i" ae ¥9 PAGE Oz Mid - Month Specials WALLACE’ S 2 IPT o 19¢ 13¢ 69c 29¢ 89e¢ $1.75 45¢€ Sc 49¢ 29¢ eo $4.95 98c $1.45 88e $1.60 $1.60 8c $1.25 S38, tor $1.95 98¢ 75€ $5c $1.29 $3.65 ore $2.95 $3.95 See Our Window-—Many Other Bargains Included in This Event PHONE 9 THIRD AVE. & FULTON STF Delegate r °Z 4 z we Ruper tia 2 1 +e A set € Ir Wa zi = vw 2 Tv ears ien > 2 ine ¥ of o P Z ¥ x v - 7 For the Fast— VETERANS — _LOCALITEMS MEETING - F Paterson > Canadiaw Legion im Sesion Last ie Night—#rhubert Named Mail Schedule ” Phone %52 Phone 953 De Jong’s Cash and Carry friday & Saturday | Specials 25¢c Aalk Rest & Pea 28c¢ eet 14¢ aie ake ee a ae i Br B gine 3c ar go gga sle Life Buoy Soap oe 21c Maikin's Best Pure Log 0 Prcagtiag apr rit » Chee By aie 35€ | Ensign Peas—Sieve 4 ee” Singapore Pineapple per tin Pear! White Soap 5 bars for Bing Cherries per Ib per 25-Ib crate Fresh Tomatoes per lb per basket Cabbage 4 lbs. for New Potatoes 10 Ibs. for Scott's Fresh Extras—In cartons, 2 doz. for lic 19c 15c $2.90 17¢ 75¢€ 25¢ 25¢c dic ed a a, ws And 7 Terrice FACY 77) TAME I pubs > ie one, Marioa Davies and Clart Gaaie Are Geod im “Polly of the Circus Scott's Emulsion DRAMATIC | Wednesday & Thy TWO Shows —; : ing} at Capitei Theatre me Feature start + and pacteanaaa | ADSEESSIOS — & . - with 2 Heid Tight te Your 2T 3 es Ma i rl . tw MARION | Av] with Clark Gabe; of the CIRCI and ( 4 Romance You Lang Reme ~ ° Comedy—“KEE? i HARRY LAUDE Sings “She's My Daj FOX NEWS THURSDAY MATINEE y Feature Starts 3-20—1i 4 FRIDAY & SATURDAY SUNSHINE SUsiy GREAT FIRE SALE - of Montreal Importers Starts FRIDAY MORNING at 9 Dp AYED by the illness of J. B. Miller, the $20,000 stock of the Montreal Importers will be offered for sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. at prices never before seen in Prince Rupert. Bought at Montreal prices originally from the leading manufactur- ers of Eastern Canada, such as Great West Garment Co. and Western King Manufac- turing Co., prices of every article in this big stock have literally been cut to frag MENS WORK SH? Si i 7 _ MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS 7 . MEN’S TIES & HATS ; MEN’S SOCKS & SHOES & $7() (0 MEN’S PANTS ¢ 9 s worth of these high class Quality Goods will be offered at MEN’S LUMBERJACKS ' Unheard of Prices MEN’S OVERALLS CORDUROY PANTS MEN’S MACKINAW PANTS & COATS MEN’S SWEATERS MEN’S RUBBER BOOTS § Come on Friday and Get your pick NT RR AEE SE MEN’S UNDERWEAR 8 BLANKETS ments. LADIES’ SHOES LADIES’ HOSE LADIES’ SWEATERS CHILDREN’S SHOES BOYS’ UNDERWEAR BOYS’ BOOTS BOYS’ MACKINAWS BOYS’ SWEATERS BOYS’ LUMBERJACKS BOYS’ PANTS CHILD'S COVERALLS FLANNELETTE Sheets SUITCASES SUSPENDERS ERY little of this large stock has been damaged by smoke and water and the great bulk of it is in perfect condition, just as it came from the manufacturers. These are all quality goods and are being offered at unheard-of prices, In these days of economiz- ing, this sale offers an excellent chance to save real money. Come and convince yourself! Sale Starts Friday Morning, 9 o’clock Remember the Address. Montreal Importers, Meeker Block, 3rd Ave. Terms of Sale: Cash Only