The Daily News "War-Time Cookery" MAIL SCHEDULE PIUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News FREE Mondays, Wcdncsdaya'aiid Sat Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. urdays at 9:30 a. m. Send name and address for H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. new "War-time Cookery" This From the East. book contains recipes chosen Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: days at 5:45 p.m. by the judges as the best and City Delivery, by carrier or mail,- per month 76c. most practical recipes submitted For Vancouver: Great, Britain, in advance, $6.00. ByMail-Canada or per year 10,p. m. recent cash prize Sundays .ifi T 'To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. in our Tuesdays ........ .5 p.m. competition. It is intended to Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. assist in the conservation of Saturdays " a.m. food and to effect savings in TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cents per inch. From Vancouver home cooking and baking. r Contract Rates on application. Sundays .10 p.m ApproreJ by Canada FooJ Board Saturdays Wednesdays 10:30-a.m.'10:30 a.m. Any Way You Turn 30, 1918. DAILY EDITION. Monday, Sept. ADDRESS E.W.Gillett Co. Ltd. Sundays For Anyox: 10 p.m.5 J you will find WRIGLEVS. Bulgaria Is TORONTO, CANADA Wednesdays 10 p m' Out of War. Saturdays lO'in tnift Everybody thinks of WRIGLEVS The news that Bulgaria is out of the war is.the biggest news From Anyox: when chewing gum Is mentioned. that has come from Europe since war Was. declared. It Is the CADET ORDERS Tuesdays ., beginning of the breaking up of the Central Powers, and the Thursdays a.m. This Is the result of years of mnvii Toi nn ihc nihpp rmintripq must he immense. Austria In future the Cadet Corps will undayg p.m. will be in a turmoil directly and if the trouble does not spread JSl effort to glue mankind the to Germany it will only be because of the manner,in winch the bcginnlng MomJayf gept. 30, by For Port Simpson points:and Naas Rival benefits and enjoyment of this people are new a own oy me military cnsie. g order of Sundays ....10 p.m. . : -.The news from other parts of the front today is also;good J. C. BRADY, Instructor.. low-cost sweetmeat. and while there will be temporary setbacks perhaps, the forward From Port Simpson and Naas Advertise In the Dally News. move should be steady until the final end. River Points: Bulgaria was the only formidable trouble in the Balkan LAND REGISTRY ACT Tuesdays a.m. WRIGLEVS helps appetite and Slates. It was that country that kept Turkey in the war, because (Section it tad 131.) digestion allays thirst-renews Queen Charlotte Islands: - that if Turkey deserted Bulgaria would get a big slice it was sure .lie Applicaaon Ac 101 11 1. rile I960, For Massvtt, Port Clements and of her territory. TAKE .NOTICE Uut application baa brt vigour. Upper Island points: The terms of the settlement with Bulgaria have not, at the V M 7t ftoTncTZ Vcdnesdays 6, p. m". If AM IN CANADA time of writing, been sent through, but it is certain that they I owner in fee under tm sale Deed rrwn ,. . , i ,l ii. lib Collector of tbe aty of Prloc Ilupert, From Masset, Port Clements and are peri ecu j sauaiuuiuij win iuiios. Ibearlng dale the S8tn day of .November, Seated tlflht Turkey will now want to make peace loo, for she will find M'-?. or all a.nd sisoulaii met certain Upper Island points: Itvu-f! ns trirt if lan1 an1 nrml aIim. ridays, herself in an awkward position. Her armies are being driven out ,j.lnf tnd t,,, ln me Municipality of p. m. 3mi nf Palestine and the German control of the o r Land is crone e City of rnnce Itnpert. more particu- gZhj. i iuvwui ,.L , j j.: , .u. .ii:-- " described ai Lot elibteen For Skldcgale. Queen Cliarlotle iorever. laneii lugeuier wuu uie lunvuru urive ui me iue; in (i s). Block elrbteen US), SeeUon all City ami Lower Island point: France. Ihe nre.sent nosilion of the Huns is anvlhintr but honeful. C"r of rnnce Bupert. Map en. You aturdays 8 p. in. . .... ' .v-. - ..v li 1 n-u it I 1 lie long penoa oi waning is at, an enu anu now line nit in tne iUt purchaser wltbin JS day from tbe uu From Sktdfgate. Oueen Charlotte days of the Georges we ask every morning 'What new victory I of tb erT,f r notice (which nay. City and Lower Island points -Tuesdays. IW ll'lk.VU W J r.uUi.lWU .1111 JVUI is there today?" Irnilon Is called to section IS of the "Land fifglstry Act" with amendment;, and to tbe rollowlnr eitract tberefroni: For Skagway and the Yukon. German Rulers Must "And ln default of a caveat or certificate Kvcry ten days. 8ettle With People. or us peudens belnc nied nerore tba ret is tratlon as owner of tbe person entlUed un From Skagway and Yukon. Dispatches this morning state that since July 18 the Allies wIul SoSce . . ' and tboE. SiTm- Every ten days. " have captured 200,000 prisoners. That is an enormous number, MWnurest iTuVeWnw many more, than would seem from the detailed news that comes "uinr Vny iretTtn ibianJ frorcOday to day. 11 has nothing to do with the losses in killed 5Le5en 5SX? "..l,0A.ri"!5rr1 I provisions of this Act. shall be and wounded which doubtless1 are still larger, It is an indicaliouror ever"topped and debarred from setting I uli miij iiiui iu ur lu xcilmcl ui ine una i nf'hbwthewar-is going. v so sold for taxes, and the netlsirar snaill Tne Germans must now-; he aware that they are losing and h" as owner or iim land so sold fori Keep up the that they have nothing to hope from holding on. Just what they and whereas aDDiication has been AM assured that will do does not become apparent. Theywill have to act quickly m"3e for cr,incaUl ot indefeasible Title I : 11 i . ,. i u: mu-i it -ii . . . ... " " ' ' , "v my people will respond ii uicj cajjci-v iu oavc aiijiuiiig. niai nicy win uu so is iiaruiy r Brenton o. Moore and Roy L. Noore, Food Supply to call likelv for lhe', have heen rfeneivinc thnir nwn npnnlo nc In llal WHEUEAS oa investifaUnr the every ,.. , .,. a i f ""u,, I, th nrln, lh. actual conditioir of affairs and now it will be difTlcult (o persuadelor October, itis (the date on which the necessary to the success them that they have lost. The worst foe that the rulers of the "!? ,,n(1fre Ml"'" overdue taie. of our cause with Fatherland will have to settle with, when the collapse come., will rfTHEii take noticb that at ibe and Help the same indomitable be the people of their own country. They will have a settlement fcce"? ?pyi!cau,r.,ndn ardour and devotion ui accounts aim oy mat lime inere win noi e a Iiohenzollern ceruncate of indereasibie Title to the said that have fitted me with left there. lands in the name or tbe aforesaid parties! Make I unless you take and prosecute tbe proper! Victory pride and gratitude proceeainrs to esta&iis.. your claim. If any, since Substitutes For I to tbe said lands, or to prevent such pro-1 the war began." Aeroplane 8pruce. msed action on my part His ilAsrrr Kixo Gtotot f;d at the Land rtfjtury ome, rnnce I Sure The wheat that is grown furtherest north is' of thfbeTt U.Vafa"' 4rt m ' 6tpltmbtr' quality. It has more sustaining properties in it. So it is with 11 F,.MACLEOD, .th snrii TIip fimhop ie nf 1(1... ...!: tu..t District Retlstrar of Titles r " v ipumi hiuu viiu i. kiuwji Ta Walter O. Laurie iiinner south ana for that reason is in greater demand. It is I nobert wmiamj, soldiers must be the William fed; people at Jones, tougher and more durable and well suited to aeroplane construe I'rlnre OUR nopert. B. C. lion. The difficulty is that the timber is somewhat limited in SkCEIA LASD WSTIllCT-i-DISTIUCT OF I must be fed. And in spite of amount. Just now the timber near the shore is being logged CASSIAIl. Germany's murderous Anil Snnn it Ulll 1 if nPPnccn... 4. lrr rnVIVinm i nl n n,t t s m 4t.A n.. 1.. . campaign to " " O" ..m.v 1UIU.1U iui mc nuiiiiiv.i T..P lh., - ...... After that what? is the question that, the members of the Muni- Mlnln. smeitmr rower co Limited, ' cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking lions Board are asking. To answer that question they have been LVnfend,' TT7Tx every shio on the Hih S Jiere investigating ine possiOUllies OI Oilier timber replacing the Ktu tue oeinr described lands unfailing flow of food pruce. ftaturally they are not telling loo much in regard to the VM im, cZZ DiVinVT to England and business but what they have told is interestincr. esneeinllv In thnnllh"'r eoumweiteriy 40 chains foiiov.m France must be maintained. ( rhf. nro H,a lml.AH hncSn..,. "w "" COfTier Of LOI ...v .uuiuvi uusiusjo. 191: thenre sntnh in Mi.In. in mar; thence northeasterly 10 chains fol- lowlnr low water marki thence north 10 This is National Service chains, to tbe place of herlnnlnr and con- GftANBY taminr so CO.tSOUDATED acres more or less.MISIXO SMELT- V Not to the Farmer only Lengthen the Life of Every Saok of Your Precious 1.1a k rowen compamv, umiteo But to YOU to WHEAT FLOUR b. 1 J. Fred ttltchle, Areni. everybody uaie, July etb, 191$. This appeal is directed ' j y YOUR BAKING is easily managed when you have fixed on the proper "sub-stilutes" LUMBER WE must unite aa a Nation to SERVE "P LA NT a garden email or larje, UtiH to employ. In this tbe average woman is guided toSAVEandtorRODUCE. Men, - your own back yard. Cultivate th largely by two things, namely, the cereals that are most women and children; the youn.tlic middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food universally adaptable and the preference of the family. aged and the old all can help In the Agents for Provided a Good Basic Flour Like "ROYAL STANDARD'- Is Nation's Army of Production. Used You Will Find an Excellent Range of Choice In Prince Rupert Lumber Co. WOMEN of towns can find no better and EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps Important outlet for thru-energies CORN FLOUR RYE FLOUR the cost of living and adds to than In cultivating a vegetable Hastlng's Saw Wills YELLOW GORNMEAL the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. ROLLED OATS OATMEAL COAL For Information on any subject relating Be patriotic in act as Vancouver Milling & Grain Nanalmo Agents Wellington for Coal to the INFORMATION Farm and Garden,PUMAU write: well as in thought. CO,, LIMITED and Deportment of Agriculture Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" Yellowhead Coal OTTAWA Use cotry means available-Overlook Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-105 Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 Complete line of nothing. BUILDING MATERIALS Alberts fflcCaffergaiiL Dominion Department of Agriculture TTAWA, CANADA. Subscribe for The Daily News one Wharf ascend omes,,Phons rho,B64 1I HON. MARTIN BURRMJL, Minister. 11