II 1UC DAILY NEWS K li... EHlflffS ENFORCEMENT PRINCE GEORGE Hotel Prince Rupert ft Mayor l'eryy has returned from, Penlicton whoro he attended the r U nSBSSBSaaSBBSISBISfaiSBBBBBBBSlsaaBBBBSSStai annual gathering of the Union of M EUROPEAN PLAN rroyoomuiJoSf,nlftl11 CUT I ar Jl JUJU v ! i nm ninniTfinrn Municipalities. He introduced a f $1.60 per dey and up. resolution in regard to the taxn-j lion of Government property FIRST-CLASS CAFE have a well deserved reputation within municipalities which received A La Carte. as a safe and effective Police Commissioners Deny That llio hearty endorsement of remedy for stomach ailments. Town Is Wide Open Price the union. Said to Be 316 a Bottle. They are A sun has been born to Mr. and Phone 93 P.O. Box 38 At the regular monthly meeting Mrs. W. A. McKeen. Office: Quickly of the Prince Iluperl Police 3rd Ave. and 2nd St Commission yesterday afternoon George K. McLaughlin of this, helpful in bilious attacks, the matter of preventing the importation city has been appointed a member Pacific Cartage, Ltd sick headache, dyspepsia, of liquor was discussed of tho Good lloads Association. at some length. There was some heartburn, and constipation. criticism of the delays which had General Teaming They act jently and surely occurred in securing search warrants, Mrs. a. F. Campbell of Frpserj Storage on the of elimination, and the mayor stated thai Lake, who is a daughter of Sheriff, Furniture, Safe and Piano organs any time the stipendiary magistrate Peters, is visiting her sister. Mrs.! Moving. Baggage purify the blood, tone could not give a warrant at L. It. Selden of Fort George. the system and very quickly once he would do so. Not Wide Open. Cadet Duncan of the Iloyal Atr mil The mild, but remarkably tw.i Commissioner Macdonald said Service had a fall from a height satlsfylnil nroma of these of Strengthen that it had been slated the town of about 1500 feel at Toronto recently. Be sure to buy a copy cigarettes their unusual richness and cool, was wide open. This he wished His machine was wrecked an Digestion to deny. It was difficult to get but he escaped with only a few ness, have made them Canada's favorite Kesources convictions in some cases but bruises. He was formerly a mem smokes. what they did was to minimize the ber of the staff of the Hank of H. Virginia leaves have nev er been blended so THE NEV MONTHLY MAGAZINE Lrat Sold Sal of ij ur wUeie.Medica la boxae,In ska 2Sc Wettd, sale of liquor as much as possible N. A. in this city. skilfully or manufactured so carefully. They lllustratinij all this part of He thought there had been loo are Ideal cigarettes. All dealers sell them. the Province. much politics in regard to the Aiattn xaaciovicn who waM SKEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Qf Ul(J Prjnibmon Aclf charged with using seditious i $0 Enjoy thcra VUttn cuAm-un. but ,10 C(juld n8SUro thcm Uml language was dismissed on the At all News Stands. ,ere P ln COnnCC- understanding that he contribute, ? TAKE NOTICE that the M.,set Inlet I I ti ti t li Ihnl linn is-l $50 to the Red Cross. Lumber Co., Lid., of Tort Clement, occu-,""" Peter, ' ne ITOhlBlUon Act also Came Pavich who was the witness . ration sawmill operators, Intends to apply r navy cut in for against him also donated for uermlssl .n to lease- tlie following de- 8me criticism and in Con- 925 at If 1 a l 1L f . a-i scribed lands uecwon wun inis commissioner the same time. Heaters ! Commencing at a post planted at the Macdonald said that lawyers drew i CIGARETTES northeast corcer of Block 35 of the sub-'up the laws in such a way that Fine Letterheads at The Jiews division ox Lot 748, thence n. so deg is they could be beaten. If the laws Print Shop. mm. E. eso feet, thence re. so dcg. mi n. were properly drawn half the pro-w. Ton. for- 15$ $3 to $39 856.4 feet, thence s. so dec. is mln. fession would not have a meal WATER NOTICE mm W. 6S0 feet to ;thc northwest corner of ticket. Tiiis was in answer to the For Coal, Oil or Wood Lot 10, Block 30 of ssld subdivision, thence . n , .... TAKE NOTICE that a K. flelll, wtmt southeasterly and following; the high water UUIU""IU" address Is Stewart, E. a, wilt apply for mark of Stewart Bay tiOO feet more or statil that there werp holes in the licence to take and um seven cubic fet less to the point of commencement and Prohibition Act a mile wide. I of water per second out of the NortC Fork Ornamental or Plain containing: lx.8 acres more or less. of Cascade Creek, which flows southerly Plenty Being Sold. snd drains Into Salmon River. The water i cr rreu. nuu, is c. L. s.. Agent i uommissioncr Hill said that no will be diverted from the stream at point Hardware Co. ated August toth, itlt. doubt there was all kinds of stuff about 15,000 reel from Cascade Creek. Don't merely smother eoi Thompson yonr being sold. It was coming in on This notice was posted on Uw ground on the sixth NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT day or August, HIS. A copy of LIMITED 11 S. C. Cap. 1 IS. this notice and an application pursuant j-Tj-fc "! vrn Uathim's Bjrap c4 Tar a4 Cod lira OC xm 255 Third Avenue, opposite 2 ad Stmt train. It must be scarce, how thereto will be Died In the omce of the The Oeorgetown Saw Mill Company, ever, or it would IlOt.srll for 818 Water Rwder at Prince Rupert, 0. C V VXVX-I A A sUTDrtheuUsr prowrtlea It blpa UtesTdcsa WUwfa' Mall Orders attended to promptly Limited, hereby gives notice that it has a bottle which he understood was Objections to the application may be nied bm cold an1 IbiM rffrcU a (xrmajicfit can. II Is this equality whkkkaissib I with the said Water Recorder or with the eoU la Cssm4a. gt tW Urgtt mi (Jiy cooh as4 rcasMdy under section 7 of the said Act deposited 10 pr?9 ent Prevailing price of Comptroller or Water Rights, Victoria, B with the Minuter of rubiic work, at ot-j liquor here. C, within thirty days afler the Oral ap tawa and In the office of the District Regis-1 pesrance or this notice. The date of first MATtmCV SISSSSS FA. JL t- CSA. FvSv. trar of the Prince Ilupert Land Registry The mayor expressed a wish to publication or this notice is August tsih. PONY EXPRESS District a description of the lie nd a;see the law enforced and it was 1I8. plan or wharf jproposd to be built on Lot agreed that steps should be taken R. K. WEILL, AppIlcanL PHONE 301. S or Block Rupert Townslle,1. jnT.n i lo havo lhe iI,icil 8a,e ' as shown on run 023 niel ln the Land QUOr MOTOR TRfvNSFER negtstry omce prevented as far as possible. And take notice that after the eiplratlon! The question of dealing with .of one month from the dale of the first idlers was mentioned and specific CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD I Hear 0f Hart Block). s.nr miii rnnn.r, t imn-H -in L"ses meniioneo. section 7 of the said Act apply to the Tho secretary in his report said Wa Sell Tents, Safes, Coal and Wood Minister or rubiic works, at bis omce iq that there had been 27 cases in the city of Ottawa, for approval of the -. . . .. .. i August and the total lines necrre. Manager's Nlsht Call at Garage gain sue ana pun ana ror leave to con 'gajecj J4Q2.50. PHONE RED 126 siiuc. iuc Mill viiart. I Dated at Prlnrtt Ilnwrt thl Idih 1v nfi First Assistant. There was a wise Spear-woman September, tots. PHONE BLUE 413 Proprietor. the oeoroetown saw mill com-I lived in a shoe forma Fhrii PHONE BLACK 451. fa ny, limited. oie For her many children she kne what to do: Instant Delivery Sleets t 8YNOP8I8 OF Every Train and Boat. jShe made them most happy wild LAND ACT AMENDMENT Wriffley'8 for all Pre-emption now confined to surveyed I It kept them in trim at a ent ver? Gum Records Wilt bo rranlaul mv.. nnl. aU. H land land nEoismy aultable for act. agricultural Pione Green 156 P. 0. Box 120 im nuii-iimucr una, purposes (Sections 38 and I'artririihln tr..i.mnt.ina tttillMK4 134.) but part tew of not more than four mar SfLVEfl SIDES BROS. Joint arrange residence,for adjacent but each pre-emptions,making neces with Re Application No. 9768-1 7i .1 sary Improvements on reiecttve claims. TAKE NOTICE that application hat Deen Dealers in- nve Pre-emDlom years and must make occupy Improvements claims for to made to register Nathan Louis Undo snd ralus of )10 per acre, including clearing nora echelnnjan as onvs in fee under and cultivation of at least 6 acres, bo-fore two Tax Hale Deeds from the Collector of ret v g Crown Grant. the City of rrlnee'nupert, bearing date Wnera , In Wail emptor occupation not Papers less than 3 . ears, and has made proportionate ine 34in aay. .....or November,. 1917. of ALL i..vr improvements, he may, because oi.iuuuin inai certain parcel or I of Ill-health or other cause, be granted tract of liud and premises situate, ivintl Intermediate certificate of Improvement MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE and transfer his claim. and being In the Municipality of the City . . .. Records without of mmW .SBSSBBBBBBBBBBT W MT V WSb CXTsW T Wi W la kV J J 2. I M 't 1 ssssgsi fc "X.mr A 1 1'I 8sW 'v. permanent residence Prince Rupert, more particularly known STOCK In THE NORTH may be Issued provided applicant, makes ana aescriixa as Lot eleven (II), Block Improvements to extent of 1100 per an. Prompt and Careful Attention num and records same each year. Failure iweniy-nve (85), section seven (7). snd to make Improvements or record Lot thirteen 113) Block thirty five (3i). Given to Out of Town same will operate as forfeiture. Title Orders. Samples sent cannot be obtained on these claims ln ciion elghl (8i. Map 93. Vou ar re on less than S years, with Improvements of quircu io contest tne claim of the tai Request. and 310 per acre. Including t acres cleared purchaser wltnln 33 days from tb dale I cultivated and residence of at FULL LINE OF PAINTS, least 2 years. of iue service of this notice (nleh may I Fre-emptor holding Crown Orant may be effected by publication In the Dally I KALSOMINE, ETC. record another pre-emption. If he re- :, ana your attention Is called to sec-1 land in conjunction with his ?iulres without actual occupation, provided Hon 38 of the "Land Deglstry Act" with statutory Improvements made and amendments, and to tbe following extract I land.residence maintained on Crown gianted urerrom: A favorite flavor Gilifornia Unattrveyed areas, not exceeding 20 ant in default nf a mv.i r ,iin..i.I BANK OF acres, may be leased as homesltes; i i it;iiuri ueing nieu nerore the registration Fruit in ADAMS, the moit title to be obtained after fulfilling residential as owner of the nerann ntlilrt ,,n. and Improvement conditions. per sucn ux sale, all persons so served! popular and largest telling confection British North America For graxtng and Industrial purposes, with notice and those claiming by areas one exceeding person or(40 company.acres may be leased ........through or under them, and all persons in Canada. ,,,1 iij imercai in ine isna ny virtue I PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. of any unregistered Instrument, ami ml Statement to the Dominion Oovern-ment The scope of this Act is enlarged to lrsons claiming sny Interest In the land You'll (Condensed) 3 1st January, Include all Dersons Joinine and serving I by descent whose title Is not reelaired toe it everywhere, prominently 1918. wim ilia juajesir s irorceu. Tne time under the provisions of this Act, shall be within which the heirs or devisees of a '! nioppea ana aeuarrea rrom sel displayed in nil kinds of stores. LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIO deceased pre-emptor may apply for ling UU snv claim In or In in..i nt n.l Notes ln Circulation . . MIS.540 line unaer mis Act is eztenaea rrom land so sold for tatea. anrt Hi ii-vi.,-..! Deposits .... one year irom tne aeatn or such person. shall register the person entitled unrtee ,73t,3U as formerly, until one vear after th "" 'le You'll enjoy it anytime, particularly owner of the land Due to other Banks ,. I84.7SS conclusion of the present war. This so Bills Payable (Accept, privilege is also mane retroactive. when you crave something tasty ances by London office) TOWN8ITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT a.m WHEREAS application has been .. .. 1.390 843 mane ror a certificate of Indefeasible Title and refreshing. 'Acceptances under Letters Provision is made for the grant to to the above-mentioned lands, in tbe name I CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO. persons holding uncompleted or ma wan Agreements Louis Lando and Dora Schetn- of Credit (as,per to Purchase from the Crown of man Prominently displayed in stores everywhere UNinp contra) .. .. 1.111,404 such proportion of the land, if divisible, as the payments already made will AND WIIEHEAS on Investigating the tin tM09,)3 cover the whole In proportion parcel. Two to the or more sale prloe persons of ii appears that prior to tho Utli day of I AIM ADAMS (the original) TUTTI FRUTTI CUM Aitrrs. holding such Agreements may group jcuiuer, ivio (tne date on which tbe said Cash In band and In Dankttl.iat.tos their interests and apply for a proportionate lands were sold for overdue taxes), you I allotment Jointly. If It Is not were mo regisierea owner tnereof. Deposit with Oovern. considered advisable to divide the land ment oa Note- Circulation covered by an application for a proportionate rtJItTIIKIl TAKE NOTICE that It IllO I allotment, an allotment of land skim time I shall effect regisiratlon In I f4S,8It of equal value selected from available pursuance or sucn sppiicallon and Deposit in Central Oold Crown lands In the locality may be Issue Reserve made. These allotments are conditional a CertlOcsto of Indefeasible line to the 1,970,000 upon payment of all Uses due the said lands In tn0 names of Nathan Louis Oovernmtnt, Municipal Crown or to any municipality. The uinuo ana Dora Hcneinrnan unless and other Securities 11,(91,380 rights of persons to whom the purchaser vou take Call and Short Lotna .. from the Crown has .agreed to snd prosecute the proper proceedings to I 7,tt,447 sell sre also protected. The decision oi eauuiian your cisim, ir any, to the said Current Loans and Discounts the Minister of Lands In respect to the or tu uiiqj, prevent such and other Assets adjustment of a proportionate allotment proposed aetlon . . Is final. The lime for making application an in pari. 38,410,840 for these allotments is limited tc vtr.u ml me una Realitrv nm,. Liabilities of Customers the 1st day of May, ll . Any application ftwlr.-.. f....... n n ' '"I under Letters of made after this data will not be ! iiuiii, ji. u.. ims find rtav nf I considered. These allotments apply to i(uai, ivio. Credit (as per contra) 1,113,404 town lets and lands of the Crown sold H. f Bank Premises 1,409,199 at publlo auction. MACLEOD, .For Information apply to any Provincial District lleilltrar of Tin Government Agent or to To Robert lllldcbrandt, I'rlnce 375,418,448 !iuieM, B. C, 4 ADATViO 9;.M NADKN, "ihp. uuiic, Montana Deputy Minister of Lands. 1-ranels Calve, i'rlnce e'e Victoria, li. a liupen, V Pure Chcsviiv