THE DAILY NEWS.

                                                                                                                     LAND llEalSTHY Allt.               IiBsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBsbbW                                       -k3Sssf

                                                                                                                        (Sections l end 111.i
                                                                                iii The Letter Box
    Hotel Prince Rupert
                                                                           fr-                                     Re AppllCitton No. 9VS3-I 9771 I.

         EUROPEAN PLAN                         1   PIUS                        LTRIKES AND STRIKERS             msde TAKE lo NOTICE register Ibtt Nathan application Louis Undo bat ween anJ H mo'w PLAYtlV? NAVy"     pbbbB

                                                                                                                                        In fee undo
                                                                                                                Dors 3che1,,lnn  owners                                                  CIGARETTES. TUi,         '    IpyK
       $1.50 per day and up.                                               h.dilor Dally .News:                 ta-o Tst sale Deeds from the Collector of

                                                                          I  It JsTlu bo hoped that we hac tbe City ot Prince Ruperi. bearing date
                                                                                                                tbe 34lh day of November. 1917, of AM.
        FIRST-CLASS CAFE                have a well deserved reputation    heard die last un the matter oi AND StNOULAR lhal certain parcel or

            A La Carte.                                                    strikes  until  the  war id ended. tract or land and premises situate, lying
                                                    safe and effective
                                               as a                        The Teutons make a great deal o( and belnr In the Kurdcipalttj or the City

                                       remedy     for   stomach     ailments. anything that will assist them in f Prince Rupert, more particularly known
                                                                                                                               Lot       (), Block
                                                                                                                and described as   eleven
                                                  They are                Jpioiougiug the war, and to strike twenij flte (). Section seven (7, aiul

                                                                           while the armies are struggling Lot thirteen (13) Block thirty five (35).
    Phone 93         P.O. Box 38
                                                                                                                      eight (S), Map 93. You     re
                                                                           to right   things  for   tho  whole Section                       arc
                Office;                      Quickly                                                            quired to contest tbe claim of tbe tat
         3rd Ave. and 2nd St                                               world   means   another   day   and purchaser within 33 days from the date

                                                                           perhaps another year of conllict. ol Uie service of tbls notice (nulch may

                                       helpful iri    bilious attacks,        1 no writer knows something of be effected by publication In the Dally j

    Pacific Cartage, Ltd               sick                                                                     News, and your attention Is called lo see 1
                                              headache, 'dyspepsia,        hard   limes in li. Cn and      has
                                                                                                                ntp 3i or the "Land DeguUry Ad" with,
                                       heartburn and constipation.         worked   for  diHcronl scales     of amendments, and lo the following eitrscl,

                                                                                   but has never asked foi: therefrom:
                   Teaming             They act gently and surely
                                                                           more pay or struck, tying up any     -and In default ot a caveat or rerilflcate
               Storage                                                                                          of Us pendens belug filed before Ibe regis '
                                       on the organs of elimination,       concern.   It was my privilege to tration as owner ot tbe person entitled un ,
    Furniture, Safe and Piano                                                       when    dissatisfied  with der such tat sale, all persons so rrrd
                                              purify the bloodstone        resign,                              witb notice, .... and those claiming
         Moving.    Baggage                                                wages and conditions, which Is through or under them, aud aU persons                                                                     1:1
                                       the system and very quickly                                              claiming any Interest In the land by virtue
                                                                           the            of             be he
                                                                               privilege     any man,                  unregistered instrument, and all
                                                                                                                of any
                                                                                                                                                                 Tho         but remarkably         UJ.iW             HB
                                                                           good, bud or Indifferent.            persons claltuinr any Interest in the land Pjl         mild,                                       (f)
                                                                                                                by descent whose title Is not reristered li  I                                                       I
                                                                                                                                                          1                           of these                        HfH
                                                                                lieu-limes were harder than under tbe provisions ot this Act, shall Le                      aroma                                  f j

    Be sure to buy a copy of           Strengthen Uhcy are now tho Provincial Gov for ever estopped and debarred from set                                      cigarettes their unusual richness and cool.
                                                                                                                                     In        of lira
                                                                                                                ting up any claim lo or respect
                                                                          (eminent paid only fit) a month land so sold for taxes, and the luristrar            ncss, have made them Canada's favorite

         Resources                       Digestion                        land board to road worker.       Our shall such tat register sale the at owner person of entitled the land under so smokes.

                                                                          Isoldiers are lighting our bailies     old for latea."
                                                                                                                                                                                                been blended
                                                                                                                                                                           leaves have
                                                                                                                                                                 Virginia                 never
    THE NE.V MONTHLY MAGAZINE                                             'fur tfl.10 a day and board.       It   AND  WHEREAS    applicaUon baa been                                                          so
                                       Largsst Said iwntm.ur Msdaclse la bXM,ZS.la tV- WsrlA, 'seems preposterous for foreign. made for a Certificate of Indefeasible TlUe skilfully....or manufactured.....so carefully. They
    Illustrating all this       of                                                                              to tbe above-mentioned lands. In tbe name II                                             ..a'
                          part                                                                                                                            9J arc Ideal cigarettes. AU dealers tvcll them.
                                                                           ers  and some of them alien en       of Nalhan Louis Lando and Dors Scbeln

            the Province.             skeena land district    DiSTiucT or emies    to ask for and compel the man.                                                                             Jafkf Enjoy theq

                                           ovtxs charlotte islands.        payment of the highest kind of         AND WHEREAS on Investlratinr the Utle                                                 toJay-
                                                                                                                It appears that prior lo tbe I tin day of                   asB 9
       At all News Stands.                                                 wages during this time of stress      Ktober, I9I (the date on which tbe said

                                        take .notice  that the .vessel inlet n looks like taking advantage of buds were sold for overdue taxes i. you                                                            ill

                                      Lumber Co, LtcL, or Port Clements, oecu- our rJilUcultics.                w-rre the reristered owner thereof.

                                           tswmiii          mienas to                                             FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that II the                T
                                     Piuon        operators,         appiy   when the .Masters and Slates                                                                      tvAVYCUT
                                                                                                                same time I shall effect registration id
                                     for permission to tease the roiiowinr de-handed
                                                                                   in thein resignations they
                                                                                                                pursuance of such application asd Issue
                                     scrwea hum:                          'nnx.U.t ...! n      ik.i      .1.1 l. s Certificate or lode feasible TlUe to Ibe

   Heaters !                           Commenclur at a po    planted at u'gerwrai. lt we aro nol 8ati!)flea said lands In lbe names of Nathan Louts                CICARETTES

                                     northeast corner ot Block 3t of tbe sab                                    Lando and Dora sebctntuan unless you lake
                                                      my                  we should     quit   and   ascertain and           the
                                                                                                                    prosecute          proceedings to
                                     division or Lot 748, uience N. so der. ts
                                                                          whether our employers are able eeUbllth your claim. If any, to the said                 Ion
                                                                                                                                                                         foi- 15$
                                            610     tbence N. 30      mln.1
                                     mln. E.    feet,           der.
                                                                          to fill our places.                   lands, or lo prevent such prTed artlon
        $3     to    $39              V. 936.4 reet. tbence S. SO der. IS mln.                                  on my parL
                                                                             It is unfair to the
                                     W. 8S0 reet to the northwest corner of                     employer          DATED at the  Land  Registry office

  For Coal, Oil or Wood              Lot 10. Block; 36 or said subdivision, tbence also to the government of a coun Prlnre "urert, B. c this tlnd day or

                                     southeasterly and following tbe high water try to close down any necessary Aupist, 1919.
                                     mark or Stewart Bay liOO feet more or                                                     II. F. MACLEOD.
                                                                          work.   The majority of the
                                     less to tbe point ot commencement and                                people             District Registrar or Titles.
     Ornamental or Plain             containing It.S acres more or less.      pay the .increased wages anyway.  To Robert Illldebrandt, rrtnee Rurl, B C.

                                        MASSET INLET LUMBER CO.. LTD.           Tying up the streetcar traf       Michael Byrne. Butte, Moniata.,

                                           Per  Fred. Nash, B.C.US, Agent. fic                                    Franela Calve. Prince Rupert. D. C
                                                                             means that a few desire to ben

  Thompson Hardware Co.              Uled August tOtb. 1918.          019, efit at the expense of the many. A There was a wise Spear-woman             Don't merely smother your coojl

                                     NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT raised fare means a daily raised
                                                                                                                  lived in a shoe                   i
             LIMITED                           II. S. C. Cap. IIS.        rate to streetcar travellers. It is                                          iTw T-yi vrgi        Mathlra's 8jrj of Tar aa4 Cod Uver OOmsI
   255 Third Anna, opposite tad Street                                                                         For her many children she kne        '  I   1                rsratuptly arrvsU coachlSf, bat thasVa lo RjUvsI
                                                                          Hie same on steamers.       We, Ihe
                                       The Georgetown Saw Mill Company,                                           what lo do:                           JJMJ 11             strrorlhealsf rsvwrtlrs It help tbe sins mimi

  Mall Orders at'en Jed tq promptly  Limited, hereby rives notice that It bas majority of the people, are willing She made them most happy wild J      W coll sn4 lha r7rvts a trmaaeat cure. It Is this truallty wkkk ksa sal

                                     under section 7 of tbe said Act deposited to do our duty by those who arj;   Wrigley's for all                    U tke Uxjrst eeJe oi aay (oogh aad cold renMOy la Cat.

                                     with the Minister of Public Works at Ot aggrieved in the     of receiving
                                     tawa and In tbe.om.ee or tbe District Registrar        way                it kept thein In trim al a cost verj
                                                                          small returns for their
                                         of the Trlnce Rupert Land Registry                                                                                          JL L. MAT1ITX0 CSV. Ttbsa. StBSSSlStSBMDt. PjO

  PONY         EXPRESS               District a description or tbe site and a or returns that they are dissalis   We put pep into our printing

                                     plan or wharf proposed to be built on Lot iieu wiiu out it should he our    uslness al The News Print Shop.

           PHONE 301. '                or Block "F  Prince Rupert Townsite. privilege to have some say in the

                                     as shown on Plan  t3 riled In .tbe Land raising of
                                                                                      our passenger rates,

  MOTOR            TRANSFER          Registry And tike OfUce.notice that arter the expiration be it on street cars or any other

                                     or one month from tbe dale of the first conveyance. Forcing the Govern

  CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD             publication or this notice Tbe Georgetown m en t or a municipality to take a

      (Rear of Hart Block).          Saw Mill Company, Limited, will under stand, one way or tho other, is
                                     section 7 or tbe said Act apply to the
                                                                          like a boycott on those representing
                                     Minister or Public Works, al bis oQce tn
   Wr Sell Tents, Safes, Coal and Wood
                                    tbe city or Ottawa, for approval or tbe   us.

                                    said site and plan and for leave to construct The wriler also is not an employer,
  Manager's Night Call at Garage
                                          tbe said wharf.                                            "
        PHONE RED 126                                                             or the member of any
                                      Dated at Prince Rupert tbls I9th day or
           First Assistant          September, 1918,                      fraternal society or union.   It has

       PHONE BLUE 413                  THE GEORGETOWN SAW MILL COM- been my privilege to he both an

            Proprietor.                    PANY, limited,            oioJen'Ployer and employee       I claim

      PHONE BLACK 451.                                                   the right to think and act fort my-

    Instant Delivery    Meets        j          SYNOPSIS OF              scir, under all circumstances. The

     Every Train and Boat.             LAND ACT AMENDMENT                world has been large enough to

                                      'Pre-emption now confined to surveyed give employment, for many years,

                                     lands only.                         even when we had worse conditions,
                                       Records will be rranted covering only
                                     land suitable for agricultural purpose     so far as a living Is con
 Plone Greta 156     P. 0. Box 120   and which U non-tlraber land.
                                       Partnership pre-emptions abolished, cerned, than we have now.     It is

                                     arrange but parties for adjacent of not more pre-emption,than four with may in no spirit of. "heroics" that one
                                     joint Improvements residence, but on each respective making claims.necessary states that common labor, so call-cd,

                                      Ire-emptors must occupy claims for     receives more pay than the
          -Dealers in-               Ave years and make Improvement  to
                                     value of 310 per acre. Including clearing wriler receives. Consideration

                                     and cultivation receive; Crowe of at least Grant.S acres, before was given to the pay of the soldier

  Wall                                Where ;   emptor In occupation not      and the chaotic condition of
               Papers               lees than . ears, and has made propor-'l0"
                                           Improvements, he mar, because things since the inception of the
                                    of 111-bealih
                                               or other cause, be granted
                                    Intermediate certificate of improvement war. If another man   can   earn
MOST VARIED                         and transfer hi claim,
                 AND UP-TO-DATE
                                      Kecords without permanent residence more than I can and is paid high,

       STOCK In THE NORTH           may be issued provided applicant makes er wages, so much.the belter toe
                                    Improvements to extent of lioo per annum
Prompt and Careful Attention             and records same each year. Failure him. The world's misfortune has!
                                        to make Improvement   or record
      Given to Out of Town          same will operate as forfeiture. Title been his onnorltmifv: Inn r-iiin.i'
                                                                                            " --r            '
                                    cannot be obtained on these claims In                       V           -4
Orders.    Samples    sent on       less thsn S years, with Improvements of In my case.

           Request,                 110 per acre. Including I acres cleared Let us be
                                                                                       optimistic.   We
                                        cultivated and residence of  at                                  are)
  FULL LINE OF PAINTS,            i least z years.                       uciiiK hard times, the whole of;
                                  I   Pre-emptor
                                                holding Crown Grant may
     KALSOMINE, ETC.                record another pre-emption, IT he rs- us who ae no better off thou four!
                                           land lu conjunction with his
                                    ?iulre without actual occupation, pro years bko.  Wo should     not   bej
                                    Tided statutory Improvements made and downhearted, '
                                  I residence maintained on Crown granted                       others, esi
                                  ! Ltnd.                               peclally in France and other coun-j           A favorite flavor       California
                                      Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 30
        BANK OF                   . acres, may be leased as horaesttes: tries, ure far worse off than we l                   Fruit    in ADAMS, the          mojt
                                  I title to be obtained after fulfilling real-I
                                    dentlal and Improvement conditions. are.  We are creatures of circmn. i                    4nd
British    North    America       I   For erasing and Industrial purposes, stances, at best,                         popular         largest selling confection
                                                                                            with       short
                                    areas ezoeedlng (0 acres may be leased                         a         t
                                                                                                                     ia Canada.
                                    by one person or company,           journey ahead to a land where, we

                                  I PRE-EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. trust, our             homo
Statement to the Dominion Government j The scope of this Act Is enlarged tn         long        will provide
       (Condensed) 31st January,    include all persons joining and serving something better th ail Wo linvi. '      You'll see it everywhere, prominently
                                    with Ills Majesty's Forces. The time
  1911.                           ! within which the heirs or devisees of a jherc. We take mighty little wltln       displayed In all kinds of stores.
   LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC        deceased
                                  :          pre-emptor
                                                        may apply for       when
notes In Circulation ,,f S.3II,S0 I Utle under this Act Is extended from ,us       we go "West" and we'
                                       icar j rum me aeain or sucn person, (are taught that
Deposits              I4.7lt.it8  Iwuc formerly, until                                     money will noli           You'll
                                                     one year after the                                                       enjoy it anytime, particularly
Due to other Banks . ,  111,711     conclusion of the present war. This iuy eilher a front pew or anything

Bills Payable (Acceptances          privilege Is also made retroactive. else In the land where they have'            When    you    crave     something      tasty
       by London or.              ) TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT
  rice) .. .. ,"       l.3,S3                     ACT.                  no etrikes or wars.                 j        and refreshing.

Acceptances under Letters           persons Provision holding Is made uncompleted for the rrant Agreements in A TfiOJAN. j                                               CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO.

      or Credit (as per                   to Purchase from the Crown of                                                                                                              UUITL0 '
  contra)              1,111,404    such proportion of tbe land. If divisible,    WATER NOTICE                       aromlnently displayed In store everywhere
                                    as the payments already  made will
                                   cover In proportion to the sale price of
                     163.409,931   the whole parcel. Two or more persons                                            stls ADAMS (thai original) TUTTI FfiUTTI
           ASSETS.                 folding such Agreements may  group    TAKE NOTICE that n. a". Nelll .h...
Cash In band and In Baokll3,SM3    their Interests allotment and apply for a proportionate address Is Slewarl. 0, C will apply f0r a
                                                   Jointly. If It Is not licence
Deposit with Government            considered advisable to divide the land    to take and use seven cubic feet
       oa Note Cir                 covered by an application for a proportionate v. -..c. sreonq qui 0r me North Fork
  culation                                allotment, an allotment of land . v.,..u, vreea, wnicn nows
                        34S.lt!    of eo.ua! value selected from available                          southerly
Deposit in Central Oold            Crowvi lands In the locality may be . 7. ,L 7,1 "1              "e water
  Reserve ...... ...  1,970,000    made. These allotments are conditional            irum me stream al a coim
                                   upon paymsnt of  all taxes due  the about 13,000 feel from Cascade
Government, Municipal              Crown or .to any  municipality. The
 'and other Securities 13,391,110  rights of persons to whom the purchaser This notice was potted on tae r d
                                         from the                      tlie sixth day of                 Tr
                                                  Crown has
Call and                                                     agreed to                             a
                      7,391,447    ffu    .10 protected. The decision of 11.1. notice and an appuV. fon pZLVl
Current Loans and Discounts        the Minister of Lands In respect to the
        and other Assets           adjustment of a proportionate allotment
                                   Is final. The time for making application Water Recorder at Peine.
      , .
         ,,          14,410,140.       for these allotments Is limited to Objections
                                                                                 to the
 Liabilities                       toe let day of                                      aDDliea.in .-'l'.
          cf Custom                             May, lilt. Any appllca.
 ers unuer Letters or              Hon made after (hi date will not be with Ihe said Water Recorder or wi'h
                                   considered. These allotments apply to Controller of Waier
 Credit (as per contra) 1,111,404  t?wn iSi     lands of the Crown sold C, within thirty days Ri,bll,arte, Vlcrl. B
Bank Premises         J,409,193       public auction.
                                       r Information apply to any Provln-elal pearante of this notice. The tir.i

                     7I.4II,44I        Government MbUs Agent NAOEN.or to publication 1913. or lb.. nol Is Aurf,.,'.. xl                                                             ADAMS

                                          Deputy        of Lands,
                                                       Victoria, a. a              n. E, NEILL, Applicant.                                                                           Pure Chewinj jdii