THE DAILY NEWS. Friday, H tU.iniior ?7. CROWDS ATTEND 2 . MARINE Local News Notes Mdwnrd I.lpsctt, President Harry ,, ,'" Edward Cunningham, Vlco-Presidtnt NOTARY PUBLIO ! FINAL CONCERT INSURANCE (I. A. Woodiand, of the Imperial ' FOR SALE Oil Co., left last evening for Ocean Lipsett-Cumiingliam & Co. Lot 5, Work it, section t, for MOO. As agents for Tho Union Falls on a business visit. OF CHAUTAUQUA FOR SALE Insurance Society we arc LIMITED " Lot I, Block U, section, price S8SO prepared to Issue very liberal It. L. Mcintosh, postmaster, re near Thia Is McBrlde.a nne lot on 7th Arenue Policies on Fishing Uoals turned to town last night, after a Ladles Festival Orchestra Delight FICHINQ & CANNERY EQUIPMENTMARINE HAnDYVAi Lot 31, block 7, section . price MOO In northern waters, holiday 'trip to Terrace and district. On tth Ave. near Hara Cove. Ei- operating Large Audience and tho Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories cellenl rel(lentlI lot. flates 7 and 8 depending Lots Si It St, Mock II, sestlon 7, $50.00 CaoDonalds are Fish Netting, Twlnos, Lines, Ropes and Cordage of boats. upon .ago Price who is diamond (Jeorge MoiTal, Recalled. These lots are near drydock on Franchise. We also cover PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. etn Avenue. .drilling for the Grpnby Co. on the Terms on any of tb above. 300 Cargo Shipments at lowest cash and the balance like rent. Vie 'ales. Festal 1 river, arrived in town las If ever a concert party Justified H postered Office: Prince Itupert torjr bonds will be accepted In evening. did Oir.i:e its existence, the Chautauqua 08 Water payment at par. Street, Telrph.,1,- No. i Tim nprfnrmaiice Bi ilnul marl i ntr FOR RENT Mr and Mrs. Ed. Llpsoll, who weslholme Vancouver, II. C. 1. O. Ilox lco al lno and Gibbons , on house, A furnished rooming McCaffery, ' also an unfurnished one. have been in the city for the last .po .... venlnir wn, .ucj, ,"",,wwwtw day or two, sailed for Vancouver. H. C. HELQERSON, LTD. M QUgUl o maU welcomo & Doyle, Ltd. last evening. lanywherjj. Tho thealro was crowd. Insurance Real Estate Prepare for the event of the! wilh nn enthusiastic audience to listen to the threefold pro Lengthen the Life of Every Sack of Your Precious THE DAILY NEWS season, tne Uddieliow s JJaii, on gramme. First of air tho Filllon WHEAT FLOUR 'Thanksgiving night in the St. An Classified : Advertising Prince Rupert, B. C. drew's Hall. 227 Concert Party, consisting Cf Fer i dinand Fillion and Fern Uoltra, YOUR BAKING . I T. II. Johnson, of the Canadian with their accompanist, Miss Mc Phone 98 Fish and Cold Storage Co., was Kinnon, gave some delightful U tMiMily managed when you havo fixed on lhe p .iimr , Tkii ia th Advertising Column that PREITY WEDDING WAS 'among those sailing for Vancouver numbers. The Fillions are dis Miltites" I" employ. In this the average woman is gu:dnj people read when they want anything CELEBRATED HERE IN last"night. linctly fortunalo in their accom largely by two things, namely, tho cereals that arc imH It brings results panist. universally adaptable and tho profcrence of Uio farmiy PATIiniir PHAPPI I Sl,,at 8'rl wanted for ofllce They were followed by the Mac- Oood.Basfc Flour Like "ROYAL Provlded a STANDARD" W11I1UL1L LimiELvork, Leave in , WANTED. application own Donalds, "lilbbidy Itobb" as usual used you win una tin bxcoiieni itange or cnoics I handwriting at the ofllce of this brought the house down, and notwithstanding In piano WAX TED Would rent piano, or Miss Dorothy McQuillan Becomes addressed "Dusiness. 227 paper tho length of tho wuhtnr to store one could place COUN KLOUlt- HVB I'LOUIl It without cnaire. Mra. A. L. Carrulbers Bride of Arthur Martyn programme the audience would YELLOW COIINMBAL No. t. Wsldron ADartments. 7 Scalfe, of R. N. V. R. Launch Alice ft. for the Salt have Mr, MacDonald back. llOLLKI) OATS akes leaves Prince Rupert Boat- wanted Smart airl for office work. The Ladies Festival Orchestra OATMKAL Leave application In own writ in? at trt ihn nrlvnlrk rhnnnl nf tlin house every hour commencing 10 omce of nl paper, addressed "Busmess who, as originally planned, were Church o"c!ock on Sunday Hound trip Catholic presbytery of the to gjvr- the whole of last evening's OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT, SOUND Oil 50 cents. If a pretty wedding was celebrated rirncraminv. Anlhiialnilrnl- Vancouver & Grain v-ork.broken rost vuicanup wem or io uieui,t. uuusiuur,,,ut-ipv-office Inci nfirM x-hon Arthur n Moplvn' ... , c- worn- . " " IVIilling Box 1J, Vancouver. Highest o-n.-'e ii. f.- T.-i me resuiar meeting or trie ' ". " us CO., LIMITED cash prices sent by return mall. " Sit ouuwe ui wiu .uuiui wv iuuui, ... ,.. . . .. Inilii r,rnvrl Ihent.Alvn. In .a nnl l I a f t il t iisiipag&ers union win De neiu on v --..... - - was marneu io jiiss uorouiy .uc- , "innlv rnnnhl mn.irlnii. Iml olnvr Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour' WANTED Voung lady as waitress, apply n..:n., f iht. -ii.. n t'u... ounuuy uucriiuuu ui urKClll - a to Matron, rrince Itupert oenerai Hos wuiiiuu ui 'ijt i oimcij - I Willi Millers License 130 Wholcsalo License 12 1 r itusiiit.Hs. .ah iiieinuprs H PHKR' pital. If nV, u. :T , . . . attend o'viola. violincello. and double bass, Packago Cereal Licenies 2040 to 2013 WANTED Woman for kitchen work; 160 .w i . . Willi ilrnms -i-.. Ihoan In.Una per month, inlander Boardinr House. ing in a gOWn Of White Crepe nl hn rUa.t fm'stncvl n norfrtrmnnon whirl, un. WANTED Bow Boat, phone Red 411 tf georgette anu uun nne a.m wear- Lcut A Q A Qf U(0 a de,fphl lQ 9len o T)c(r or ing a tulle veil with a wreath of nnlc nf mmm .inirr ii,i i.n'chpsirnl nnmhun wot .nir BOY WANTED SAVOY HOTEL. tf orange blossoms and carrying a rclurncd lo France afler ,li8fSpcrsed with songs and readings, WANTED Waitress, Hotel Prince Rupert bouquet of pcle pink and white fourlh visil lo EngIand a9 a paliJand their ensemblo all through Bmys Own roses. She was attended by her WORK WANTED FEMALE enU jwas v J Although the sister, xaiss Agnes icyuman who ... closing number came at 10.10 p WOMAN WANTS WOP.K phone Blue 18 a Bvu...... u, u.uoi i ne itev. Mr. warier, or .-niin-;,., the audlenco would have WANTED Young lady accustomed to omce crepe do chine and carried a bou- ers, arrived in town last evening lingered, but then the whole house work: one with knowledge or book quel of pink carnations. from up river. He will lake the keeping and stenography preferred; joined in singing "God Save the Prince Rupert Engineering and Surply .me gijuuiu muu ia Hume uji service nere on Sunday during the Kinir " Co.. P. O. Box 77. ,u,iuu(,n mm mo oncuuuus ui. aDsence oi uanon mx. wno is in iiofnm n,a .in.inn. FOUND of submarine chasing, fooked very the east. Mavor MeClvmnni. in f.Vf,u' c rrn tf in hlo Tl nonl Vnto I ?r 1 a i -i I 1 , 'vn " '--1 - - - linlimated that If the people of ! FOUND Girl's extension gold bracelet, set .... " 7 JTince Itupert wished lo havo the with stones. Apply Dally Newa omce supported by H. F. Wearmouth, a George, arrived. in the city lastjCIaula , , FOUND At Salt Lakes, lady's bathing ault local returned man. " : !' .'. "'.to them, and on leavintr the build- and two towels. Owner may have same After the ceremony the guests lis care a demented Indian wo- Sest at Dally Newa omce by paying for. this ing would have an opportunity of I p0 advertisement. tt repaired lo the residence of the man who was on her way to .New expressing their opinion. This brjde and a very dainty supper estminster. was served, the bride and groom! ... opinion registered was distinctly leaving al midnight on the steam- ow ",al lhe road to the mill In the affirmative. So lhe Chau- 8 completed the Prince louqua party may bo looked for nuperl YE OLDE COUNTRIE er Prince George to spend their ,"bt,r Company is ready to de- when they cover this circuit FI8H AND CHIPS honeymoon in Vancouver and Vic- again. ,vcr luniner lo the local trade 717 Second Avenue. toria. The sruests were tho fol-! lowlnsr: Miss Pollard. Mr. and Orders may be placed with Alberl Jot WIIIDo open every day at Mrs. II. O. Crewe, Miss Vera Mon- lv McCaffery. IL of"Kconomy revenue." is Cicero.a constant source 9jou 11 a. m. roe, Mr. Dallaire, Dr. and Mm.1 . . . . ' P.arln Mn or, M.. tlil. Ml.. ',u "s" nu,cs "e IHBUe II1IS TAKE SOME HOME. Gleeson, Mr. Palmer, Miss Shear- nSL,b,ut U,e 8U!in,i?, g0 ng frrppn Miss G. P...rlin Ml. "'iiiuoii. iiie. . loiiowinK. , - ----- c a a-7 3 1 fit Sullivan, Mrs. Morrissey. Kelly, 35,000 lbs; Stranger, 45,-000; La Paloma; 5,000, and Venus M. M. STEPHENS Be sure to buy a copy of 5,000. ... Chief Vickers has notified all NOTICE la hereby aluen thai ih ail I NOTARY PUBLIC "Resources" grocers in town that before they in of Lands oi uciooer to be next held urxm on the wcirn twenty-fourth dviinnurnt I I After tho bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the ,can supply restaurants other taxes are due has been far! or postponed so OFFERFTOR QUICK THE NEV MONMY MAGAZINE places handling meals with . mm. m ion i-nnre nupert Assessment l kin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales tho sugar Olstrlrt are concerned and that on the jacrl SALE .the grocer must make sure that dar of .November followinr a aal will liel aroma of freshly cut flowers. Illustrating all this part of held of all ruch lands In the said Ases I The Following Choice Properties: ,'the reslaurjint has a prjper sugar urn i iiitinvi. Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure Lots S600.00 27 Jk 28,Men.Block 7. Ssctlon 1. the Province. permit. The onus is placed upon C. W. lIUMEn, Assessor and Collector the refreshing sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies Lots 23 Jk 24, Block 10, Sactlon 6, the party selling the sugar. enjoy. Kspccially for nursery use Insist on"Baby's Own". Corner 6th A Tatlow, fl.760.00 At all Nev3 Stands. ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, . MONTREAL, for the pair. iu Lot 20, Block 23, Section 6, Eighth THE POLICE COURT Notice to ?he Public Ave., C near achool with three-roomed, plastared houea and aummar kitchen, I80O.0O, tarma a numiaer or military cases On and after October 1st we 9100.00 caah and balance monthly. Thla la convenient to were up before the court this shall be operating a more frequent drydock and all parte of City. H morning. John Lagerbcrg was AUTO Town -BUS and Seal SERVICE Cove the between new llme the OCT MY RATES BEFORE RENEWING eaters fined $10 for having no paper win be as follows: No Eggs, Milk or Butter YOUR FIRE INSURANCE A. G. Somers, a class A man, was TO SEAL COVE. IT WILL PAY YOU. Waakdaya. ordered to be handed over lo the io 1.30 $3 to $39 military authorities. Geo. Kirk M0 1.30 4.4 6.IS 6 45 0.41 Tho folloyvintf recipo shows how an appetizing, M. M. Stephens Jiridge was fined 825 for having 10.30 Saturday 11.13. Eitra tardea. wholesome cake can be made without expensive REAL ESTATE INSURANCE For Coal, Oil or Wood no papers, while waller Larsen T.JO 1.30 10 11.30 11.10 1.30 ingredients. J.JO 3.30 4.43 3.30 6.13 7 FINANCIAL AQENT was remanded further. The case 7.41 V O.30 10 10.30 II 11.30 In many other recipes the number of 623 against Geo. eggs may Third Ave. Phone 222 Holland, another Sunday. irnam:ntal or PI atn class A man, was adjourned for llli 10.30 10.30.U.30 3T.30 4.30- (1.3 0 t.Sfl be reduced one-half or more by using an additional eight days, while lhe charge FROM SEAL COVE. quantity of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, against Thorlcy Johnson 7.43 S.43 10.30 It I 1 3 4 about a teaspoon, in of each Hardware was dismissed. i.S ti 7.13 to 10.4 3 place egg Co. Thompson jnd 11.30. omitted. The Chinamen Saturday Eitra rlct. EGOLESS, MILKLESS, BUTTEKLE.33 If You Would Succeed LIMITED accused of S 1.41 A.10 7.13 S 0.11 9.43 CAKE ZjS Third, tni Stmt gambling were also remanded until IH.ia io.4 II.It 11.11 I tU evp brown anf ar t ttaapoon nulma Monday, while V. Hiddlecomb, Sunday. I cvp cupa dtd wattr rtUlnt clnoaman IMapoon II I 3 3 7 10.43. t ouncta citron aall Mill OrJjr3atenied toprorfplly charged with Ihreatening lo kill There will also be a new fare H aup ehonralfig I ttaapoona Dr.Priea'e tlaalna Powdar his wife, was bound over fun table as rullowa: lletwren Alh SI. Tho old corner and llajra Creek (west aide! method (fruit cake) called for 2 a era e: twelve months, to keep the pence. lhe fare will be It renla either way. ih.a?inSTJL0Nw.:P''' f: "M lnrH.oia Into aaacapan d boll and from Hays Creek He produced sureties. (east aide Mo Phone Cretn 156 P. 0. Box 120 13 Seal rent.Cor, it rents, throiirh fare, Jillla caotar la baat)w,IL..B,k or 40 mlnutae,10 "Kerala lea 0n wtib fn while loaf Ulo.pan(rood lis wlt A reduction on llicne rarrs will LAST YEAR'S GRAIN CROP be made by a Uooklat of roclpaa which oeoaomlio In e(at and Mhar SILVERSIOES BROS. aarnalvelnaradlooltmalladfraa, Addiata on PHEPAID TICKET SYSTEM m. Lawraocs Ileulavard, MootrtaL Twenty-five He. llrkru for...5.00 About 4,000,000 buMiels of Klrtit 18c tlrkels for 1.00 -Dealers In- wheal, 1,453,500 bushels of bar- Children between I lie area or rive Veara and twelve will be Time 'ley and about 15,000,000 bushels for at the following rate -It rharfrd Wall Papers of oats remained in stock in Can-1 rents two. for iu- unit renla for Dr Prices ada al the end of the Canadian The rara will travel by way of 7tll Ave. on the outward Journey crop year on August 31. For! Insteid of lib Ave., as al prraent. MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE wheat the quantity estimated as! rrturnlna- by the aamr road. CREAM STOCK In THE NORTH in farmers' hands is about 400,-' VOUH PATRONA05 SOtlCITEO Buy Your Watch from Prompt and Careful Attention 000 bushels, of barley 351,000.' Baking Powder Given to Out of Town (bushels and of oats 8H million' Royal Auto-Bus Service BULGER Orders. Samples sent on I.bushels,' the bnlancA In enMi".. Sixty Years Request. iiciiiK in tne terminal, public and '-"' the Standard FULL LINE OF PAINTS, country elevators. The quantl-''' . Made from Cream of Tartar, Expert : Watchmaker KAL80MINE, ETC. ,tles do not include grain in Iran-' SUBSCRIBE ron derived from grapes. ,slt norj grain In flour mills or re-' Made In Canada jqQ Alum ,t handi. j the Daily News