TUB DAILY NEWS. S MARINE Local News Notes G. H. Arnold NOTARY PUBLIC . INSURANCE J. II. Pillshury left last evening FOR SALE for Vancouver. Lot n, mock I(, section 6, price SSSO As ngcnls for The Union Tliii is t nne lot on 7 th Avenue , W. H. Draucy, of lluledale, was near MCBrlde. Insurance Society we aro : !J I BBBBBHBBBBBSa T x V.7T y 1 BaBBBrZTv: .Ill 'JBH BBM Lot 31, block 7, section , price MOO prepared lo Issue very liberal in town yesterday. On lib Ave. neir Hays Cove. Excellent residential lot. Policies on Fishing Boats SUPERINTENDENT OF llev. W. S. A. Crux went out on Lots tl & id, block IS, section 7, In northern waters. ITlee M operating j today's train on a visit to Kitsclas. SOLDIER SETTLEMENT These lots are near drydock on Halos 7 and 8 , depending t t Terms tltn Avenue.on any of the above, 1300 upon ago of boats. $50.00 j K. J. Conway, of the Oranby Co. HAS BEEN APPOINTED cash and the balance like rent. Victory Franchise. Wo also cover last bonds trill be accepted In at Anyox, arrived in the city payment at par. Cargo Shipments at lowest evening. 'ales. Major Clark Gets Important Pott FOR RENT I" was among the Under Minister of Lands In rurnlsned roomlnir house, and passengers sailing last evening also an unfurnished one. McCaffery, Gibbons for Vancouver. Provincial Service.Government H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. F. L. Hockley, or the lluckley & Doyle, Ltd. Mills near Port Clements, left last Victoria. Sept. 30. With the Insurance Real Estate evening for Vancouver. title of Superintendent of Urltlsh THE DAILY NEWS Columbia Soldier Settlement, and (icorgc Hardy, of the City Hall in pursuance of tho policy of the Classified : Advertising Prince Rupert, B. C. staff, sailed for Seattle last evening Provincial Government lo Initiate IIIBII i ftlm Mm lo be with Mrs. llarjly. an aggressive programme for the Phone 98 placing of returned soldiers on j Steve Higgins was lined $10 tho land of the province, tho Hon Tills Is the Advertising Column (hat PRINCE RUPERT WAS (this morning in the police court, T. D. Pattullo, Minister of Lands poopU read whn they want anything. BEATEN BY ANYOX being charged with intoxication. announces the appointment LHHIH Hi Bfll ! It brings results Major John W. Clark. " of VCCTCDnAV' Wanted A packed' house for AT DAI I WANTED. M UtUAj lLJlLlluni u,c concert in aid of Blinded Sol- Under" tho Jurisdiction of the the distinct ! Minister it will be the duty of th dlers. Reserved scats now on W H TEAMSTER WANTED. PONY KVPRESS. ofllcial to administer the sol new new Loots Play on Part of Locals Lost'alo at Orme's. It GENTLEMAN WAJVTS TWO ROOMS ANU Then Match With Smelter diers' Land Act, passed at the I board In private home with phone, apply j ir c fiuni2 i.. i i.. 1918 session of tho Legislature, BE 20tKG-ntur?RI5f stallnr terms, box to uauy news. own oani. WANTED Smart flrl for omce work. 'town yesterday from Halifax, and to superintend generally mat I S,1" I I tmn iDDlicitlon in own wrltlnr at The baseball game at Anyox bringing with him Mrs. Phillip- terstcrs alfectlng soldier settle offlce ofjnis Mwr. addressed "Business1 within the for Young Mm wfl was not aiiogemer a success, i nc son nna iamuy. menl coming purview OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT, SOUND OR Drinna llnnapl loniYi wna linnlan I of t!ieT)epartment of Lands, and broken vulcanite or mem; auo unusc-work. Post them to I. Dunstone, post-oince but that would not have mattered' . Martin and 1. J. Fetter. within the immediate concern casft prices Box lilt,sent by Vancouver.return mall.Hlrhest 816 If they had put up a good light!1"6 we" Known mining men from Mr. Pattullo. and lost Hie men. As it was no.Biewa. passeu mrougn me cily Co-Operatlve Plans. WANTED Younr lady as waitress, apply to Matron. Prince Rupert General Hos one was satisfied with the result. yesterday on their way south. It will be understood that with pital, tr Play was loose throughout and the grants of land already se Tbryant ltd! company Mahler 'Gordon Parkin sailed WANTED Woman for kitchen work:,(60 the game was given away. The aside by the Provincial Govern per mouth. Inlander Boarding- House. score of 13 lo 3 was but an inci last evening to join Mrs. Parkin mcnt at Sechelt, Agamemnon May, nr. CLotHF. shop f k mln II WANTED--Row Boat, phone Red 41 1 tfl dent. in Victoria, whero they will be and Stewart Lake, the season'SI HI rKlrtLt. KUf C.K I . M. f r aylng for some time yet. BOY WANTED SAVOY HOTEL. tfi yreen pitched well for the survey of which will be brought lo conclusion at the end of tho Ivisitors a ' and Shakepear for; the llev. Mr. I.arter of Smithcr.s. WANTED Waitress. Hotel Prince Rupert.'. . (home team handled the ball we 1. who conducted service yesterday present month, there will be a !' , i work wANTOFUiALt. vast of detail work inci amount jRuiTner, Morrish and Maloncy in the Episcopal Church here, returned woman-wants wonK phone Blue no. scored for Prince llupert. to Smithers this mowing. dental to actual settlement. Willi wanted Younr lady accustomed toomcei The local lineup was as follpwsr this in mind and with the desire work: one with knowledre of book-,tox, lert Held. Launch Alice B. for the Salt that the returned men shall be keeplcr Prince Rupert and Engiueerlnr stenography and preferred;Supply!I MCL,ean. catcner. akes leaves Prince Rupert lloal-houso brought into close touch with Ih BAIT AND ICE DEPOT Co., P. O. BOX 778. Morrish, right field. every hour commencing 10 machinery of the Department now LOST Hardy Third. o'clock on Sunday. Round trip to be set in motion, the Minister BUTEDALE Maloney, first. BO cents. ir has no hesitation in recommend LOST Black leather wallet containing RuiTner, short stop. ing the most effective medium to valuable by papers.returning Finder same liberally to the News rewarded Summer's, centre field Mrs. Irwin, who has been spemU achieve this end. Princess Royal Island omce. it While, Second. ing some time in Prince Rupert Attached to Third Army. FOUND Green,' pitcher. after visiting her son at the Queen Major Clark is especially quail Western Packers, Limited The Anyox men were all down Charlottes, sailed fast evening for lieu lo undertake the duties now fOunij At 9n ukes. uara bauunt auit)t I Vancouver. Head Office - Vancouver EC t th visitors and ltc&0A allotted to him by reason of th and two towels. Owner ma) have saute i ., .. 1 fact lUat tin hn been In clos ai jjuy news omce dt Dinni ror inis i tm in .iiic auic. i uey uisiuhv-' ..... ... . advertisement. . tf ed good spirit of sportsmanshio', " n penu.Ttouch wjlh agriculture foe th I . .Infir the asl few months on lh m anu everyining possioie was aone' : past twelve years in Canada, while itn make ih.m ifnmP TllU.Queen Charloltc Islands, relumed his younger days on his father's ' . .. , . . . :lo town on Saturday and left for farm in the Old Country gave him VE OLDE COUNTRIE FISH AND CHIPS ' Jlpanying the team from here werejVancouver ,a.9t ren.ing' his first Insight into rural in 717 Second Avenue. over seventv fan. Thpv tvpm' Now that the road lo the mill dustry. THE POWER OF THE DOLLAR : shown over the smeller, the mine s completed the Prince Rupert During the period extending and the new coko ovens and they from the summer of last year and Will be open every day at umber Company is ready lo dc-ivcr 11 a. m. thoroughly enjoyed the outing. lumber to the local trade. following a spell in the trenches Never wero cxtravngance -ami uncle bt y TAKE SOME HOME. Orders may be placed with Albert with tho 47th Haltallon. Major gartlcd as so serious on ovjl as today. A grc TENNIS GAMES ALL &. McCaffery. tf. Clark was seconded frjom the still is the spending of one' money on silly p."' Canadian Expeditionary Force and Canadians carr too serious a determiiialion ia rit WON BY PRINCE RUPERT. Stephens, who hasv been appointed Agricultural Officer for through to Victory and to vindicate the tauv ' Ihe Ihird Urltlsh the guest of the Misses Scott of Army under Borcn Sl- for t,,e Pa8t 'e day General Radnor, Director of Agri and endurance of the mou at the front lo toi Visitors to Took M. M. STEPHENS 1 Both Anyox In Singles and Every Set went oul on 1,1,8 "0"'nK'a train culture for Ihe British Arjnies in fiieli laxity in their expenditures. where she France, Doubles. ,tor Terrace, will visit NOTARY PUBLIO ;Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh beforo This post was held by the Major Our people generally arc sizing up the power t with commendable until tho dollar as never before, and v , The local tennis players made returning to Vancouver, success are invclng OFFERS FOR QUICK .mincemeat of the efforts of thej Vn,e 'of March of the present year when a surpluses against a possible landslide afler the vtt ceremony marriage was serious accident, caused when SALE C-ranby club in This is real patriotism. II is representatives carrying common performed by Hev. Dr. 0ranl on troop train back of the lines dash The Following Choice Properties: the games yesterday. Before a e,lllFH. fi o ed Into his automobile and mir- into national business. II is proving that th? rr Lou S600.00 27 A Zt,aach.Block 7. Ssctlon 1. good crovd of spectators, one af-hen DavWGIenny and Mr.. Mac-laculously left him with his life, of a nation lies in her saving citizens. Lots 23 4 24, Block 10, Ssctlon ter anothen of the Prince Rupert B, Pher8on were uniled ,n wcdock. necessitated two and a half Csrnar 6th A Tatlow, 91,750.00 for the pair. s. u usuu, Tjie marriage took placo at their months In hospital, and finally hi Lot 20, Block 23, Ssctlon 6, Eighth r: residence on irpser street, thcj'return lo Canada. Ave., E. ntar achool with thrs-roomad, side. plaatsrsd houaa and uuy....6 v,.ut ,uu.w witnesses wer6 Max Heilbronner' Tho Work Behind. summsp kltchsn, fSOO.OO, ttrms were strange, this was a wonder I and Robert Grant. As Agricultural Officer behind 904 aaa Sa9iataaeT 44 tt 00.00 csh and balance ful feat. The following were, the monthly. This la convenient to ' I the lines llnnn Mnlnn Plnrb'. drydock and all parts of City. scores: J Nichol Thompson, tho fuel con-"shoulders rested tho responsibility The Greatest Enemy Notice to OCT MY RATES Doubles. !ieP( BEFORE RENEWSNO. wumci iu. mo iJiuvuitc, passeu for tne organisation and admlnis-through TO YOUR PIANO IS RUST YOUR FIRE INSURANCE Fulton &. Mahood, vs. 0 at the week end to Now tratlon of all agricultural IT WILL PAY YOU. Grant & Parsons 3 1 In 1 aI I nn mm i. . Ill 1ma.oS - . work Have Ncver-Rust applied n and allor v ril ..uiciHjii, nuue no win uispcuw associated with the assislanco of lisll t opcrallnr a t7l Singles. progress oi aeveiopmeni on the French to Springs, Tuning Pins, and AITO-UUS SI.HVH.E M. M. I In hood 10 farmers, and the pro-tho all Metal Parjls In riwn ami Ssi n i: Stephens vs. New Hazelton Gold Cobalt Co. vision of foodstuffs required by your piano ill In- as follow REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Grant 8 in which he is interested along ihe Third Army. On the plan Never-Rutt It a Potltlve Rutt TO SCAL COVt. FINANCIAL AOENT Fulton, vs. 2 with several other Vancouver initialed by the Preventive. Major, and with MO S.10 10 II 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 Parsons G men. He will also visit the the ready adaptability of the sol-jRocher a. O. WALKER f 0 3.10 4.IS f ' i kir,; Ruffner, vs. G to.:o n.it ! de Boule mine before re- dien farmers the Fyfe 2 on spot, mag-ilurning. Thons Blu 319 ri.nn Tunsr Saturdss Citra I"" ,r .nificent results were obtained and MO .J0 10 II 1 ' ' .io mo 4 f ... " " h MALKLVa uKR-v trn Hri.. """ lnniuiM or llie much Ml I).to lo l ; i Pinner KnardinP HniKA winnimr number. nr-. l.t nr.,; "Cea.PU..ve?0," provide. Suntis. i."'77.;; l r. "'t" civilian and fighler 10 10 It 10 f 10 I Watch Your . - mi lo.so. ' Step THIRD AVE.. CLOSE TO DRY DOCK St. James Hotel " covt Nica clean ror.ms,(rood board. m nd eM 2nd prize, gent's Kold.fiHed wrisll .. rno If AL I ' , wUr. Uedt boe.up. watch, No. 1308; 3nd prize, genfs!.. 1 ,f, "Ic,al t tho Imperial (LATE "QUI INS") T.ll I.ft l.t S. 7 lO.lu I'. t PHONE RED Mi gyn metal watch, No. 350. Present! n,s, I,oard wl, ,,nvo been FIRST CLASS ROOMS Jhil 11.30. Ism"- enunonH at nnmiinn s rinr.r. Tn.in. igniting this part of tho country Hot and Cold Water. I Ml Salurdss a.10 7 titfs 1' ibefore Saturday 5th. If not cl aim J t 1 nye llgat in bt the possibilities of BOa par Night, and IS pr Wsaa, 10 10.45 III 11 Yes STEEN & LONGWILL d by that dale watches will bo,? K '"niuien for spruco, 11 i i t : turned over lo Red Cross lo be nave gone souiii. riicy wero much Tlir will also li' " MamvaflHMHBjayaaajBjaj table ss follows !' !V raffled for pleased with their trip. ail uio palrlotio purposes, recruiting olllcers for mnifr and Hays ' rn i i',U. 8ANITJR mtiD HEATING lli faro will lin l rrn tho Mllierlan Ilatlalion But how can you do it if have been ami Crr frwn .'Vlt, liars EffOINECRS Still another accident happened Advertise In the Dally News. recalleil. Corporal Nelson went far. your eyes are not right. If yesterday which perchance might south last night. He had nlamied II A rent.reunion on l ru" tit there Is the slightest sight Agents for nave had very serious results. to visit Anyox when the orders lio made tiy a defect go to an oculist and MoCLArlY FURNACES when little Marguerite Heaumont came. . Twfnly-nr PRIPAID fle TICKIT iirlfi- ,)r,T,aH h fell ovein the sidewalk on Dorden Mvlil llo llrHfli f'T optimetrist who has been Htreel, just across the Mr. mid Mi. A. F.. Munn. nn i.liildrrn ufmmi .mrl" PLUMBINQ street from tears tiul iwflv? w D trained to the business. and her own home. The Jittlo orm coinpanled by Miss Munn, arrived fur al iIhi rollowinr .u n was unconscious for some lime, in ihe city eniuniny from tho is II mils for n ami SHEET METAL WORKS' but luckily no bones were broken lands whero Mr. Munn has logging llie rars will irst-' ; " Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. and this NOTICE la irii,v .h. ,k. a.i. inieresis. Jlli Avr. on ili Avf puI"J as f morning Is able to be linuad of lih oi Lands to ho hLf Bulger Night phones 576 around. The fence on the strt rm 1 c 2J r n I upon n, hi-which u-.,iiu.r.fnh delinquent Queen Charlulto Islander murnfnf VOU PATBONAOS ly Uif aamo 0UClT' and Blue 270 had been broken and atrs ar6 aua lias ijin iui,ini.iiii tm can. permitted to ha prince liuprrt Aisfssmrnl; not do belter than mail ii.oir Can Attend to It for You. The right work, at th right remain Broken for some UmA jW needs to Tho News time, and at the right prloe. i no numoer of accidents of th! Print Royal Mas Sb 0