money to pay. them, though more, yet not half You who read this, get out PLUKBINQ as much again as w then sold and them. The result is that whereas pencil and paper NOW. Set down SHEET KETAL WORKS in 1913 what we sold was less To-day in this critical period of the items of your living expense. Pfc than half of what we bought, to-' Ngbt:i phones S 83 1 Seobil 576 Avaue9 day- the position is morjc than re-' our nationhood, there is imperative Surely you will find some items and what is verged, we buy only,; and Blue 270 approximately, three-fifths of the! 1 need for MONEY vast sums of there you can do without. Ths rloht work, it the riflht amount we sell. I lima, and at the-rkht nrt We have a balance of trade on money. Only one way now remains Determine to do without them. Uie right side. From being debt to obtain it. ors of others, we have become Start TO-DAY. Save your money their creditors. But the trans-1 Prince Rupert Feed Co. formation is owing to the war. and The nation must save, every so- that you may be in a position to to that alone. It is to each up PHONE tS individual Canadian to make the, community, every family, every lend it to your country in its time most of the opportunity that of-) individual Canadian must save. of need. fers by the exercise oi thrill, ! HAY, IhrlfL and yet mono thrift thrift. QUIH, FEED, in every way in order that our. PubliihcJ rader the Authority of 5MD pre ent favorable position may be The Minister of Fwauce FERTILIZER rendered safe and secure against' oi Canada III the uncertain days ahead. Chiton Fs, Specialty. m'"iJ3 r,.fir i ar-.-, , it roirr.frniu'no rrfiT r - tit j- rTrririreriiv-rTirrifti "f '"-"Pll, AU.4oS to. MINEUAL ACT Hon to lesse the followtnr described lands: 0. Ml Commenclnr at a post planted on the jj SOS Thlro South shore of Lagoon Inlet. Moresby Island, UerliUcale of Improvements. about one mile rrcsu Its tnoutb; NOTICE or CANCELLATION or HKSf.RVE thence west 10 chains; thence north 0 FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Harry NOTICE chains; thence cast to chains more or less Hanson's NOTICE U towbr ' rT Itrro Fraction Mineral Claim, alluato In to low water mark at the beach; thence eilttUic on errulu porUcxu cf Lot To the Skeeua Nlulnr PlvUlon of Caaalar southerly rollowlnr low water mark to the PATENTED hundred nd live 10 and Two Huoarfa L!trtrL palm of commencement; containing iO Established 1008. md flibt (ICS) ntnre Tbrto (3) Coot Where lueatedi isear the head of Alice acres more or less. Past Heating DUtrlct, turrcyod tnd kiwwo i Low Arm. JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. Meton hundred cd AHf-Uln (llt. TAkE NOTICE that I. Lewi W. raunore. Dated Autust IVth. 19 IS. Kg r.lcuu hundred nd Uty-w (I ten ! HgtWater Coil Uerctt hundred md sluy-twt (iiet tr arenl for John Walford Strouibeck. tree MINUHAL ACT. A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING rrtton of t nottre pr'rtnf in the BrltUh N inert CertllJeate no. liivi-c. miena. Columhlt Ottfttc of tTth DcMntr. win Atrt from the dale hereof, lo apply GEAR AND SUPPLIES. I tanrelltd for tl turoi. to itie .Mlnlnr Hecorder for a Certincalo of CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS. luiprvtemeui), for the purpose or obtain-uir coiura. iiATtn at victoria. Brltwn Crown Urant of the above claim, tlila 10 Hi day of September. A. V, ttS. a NOTICE. ince dp to Ma, m iiu, ik., .. mil further take notice that action, un SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF O II. NADtK. Cariboo Traction Mineral before Claim, situate commenced be der section l must Itrpv if Mlnlaler of Land. tbe Issue of such Certificate or improve in the Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Casstar PAINT FOR BOATS District. Where located: At the head of P 10 "' Or ments. ordinary rn BkfENA LAND DISTKICT. . .. DISTRICT iKhl DATED this I Sin csy or Aurust. a. u. Alice Arm In the Skeena Nlnlnj Division. VUKC11 CIIAHLUllb iaij- IMS. " TAKE NOTICE that I, J. E. stark, owner or I lie above claim. Free Miner's Certificate Ttr wnTirr ihn i. joim McLarty Vc- LAND AOT FORM NO. 11 No. Ut 71. Intend, sixty days rroui tbe . " a nreupalhllt date hereof, to apply lo tbe Minint Recorder tor a Certificate of FRED STORK'S HARD WARE " Improvements, apply I". Intend! lo TO l UierSL11'' "'r lumber. eanneryman....... .... deaiirlhed and: JSOTICE OF INTENTION TO APrLV for tbe purpose or obtaining Crown lull IU icav lira thJI LEASE. LAND' Orsot or ihe above claim. Coromenflof SI s poal plJ" CHAHLOTTK ISLANDS LAND IS Ql'EEN And is further take notice that action, under SECOND south ahors of Ur.n Bay. DISTRICTl ItECOHDINO DISTHItT ur AVENUE .... rnim Itl BlOUin. section t, must b commenced fcs-fore. AND SITUATE ON SOUTH - - -.- hnr elt If 8KEENA the Issuance of such Certificate of SIIOItE OF LAOOON INLET. NORFSBV Improvements. Chains, thence norm """ ,,.. cf ISLAND, ABOUT ONE MILE Ttt M IT Dated this 8th day or July, A. D. Il. aw rssterly stant the N0IJTH. comnifiicement, roniu Tkf NOTICE that I. JOHN M MAC- BUM OtUMDW or If m. MACNILtAN. un iJtN of Vancouver. B. C. occupation Clflt rfvut vnnn uitlPIUIICa Ufc.1 rnl.HIV V...... The JOHN MtLAHTV Advertise in Daily News !. Canneryman, Intends lo apply for permls j Print Shop. Dated June lOtb, - -