a TUB DAILY flUV8. PLEA FOR STEAMER Minus vi'foviiicial) to Beti(l.engl-' iff NERVOUS DLKVtLt 111 MtWAKl "'""L on the poHBibilitic and - " tcuio the department's recoin-' HE HOPES Lettor From J. B. ftoerlg dive, J"e,JatIori through thi Minister thflt)cl.cmc. Roaioni Wh Mlnln. A.Mn. ... j ' "3. flnf n .... 1 from . :MrJ Should Raoelve Better Triad FRUrr.A.TIVES", Fetter utid Mr. Neil tor a inall a Treatment. service, buppIciikmiIci Iiv a unttJ IT. fainou i ' Hon of all nlorenUd HlewHrt peo'J Thu rolhrnlntr is the Unl of the I1"- I letter received by the Doaijl of "4- The Oranhy Company have' Trade at Us last meeting from J. "iaie extensive investigations up1 U, Jtoerig in rvgard to a steam- ,,Hjro and are still interested, 1 1 ship ecrvico to blewart and which understand, Ask them to Request1 led to the appointment of a com. service as well as give us a1 mitleo to take the matter Into H,,orl history and report of their' consideration: investigations which I understand' "J'rom tho general opinion of a extremely favorable. In fact,1 people qualified to Judge and all ti,e,r 8ineer has staled that the those that have recently visited J,lg Missouri is the largest ore I l4k" tho properties on tho Balmou Dot,y 80 tar known in' Nonth river, near Stewart, li. C, it seems America. i to be agreed that one of the larg- "5. After these requests, re-' MISS ANNIE WARD est mineral deposits in tho Jrov- l'"l and petitions are obtained : 112 linen St., St. John N.TJ. ince is being opened with several present the matter to the O. T. !.' ... .1 If..I T t. I- other deposits of Importance un- wil'' demands-for steamer, if sat-' der development In that factory arrangements com-' of Uio treat bcneli t i recei vea locality, are ou the tuo of your medicine, ! Now while condition in Prince vMc6 with Ottawa, failing which 1 it4ivt', IwasagrcAtsuirerer Hupert arc good, in fact hotter i'r'nl the pians to the C. P. II.' r rear from ffenvus J lead. 'than they evor have been, still we ",l ceins to me that the CP.1 tml Lbitittio' I tried should not Kit hack and possibly ,l- "I'rincemj May" could make1 ilioj, consulted doctors bl neglect any chance to still bellfi tewnri. trip and still maintain! I seemed to Help me until our trade at this por and I he- ,,, r l,r,?leni "ciieuuie oi arriving Frttit-sUTM. lievo that by a systematic effort "cru "iaay anu leaving lor van- 'You might as well have it," whispers crlbaduken tereral boxes,! wo can ennhl'e those' who are wuver Bunday nights. There is' Bpletelr icIleTeu of these sponding their capital near 8lew-,ninPI' l'no intervening to make' temptation, but your Canadian les tad bsTO been uniutuAlly art to open up that country to l,'c Stewart call. havo a decent freight, passenger "Then does not seem to be any! Patriotism "Ni t 3 j m Mm ANNIE WAKD. and mall service, and I want to question in the minds of every-j says dIU lirej is fmh fruit juices. suggest that a vigorous agitation une u,at are interested or visited' kintal and Increased In b made to secure that service. luc Poverties that tho Salmon jth,combined snd with reliable finest tonics, Possibly tho method following 'v;r "action will develop a veryl THE tempting suggestions? of precious fepace in ships; space ietdiehts 1 1 pofltiTO and Constipation.remedy might be of some help: flood camp, possibly larger than) meet no response sorely needed for those cargoes l box,8 for f2.Cn,trial site 25c. ; "..Get a statement from Mr. ny that have been opened near, from-apatriot. which can be used, for.-the winning Nell and Mr. Ketterj and others ""Pert mid ue are entitled to' of the J dJcr or Frulta-tlTe Limited, For be nows that selfishness war. Interested n to Just whsl they heneflt and nre as welt entitled to! are tlolng, omnunt of capital help those people who are spend- and self-indulgence are just now The labor that fashions the spent. number of nicit employed !n capital under bad liamli- the allies of the Hun they things we unnecessarily use is iENTISTRY sand future plans of their resp.ee- "P" fight on Germany's side against labor which could and would be Uun rnmnnniAB tntThr with on.' "I should have mentioned that Canada. cmployedto real advantage in clneer's svnnntie rnort of the alter the reports, etc.. are na- of necessities. theproduction war omcz nowns: When the devil-whisper says nnaallillltipii waived that the Hoard of Trade, Lm. U 12) 140 p.M. U StSO PJKU " "2. Ilrmicwl the Icinrtimnl of eWiens at public meeting as well Yotimiht tis uvU hate it" every Knowing nil this, how dare iDR. J. 8. BROWN as tne uity uouncn cnaorse our true Canadian"answers "No J" you divert-a T8t fTgle unnecessary l DINT1IT tlk TtilrS iiti. request for mall' service nnd rea Except for the bare necessities, (foliar from your country's war isonable subsidy to secure ade- of life, we should not be spend-.-ing effort 1 , ;quale service. this five cents a'day. The shame-that must-inevi-tably "I shall be glad to discuss proposition with you at any time.' For .every expenditure we follow your every self-indulgence, IEEH & LONGWILL make on things not absolutely at so grave a time, sotice or camcei . Kttos or nE4EnvE"r",. Tom- l,,e Spearman's son. necessary directly affects the will be-your fitting punishment In IT Art hhD HEATIKQ .Ftole a Wrjgley .box nndiaway he fighting strength of Canada and if you persist in .buying the DTi Cf. it tmrbr slrra that the fMrt-! run! her allies. things you merely want and do ciiitinr oo rvruia iwtiooi or Lou Two'j'ch stick he chewed his health bondr5 xmi n osi and Two baadrtdi renewed The materials that go into the not need. Agsnts for oa rum (lot) iuoi inrr (i) ucxti And helped his appetite for food I making of tilings you can do Resist indulgence, cultivate Iiuirltl. iurtirl and known ai leu McCLARr FURNACES rvii bsitdml and nfty nin ill). Ilul his father said The boy is without are needed for our thrift for thrift is an evidence tttttu liundrrd and tlitr-on (1141) aad wise. soldiers overseas.: of patriotism; PLUMDINO IWtrn hundrvd and lljr-lo ll3) try let him do it to advertise? and rraoa of a ttoUr artwarinr in tbr nniitn inee I quit my piping and bought Many of those materials And the money you save by Colombia Oaill or tllh ItMctnbtr. It7. thrift will be to lend to into HZtr HCTAL WORKS I canrllt for ile pnrpoxa. this store v which aiter dur unnecessary yours OATro ai Victoria, an tun Colombia. 'm selling Wrlgley's gum galore!' purchases are brought from y6ur c6im"Ery whenever the call llm leita day of Scpunbcr. AD It IS. other countries and occupy comes. ' " . ut uuonca a id 0. IL KADEJl. and illue S70 DpolT Nlnlflfr of Land. We put pep into our printing nl The Newsprint Shop. u-iness right work, at the rloht riblbhedinndr'thc,nuthoritT of"tho fc priM SYNOPSIS OF Minister of FinJhco of Canada St. James Hotel j LAND ACT AMENDMENT RRY HANSON'S ILATf -QUa-EHS") IY-Aiptloa now confined to unrty6 -r.Tir-Yi.'IiL.'1.:; ,riJiftjey FIRST CLASS nOOMS Unda liccordii onlr nil h crantrd coming onlr PATENTED Hot and Cold Water. Und u!labl for rrkrulturl purvoaca and which la imi-tlmbtr land. Fast Heatine to ar Nlahl, aaS $1 Wm. but fartnaraMp partlaa of not pra-mptlona mota than awIM.four roj MINERAL ACT. arransa for adiatant pra-amptlona, with .Joint raaldane. but aach maklna nacaa-aarr ot Water Coil Improvamanta on reatwctlra clalma. CERTIFICATE OF WPMOVEME.NTS. lTamptom must occupy clalma for to m. r ft f TiT jM H't MIMH HMU Bra t-aara and maka Improvamanta valua of tl par acra.'Including claarlna; and eultlrailon of at ieaat-S acraa. ba-for NOTICK Prince Rupert Feed Co. raealv Crown Urant C-rltoo Frtdion Mineral plaim. tltuaie ASTiare tnptor In occupation not in the Skerna Nlnlnr Division of Casttar and haa inada propor-ttonata laaa than - ..vara, PHONE 68 ImWMvamvnta, be may. bacuuaa District. Where localcdt At the bead of 39 t Mtt 11 At I Kit is. of Ul-haallh or other cauaa. ba I ranted Mice Arci in lite Skceiu alining Dlvitlon. - - wi- ai mm nnn. ri' il) DOAIlD UCE.1CE flO. t tntarmaduia tartlScata of Improremant TAKE OTICE that I, 1. E. Surk, owner tranafer hut claim. Iiuir f a . - . and llacorda without trmannt raaiflanea ..r lite above claim. Free Miner's Certlflcaie mar ba laauad provided apoltoant makaa No I4IT4. Intrnd, iltty days from the connect II tin ami ImprovrmanU to extant of 1100 Pr aij. dale hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder er. tod i. , HAY, GRAIN, FEED, num to and make record Improvamanta aame eAch year or record Failure for a Certificate of Improvement, Two Questions F; nd UrtM far a ma will operate aa forfeiture. Title for the purpose of obuinlog a Crown SEEDS AND FERTILIZER cannot be obtained on theee claim iof In urant of the above claim. aaBtaataaaaVOB aaaaaaaaKJaaaaMflaaanaaa laaa than year, with Imprownenti tie per acre. Including acrea cleared And further Uke notice that action, un-uVr and cultivated, and realdanca section IU, must be commenced be-rore Crown Orant roy the Issuance of such Certificate or With so many low-priced l-.TT 111 ... . Chicken Feed m Spoolalty. Te-em" hoidin L ' " M.IJVIW IU record another pre-emption. If ha ra-nrea Improvements. - KITIIU Und In conjunction with hta Dated this ith day of July A. D. 1918. anti-skids obtainable, A LOKQWILL farm, without actual occupation, provided and so-called ! T. Will poilllwly residence atatutory maintained Improvement on Crown made granted LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 -JM iBfrtotcmenu. would that host Uneurveyed area, not eioaedln JO great aa homealtaa; NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO HARRY HANSON mlToTyobtalned after fulfill " r-l-dentlal condlllona. LEASE LAND of motorists for TMt BUM PLUMBCM. MS. OS THIrS mprovenent pay more l. O. gfaalni TiVd Induetrtal purpoaaaj IN 0UKEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND area aVeeadfns HO acres may DISTRICT; llECORDI.N0 DISTRICT OF by one peraon or company. SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH "Traction" Tread GRANTS ACT. Dunlop prtC.EMPTORS' FREE SHORE OF LAGOON INLET. MORESBY la anlaraed to thla Act of The eoop and earring ISLAND, AD0UT ONE MILE FROM ITS with IncJudel Ilia afajeaty-a paraona Joining Korea. The time MOUTH. if they could its merits w thin which the helre may or darUaaa apply of for a TAKE MUlCK that I. JOHN M. MAC get tlt?Tundf thla Act la eitended from millan, or ancouver. B.C., occupation FRED one year from the death of aucn peraon. utuK-rjiuan, imer.ds to apply for rxrmli elsewhere ? STORK'S HARDWARE wnclualon aa formerly,of until the preaent one year war.after Thla-prtvUesa the tion to lease the rollowlng described Uods la alao made retroactive. coinineiiclur at a post planted on the ALLOTMENT south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Is TOWNSITE PROPERTY Also, would that other ACT. land, about one mile from Its mouth: Established 1008. n-ovleten la made for the grant to iiienee west SO chains; thence north 80 holding uncompletedAgree-wOntm from the Crown of bains; thence east SO chains more or less large list of car owners buy Tuth proVrtlolTof the Una. If dlvUlbla. lo low water mark at the beichi thence M the paymenU already mad will southerly following low water mark lo the " 4 In proportion to the aala price of SPECIAL" rULL aovar potnl of commencement; containing AND OOmPLETC LINE OF SALMOK TROLLING. the whole parcel. Two or more peraon r auch Agreementa may group acres more or less. their fntereiU and apply for a propor-Uoi JOHN MCUIITV MACMILLAN. QCAR AND SUPPLIES. at Jointly. If ! if tires which somewhat ionaldered advUabfa to divide the Und uaiefl August l.th. 10I8. N8 by an application for a propor-&nalV allotment, an allolment of Und SkKENA UND DISTRICT DISTRICT OK resemble it in HIP of equal '" alactad from avalUble 0UJ:eN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. appearance land In the locality may be CHANDLERY, LEAF Crowu MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE conditional The allotmenla are Sfon of aU taaea dua the resembled it in payment TAKE efficiency ? PAINT FOR BOAT8 cKwn or to any municipality. The NOTICE that 1. John MeLirlv Mac riahta of peraona to whom the pur-ahaeer mlllan, or Vancouver, B. c. occupation from the Crown Jiaa agreed to rannerj man. Intends lo aiiDLv for Dermis iill are alao protected, Tho deolalon ol slon lo lease the the WlnUter of Lnd In raapect to the following described lands iiutniiit of !troportlonata allotment t-otninencinr at a post planted on the r. nnai. The time.for making apuiica souih shore of Lagoon Day, Moresby ll FRED inn for the v Df Uiv.allotment 111! la Any limn aiinllca-to land, aoout one mile from Its mouth STORK'S HARDWARE tlon made after thla data wilt not be thence south to chains, thence .n iu eonaldtred. These allotment apply to chains, thence nonh to etuin. thence town lota and Unda of the Crown void at Dublio auction. easier!)' along the shore Une to point of For information apply to any Provln commencement, containing 40 acres more 8i:C0Nl) AVKNUH alal Oovernment Agent .or to or lest. n Deputy O.Mltlatr n NAPliN,Victoria,of band",O. C Dated JOHN June McLARTY totb 9i.MACMILLAN, Advertise in The Daily News