DAILY NEWS. "",,Ja- THE 0 '.be- , : : , .... tt f The Daily News ,'MAIL' .SCHEDULE' ' PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA' Published Every' Afternoon, except Sunday by The News Mondays,For Weditesday"irTrid the East. Sut-irdays If JIIISI.LI J Third Avenue.1 Printintand Publishing Co., at 0:30 a.m. H. FJ PULLEN, Managing Editok. From ths East. T Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 SUBSCRIPflON RATES: at 5:45 p. tn. heavy hangs over City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 76c. .... For Vancouver: your nead. By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. Sundays .". 10 p. in, To UhUe'd States and other countries, in a lvanc, $7.50. Tuesdays ..5 p.m. Telephone 98. Thursdays .,. 10 p.m. "Q, I know what it Is. daddyl ! Saturdays .7 a.m. You held it too dose and ( j TRANSIENT DISPLAY- ADVERTISING 60'tents por inch.- From Vancouver'' Contract Rates otv application. Sundays ... 10 p.n smell lt It's WRlGLEY'Sr . Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. DAILY EDITION. Monday,''October Saturdays 10:30 a. in filll) "RJfihto. sonny alve your H Hi .W.CILLETTCO.LTDll Sundays For Anyox: 10 p.m lljpV appetite and digestion a U Not Local Firm Why 111 7" TMONTO.CAMADA g Eg! WINMIPCO HOWTBIA1 gj Wednesdays 10 p. m "4 I To Build Wooden Ships. Saturdays 10 p. in treat, while you tickle There are plenty of contracts for wooden ships being oiTered by the Norwegian and French Governments. Also the French From Anyox: lyjaK vour 5WCCt t00th,M I Government is open to purchase new ships when they are built. Tuesdays n.m. The Mullen Construction Company was offered six contracts for $ TO SUBSCRIBERS Thursdays undays p.m.a.m. vX ikTBEk. Chew It After Every Mai 11 wooden ships, but refused Ihem because it expected to go on' with the steel vessels. j Subscribers to The News For Port 8lmpson and Naas Rivet IVlll T',e Ravour Las,J5 I If, as seems possible, steel is not available for the work here,, are asked to pay the delivery points: why should not a local company be formed to build wooden boys each month Sundays .... 10 p.m. wheri they call, except schooners for the French or Norwegian Governments. The facili where payment has beer ties are hereand the work could be carried on just as economical made for the year in advance. From Port Simpson and Naas River Points: ly as in Victoria or Vancouver. The boys when Tuesdays a.m When it was necessary to get out spruce on the Queen collecting carry official receipts which should always Charlotte' Islands, several local firms went into (he business. Now Queen Charlotte Islands: be" preserved. there is"a possibility that at any time the spruce production may For Massett, Port.Clements and stop, because the war may stop. Then the mills will need an Upper Island points: outlet for their lumber. If ships were.built here, that lumber Vcdnesdays .......... 6. p. in. could be used. It is possible too that a local firm could build and Queen Charlotte Islander? can From Masset, Tort Clements and operate schooners from this port, to carry the local lumber to not do belter than mall their Upper Island points: printing needs to The News Print the markets of the world. ridays, p. tn. Shop and gel the work done Unionists Hid Their romptly and well. For Skldegate, Queen Charlotte Light-Under Bushel.' LAKD nEGISTIlY ACT. City and Lower Island points: One of the questions often heard On Saturday was: "Where (Sections 38 and 111.) alurdays 8 p, m. are the Unionists?" The ministers were invited by the Canadian From Skidcgate. Uucun Charlotte Club;arid entertained by them at luncheon and in the evening they lie Application .10. 7oS-l Jc 77I-I. City and Lower Island points TAKE NOTICE that application bai own wcrelhe guests of the city, the Board of Trade and the Canadian made t register Matliin Louta'Lando and Tuesdays. Club, jointly. In these organizations there were some Unionists, Iora ct)clnman at trsrarrs In fee'undtr two Ta Sale Dwils from ine Collector of For Skagway and the Yukon. but as an organization the committee or party or whatever they tne city or Prince impart, isr!; isu Every ten days. may be, did not appear, neither did the members to any extent! iiie iltn diy or rrorrmtKr, HIT, of ALL From' KXO StfOL'LAIl that certain parel or 8kagway and Yukon. do anything in the way o'f greeting the visitors. tract of land and premises' sltnaie, lylnj Kvcry ten days. (Scaled Tlcht-Keptmghillyl-Wa!' ( rSy.V? and Mot In Uie of tne Municipality City They were Liberals who met the ministers, who worked on r rrin Rupert, more particularly known rifost of th'e committees;who made the arrangements, who deco-rrited'the and described as Lot eleren (II), Block twenty live Section een 7), and theatre j and 16 extent who formed a very large the audience lot thirteen (ID Plnrk thirty-Ore (Ji) at the big meeting in the evening. It was also a Liberal Svctinn eliht s). Map VtJ. Yotf are re ... aulred to contest tne claim of tbe tat who presided. ptircbaser within J 'days rrom tbe date The News is not taking exception to the attitude" of the of tbe aervUe ot Ibia.nol'ce (vrlilch may Keep the up be effected by publication In tbe Dally Unionists, but simply mentions it because it seems to have been Nr, and your attenUon Is called to sec assured that 1AM one of'the subjects of general discussion throughout' the city tlon IS of tbe "Land Oetiatry Act" itb amendments, and to tbe follow In t estraet my i people will respond yesterday and Saturday night. " As it was, the ministers got a therefrom: Food Supply to every call good reception and they are well pleased with their visit. They 'and In default of a cavrat or certificate I . or us penden being Oled before the regis. necessary to the success carry away with them a good impression of the people, whom one Ira tlon as owner of tbe person entitled un der ucn tax sale, all persons so served I with of them describes as' "the most persistent boosters he had met." wun nonce ana inose ciaunini 1 oj our cause- Ihrourti or under Ibem. and all personal and Help Judging' from the lone of the addresses and the subject naiminr any interest in uie tana by rirtue the same indomitable or any unregistered Instrument, and all matter, the" Liberals ae pretty well dominating the present Government. persons rlalmlng any Inwrrii m the land ardour and devotion by descent whose title Is not registered Mr. Carvell is a man who stands out prominently in under tbe provisions or this Act, shall be that have filled me with Tur ever estoppea ana aebarrra from set Make any Organization and he measures up well alongside his colleges. ting ud any claim to or In resDeet or the Victory pride and gratitude land so sold for taies, and the lieglsirarl Some of the local Liberals have been rather doubtful! shall retister the person entitled under I since the war began." such tax sale as owner of the land sol df him since he joined the Borden Government; but it is just old for taxes." Hit Minurr Ktxo Crosoa possible that it may turn out that the Bordenites joined the Carvell A.ND WHEREAS application nas been Sure made ror a CertiDcate of Indefeasible Title Government. At any rale it seems as if much good work has to tbe above-mentioned lands, In tbe name been" done since they joined forces. or Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Schetn- man. A.fD WHEREAS on Investigating tbe title I It appears that prior to the tilh day or I soldiers must be fed; the at idober, 1916 (tbe1 date on which tbe said people tandi were sold ror overdue taxes), you I OUR were the regis lered owner thereor. must be fed. And in spite of runTHF.n TAKE NOTICE that It tbe You Can Make Excellent Cake pursusnee same time or 1 shall such effect application registration and Issue In i Germany's murderous campaign to a cerlineate or Indereaiible Title to tbe cut off the Allies' Food With Fewer Eggs sild lands In the names or .Nathan Loou supply, by sinking latitl-j inrf Dora Sclielnman unlets you take aikl proseetiie the proper proreedings tt every ship on the High Seasan ample and Just use an additional quantity of Dr. Price's establish your claim. If any, to the said I flow l:nd;. or to prevent such proposed actiunl unfailing of food to England and Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in rn my part. place of each egg omitted; DATED at the Land Registry Omce, France must be maintained. It turn n. this Itupert. C.. ft nd day of This applies equally well to nearly all baked Aiitust. 1911. foods. Try the following recipe according to the District II. F.Registrar MACLEOD,of Titles. This is National Service-Not new way: To noberl lllldebrandl, Prince Hubert, p. C,I Michael Byrne, Dutte, Montana., to the Farmer only CREAM'LAYER CAKE Francis Calve, Prince Rupert, B. C' Old Way New Way But to YOU -to everybody I rap aua t 1 rap sugar Advertise in the Daily News. n nv milk 1 fnillr This is t cap.ftour1 leiiof flour appeal directed Jtaaapoona Or.Prlea'a Baking Vamtt ataaapoon.Dr.Price's Bitlaf' K cup. hertaoipg t tablaapaon..h.rtaalof aapooo flavoring 1 taaapoea flavoring must unite as a Nation to SERVE WE PLANT a garden nall or large. Utilire aVUkM 1 Vuf 2-Lyer Cak Watch Your to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate U DIRECTIONS Craam tha angar an!abort anlnc tocthar,than ml a la tba an. Step womcri'and children the Afkar alftlng tha flour and Dr.Prica'a Baking Powdar togtthar,two or thraa ; young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food tlmaa,add It all to tba mlitara. Oraduallr add tha milk and btat with apooa and Uie aged old all In anttl yea tiav. a amootb poor battar. Add tba flavoring: Pour Into graatad can help the larar aka tlna and baka In a mod.r.ulv bot ovan fortwaotr mloutaa. This Nation's cak. la boat bakad In two larar a. Pot togatbar wltb craam filllnc "d tpraag Army of Production. witb wbtu Icing. WOMEN of towns CAn find nd bettef EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps Important outlet lor their Yes the cost of Ilvlnsr and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetal the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. Drake's Hut how can you do it If Be as For information on any tubjtct relating patriotic in act your eyes are not right. If to the Farm and Gardtn, mitt: welt BAKIN6P0WDER there is tho slightest sight INFORMATION BUJUUU as in thought. defect go to on oculist and Department of Agriculture Made from Cream of Tartar,dtrfctd from Orapw optlmclrisl' who has been OTTAWA Use every means available-Overlook Made In Canada No Alum trained lb tho business. nothing. Bulger Dominion Department of Agriculture Advertise in "The Daily News" OTTAWA, CANADA." Can Attend to It for You. The Paper that gets Quick Results I RON; MARTIN BUKR1LL, Minister.