September 28, 1H. Saturday. TUE DAILY NEWS TOWN OF CRABBY IS A CRIPPLE FOR ON VANCOUVER ISLAND 11 Is no longer, to speak of An. YEARS THREE yox an Oranby, for another town' of Oraiiby has come into being at H.M.M In BJ Willi lll.imti.m Cassidy's Hiding on Vancouver la- 1MI II. TV TRUIT.A.TIVE3-. land, where tho Oranby Company own a coal mint). Within (in inconceivably short space of time the new town of Oranby, neur Cussidy's Hiding, has sprung into being, and its permanency is assured from the character of the buildings erected and tho care taken in laying out the townsltc. Everything hati been done with due regard to the requirements of the future population, and no doubt in time Oruiiby will become one of tho model towns of Vancouver Island. Oranby is connected with- Lady. MR, ALEXANDER MUNRO smith by an auto line, cars making tho trips at staled hours several No. 1,Lome,OnL limes a day. A walcr system "For orcr three years, I wu conflnei to bed with Rktumaiim. has been completed, which will Duruig that time, 1 na urairorni afford an ample supply for Ihe from a number or doctor, ana trieu present and future requirements Bel, r-thiiiff I MWlmlwl to of the population. Just now pre-' wrIl rrumtUin, without recdtlng paralions are being made for the: (a) KacJit. installation of an electric light-' Unal!' I decided to try 'Fruit-- Ing system, the poles being on I ton llefiuv 1 luui ukpu un a uoz, the ground ready lo be erected. 1 I nalicro in improvement; tin pain The company has completed an ku not so x'vere, and tho welling air shaft preparatory lo installing itirtcJtorou.ivrn. the permanent air fan. Owing atfinuoi Ukiug thlt fruit tnt. to the scarcity of skilled labor.! ditiat tmrring ail the time, and the tinnln imilHIncr .( tint nm i v .aw 'l J- i sow I eaa walk about two mile and. grossing as fast as it would other-' do Ugll cfcorr about the place". wise liavo done but it will be com- 1 III II Li.XAMJI.U JIUMIO. plcted before long. III home there time when thought, comes a 0e a box.C for trUI alio 23e. TO every every A all iT or tent potpaid on -alert the for the future r pt of by Frult-a Urea ANYOX hope, every prayer centres on l.sJIei Ottawa. recovery of one loved one. In that hour of anguish, every means Mr. It. Hpcighl, wife of our' popular Chief Hleclrician. hnsj to recovery is sought the highest medical skill, trained nurses, St. James Hotel gone south for a holiday befotj) LATI "QUIINS") returning to the copper city for costly treatment. Does the price matter ? FIHST CLASS I100M&--Hot the winter. and Cold Wntcr. Messrs. Clemo &. Fyfe have re to Pr HIM, aa M pee M4 turned from a hunting trip in the! INaas country. They report gamej It may be so great as to stagger If anyone says "I cannot save" plentiful but wild. Probably the the imagination a sum beyond the let him consider to what extent he DENTISTRY shooting was a little wild also.' which would' account for the! possible. would pinch himself to relieve the office nouns Rinalliicits of the bags obtained. ; sufferings of a loved one at home; am. to 12 j tliO p.m. U Bi0 a-m. But does anyone ask, "Can we Th Methodist and Presbyterian and he would less surely pinch OR. J. S. BROWN not DENTIST ladies are experis at cooking and do it?" Money or no money, they Ome Smith Block, Tklrd Avenva. many mere men look the opjwr-tunitr do it. And somehow for our fighting brothers in France. they PIMM 404. to tesl their skill in the pay. culinary art by having lunch at Without suffering actual privations, tho bazaar held on Wednesday in It may mean doing without in Canada the United Church. One wctt nearly every family STEEN & LONG WILL known gentleman ws observed things they think they need. It can reduce its standard of living, purchasing mysterious garments .nO HEATING at the fancy goods stall. The af may mean privations, sacrifices, can practice reasonable thrift, can EcniNCEns fair was a decided success and hardships. They make-unbelievable the church will boncfll by an make cheerful sacrifice to enrich the amount in the neighborhood of savings, they achieve the impossible, Agsnta for life-blood of the nation. MoCLARY FURNACES mo:oo. but they get the money to pay. Any ox citizen returning from You who read this, get out PLUHBINQ and 1'rincf riuperi are unanimous in pencil and paper NOW. Set down stating that the fair was a splen CHEET METAL WORKS did success. They speak well of To-day in this critical period of the items of your living expense. Phoie 5 the hospitality afforded and one ttisrot phones 631 Second 570 Avenue, and nil seem to have had a good our nationhood, there is imperative Surely you will find some items and Illue 270 lime. need for MONEY vast sums of there you can do without. Tha rlol.t work, at tha right The ball learn bad little a surprise tlma, and at tha rlflht prloa. sprung on them,, but they money. Only one way now remains" Determine to do without them. are wiser now and next year a to obtain it. different tale may be told. Start TO-DAY. Save your money Prince Rupert Feed Co. The "Wayward Girl" has returned The nation must save, every so that you may be in a position to PHONE E8 homo In safety, but is community, every family, every lend it to your country in its time raoo ready to (urn loose at any time board urjMcs no. sets should her ability lo run wild be individual Canadian must save. of need. questioned. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, It Is Just nn cheap to gel your Published under the Authority of SEEDS printing done well and done at The Minister of Finance AND FERTILIZER home as it is lo send it away. Try ol Cnnada Tho News Print Shop. Chicken Feed a Specialty. ,,. , .- ifciMwuni i" In mii'Minr mttl 'r..i""!1- i' l"t - - i mm "'" 0r4r Promptlf AtMtfa M INITIAL ACT alon lo lease the followlnr deacrlDcd Undi: r. Conunenctnr at a post planted on the o. Ml Hi, SOS Thlra At. south shore of Laroon Intel, Moresby Island, Certificate of Improvements. about one mile from tu mouth: NOTICE or CANCELLATION Or HK9EHVE thence west SO chains; thence north SO FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Harry NOTICE chains; thence east SO chains mora or less Hanson's NOTICE U lrlur mcu Ibil th rnr rn Frarlkm Miner.I CLItu. situate In to low water mark at the beach: tbeucc tiliilnc on ceruln portion! of Lou Two Hie Mlnlnr DlvLlon or latiiar southerly followlnr low water mark to ihe PATENTED liundrvd .nil rtre (0S uii Two liuuarra OlitrlT point of commencement; conutnlnr 40 Established 1908. and right (tOS) luore Thru Oo" Vhr lotated! Near ihe neau or Alice acre more or leu. Fast Heating DUtrlcl, turvtrvd nd known Low Arm. JOHN McLAItTY MAC.MILLAN. Elvrn humlrrd -ltd nfiy-nino (ll). TAKE NOTICE lhal I, Lewi, W. raiuiorc. Dated August 10 in. 1918. N8 Eleven liundrtd and Uty-on tltei) tad Wairord Sirombwk. ire A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING HgLWater Coil Eleven hundrtd and tity-lo l ,frii for John MINERAL ACT. In ihe Br,,',n Miner Certificate no, mivi-u. imcuu, rciton of nolle ippoirini t7lh Pcembr. I07, my day rroin Ihe date iiervor, to apply GEAR AND SUPPLIES. ColumbU Oitrlle or Si0.'.!? ,,? " " comT to the Mlnlnr llecorder ror Certlilcate of CEIITIFICATE OF 1MPHOVEMENTS. up It rnrlld for ! purpo. or obtain. the and for jurpoe guaranteed ror uoiu.... Impro-cmcnu. one year. fiATEIi ! Vlelori.. Hrlliin Orders will be rttttott at tblt A. D. ! t a Crown urant or mo uuo cmuu. NOTICli j 10 u 1B-r Ililt toil) dy of Srpirmlxr. ..... nt.ih. i.k notice that action, un CHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF mU? ht th. 0 1. NAUbn, lie commenced be for Cariboo Fraction Ulncra! Claim, situate i 0!,11- "- At the pre.-"I Mlnltwr of Und. der aeellon $i niual In the Skerna Mailnr Plvlstou of Cassiar. or Prpuiy the Uaue or auch Certincate ot improve. PAINT FOR BOATS material, ask your District. Where located) At the head of I OE menu. . Alice Arm In the Skeena Mlnlnr Division. ordinary coUi 8KEEMA LAND PISTIUCT-niSTrtlCT PATED thl 1 8th day or Auru,i. a. u, , tonn , , AiiiiH uiai"-"""nTTt" ISLANDS. ltl. M TAKE NOTICE that I, i. E. 8 lark, owner of the above claln). Free Miner' Certificate rourieif pr,CM Jw ror ..... iM.n ueLirly Utf LAND AOT FORM NO. 11 No. UIM. intend, silly days from the " " TASK PIIITIU C ou n.loll daio hereof, to apply to tbo Mlnlnr He-corcler Uncouvrr. D FRED STORK'S HARDWARE onVlL0:'10'0" MUMB " .un, of for a Cerllllcale of Improvements, rannerymtn, inwnui w "r . j NOTICE OF INTENTION TO Ari'LV TO for ihe purpose or obtaining a Crowu woks ,p,rfd- 1 herb ion to e.M Iho Wtowlaf Tt I.FASE I AND Grant or the above claim. I.N QUEEN CIIAHLOTTK ISLANDS LAND And further take notice Ibat acllou. under SECOND outh ihore of Uroon Br h. lUSTIUCTi llECOnDINU tustiui-i r section 8t, must be commenced be AVENUE Ind, soout on ir.iw " Sk'EENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH fore the Issuance of such CcrttDoate or Ihcuce .outh 10 thln,. th' "nee SII0I1E OF L.00ON INLET. M0HESBV Improvements. tlMlnt. Ihrnro norm ln, of ISLAND, ABOUT ONE NILE ITIOM ITS fiwtod this Jth day of July A. D, 1018. MOUTH. HARnv HANRdm rtimnicnffmrnl, coninnm TAKE NOTICE thai I. JOHN M. MAC-UU.I.AN THE BUM PLUMBER of Vancouver. U. c. o oupatlon Oct your envelopes at Tho News Advertise in The """lOMN.U.tTW News Daily canneryiiian, intend to apply foi permu. j Print Shop, luted June toih, I4"1