THE DAILY NEWS. l"l a I G. H. Arnold MARINE ; i-.ui.ui i yews yuieo a r y ar-triy NOTARY PUBLIO INSURANCE ' ihe drawing for: A. Garland's FOR SALE tools will be held nt 8,30 p. in Lot-riili S, Blor li k i I nine. section lot on 8.71b price.Avenue WO As agents for Tho Union Friday, October ith, !U18, nt the Our ladies' ' ' Insurance Society wo are near NCBride. Seal Covp Pool Itoom. it. Lot Si. block 7, ectlon , price S800 prepared o Issue very liberal on eth Ave, neir Iliyi Cove. Excellent Policies on Fishing Hoats residential lot. Lots fk-t It, block 13. section 7. operating in northern witters. I All ladies And gentlemen are ACCIDENT These rrlce low ire ter drydock on Rales 7 nnd 8 depending invited t6"tliC"3jrrarid opening of Ready-to-Wear 6th Avenue, )S00. upon ago of boats, f 50.00 Tommy Duma Cabaret In the Em TO Term on any or the tbove. JWIACHINE cash and the balance like'rent Vle Franchise. Wo also cover press hotel onSVednesday night! lory bonds wljl be accepted in at , Cargo .Shipments- nt lowest AW payment par. 'atcs. The unfortunate accident Department FOR. RENT At the City Council meeting last to tho Linotype Machine tarnished rooming house, and night the salary of F. C-Peters, K. mako The News slim today. - also an unfurnished one. McCalfery, Gibbons 0., city cleric nnd city solicitor, It is expected that all will Another section of our store H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. was advanced .from $200 n month "be in order tomorrow. that is developing rapidly and & Doyle, Ltd. I to 225. ... meeting with appreciated business Now that tho road .to Mid mill from our customers. Insurance Real Estate THE DAILY NEWS i s completed the Prince Ilupcrt TOMMY BURNS IS ON Since the opening of the present I timber Company is ready to de-! fall Classified : Advertising Prince Rupert, B. C. ; )rdcrs icr lumber may be to placed tho local with Albert trade. HIS WAY TO CITY are constantly season receiving we nave had,express and & McCaiTcry. tf. shipments of the latest and best Phone 98 Bringing Vaudeville Artists From productions of Eastern Fashion BARNEY MULYANEY t Ono of tho Jluokley mills' in the Vancouver to Cator to High centres. Thit it Ida Advertising Column that IS HERE OOKING south is being dismantled and the Class Business Her New Dresses in people read when ikejr want anything. machinery taken to the spruce Serges and It bring result FOR LAND SETHERS Ml- -"', Silks. , ;,r'li1':nttrv!!n" Vancouver. B. C, Oct. 1. rrii sawmill on New Silk-Poplin Skirts. t: WANTED. my Burns, former world'atfchaiti - It formerly managed was New Skirts. pion heavyweight, is his Serge Has Ben Ve'y Successful In Get- by.F. L. Buckley of Uuckley Hay, njw;on WANTED Chambermaid and potter way to Prince llupert. lit left New Silk Underskirts, with ting Farmers to Take Up Rich Queen Charlotte Islands. A fea Central Hotel. 231 last night for the northern me Country Near Burns ture of the plant was the rquip- knitted top. WANTED Room for young lady, also Lake imcnt of electrical dynamos for vaudeville ttopolis accoiopanied performers by and several will New Blouses! in Georgette, breakfast and supper, with private leach separate lumber-cutting shades, i aunch his cafe and cubarrl popular f.milv. Phone Blue 332. 231 machine. The mill ran only about new Harney .Mulvaney is in town, . .... New Suits. New Coats. Jt, 1 4 - rl t a A f in what he balls as Ifieoniiini TFAVSTEn.WASTED. POSY EVPRESS. Darner is n well knmvn man ntr Uiree weeKS. ' ilie piani cosi trvrrj "' """'"". s reported. LiTtrt) 'of the Paclfic.'A- New Georgette, Crepes, by the OE.TLEMA WA.NTS TWO ROOMS AXD through this rtSrlh country. He Ikiriii contnlu.'H a boxing in-struclQr; yard. . board In prlvatn borne with phone, apply has a ranch at Burns Lake, but at Vancov." uiuin, but stating- terms, dox 16 uauy new. ranching is really not his 'i-'Snanish InflueilCC after the war intends unking hi WAITED Leave application Smart girl In ror own oltlre writing ncss. As a matter or fact Harney I permanent residence in the norllt. H. S. WfiTco, Ltd. omce of this paper, addressed "Business" is just now a Sand locator. He is Is Still Spreading Included in his party are HUit Brooks. Chrystal Bell and May OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. SOUND OH putting settlers on the lands from broken vulcanite -or .metal; also bridge-work. Hazclton to Burns Lake and he. is In U.S. Army Camps Latham of the Pantages circuit. Post them to J. Dunstone, post, omce Box 1236, Vancouver. Highest meeting with agood"deal-of 'success. Burns intends conducting hi cash' price sent by return malt SIS He says that, during the new business along high' class WANTED Young lady as waitress, apply past summer no less than C7 families Cases Reported in Past 48 lines, catering to tho best cIohs to Matron, prince Rupert uenerai nos and will no eipenso in establishing pltaL tf have gone into the district Hours Number 20,000; To spat?? tributary to Burns Lake and many the new business on a WANTED Woman for kitchen workj If SO tal Cases to Date 72,-327. solid basis. of them have been located through per monin, iniaaaer uoaraing House. his agency. He ascribes te success WANTED Row Boat, phone nod ijV tf he has attained to his advertising. BOY WANTED SAVOY HOTEL. tr Washington, Oct. 1 More thrn BAIT AND ICE DEPOT Barney thinks that there will 20JDC0 new cases of Spanish infill WANTED Waitress. Hotel Prince Rupert. be a number of people in this dis viiza were reported, Irom army BUTEDALE WORK WANTED FEMALK trict that will be wanting to,, go camps durfnc the last 48 hours. on Hie land soon nnu lie would WOMArt WANTS WORK Phone Blue lit. like to see them on the Rattcn- Pncurru-nia cafes reported num Princess Royal Island WANTED Young lady accustomed to oman bury lands which he says are' the bercd 733 and deaths 277. The to work; one witn knowledge or dook-keeplng NOTICE Is brreby riven thai the Sil and stenography preferred; best in the north and the equal of tal number of pneumonia cases is of Lands to be held on the tweuty.rdurtn Western Packers, Limited Prince Rupert Engineering and Supply in.the country. day of oeioW neat upon which delinquent Co.r. O. Box "7J. any uw 5.766 and dcttlis 1,577. The taies are due has been positioned so far Everyone-who has been through at lands In the Prtore Ituprrl Aasestmrnl Hcnd Office - Vancouver EC total number of cases in all camps District are concerned and that on the t ain the from Hazellon east LOST country day of November following a sale will be knows that the lands there are if 72.327. Kcw cares reported on helil of all turn lands in the ald Assessment LOST Black leather wallet containing rich and would "make splendid Sunday numbered 9,242 and those C.District.W. UOMErt, ASMor and Collector.' valuable papers. Finder liberally rewarded by returning same to the News farms. Many people arc already ester Jav 11:092. orsie. It taking them up and it will not be long before the .whole country is FOUND covered wnn ft iarms irom one enu Pioneer Boarding House THE POWER OF THE DOLLAR FOUND At Salt Likes, lad)' bathing suit to the other. THIRD AVEL. - CLOJE TO DRY DOCK YE OLDE COUNTRIE tn4 two towels. Owner may have ame Ni cka room arol board. IM anj U Never were extravagance and useless biiyjng at Dally News omce by paying for this FISH AND CHIPS w.Ur ilUlocap. advertisement. tf Mrs. T. H. Johnson, of Seal 717 Second Avenue. PHONE rtKO V2 gurded as so serious on evil as today. A greater fru Cove, will hold a Home Cookinp still is the spending of one) money on silly r ' Sale and Tea at her home on October Will be open every day at Canadians carry too serious a determination t) "jt 3 from 3 till 6. Proceeds 11 a. m. through to Victory and to vindicate the stalwartnesi M. M. STEPHENS will be given to Dunstan's TT nos-. TAKE SOME HOME. Get your parcel of and endurance- of the men at the front to tolerate toy A tel for Blind Soldiers. 230' Tobacco such laxity in their expenditures. NOTARY PUBLIO for the Our people generally are sizing up the power of H OFFERS FOR QUICK Soldier Boys the dollar as never before, nnd are investing thf-surpluses SALE against a possible landslide after the war MADE UP AT THE The Following Choice Properties, This is real patriotism. It is carrying common LoU 27 A 29, Block 7. Ssctlon 1. S600.00 tch. Prince Rupert into national business. It is proving that the strength Let 23 A 24, Block 10, Stctlon B, Corner 6th A Ttlow, $1,760.00 of n nation lies in her saving citizens. Lot 20,for Block the pair.23, taction C, Eighth Cigar Store & At., E. nr school with three-roomed, platrd heu and umm.r kltchtrt, S900.00, trm 100-00 cash and bslanc Billiard Parlor monthly. This I connlnt to - tfrydeck and all part of City. OEJ MY YOUR RATES FIRE BEFORE INSURANCE RENEW)NO THIRD AVENUE The Greatest Enemy Notice to ihe U IT WILL PAY YOU. Bet Billiard Hall in To Vour Piano is Rust . .... .. tm na aner "rr To Have Ncvcr-llust applied rum vw cMraiinr c .' M. M. Stephens wn. Al'TO Ul'S SCItVli.C I to Stilncsf Tuning Pins Ton and Seal Ce If" t'f REAL ESTATE INSURANCE and all Metal Parts in your tlll be at fttlluwt FINANCIAL AGENT Piano TO tlAL COVL Great variety of Toba-;cop, Wlar 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 and Cigarettes, Never-Rust Is a Positive Rust 7 0 30 10 II ,n r ' Preventive. 4.4a s..i " Pipes and Pouches, in,0 f I.I . Q. C. WALKER Saturday fttr $" . Phon Blue 39 pitne Tuner ?.o .o to 11 t i.o 1.1a - 3 ill Mi 10 10 tunes r . in Watch lour (nil(S.Jn 10.10.I J.JO S.S' 4, Step Grand Opening mom sol coyi. , St. James Hotel T.44 a.41 1010 U '' , i(i a.a a a 1 1 (LATE "QUEENS") nu -FHIST CLASS IIOOM8 laturdar fstr Sfil- a.1& 0.1 u 7.' ' Hot and Cold Wntcr. 10.11 10.4a II 1 Yes Tommy SO pr NlflUt, an $1 psr J 11 1 s ft M Th. uin it. , I a (II ' table a follows t PH rumor and Hays t'rrri ntur But how can you do it if Burns L.VM KISTniCT nisTnicT or .ml iih- iare fr., iin'i im i:rrrk i- '.rM " ! . t:ssun. Seal Cove, II rul II your eyes are not right. If .." . .... TAKE notice lint Oranhy CntMntii4ipri rw,llllllilll 111! 1IK ' 1-'-- there is the slightest sight Ninlnr. Snieliliir ft I'ower fin., LlmiieJ. ,f Im made by arT",fj Cabaret nyut, li. C orcupallon mining- and smelt MIPAID TICKLT " ' defect- go to an. oculUt and intend niy nve tae lick ,11 lo Inr, applf for permission n Llrht lie llrken for ,,4 j.e me rcnowinr ursrriueu isnilsi- Children brlwren the " r.rr4 optlmetrist- who has been r IN Commrnclni at a post pic n led n i,a tear and iwrlvo will W corner of Lot llilt, Canslsr .r al Ihe followlni tf trained to the business. Dlitrlcii and f,n' 11 for rents ope Emprecs Hotel Bulldlnrj itniirfl soulliwrstf rly 0 rhaln followim hllli water mark, la the 8.K. corner of Utt The rars will travel r Stti ilirnce south 10 chains lo low water 7lh Ave. on Ihe oulwaiU WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION 1 Wed. Night, Ocl. 2nd mark; Ihrnr northeasterly it chain fol-lowlur Instead reiurnlnr of y Ith the Ave.,me al irr Bulger low witer mark; thrnre norib to rATRONAOS SOUCn YOUR chain, lo the plare of beslnnliif anil ron-Ulnlnr 40 am more or Ja, Can Attend to It for You. George Walsh, appearing in "The Honor System" at tho flIIANIir COKSOLIOATED MI.M.NO S.MKLT Auto-Bus EIGHT ENrERTA'lfiSRS INfl POWKIt COMPANY, MMITKIt Royal amy Wcstholmo toniorrow. I 1, Fred Itllrhle, Atent, Dale, July olh, HIS, ) 0r94