VETERAN METHODIST Red Cross Notts Hamilton, October 0. Hev. Dr. of L lificKs. book steward of the Registration M.dhodUl Church, lia resigned! All members' interested in Uie In position. Since ho look over, activities of the lied Cross Society luc work the" book publishing United States Citizens are earnestly requested to business of tho Methodlsl Book' attend the annual inwtinp which Hoons has grown lo such an ex Imitatednever equalUd will Le held this evening nt the tent that it has become a national! Court IJouse. Reports on the institution. II was eoudm'b'o un There is t.s much ditTr-e Male citizens of the United States living in Canada of AGES Sunlight tjveen Soap T work accomplished during the der Dr. Briggs' own muiif and ie anj 21 to 30, both inclusive, MUST REQ1STE11 DY REGISTERED will he presented. Of jusl year familiar to everyone. teceni aruveiai iifnt Wbw? 2.V" Service 1'OST with the registrar under the Military attu with superior el...i-j J"0iaU Uritt Let of the district in which they live, during the TEN DAYS Receipt oT a cheque for $100.00 years tho vfteraivoducationut taken ac soap for your money yoo ct them in Sonliiht Sosp. """ has not so such churchman and NEXT FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 28tli, 1918; Alice Arm Branch is from the acknowledged . LEV15U IlltOTlinUS UMITBO. both inclusive, tive a narl in tho work on account TOKONTO, CITIZENS OP THE AGES 19, 20 and 31-44, with thanks as is also OT, FOLLOWING of his advanced age, he being now must so register during the ten days next the sum of $17.75, being the pro-rt'i'ds 88. The work will go on ns usual. OCTOBER 12th, 1918. of a sale arranged by Mrs. It must be emphasized that TI11S INCLUDES AMERICANS T. 11. Johnston at Seal Cove and LAND IinGlSTllY ACT LIVING IN CANADA OF TI1E ABOVE AGES, MARRIED which has been applied to the El. (Sett Ion J and tl.i AND SINGLE, AND INCLUDES ALSO ALL THOSE WHO Dunstan's Hostel for blind sol- It, Awiicaion No. 1011 1. rU The Greatest HAVE SECURED DIPLOMATIC EXEMPTION OR HAVE (lici'H and sailor. TAKE NOTICE thai Brtnlun applicAtKM O. Moor bas beet! 3fc hm made to register REGISTERED WITH AN AMERICAN CONSUL, OR HAVE Hoy L. Moore or Prince rruprL B.C. REGISTERED FOR MILITARY SERVICE IN THE UNITED 11 is with gratification the Sonny owner In fee under a Tax 6al te! from STATES. is able to stale that acknowledgments the Collector of the City f Frlne Import, llavo Nevi-. beating date tn llth dav .-t .vnilwr. U filrtnii. , " were received last week TIMBER SALE X14G2. l letters be handed to local postmasters Registration may KIT. of ALL AND Si.NOOLAH that certain for despatch to the proper registrar, under the Military 1mm A. Uristow and J. Day Ball, iicei or tract or land and premier ,: all Metal Pan Service Act. both of whom are now prisoners ate. lying and being in the MuwelpallMr of Seed tender will be revived by tlw Novcr-Ruitl.aPo,,!,,,1 Mifilxer uf ijtiuH tuH later ihaa sawn on of war in Germany. It is most tbe City of Prlnee Uuperl. nrare particu- Ute .'4 U of Oetobtr, ill, for lls Prentlv, MILITARY SEEVICE BRANCH pleasing lo learn that these men Uri' known and described as Lot 4tM pttrenaast or ucenso a i !, to nil tiotoo ,ik). Block eighteen (III, Sectxw w trt pproec. Cedar u4 llasaluck on an nre receiving their parcels as the . Uty ut Iflnc Itupert, Map " V arva near Lot 104. fcMMKHMI fnr, tUBgo Q. O. WALKER I. Cuasl DUUicL riven Blu Stt . sufferings "of prisoners of war an required to contest lb eteW ot thf - (ti Mar win be alhowod for re IH must appeal lo all. lai purchaser within ii day rnna the ai Bh.v.i nf ttrnNV. f tbe service of this ttofle (srtueh mt t u tber irtiett1ara of ttw Chief rrtfr. be effected by txtttiteattoni. and Jtttir at ..r. -ta. ft. :.. or Ktstrtcl rMMtor. rYtfcOe The ladies of lite Eastern Star tention 1 called to section I of the "Land Hut i. B. C QU- is will take care of the sale in the Hectsirr Act" with atueadnietil. and to Thone S3 hut on Friday next, with Mrs. King the following extract therefrom Off, "And in default of a caveat or certUMaM rd A. a: and Mrs. Douglas Sutherland in or it pendens being nlsd before the rtrl irition as owner of the person eottlleC tin charge. der such tax sale, an person so aarc1 with notice and loose claiming Pacific Cart?ge, 111 Nofice-Milifary Service Acl, 1917 A handsome cheque for $200.00 rltiusuig through any or interest under In tbero.the aud land an oy person nrtaw for the prisoners of war fund has of any unregistered Instranient. and all persons claiming any interest in lb Ian4 TIMBER SALE X14C3. General T.r j been received from Queen Char i) descent wbu title u nol registered Jnj lotte City through Mr. Cochrane un tar the piovlston of this Act, shall t fo ever estopped and debarred fefcnt seltMM He UmI lender will be received by tbe otorofe , Men Exempted As Farmers up any dalm to or In respeet of the Isnd ttUU ler of Load, not later luaa nova on Furniture, Safe and Pit Mr. Sorensen, who won the roll so sold Tor uie. and lb ttegtatrw siatli Mr Mb aay or November, ttis. ror t rcKlsier the person entitled outer MM IMin-i.4 g Ucrew XIIS. to cut t. , Movinf. Bagrarc j top desk, has not yet claimed it U sale as owner of the Und so sold fur ret . -,rua, Cwiar aid Hemtoek o nan Lot 1B. lIMOStMt HltOf. taea." res 4Uutfllf,g and as it occupies a lol of valu luu j. go umrvi. A.D WIIEilEAS appUeaiMia bat beesi Having in view the importance of leaving a sufficient able space in the hut it is the made tor a OrtUcaie ot Iixifelble Title Tr..of it Untber.i roars will be aHud lor to-ntuvoi number of men on those farms which are v ish of the society that Mr. Soren o Utc abovc-menUoned lauds, in tlx nam Pii.-taw i oartlrutsrv ut the chief Forester kindly call for it. f Brenurn O. Moore and Iloy L. Moor. rta. . i. . or lntret S.iemter. Prtner actually to the national food supply, sen contributing XD WIIEIiEAS en htvesllgaUag ttae tlSIOrrt. 11 . Oct. SO Prince Rupert Feed Ci notice is hereby given as follows: tlie It appears that prior lo the tflfe day In spile of a most disagreeable oT October. tOIS (the dale on wMett lb PHONE B8 1. ALL MEMBERS OF CLASS 1 POSSESSING EXEMPTION day the ladies who kindly stepped said land were fold for overdve tates) r!ll 0AMi I I JL AS FARMERS, which is expiring, and WHO WISH TO into the breach at the last minute yo : were tbe stseesed owner thereof. REMAIN EXEMPT, SHOULD communicate with the registrars and look charge of the sale last 1'iriTIIEH tune I shall TAKE effect MITtCC regwiraHon that h al pr-suance Use under the Military Service Act OF THEIR RESPECTIVE ! riday are to be congratulated on of such tppUcaiiou aad laam DISTRICTS, REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN realizing the sum of $55.00. The Certificate or Indefeasible Title to Us MM HAY, GRAIN, FEED TIME OF SUCH EXEMPTION. Questionaires will thereupon donors and winners were ns follows: lands In tbe tuuee of the aforaMM partio be issued to these men by the registrar and they will receive Mrs. Bowness donated unless you take and protect)t the proper SEEDS AND FERTILIZER $5 proceedings to establu.- your claim, if any I'TIU. t. brrehy given thai I be stale further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory proof that in gold, won by II. F. Macleod; to Uie said binds, or to prevent sct pro of Lanas lu te- head on Ike inU roorili they are contributing sufficiently to the national food supply. f.ed iciton on my pan aMy of tlclrSiwr net I upuo wWck tMllMiaesM Mns. Vickers, socks, won by Miss lose f doc ha- been i-M$umC fr Chicken Feed Spsdtfij. Dated at the Und negtHry OlSot, Jftner .ti biiHt lii llw rnnee ItNgwrl An siaiml 2. In order to facilitate productive employment during the Morrissey; Provincial Government Ilupert. B. C. this th day of September. litatriri err ml iJ and ttat uat MM Hta winter months .MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS SHOULD sack of potatoes, won by Fritz A. O. 1018. lav t N-.i-iniwr f..ilMinr will be APPLY TO THE REGISTRARS FOR PERMITS TO ENGAGE St-huRr; A. M. Manson, box iff IL r. MVCLEOtl, iw.i.tmh' .' -! . m untie ta the Nt Ae dsll Oege PrtmpVi AtleMM FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPATION OF apples, won by Mrs. Hunt; Mrs District Registrar of Title : W lt"Mifi. aaaaMiir sod cmWctor To Witter O. Laurie, iTrn ihi. tast thy of poaoaer. .. lata NATIONAL INTEREST, SUCH AS LUMBERING, MUNITION I.. O. Stewart, rose bowl, won by Robert Williams, WORK, ETC. Such permits will serve to enable exempted :Miss Morrissey; Catherine Wells, William Jones; Fine LeUerheads at The News P. O. ate SU. oa Tks in farmers to pursue other useful occupations fbr the tie holder, won by Lieut, llalliday; Prince nupert, II. C. firlnt Bhop. months during which farming operations cannot be carried Mrs. Smith (Digby;. flowers, won on. by Mrs. II. McColl. MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH Js. - m Vf - A first prjze duck and drake have been donated lo the sale this week by Mr. Sutherland, McBride MINERAL ACT Street, and will be rallied on Fri ry "nT" 97Ws day by the Eastern Slar. PONY EXPRIESS Certificate of Improvements. c jiiiormarrun PHONE 501. NOTICE NEWS IN BRIEF MOTOR TRANSFER r-m Fraction Miuerai Claim, situate la Hoy Troup, son of Capt. jj; $ lb.- Skerm Mining Division of Casslsr Dlstrlej. lroup, manager of the C. V. 11 CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD Where located: .Near Uie head of Alice coast service, was shipwrecked ritear of Hart Block). A rin. recently off the west coast of rkE -V'TICE Ilia I i. ll v. Patmorv ': Minor' Certificate Ko. S04O7-C a Mexico and is reported lo have We Sell Tents, Safes, Coal cti4 Wood agent Tor John Watford Sironitx-ck, Fre. arrived safely at Manzanillo. He Miner" Certificate Ko. Nltl-C. intern. was mate on the wooden steam-ship .Manager' Nljsht Cal) at Garage lxty days Trw the date hereof, to applj serving under, the UnilV. PHONE RED 126 to Die Mining flecorder for a Cerltllcate ol First Assistant Impi-uvejneiils, Tor the .purpose of obtaln-a Status Shipping Board. PHONE BLUE 413 crown orant of the above claim. The ferry steamer Cunarn, Pure Chewing' Gum Y'"?Z--srl eri Proprietor. And further take notice that action, tinier which was built at Quebec Tor Hip feetlou St mus! be commenced beforr PHONE BLACK 451. hi- L-ut of aoeh Certificate of Improve- Canadian Northern ferry run he A Instant Delivery Meets :nes. Iween Victoria and some main Every Train and Boat. DATED Ibis IStb day of August. A. V land point, has started on her 0f voyage and is expected to reach WATER NOTICE this coast in about six weoks. Just when she will be put on tin Thjae Green 156 P. 0. Bex 120 address TAKE I NOTICE that ft. K. Nelll. whose run has nol yet been announced. B. Stewart. C., will apply for i licence to take and use seven cubic feel She will prpbably ply between SILeSIDES BROS. of water per second out of the North rork Port Mann and Patricia Bay. of Cascade Creek, which now southerly l and drain Into Salmon Ittver. The walei Dealers in SKEEiSA LAND Il8TniCTniSTniCT OF will be diverted from the stream at a polm about 15.000 feet from Cascade Creels. CA8SIAR. ri THINK f CI!ornIa Fruit, This notice was posted on the ground on iiMFSLhKm lcouo you know It aurposslnr Wall Papers the slilh day of August. tJlft. A copy of TAKE notice that Oranby Consolidate! ,u,cl I this notice and an application pursuant Mining, Smelting k rower Co., Limited, of lffeM' thereto will be (lied In the office of the nyot. 0. C. occupation mining ami stjtelt I Water Hecorder at Frlnce ttupert, B. C. ing, intends to apply for permission in THEN Rtmml) ADAMS, MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE Objections to the application may be nied lease ilia following described lands: th nam. alw.y. ...oclatod with j J5TOCK In THE NORTH Uli the said Water neenrder or with the Commencing at a post planted at the Jftl,WS H t,, Puro 'not!, olwaya 'd.llclou. S.W. corner of Lot 13, Casslar District: O.iiijjircill.-r of Water flights. Victoria. It Prompt und Careful Attention ch,w,nr "um eonf,et,on" 1 r... within thirty day after the first ai thence southwesterly 40 chains fallowing Given to Out of Town pcaranw of tills notice. The date of firri high water mark, to the 8,E. corner of Lot Orders. Samples sent on publication of this notice Is August UIU. 898: thence south 10 chains to low watet sl Th fm- of both " I Request. ft. mark; thence northeasterly 40 chains following $ftv WL lio 31 ,u,c,ou n"vor ln ' rum. If you R. K. HEIIX. Applicant. low water mark; liume north Id FULL LINE OF PAINTS, chains, to the place or beginning and eon jlyJ CHEWINGACIJ H KALSOMINE, ETC. BR'EENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OK tattling 40 acre more or let. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. CItANBV ISO CONSOLIDATED POWER COJirANV,ll,NIMi I.IMITKli stiEIT lyMIll 1 Prominently dl.playod ffll S. 18 j. filichie. ! rred Agont. TAKE NOTICE that the Masset Inlet Lumber Co.. Ltd., of Port Clements, occu Date, July tin, 1018. ' ps Hon sawmill opurators, Intends to apply Hotel Prince Rupert rrr pennission lo lease the following de NAVIGABLE WATEIlS I'llOTECTIHN ACT; scribed lands: It. 8. C Cap lit. '.oninicficjng at post planted at the northeast corner of block 35 of the sub The Georgetown Saw Mill ivunnnnv EUROPEAN PLAN division Limited, hereby gives nolle ilm it im of Lot 7so. thence K. to deg.. is utider ecllc.n 7 or Hie said Ael deposited $1.C0 and up. tnlii. E. 650 feet, thence N. 30 deg. 9 roln. n" eiiunier ui I'lllllie 'Wlll'KS at ut V." OSM feet, thence 8. 10 dcr. is inin. Una and In the office of tlui nuinn n..r.. v. tin reel to the northwest corner nf trar or Ilia Prince lutperi Land Jlegislry FIRST-CLASS CAFE Lot 10. lllock 3o or said subdivision, tbenre Ulstrlct a deserlntion of ll- ii .,.i . of wharf plan proposed to be iohii i, t.ut A Lft Carle. southeasierly aud following the high wat r i of Uloclt "V" Prince Hun. , i r..,..,i- , f .- 'k of Stewart noo feet more s shown on Plan 9X3 filed m i. i.,,,) less to the point of commencement a i Iieglstry Onice, j containing If.I acres more or leu Ana take nonce that after m.- , ., ,- I of one tnonib from the dan- r nM iir.t MASSET INLET I.UMUER CO., LTD piililicAtion or tills nmirr The tii'ut K"ii.w'ft Per Fred. Nash, H. C. L. 9., Agent, Saw Mill Comiany. l.imit.d, lun ,,,,,1, Pioneer Boarding House j tated August toth. 1PI8. ottt ii Mr mum At'! ;lifl' Ii lrwk Ill . I I lie city 'of.Ottawa, for THIRDAVE.. CLOSE TO DRY DOCK ai,i. i m-of It is just as cheap (o gpt your said slie and plan and Nice rWtn rooms,good board. Itt ami sold i struct toe ssld wharf printing done well and done water. iioJi 40c,up. i ul Imleit Prince 41 liupe t. J'llONE BED m j lpmo as it Is lo j,ond it away. Tr S'ploiiil IBIS. CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO. The News Print Shop. TIIBflDnflFtTOWN SAW li ote J I