Tilt lAll.Y M-AV8 3y, Ociobtf (j, Ul( Salvation Army. . Public meetings, Tuesday, MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News s Qhtlrsdnys and Saturdays at H p. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA I.i Suudnys at 7:U0 p. in. ror the East. - If If llslLLI Published Every Afternoon except Sunday, by The News! i QiiecniCharlotto Islander?.cannot Mondays, Wednesdays and fcSal- j Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. do better than mall their irdays at 0:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. printing needs to Tho News Print Shop and gel the work done From the East. romptiy and well. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: days at 5:15 pi m. 'Heavy, heavy hangs over City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month75c For Vanoouver: your head. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. Sundays' ..... ... 10, p. in j To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays . ... .'. .......5 p.m Thursdays 10 p. in. "O. I Know what It Is. daddy! Telephone 98. Saturdays 7 a.m. TIMBER SALE X1385. You held It too close and I TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents jer inch. From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. Staled tenders will be received, by the Sundays 10 p.m. smell lt-lts WRIGLEVsr District Forester not later thun noon on the I7lb day of October, nil, for Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. the purchase ot License XlJlJ, to cut 10:30 in. n. Saturdays DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, October 8, 1918. 410,000 feet, S. H., of Spruce. Cedar and Imilwl "Wfihto. sonny give I Hemlock on an area adjolnlnr Lot t04, I your kimaquit River, Itanre I, coait District. one (I) year will be allowed for removal For Anyoxi of timber. Sundays 10 p.m.( fP9 appetite and digestion a I Huns are. Beaten Further particulars of the Chier Foreater. Victoria, B, C, or District forester. Prince Wednesdays .......... 10 p. in I And They Admit It. nurert, u. c. it Saturdays 10 p. in., The Huns are licked and they admit iL The war is not over TIMBER 8ALE X 14432. vour sweet tooth." but it has got to a point where the Allies can dictate terras. The From Anyox: i Sk enemy is on the run and everything seems to indicate that they Sealed tenders will be received by the Tuesdays n.ni I Minister of Lands not later than noon on lhursdays will continue on the run. the ttlh day or October, 1018. ror tit a.m. purchase of License Xttflt. to cut 710.000 uiidays p.m. It is a great thing for the Huns to realize that they are beaten. reet - Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an area near Lot 101. klmsqult iurcr, lume They are now trying to save themselves before it is loo late. It is 3, imii District. For Port Simpson and Naas Hlver hardly likely that the Allies will be deceived over the latest proposals. One or(I)timber.year will bo allowed for removal points: cannot talk German armies Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Sundays 10 p.m, They peace as long as arc Victoria. D. C, or District Forester, rrlnce on French or Belgian soil. Even after that it is doubtful if they nurcri, a. u. uci. i. will be ready to talk terms unless the enemy capitulates and TIMBER SALE X1463. From Port Simpson and Naas Hlver Points: leaves it to the Allied Governments to decide the terms. The question of returning the German colonies is one that Sealed tenders will be received br the Tuesdays a.m. Minister of Lands not later than noon on certainly will not be conceded. Whether they will ever again the Stn day of norsmber. IS If. ror to of them is doubtful. It would purchase or License XU61, to cut 1,100.000 Queen Charlotte Islands: control any not be fair to the ret or Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock o nan colonies for they are the wost governed among the colonies of the area adjoining- Lot fOI, k'tmsqult niver. For Ma sett. Port Clements and world. If the Germans are ready to pay for all the wilful damage Ilaniro Two 3,it)Coast rears District.will be allowed for removal Upper Island points: they have done to Belgium and France then the question of returning of timber. Vednesdays 0. p. m. runner particulars or the Chief Forester the colonies might possibly have consideration, but the Victoria. D. C or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B. C Oct. 10 Froru Massel, Port Clements and Jlunsdo not expect to do anything like that. Upper Island The other suggestions are not worth the paper they are LAND REGISTIIY ACT. points: written on. A scrap of paper to a German is nothing. To talk (Sections 3ft and IS4.I ridays, p. rn. glibly of a league of nations is just camouflage. It is meant for the purpose of deceiving the peace party in Great Britain, but Re Application Ko. B76S-I 9771-1. For Skldegatc, Quten Charlotte it will be ineffective. TAKE JVOT1CE that application ttu teen City and Lower Island points made to rei-lster Nathan Louis Lando and Pora Schplnman as owners in fee under aturdays 8 p. in. Dangerous Precedent two Tax Sale Deeds from the Collector of From Skidcgate. Uucun Charlotte At City Hall. the City of Prtnce Rupert, bearing date City and Lower Island points-Tuesdays. Alderman Casey is establishing a dangerous precedent He the ft lb dar of November, 1917. or ALL admitted last night at the council that chairman AND SINGULAR that certain parcel ot meeting as of tract of land and premises situate, Ijlns the Board of Works he had secured a foreman for road work and and beinr In the Municipality or the City For Skagway and the Yukon. sent men to the City Hall to get jobs. That on the face of it r Prince Rupert, more particularly known livery ten days. seems innocent enough, but such action as that is at the bottom and described as Lot eleven (II), Block From twent7-flve (tS). Section seven (7), and Skagway and Yukon. of all the ward politics and graft which for many years was prevalent Lot thirteen (11) Block thirty-five (IS). Every ten days. in the big cities of the United States. Section eight (8, Map 0(1. You are ' Members of the City Council should have no more say in quired to contest the claim of the 1st purchaser within Si days from the date the employment of men than any other citizen of Prince Rupert. or tbe service or this, notice (wuleh may The system is bad and leads to all sorts of boodlihg and graft Vr erected by publication fn the Dally By doing that sort of thing an alderman is often able to keep News, and your attention Is called to sec tion se or tbe "Land Deaistry Act" with nimseii in tne council and hold a job for which he may be wholly amendments, and to tbe following ettract incapable. The city engineer is the man to engage the staff, and therefrom.- Keep the if he is not competent to do it, he should be let out and another 'and In default of a caveat or certificate up or lis pendens txlnr died before tbu regis, AM assured that put in his place. If each alderman were to send his friends to tratlon as owner or the person entKled under I the engineer to get a job, during dull times for such US sale, all persons to served will instance, there with notice, .... and those claiming my people respond woufd soon be a lot of hangers on trying to find themselves work tnroucn or under them, and an persons Food claiming any Interest In tbe land by virtue Supply to every call at the expense of the city. ft any unregistered' instrument, and all This question has come up in all big cities and it has had to by persons descent claiming wnose any title,Interest is tf.1 In registered the land necessary to the sue-cess be settled definitely.. In Victoria at one time men were kept on uader the pronsions of this Act. shall be of our cause - with ror ever estopped sua debarred from set the job simply because they were proteges of some particular ting up any claim to or In respect of tbe and Help the same indomitable aiarmen. i land so sold for taies. and tbe Registrar ney openly boasted that they could not te fired. The shall register the person entitled under ardour and devotion thing became a scandal and the system was abolished. For such tat sale as owner of the land so man who is elected to find jobs for the men who support him is old AND for WHEREAS taxes. application lias been that havetiled me with at. me noitom or all the municipal scandals on this continent. made for t Certificate of Indefeasible Title Make Victory Pride and gratitude Alderman Casey is quite innocent of any ill intent. He wa to tbe above-mentioned lands. In tbe name undoubtedly in the of Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Scheln- since the war began." working interests of the city, but the system man. is aangerous ana snouia not be allowed to get a start. Aldermei AND WHEREAS on Investigating tbe title Hit Majbstt Kimo Gtosoit should keep quite clear of the employees. The heads of deoarl It appeara that prior to the ISUt day of bure menfs are the -only ones competent to be employers and if they October, 1(16 (tbe date on which the said . lands were sold for overdue taxes), you are noi competent tney should be changed. That is business, were tbe rertstered owner thereof. Make the heads of departments responsible and expect results FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that It the same time I snail effect registration In Condition of Lockup pursuance or sucb application and Issue soldiers must be fed; the people at UnsuHed for Women. Certificate or Indefeasible Title to tbe OUR At tne council meeting last night Alderman Kirkpatrick Lando said lands and Dora in the Schelnmsn names of unless Nathan you Louis lake must be fed. Andin spite of Huruuuceu me question or provision ror women at the city lockup and prosecute tbe proper proceedings to It is to be hoped that there will be no occasion to use the city establish your claim, If any, to the satd Germany's murderous campaign to iockup ror women, but if there is need it might be belter to let on lands,my or part.to prevent such proposed action cut off the Allies' Food the prisoner go free than to shut her in the cells under such PATCH at the Land Registry Office. supply, by sinking conditions as were described by the Alderman. She says that the Prince Rupert, n. C this tnd day of every ship on the High Seas an ample and Grand August, tots. Jury recommended a change. Doubtless when the Grand Jury sits again this monlh it will again investigate and have District II. Y.Registrar MACLEOD.or Titles. unfailing flow of food to England and sometning to say. Attention must be drawn to conditions such To Robert llildebrandt, Prince Rujierl, B, C, France must be maintained. as these or they are likely to remain a scandal to the city. Michael Byrne, Butte. Montana.. Francla Calve, Prince Rupert, B. C anada Food Board License 14-156 This is National Service-Not You Never to the Farmer only DrPrice's Know What Ift But to YOU to everybody-This appeal is directed CREAM A Man BAKING POWDER Will Do WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE PLANTa garden mal!or large. Utilire to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the Saves Eggs Mrs. Williams-has been using women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make then all yield food Pacific Milk for cooking a long, aged and the old all can help In the Ipng time. Her husband got to: Nation's Army of Production. In recipes for cake, muffins, corn bread.'etc., using it In his morning coffee, ! of towns can find no better fewer eggs may be used and excellent results so they never buy fresh milk1 EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps t WOMEN Important outlet for their and healthful,appetizing food obtained by using any more. the of cost living and adds to energies than in cultivating vegetable an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Cream The other evening Mrs. W. the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place bought some fresh cream to of each omitted. give him a trjeat (as she egg thought) with his porridge and For Information on any lubject relating Be patriotic in act as , EGOLESS MUFFINS to use with his coffee. I en cup ptt milk flour DIRECTIONS;i-Ml, and alft dry However. Mr. Wlllln to the Farm and Cardan, writ: well as in thought- ta.spoona Dr.Price's Cream Iny redlents. Add milk,ttlirloc until flaking- Powd.r lumps ar. out! add melted sec ii mat way and when ho INFORMATION BUREAU t tabltapeont sugar shortening-, lieat wall and baa la i 'P, salt graaaad roufflo tins la bet eves, from iiicoereu u was a different Dpartmat of Agriculture I tablaspeen shortening 24 to 23 roloutaa. cream in the pitcher, he asked Use entry means available-Overlook The old method OTTAWA called (or 2 eesra. lor me snmo as he'd Makes IB MuIUn been getting every momlncr rnnt,ini nothing. 23r..J i't St.y,,n'v Ingredients boulevard, MontraaL mallad fraV. drink his coffee with the other Usf Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is "made "SlUIl." Dominion Department of Agriculture from Cream of Tarter derived from grapes, Pacific Milk Co. and makes wholesome food. LIMITED OTTAWA, CANADA. Made in Canada No Alum 332'DnAKE STREET HON. MARTO BU&UUfLL, Minister. Factory at Ladner, 0. 0.