SfSLilEO ana a The Good GEO.J.FRIZZELL Meats for Chemists P.O.EOX prugsisis 108O Daily if ws Particular People .AN U'J'JIIM III! Phones, 10 and 25 UIIW bU" IX. NO 227 WlINCE MJPEHT, H.C., 8ATUHDAY. 8KPTEMBEP. 28, 1918. PHIHT FIVR CENTS p a r c IS c? T?T7 n ii n 4111 w TE11S ARE IN FULL RETREAT AND ALLIES ALREADY ON HER SOIL . . mr vtr mn Arvn ft GOVERNMENT WILL SPEWD 515,000,000 BRITISH PUT TEETH INTO ON VANCOUVER ISLAND HINDENBURG LINE NEAR ASKS FOR ARMISTICE WITH THE Steel Shipbuilding Program Arranged GET PRISONERS Through Instrumentality CAMBRAI; ALLIES TO CONSIDER PEACE of J. C.Federal Mcintosh.Rlem-br, ADVANCE BREAKS DOWN FORMIDABLE RESISTANCE; 5,000 tcll vU O T P. Trlrrnpbt.) TO 6,000 PRISONERS TAKEN AND A COMPLETE Pi i 1 n I I U. ?,... I w, W. r,J VVnnU S Victoria. Sent. 28 J. C. Mc- BATTERY CAPTURED anoiaie nas tea.eu iu uc iuui .u ..... am. v-u..... - j ,-.,,. BY HAIG'S MEN Terms; Authority of Offer Not Yet Kuowa. CKl,,. SZZlS (SpeeXil lo The ?Ccwi U O.T. P. Telefriph.) With'the British xVrmy in France, September 28. The British the weldlna of the armies of 7. ! ' ,,im confirmation of a report that nrfnn. s.ntamber 28-Wlth (heir teeth in'o the Hindenburg line in the Cambrai .,ww..r -r - have again put the Federal Government is to em- . . . WESTERN LABOR MEN i4 ini unrfMp thA mmmnnn or ine than The eclor in determined manner heretofore. Lei 1 lc 1 1 lu a wwi v a" a more .. hark on a nteel shipbuilding pro-jgr.yn t j a a. a a. a a at ,ataa a akiij a iii.j var iumi a:in n inn nil uv Liia iimiiur oiou r ui MUCH ANNOYED-MAY on Vancouver Island. The cleaning up tactics of recent days have been but a preliminary to ... the blow launched yesterday. The British no longer attach the ai ruti auua vniir - of the Central Power. Bulgaria, the smallest of the Teu- " theXanaimo district and the old significance to "objectives." They are now engaged in breaking down the German armies on the western front. Whether machinery is to be assembled -in the final crack comes on the line or the Aleuse or the llhine it is will I Victoria The underlakinp H.ufl.T.r.'TWtui mean the expenditure of more not very material. The capture of places now is mainly interesting IICVIlVl I W aaw .f Mwf -a- iliiii.. - . -r. - 1: innipeg. Man.. Sept. 28. Dis- .. 15 ma oon s showing landmarks of progress. The enemy's casualty .1. . r n.Au J. It tw1ll tUm nnnMyal I I ...III. II... AiUtplaaV,...,. ists count far more than occupied territory. The battle now in TO Ol LI I V llVIUIUklVH Hi W V 01 S J VI WWW w r f Mil "V - - a-. Jl I I ILA MUa Im Miikl In .1 1! ilnlanalnc fa I I Ii A Mil A progress nireauy nas uroiten aown a long cnain oi lurmmuuib FLZW ACROSS ALPS resistance. cue. there it little doubt that Bulgaria has ceased to be a lx Labor Congress, the western JiriMsh troops advanced'to a point within three miles of ... . . ,..' - - a a a j a 'a a i 1-.a i I (filial rla 0.1. P. TeJempb-) I ItftbWr HI HIV HI 0 IIVI w m v (Ml j vt aiw t -laiVl Wmiv Cambrai. They took between-5 J)00,and-0,000. prisoners...home . 1 j . 1 a a a r.n . , Inliin fp n n inilninr1anl con- Parjs. Sept. 28. Gabrielc Dan lerniwn guns, including a complete ballery, were captured by ... or trie ureal leases, a nunzio, Italian author aviator. we l J a a It! a a a.I a- a a.- crcs Field Marshal llaig's men. aiyuui vi uviiuaii rwiit wv m invti mm tvivi w wivn -w uiv rinvntinn for the four, western arrived in Pant last evening In , alliance at wai the collapse of Russia to the Allies. nrminrrM. will h called lo con-'an airplane, flying from Italy I BACK DOOR TO AUSTRIA. sidor the project. arross the Alps. iVELL KNOWN PIONEER Vi Ef TAT Y iiWiwlIUll inLlx TIVVQ UIC nWH lira . rrencn. aern an. urMK ana iLnimn irm ii nmnmria nneaa h the mountains of liberated Serbia. .Only 230 miles ahead BULGARIANS HARD PRESSED Arthur W. Vowell Formerly Indian mm imimv 1 p snnnrfl n 1 1 a m .a iirinMn.. bamii in iianiiriA rmm inn of Hungary. BY BRITISH; &10RE THAN THIRTY Agent Himself for Province,at Victoria.Shoots Possibility to Country of Lloyd Is Eagerly George Discussed Going Exchequer, are In conference with Premier Lloyd George iSpwl.1 tu O. T. P. Tlrrjhj In London. ina Bulaarla'a rnntinel fnr an nrmltllra. '. GUNS AND AMMUNITION TAKEN Victoria, Sept. 28. Arthur V. Vowell often known as Judge MANY ARE OPPOSED TO who Indian agent for FACTIONAL FIGHT NOW ing the Bulgarian application for armistice will be given Vowell, was an i-Miwlnn Senlcmber 28. The British forces 011 the Mace many years and often visited . . 1 uiapv rAmm.nn.M a,ami .....if l. i MM .mhaiih iu The via 0. T. P. Ttlerraplis.) donian front have captured the Bulgarian city of Strumnilza. Prince Rupert district, shot himself (Special Brilih troops, preceded by yoemanry, entered Slrumnltza yes-vviiil.. here last night. He had been London, Sept. 28. Politicians Ancln-fireek troops stormed the heights of Belas- ill for some time and in tho ab are still eagerly debating whether fill continue. i.niin mountains north of Lake Doiran. The British have taken sence of his nurse he secured a Lloyd George will or will not put mrtro than no cmis and much ammunition. Serbian troops nrq revolver and on her return she his political fate to the test in rciicrled to have raptured Kochana, about 11 miles from the Bul-),..r.!.r. found him with a bullet hole in general elections, say, Saturday, INFLuMA onnosite Kustendil. This is taken lo show the his heart. November 30. There is no ques- FRENCH ARE rapid development or the allied envelopment movement, by which Mr. Vowell was 77 years of age tion of technical diJicultiesv A TOWARD .1 .a in..! IIk Serbs, bv a nuick thrust to the northeast will cut and one of the oldest of the early week or fortnight will sumce to ..it 11,. iL.iir.-irinns who iirn hartl pressed by the British on the pioneers, comias'to this country complete tho new register with AT HINDENBURG ' iniipwi " - Bulgarian front 1858. Ho was at one lime us grx-awj' "".iw "",u""v' :' s-vi- -Oalla gold commissioner; for the Koote- including six minion o nen c' - i nM,t r 112.000 SECOND LINE nay district. In 1889 he became,voters. Leading industrialists 'Ksii acts tictween October SPRUCE SUBSTITUTES ARE Indian superintendent and later aim ai leusi uireo iuci... ... U w::o . ancellin! liv ltvi Indian lleserve Commissioner for inner cauinei, nui iu pra ui mo i 'c British Columbia, which position -whole Liberal party, arjj strongly t f tllfl Ifnt"lunutr nl U..nnl.l.us Will Demolish Defences Before BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE ho resigned in 1910. He was.opposed to inrowmg me country In That s- i-iindkllona are Advancing Further elected to the Legislature to rep-'into a uiaeisirom ui iuci.oi.ai ID ti a? V .if Him nnnv Sector Following MEMBERS resent the constituency of Koote-(lighting wnue me war is sun 111 Big Drive. MUNITIONS BOARD a Critical posillOH. ui Klin i nit.ii i nnv In 1875. - ...-u Finn's, UIIU " c"H'a ine death rate in As Indian agent, Mr. owell (cUt tu 0. T. 1'. Ttirtph.) 1 at holm. most successful. He dealt in was fr0m 2.3 as - ira.-ti f0l. t10 Wock nor Paris. Sept. 28. In the first day COL EDWARDS SAYS THEY ARE PREPARING IN CASE THE rnther summary fashion with the "DEMERS" of battle,.Geuernl Gorourd's men PRESENT SUffLl snuuLii nui ntcr . . Indians, but they all looked up to w, J v.. 1IITI abandoned PLEASANT TRIP for raptured nil position UP HAD him and respected him and there . ilnrmml thfl We have moved and Just t..l.. IK. I II.a.. TO MASSET ! a III. 1 I UIIU " when be leared thai it ..... . " : u ,. iu, nt. to was generwl regret re about settled in our new "ITCaa 1 IIIIHil'lll'UI H IIIIU VH IV"B" signed. Wcstwnr.l ill. "en ...iu, -ri 1 i.vr nniv' urn ntl lull f fit 111 im... rv.ii.iiiiin of other northern limbers being utilized 111 store. It's real cozy and .......j. IIIIIV9i III-; av -- - , ,,V -- .,...,., !. .I 1 II... It's homo was in Victoria where and will soon be tif thd socon.l 11 ndenburg line nf KlirilCO III CnSO lllO war tuuuiu uo iiuuuicu mill nv home-like, n'real, Pont !K .-HnmLI. - - . . - . plare ho was a familiar figure on the New Coats ' ha hroknn n ,1 V. V ,n the I'y which is less sironp 1 siinnlv irive Olll was MigKi'sicu iius iiiurniu 111 un iiiiur- streets and where his many full of slock. ..!. i.v r.nl. V. K. Kd wards of tho Imperial Munitions Board the eamo on the last express nro "l Tt a mrrntck8- to bo demolished by artillery here. ...ui. iiKnihniarlers nt Oltawa, who arrived this morning from the often friends met throughout him and talked province or tho and are splendid also blouses value for in . fora IheMnfnntry can tackle the nniill (.hnrlDlles along wmi mui-r imniucis ui iiiu isiuue early days. the money; h luti .infniinpa ii f llm enemy, ho- Munition Hoard party. He sail that there was always a possibility ,-i tho wanted shades. We have a dandy blouse , yond which lies tho open country that the supply may not ho sum-. that were boing mado to aid the Tho members of tho Chautau $5.00. ESTHOLME .. ...m..1 a,1.1 nt nml lliov.... vviro war by getting out all the spruce qua party visiting town wero en COME AND SEE Minn Bhenit-reen cavo a delight cieniij ivi?. possible. ISveryono nt tho Islands tertained last 'evening at the T0NlQHT ONLY fuT l'oudro party last evening" nl investigating tho possibilities of seemed to bo working at capaoity home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred flil- m CHAHLIE Ii or. ImniA nn nnnlon Street. U18 securing ollior timber In place of and they had had a splendid trip huly in the Hand Block, where is CHAPLIN of its kind the spruce wimv buccubs, u and been treated well by every they spent a very merry evening. 20"?HJ DYNAMITE" !Riven In tho city, the rl one they have met .with tho Colonel one. They wanted all tho spruoo They will certainly caijry "uy huvlng taken plnco ninny yw .v.,.it,l not say but tho fact that that tho district could send. rrom Prince Ilupert happy recol. iicrn Tlin triinala All Inved the pro- they hod como north to make tho Tnjdghl tho party goes to An lections. Those present to meet virqinia'peVrso Jceedlngs very much and- msl0 invest (ration ieaves, uio lmprvo yox on tho Princo lUipert. them included Mr. and Mr. Alexander, ''stolen" mitt dancing was kept up until n .i..n nml the northern timbers Mr. and .Mrs. S. J. Faiuis, hon oit" Into hour. aro the niot useful for the P'f t."1yjmlth Wellington Coal re Mrs. Ives, Miss Hardy, Mr. nnd FOR QUALITY . !.... nniA I'uren your fuel bill and nlves tho Misses Fuller, Mrs. nnd Miss M 1 MrP.nfYAPV loft Oil lOOU " 11 1 iM,,.r,l. .nl,l llml IliflV -tiaotlcn. hone 15. P. II Dyer, J,0. Gavigan, J. l. Mc Vulny SERVICE AND SATISFACTION To.Ei:"colB.OY train for lldmonton on a 1)U"nM w.r8 WeU satlsfled with the cfTorls Cm 0- and Iv. C, Gibbons, FoCi Hoard Licenco No. 1 0-7.1 40. inn.