1 , fiftMES Chemists PO.B Druggists LIMITED 1600 and Top Da ily new Good GEO.J.FREZELL Particular People Meats for P(iones,82and200 Phones, 10 and 25 VOL. IX NO- 23. pnixcii ntii:iiTr u.c. Monday ocrroDKn 7, 1918. "alCl? FIVE CENTS I Ml J IK IV" MM nuui HAIL PEACE EUUtM ALUfca 1U MAI E TERMS; G ERMANY MAKES SUGGESTIONS V 1 1 NOTICE FEDERAL MINISTERS GIVE The annual General . INTERESTING ADDRESSES AUSTRIA AND TURKEY ARE MADE . Meeting of the Prince flu-peri and District City ; Urancii of the Canadian ON mm OF COUNTRY TO ALLIES1 VIA WASHINGTON;: Jted Cross Society, will he held at the Court House ; o n Wednesday evening, LARGE AUDIENCE GREETS MESSRS. CARVELL AND CALDER October 9th, 1918, at 8 AT EMPRESS THEATRE SATURDAY NIGHT; ancellor Makes Suggestions i.i Reichstag for League of Nations,1 o'clock. MANY SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Rehabilitation of Belgium; General Disarmament and Return All requested members to are attend.earnestly BY VISITORS of Colonies; London Press Views Note with Suspicion. JOHN CONWAY,- Sec. "When a nation Is at war no man has any right to think of anything but winning the war." speeltl to Ibt rU O. T. P. Tekswph., "A Government that is popular during war time is not fit to 7. Immediate suspension of hostilities Amiterdam, October be a Government." proposed by the Imperial German Chancellor, Prince Prince Rupert is One of Big been "In Prince Rupert we have seen things that rather staggered , Entente Allies to be asked to nirhtiinf are in i- ,um National Ports and Must Have Docks us.' "You can't carry on the business of a great port without The Chancellor's proposal embraces alto the despatch of proper terminals. As soon as you can show us that the business illlUIlHI i..,. .i..t... a . ..hIhI nlnr.A in dlteuaft the Question of a "Prince Ruport is bound to become one of the four Is here, we will provide the facilities to carry on the business." II 14 D r.I U I n.tnni IIBSIUIIHI DrKlirnilnn and disarmament. or five big national ports of Canada. .She Is at the "Our pension.list may reach $75,000,000 a year, and it must-be Plenipotentiaries are further to be empowered to discuss the terminus of a great transcontinental railway and I was paid." - r-.j...I n.,.-!, tha rlnht nf inlf-Hnl Armlmitlnn for Just saying to Mr. Calder that very soon the Government "We have been living on borrowed money. When the war n .t . .r.- . .1 lti Matnrflttnn. . nnr4 Inrffimnlftrfllinn nf would have to build a big dock here. I have no hesitation - - --- - is over that must stop." o numaii iruiiMsi . . . ... I fnwalna rv4 thn ,atn,ii nf I Ka whatever In spending money on big terminals because ihat lion. . The above few of the interesting things UIUIII. UUIWIIWMI w. www - - - were a the country must have outlets for Its commerce. --I (-. a. b B. Carvell said! at the public meeting Saturday evening. He As soon as there Is a demand for it you may depend The terms of the Entente Allies will be asked at the same upon getting the docks." was the last speaker of the eveuing and the most important. He spoke to a full house at the Empress Theatre with Alex. Manson, The above Is a quotation from a statement made to a M. P. P., prestdingand the other speakers were Hon. J. A. Calder News representative by F. B. Carvell, Minister of Public ' Important question. and Mr. Douglas, the member for. South Edmonton. Willingness to Jain a league of nations on the basis of equal Works, Just before leaving for the south last night. i XrJJacv)r in-the coursesof bis -. .-aar-e aiAihit. all.ideas, of per- nil OTMB 1 HI UCLIMi DU UI WIIMIILIIIIUI WWW SlAl III III HI I VVIIW W hi W . -ft Lllll.lt m -J lLa. MH.JI.I. am a. ;sonal freedom and,liberty niul am t m n a r m punan i iminn n i Hfiini 1 1 sti miiii inn iiiiiiiduiblo c MILLION AMERICANS itfive way to the interests of the II.I .....I.. Mtla,a. I.Ma4U 1 I U am D fk 1 t 1 M r.AM- BRITISH iimiiiii'ciis. us uuuuibi a w fc i vtvn w w arwaww -v CARRIED BY nice theories . NEARLY 80,000 PRISONERS nation. Many men had t.a 1 J Ml but they would pot win bat- Paris, October 7. Germany, Auttrc-Hungary and Turkey London, October 7. Of tie. Tho Government was elected I. J 1 ii . a I. M-aU.a.a t sW 1 1 A M.L TAKEN IN PALESTINE BY more than soldiers l,800.b00 transported American for-?ne thing, to keep the ranks Mi me uauauian uiuij uncu. mu reinnuLinn in innir ininrnii inr m wi nnnrai nriiuiLiia hiiu iicuir- the end of to Europe to they had done. They were determined FORCES OF THE ALLIE5 September, nearly 1,000,-000 U get men and they got Washington, October 7. The peace note from Germany, were carried in British them. controlled ships. American minister went to s.y in i i c lira p.w wwbh ra.ra w rfi ...n i i na nwiHH imiHiiun amraa li 11 The on -J ' - '" " GERMANS ANNOUNCE RETREAT BEYOND DAMASCUS BUT vessels carried 780,-000 that as a people we bad drunk the BLAME TURKISH ALLIES ARAB ARMY and the remainder (cup of bitterness to the dregs but In official circlet it Is reiterated that there Is slight probability the CLAIMS 8,000 PRISONERS, AND were brought across line body of the Canadian people any serious attention being paid to propositions which come ALLENBY 71,000. Atlantic on French and 'were determined to see it through . . . . . . . . C. r t ..I t t Italian ships. ito the end. Therje must not be - J ' - ----- rj - m ' ..... I I N O.T. P. Teltrwb.) should .Special to Tt furpriH if the Government make diplomatic virtue out of military necessity. London, October 7. Seventy-one thousand Tdrks have been i'esk lor another 100,000 men., made uv General Alienby's forces since the commencement , "Once get rid of the war and i London, October 7. The press generally views with suspicion prisoners and according to PREPARING Canadian people of British operations in Palestine Syria, GERMANS . have faith in the latest peace proposal. an official statement issued by the War Ofllce. This is in addition t. choose the best kind of Gov to R,n0f prisoners claimed by the Arab army. -Three hundred FOR WITHDRAWAL ernment. The carrying on of the taken. Government in war time-is the ' iind ilfly Turkish guns were HVIV IV IUITUI1U AWINf AT October 7. Germans fighting in Palestine by the side (Spcrtil Til C. T. P. Ttltfrtphs.) opposite to peace times. I would in i i.v ii i i iiiiii ii ii mil ui Berlin, lAaL Ml M II I I lIlaTllll II 11111 IBM of their Turkish allies have been compelled in conjunction with Amsterdam. October 7. Some advocate the conscripting or men the weak Turkish forces, to yield to the pressure of superior wharves and docks at -Hruges for other things besides war If it MANY POINTS ALONG LINE; enemy forces and ore retreating beyoud Damascus in a Northerly have been set on Are by Germans vera found necessary. direction. who have removed their guns and Mr. Carvell went oh to say.that coast defence j material ifrom the Board of Trade here seemed 28 MILIS ON VESLE FRONT 'DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC Knooke. and have destroyed the to think the Government a little RUSSIA ABJURES sheds. niggardly. He had promised not SAFETY APPOINTED The Entente garrison at Moery I spend money, however, eicept . . . . . . r.T r n Im in .i.t FinArc TREATY WITH TURKEY .. und it aboslulely necessary -- mi i nun ui rntn.n mum Hmniu- w kerke have been withdrawn where was RETIREMENT RHEIMO NOW REDEEMED work at Zeebfugge stopped, while and this he had endeavored to do. (Vioher 7 The Ottawa. October 7. The Gov civilian workers have removed n In Prince Rupert they had seen AND SEVEN-MlCE MOVEMENT i. - I.-. TiirluV 1111 i.1UIi.I fi-iihienl bus created a branch uf large number of -anti-aircraft Vmgs which rather staggeijjd NEAR CAMBRAI hv Vorwnerts conclude according I'ublio Safety and has selected as guns mounted six miies east of thetrii but he could assure them to n Ucrlin despatch: "The Ilus- director for it (Jhnrles H. Cavan. Bruges. At Ghent stores are being' there would be no more post office to TlM Komi U 0, T.I' TrktrU. oblieed toK.C, a Montreal lawyer. Par in lime. .i. nn,Fniiinri( is hastily loaded by the Germans. sites in war1 time or peace l ir October 7. The viclorioiu attacks carried out in the talo that in consequence of the ticular attention will be given to He believed it was possible to f-w ci... by French trootis in conjunction with th American action of the Turkish Govern- slampiiiK out I. v . . nnu uoi-mcnt carry on the Government of the - i.me esie. rrout, end on the Champagne irum, the treaty of Urest-LUovsk. sheviki organisations. FISH ARRIVALS country like a private business. r'Mil I. a 1 I lw l. .1 . which was to havo esiauiisueu - The Norland arrived In port He believed tho people wanted me 1 1 riTAatt n.a.l t. ' as 11 1.11. ',"lliriw. ...'r.ies...nvers.. 'i lia. cnemv -lias auanuoncu uu uic. .hi. peaceful relations between Ilussia (ioiin assortment ui pipes ui tf yesterday with 15,000 lbs. of hall (corttlnued on Pnge Four. r,H""""iva.I'uweriuiiy i fort oil for four venrs- onu.. ueitMiui-u. it ,iirt i.u and Turkey, is null and void." fill's. but; Clara N., with 5,000; P. Dor-reen, Pirn. vu no""iitiiOriuiess. .. . nml U rAlrnt,,.-....n ntr nn n ironi oi u 0,000; N. and S., 4.000; Cay-geon, Ladymlth VVeH?n5tcn Cal reduces o roues.) 2,000; Northcape, 1,000; your fuel bill and given 1 Dim tiA...i i ... . - . .. " Dolphin, 1,500; Saturn, 4,000, and satisfaction. Rhine 15. .P. R. Ltcr lr , , I-". , 'hl Is duo to Pressure from. the Catholic Bazaar the Chatham with 2,566 lbs. The Coal Co, t in t i i ri 1 1 ii hi i i .i t itA - .iassii of Mnrnnv lp """" u,,u ,,UB .7 . i.i price realized was arouud J Co. onii-u iianiK nml Krvvonil. ii--ii i Tho Animal Bazaar, under the auspices of the Catholics of Prince Hupert, will take place next . " -""'i'"---iy " WESTHOLME t encircictl. V"." . . r r,,,hrni. -uon, uclober 7.-J!iv., in, nnnpi niiniiiinnuiciii ui and Thursday, Oct. 9 and 10 reurements The other withdrawn! I i t"p Wednesday ; VDEMERS' nr TONiQMT ONLY PHI T. ... "Rheiins salient, wliere. as n re In St. Andrew's Hall. V- ; rr rl or I hen is "VUIII of Cafnbrnl.on a sult of pressure east ami wcsi. This year besides the sale, of Taney Work, it will Frdm now on Vc may CLARA KIMBALL YOUNQ lh.j enemy Is oontlnuInK to rvao-unto feature a Country Store, whon ladies from each of the Arnp( innrr nf lvaa mill. ground. He has a handnnc Allied Nations will entertain. Refreshments and light but witlfarninprbof cbai? "THE MARIONETTES" the rldKCf of Moronvillors n i lunches will bo served by capable people. "we,.8,hQuld worry." f ' ..... y fl Nogent Lnbassee. (lormaTls thus Thcro will bo an entertainment by school children VohaVo several styles QAZTTTE l.nv., Blmrlnncl theit! HnPS l W on Wednesday, and a dance for tho Red Cross on Thurs-dav in guaranteed rain coals. AND miles and stronKthened llielr po- niglit. The Victory Bonds donalod by P. Burns & at prices from 8.75 to COMEDY .iii t. ninn Mm river Co Ltd., and J. C. Oavigan are going strong. Tickets 20.00. , FOR Oliai tw,n themselves and tho Itm for'viftory Bonds on sale at different Booths. CQME AND SEE 4 Tomorrow nltbl Th' JllddMi Children' tad a-retl ronindjr. tan... ... .... indientions .i inn- DATE. EVERYBODY WELCOME. 4ii?re nrr urn - (i1(1 DON'T FORGET THE "od nn..., .... -m..nuts of nmbnblo retlrW"1 " . f )' inr h n n ilt. ' 7340. enemy from the Oousi p""