THE DAILY NEWS. 31 Years Older Than The TOMMY BURNS MEETS "TEMPERED STEEL" Dominion of Canada WlfH GOOD RECEPTION AT THE WESTHOLWIE Madame 1'etrova i the great the name implies, i I Tummy Uurns, ex.cliainp. nu- lur lo Wo "creened at lb'1 Wesl AS TlicJJnnk of British gilist, boxing instructor, and ull ',0,,,,c Theatre IhU evening North America was round sport, is well pleased with ,ierevcr t,,c Krpal I'ntrovn in long before the his new ventur?) here in 'rine ',own on the screen therp are fii'i established Ituperl. His continuous enter- noUHe- Ims inadi- her wa Provinces united and tainmenl at the Empress cabaret for"fnniil in Uu e-limation became the Dominion of is drawing good crowds and In f t"o public In this play n Canada. The sound, patrons seem to be pleased with what they get. progressive management Among the entertainers arc which has made it a power Mies Neva Latham, lyric sopruno. in Canadian finance makes the girl with the voice and personality, it the bank for your whose singing Is popular always; Dlxlo While, the come, account. dienite who was here with the THE BANK OF liosloniaus; Chryslal Hell fijun the Orphcum and I'antages circuits, British North America who does vaudeville slums 71 YEAHS IN BUSINESS. ,. .,.r.ii.,i mi.. v...i ,.t f-. I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. T3I.OOO. well known all ulong the coast PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH and a number of other musicians.; jew There is something duing al) ; W.J.SMITIIERS,Manager ti,0 llmo nru Dn Saturday night I IflfaVBW f . .' the nhow stops at inluuiKhi to the minute. yours DENTISTRY Tommy is anxious for everyone' to know thai while lie u running OrFICE HOURS: a high-class enlublUhtneiit every, psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I .m. W 1 1 10 p. in. U BUO p.m. one I invited and no one is debarred You have earned it. Just because of his clotiies. OR. J.DINTISr 5. BROWN But . TlilH Atasv. CLOCKS MOVE BACK Smith om i LAST DAY OF MONTH ' Will you use it for Canada or against Canada? Will you ,pered steel, she obtains aniitln r ! The clock, or the United Stale. lun.ty for the display ..f her save your money and help to shorten the War? Or will fu,v lakn on will October.f back the original da lim-if1!"'IU The!cU play m a sen- you buy what you want, go wherever your pleasure dictates, ! Heaters fo, ow nveV" J n'7Cnrn.7 c,dents, and absorbingly of dramatic Interest-In dress as well or better than you always have dressed, indulge in the absence of any mg from the lirst reel to the end. such whims afford? (cation to the contrary J'rince as you can , iTbcre is as well a two-reel com-upcrt people win require to place $39 $3 to flnd thein clocks back exactly sixty I teKancie.nt For Cool, Oil or Wood minutes after the first hour on ,.,.., .... , and You must choose 1 IIUIKUa), UtHIUCI Canada ought to pryne interesting That the advance of the hour t modern Canadians. Ornamrtlrtl or Plain during the summer months has The money is your own to do as it is possible that unwittingly you been an inestimable boon to all lovers of the great outdoors goes DR. HOYT IS HERE you like with. But when you buy are doing this very thing. Thompson Hardware Co. tican will tlouhtl...Lit..nnin-ll.A -lull,bIihic t AND WILL PRACTICE what you do not need urgently Remember Canada's need. LIMITED in the very near futurr with an need your money actually works Canada's sacrifice for tad 6tri Let not go EJ Tt'-J Aihm.mpfmiu interesting uigei uliowni io the A new proressional man cann against Canada. last cent the amount of foi l Hived to town recently in the person of naught. Mall Orda st'enied to promptly in Canada as a result of sixjDr. It. V. iloyt. an eye wpecialixl. precious materials and labor, both months with an additional hour 'graduate of Chicago and a post of which are absolutely essential Thrift, self-denial, patriotic privation, of daylight saved dally. 'graduate of Philadelphia and give us who stay at home licensed to practise in the stnt- to the army. Your money uselessly STEEN&L0NGW1LL We iut pep into mir printing (of Washington. spent delays all-important the glorious privilege of a share in iim at The New Print iop.j Dtv Hoyt has allied himself m the struggle for human great SANITAA 1 HEATINQ business with Max HeilbrunnT. war work merely for your self-indulgence. tttnmctnn j optometrist and optician, and lia-jniready freedom. commenced practice hen-, lleuip an experienced man ami Save for Canada, and i your money AcsnU for You would not, knowingly, stop ) having taken the most recent McCLARY FURNACES ohre in eye testing, he is in a the progress of Canada's war for Canada's fighting men. PLUMBINQ 'exnctly position similar to give expert those needing advice lo it efforts. You "would not prolong Save your money to bring nearer' and none or cakciixatio'. or heskuve that which could be secured in the the war. You would not let your that day we all long for the SHUT METAL WORKS Knnrv i. k is... tfa trT big cities. money work for Germany. But Victorious end of the War. Phaut S, 831 Second Avenue. eiliUor oa trruin porllebt t Loi To 1 buiMired tod B (t tad Two hundred provincial Constable Wotkinson Sighl phones 370 nd nbt it it) Htnr Tbrr (I) Odi . t,ni Kimn8,n arrived in town and Ulue 270 tl0AB IUl SlOkW SI latt evening. Published uajey the authority of the nUSi.'1"" Tha rlflht work, at tha right CtTn bund ml tnd rnx-wo t:ttra buodrrd and tiy eo (l Ull aad( Mlolatar of Finance of Canada tlms, and at the right pH. SYNOPSIS OF Clttrn buodrtd and lity lwo (liati lr, y rratua of a nolle artarior w ltM BHUtb LAND ACT AMENDMENT 14 i-utumbu OudU or tub !KMib, iST. Harry Hanson's in rtnrrllrd for Ml pvrpoM. ttr riupUoA now couOuad to .urvryra Iu4t only. 1T1.D at Vlfloru. BrttMta CoreaiW. Record will b crmntcd vcrui only PATENTED l)u lOib day of SrplnuW. A D. ttll Uil vuiUibl far aciicultariii ihhtkum O. R. AE5. wblch la non-Umber bntl lHrtorDII nroniDtaa rdoiimko. Fast Heating Dpntjr Minuter of Ltnd but port la of Mt tuvro Utan (our mar MINERAL ACT. rraiLC for adjjtoot pr-nptluna. with Joint rldn. but KCfa makiiis ncros Hot W THE SUrilEME COURT or BlUTIill ry lmpruvnnla on rmctlvr claim. OEIIrlriCATE OF l.VrilOVEVE.NTS. Water Coil r-mptoro miut occupy t."i (or Tl'ir" 'I"'l!g35 ! IX MATTER OF CHRISTIE OIBSOX. 0t ym and oiak InuirvvemenU to !,! I'iH.lmlii!, HtCi-A8tU; valua oi 11 lrr acre Inetudinc clearing PiOTlClU tod and cultlTBtkH) of at leaat t acraa, ' !U If n- Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, situate n roiiated com-p:cu Crown Orant Up IX THE MATTER Or THE "ADMIXIBTRA- for rr r iM nurtatrMl for mm j-mt TIO.X ACT." Whara -awptor In occupation not In in Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Cassltr 'rt tun u mtlvrd it ibU TAIE NOTICE Hut In ortr of IIW llwr taaa Uonata tbar lni.M-at.ara. and ha ha na).madr baeauaa propor lnstiicL Where located: At the head or P?- ti; ' stir 1 Aflsr th lh r McB. Yount. mto lb ttb dty of Mty. of Ul-ltcalth ur otUui oauac. I" cnuiled .'.lire Arm In the Skreoa Mlnlnr Division. lh rsiec will ao up. ai u ISU. I ti tppolnlfd Admitutrator lo Intrrmadtata cartlflcn'.a of linprovaraant TAKE IVOTICE that I. J. F. Stark, owner prr-r.; l or Ux Hid Cbrtitlc OUmwo. iWriiffl. iranafar hla claim , fin and p i t of the above claim. Free Miner's Certificate iMtcnAt, 4ik yuur tnd all itrtlft barlnr tUlrot tri Itrcrda without parmanant resldanca t:&r , t pticc to dUi to ittd ui art Iwrrby rC(Ulml to furoJW may b laauad proUad apuiloant makea !Vu. Mill, intend, sixty days from the ""3,r ' all. coiuMct II sod iiiw. pnprlr -nd. I n on w Improvement h extent of 00 annum dale bereof, to apply to Ibe Mlnlnr He up for tl 111 dr of October. A. I) IM. and record aama each year or record Failure mruVr for a Certtncate of Improvements, Tvo Questions im nttW are to make Improvement u prtcM tnd jadr lor tnd til ptrtl indebted lo earn will operate a forfeiture. Title fur ike purpose of obtalnlnr a Crown Ksrwlf cannot be obtained on theae claim in tlitut of th above claim. rttbinlnfi lo m rortbwltn. with Improvement of H brclofor ctliUnr trrr-ctn j. H McMl'I.UX. la 110 per than acre.year,IncludiPC-tacre cleared And further take notice thai action, un- Um oUttr pluwUri omrtti AdiuUkitirttor and cultivated, and realdence of at ih-r srciKHi Si, mutt be commenced be With low-priced w R jctr btt fore Ibe Issuance of such Certificate of so many npimt I !rrlir ''lemptor holding Crown Orant may "i iwrmiis to tnjtme to revi.rd nnother pi-emptlon, IT h r-ouiraa Improvements. "'" CJ laiutl land In conjunction with hla Dtlrd this tlb day of July, A. D. HI8 anti-skids obtainable, unit eiwpunr TIIH LONQWILL I St. James Hotel farm, without actual occupation,made and so-called LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 ni) tbMnc m&ncVrMliiUlned on Crown panted will poll lire I j !U Inrrlntrmvnu. tUITK QUftNS")nOOMS Uiiaurveyed area, not esceedlnjr tO would that great host Firt8T CLASS acraa. may be leaaed a homeolte; NOT1CF. OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO HARRY HANSON Hot and Cojd V"'jr- . tlUeto and be obtained Improvement after fuinillnf condltlona.real-ntlal LEASE LAND of motorists more for pay THt IN OUCKN CIIMlLOTTti ISLANDS LAND BUM and Induatrlal purpoaea. eLUMBER ". tnd M Pf Kor tratlna 0 h Nlohl. be leaaed area iolln t0 acre may DISTRICT; RECORDINQ DISTRICT OF by one pareon or company. SkEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH "Traction" Tread PRC.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. SHORE OF LAGOON INLET. MORESBY Dunlop The acope of thla Act la nlared to ISLAND. ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS with Include Ilia all afaJaatya Jolnln"oroe.and The aerrlnB time MOUTH. if they could its merits w thin which the heir or derlaew of a TAkE NOllCE Ibtl I. JOHN M. MAC get daceaaed pra-emptor may applyfor nillan of Vancouver, ls. C. occupation one title year under from thla the Act death la of extended auch peraon.from i.tnntrymtu. intends lo apply for pvrmls elsewhere ? FRED STORK'S HARDWARE i formerly, until ona year after the siun to lease the folio wine described lands: war. Thl preaent of the oonclualon la alao made retroacUve, Lonimeuclnr at a post planted on the prlvUrce south shore of Laroon Inlet, Moresby Is PROPERTY ALLOTMENT would that other TOWNSITE Also, ACT. land, about one tulle from its mouth; Established 1P08. Provlalon la made for the grant to llicnce west 80 chains; thence- north to ueraona holding uncompleted Afree-menU chains; thence etst SO chains more or Ie large list of iuch proportion to I'urcliaa of the from land.the If Crown dlvUlble.of In low water mark at the beach; thence car owners buy a the payment already made will southerly follow Inr low water mark to the " " cover In proportion to the aale price of point of commencement; coutalulnr v SPECIAL FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING tb holdlns whole ucb parcel.ATementa Two or more may peraon croup acres more or less. their fntereate and apply for a proportionate JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. GEAR AND SUPPLIES. allotment Jointly. If It la not ruted Aurust teth, teis. ki if tires which somewhat considered advisable to divide tha land covered by an application for a proportionate allotment, au allotment of land SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT 01 resemble it in of eaual value selected from available QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. appearance BHIP LEAF Crown Unda In the locality may be a a CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE made. Theae allotment are conditional upon payment of all taxe due Th th TAkE NOTICE that I, Jobn McUrly Mtc resembled it in efliciency? PAINT FOR BOATS rlsht Crown or of to peraon any to municipality whom the purchaser nillltn. of Vancouver, B. C, occupation from the Crown ha auroad to ranneryman. Intends to apply fur penuts ell ara also protected. The decision, ol Slon to lease the follow lur described lands.- the Minister of Lands In rtwpect to the tdjuatment of a proportionate allotment Conuuenclnr al a post plained on the la tlnal. Th tlm for maklnf application south shore or Laroon Bay, Mo-eby is for these allotment la limited to land, auout one tntle rrom Its mouth, tha 1st day of May, Aw applica FRED STORK'S HARDWARE tion mad after thl date will nut be thence sou Id 10 chains, thence west to oonaldered. These allotment apply to cliaius, thence north to chains, thence town lots and lands of th Crown sold easterly at public auction. alonr the shore lino to point t Kor Information apply to any Provincial commencement, eonlalninr 0 acres more Government Agent or to or less. SECOND A YEN UK CI. K. NAPEN, JOHN McLARTY NACMIMAN Advertise in The News Doputy Minuter Victoria,of Lands,0. C Dated June tOtb ISU. Daily