K1 THE DAILY NEWS. i '! INDIAN DRUM Phone 37 Local News Notes G H. Arnold NOTARY PUBLIO FILLS WITH AKSIIIMA For Comfort, Courtesy nnd Mrs. C. 0. lorry will not re-j Service SALE ceive Thursday, nor again this' Lot t, Mock FOR It, section , price 880 quickly hcZp to strengthen season. V IS CONVICTED THE SAVOY HOTEI This Is a fine lot on 7lh Avenue nesr NcBrlde. fcua digestion,siimulato tho There wore two drunks in tho ww Lot 13, block 7, section 6, price MOO F. T. DOWNUS. M...,,, K-cpf &mo tho bowcl3 Un ttb Ave. near Hays Core. Excellent reg police court this morjiing, who Lots t J residential l , block lot.13, section 7, cad inarovo tho healtli wore caeh fined ?lo George Williams and Kate Ryan Fifth nnd Fraicr St., Prince Rupctt, B.C. Trice v 850. by worklis with nature. Had Been Intoxicated for These lots iro near drydock on Hev. Wnller, Dnnici -will speak Week Whon Caught Home Cooking 6tti A venae. Running Terms' on any of the shore. JSOO Larrt of T Meitlf la td. World. in tho llaplisl Church each evening By Police. Hot and Cold y tMd U itSc. rvrr. basts, tah and the balance like rent. Victory this week at 8 o'clock. Kvery- bonds will fce accepted In payment at par. one invited. 234-0.8 Dominion Constable Wntkinson FOR RENT Tho steamer Prince Oeorgo is and l'i)vlnclal Constnblo Logan furnished rooming house, and For Saieor Rent expected to arrive this nfternoon recently made n raid on the Nun TO 8UB8CRIOERS also an unfurnished one. ab. ut 2:30. The train will be held Indians and arrested George Wil LUMBER H. C. HELQCnSON, LTD. for her arrival. . liams of Aiyansb and brought him Subscribers to The News nro naked to pay tho delivery m -m . m A. W. Cnrler, manager of Oceanic, to town where he was yesterday Roomed boys eacli month Agents for Three and T. P. Lake, manager of onvicicd of having intoxicating when they call, oxcept THE DAILY NEWS Furbished House. Carlisle Cannery, arrived in town;liquor in his possesion, llq wns w lu-re payment tins beer Prince tlupert Lumber c Inst evening from up river. tried bforo C. C. Perry, Indian mode for the year in advance. Classified : Advertis'ng Good garden. Eleventh , Last night's train from the effsl agent, and judgment was roservwl. The boys when Hastlng's Saw Mllft collecting official re. pulled in at 7:45, having been Ho is an old offender, having carry Phone 98 Ave., near slightly delayed by obstructions served six months In a ijxjent ihj- coipls bo which preserved.should always coaT on tho track east of Prince Oeorge. TM' it the Advert'a'ng Column that Co irad Street. 9 ension. Agoul- f people read whan they want anything, ' 11. Duradc, charged with passing With Williams when tho raid Wan.lmo WelllngUn ,t brings results a worthless cheque, is expected was mado was Kalo llynit, the wo Coj a to come up for judgment this man who it is elleged makes the WANTED. HcCaficry, Gibbons ring ALARM VSTEM. Yellowhead Co afternoon before Judge Young In liquor. They were at n point BOY on GirtL WANTED to dellTer parcels. the County Court. about eighty miles up' tho river CIRCUIT NO. 1. Complete Apply Ormes Ltd. tf & Doyle, Ltd. and were both intoxicated and in os IS tut St. and 3rd Ave. :. J. I). Farrcll returned a day or BU1LOINO filthy condition. Set 19 4th BL and 3rd Ave. MATERIA WANTED Responsible parly with sufllel- two from a holiday visit to n I Heal Estate- ago 14 lib SL and 3rd Ave. ent capital to rurnlsb and operate boarding i6uva .t e The liquor they make is known Victoria and Vancouver. He went Bos 16 Junction ot 1st. tod aud ; and rooming bouse. !'ew building. as akshfmai, a native drink man. " 3rd Ave. lert 8 out the train this in on morning Box Good 183,Contract Dally News to rirbt Onlce.party. Apply Prince Rupjrt, 8. C. the railway mail service. ufacluml from berries, yeast and f' 1C--HI Ae., be I www IB and IMafepi ugar, pain killer and other In- lb Sis. (koet Hotel), Waff Offlca, rai t44 cs IT III we. sod Ttb St .Cd TEAMSTtn WANTED, TONY ETKESS. j u.... i i ittreuients. u is allowed to ten. oaee Ik4 am, rumt trtl Hotel). nt CENTiLEMAN WANTS TWO UOOMS AND .lerdav before Judcu Voiincr in timing and we ready for drink , :.Ll TtL'?. pls ippIyiSEAL COVE RED CROSS County Court charged with ob. ing contains a large amount oi CIRCUIT NO. X. alcohol. Jot - 3rd Ave sod 3rd SI (fast IM A WWII A I RTCCTl?IP!laminff moilp' 0,1 fa!9e pretences orate). WANTED Smart girl for offlce work. lit mmuiiii iiiliLiIihu Judge Young dismissed tho case. Judging from appearances the in S3 3rd Att. mi HiSTiii 91 LeaTe application In ?n wrltlnir at two Indians had been drinking Notice to onici of ibis paper, addressed "Business" oi 4 lit Ave. and McBrtde St. lie The nnnnnl nifflinir nf . Miss Marion Mntwoll nf tin. for a week or more nnd were in t ntn1 Ave. an4 fad 51 took?.Tvuicamte or metii; aiSo bridffe.,Cove Red Cross was held yenter- gina, in spending n couple of days n horrible condition. The woman a 27 te--a.fnd T.Are.f. and lib HI on a d eri'.- t Iiii- Box t,,.Jicin Dunstone. post- day afternoon, when receipts for with Mier brother, Tom Maxwell, of a chiff family nnd be, in abas) a Ul efMireiMif S griiv. -t t -AUTO 136, Vancouver. Highest' cash prices sent by return mail. S4 the year were reported as follows: of the G. T. P. audit Ifllco before oinnioii with i number of the CINOUIT NO. a. Tatm aa4 Seal ..... rTT Z77T. '.'For Canadian Red Cross $1297.31 leaving for Vancouver to rejoin chiefs, are among the leaders in tot SI ib Air. ad relien SL ill U. aa fuii..- TO SEAL COVL ' " 2Y. M. C. A 259.00 her paints. the vice of making and drinking B, Juv itontro and Tajler Sis. Wft4sS. ... the native liquor. A writ has been si -Jib Ae. sim reltoe SL boy wanted savoy hotel. tf'Sallor's League 28.05; rat lie i it fas 3 tt Ave. saj Cumi Ave. hsu i'd for bor arrest nnd she will tie s.se i.it n i ti. WANTED Waitress. Hotel Prince Rupert. French Red Cross 02.10 riioin the glare on the sky nnd t 37 US Ave. sod Dedrt CUce 11.11. the clouds of smoke brought !,,c brought here for trial very eei 1 -4lh Ave. and Tbeopeea SL Saluedar Eitra Iteilt. FOR SALE Total $1,010.91 down by the wind from the moun-,oon- ' w" caugm t.e l ie ie n The committee wishes to thank tains across Shawatlans last '!,f,e " lo drunk to be rt-tnov ed. rtRCUtT no. 4. t.tt f.l i.se t.l a,lu i ron SALE What cash offered for lot It rei 4 m A vp and Immune iiiock 4 3, section 7. corner Eighth Are. all those who made possible this evening, there seemed to be some Sn.4r fir, afflMg c'j!Pendid record of the work of ;big bush-fire some few miles FRENCH FARTliEREfTES i ji -i b A" sml Urrvd- St id ie.se.it.se ii " ' - I i h n voir? away. i Baa J tin A. ar.l Green St f ROM SEAL COVE CARRY ON DURING WAR t? 444lb A. as4 Basil SI. 7 11 S.ll It.SO at 44 JU Ave. aod CterU. auk 4 Ml. :it Tho Princo Albert is 14 I lie. THE POLICE COURT expected Sea 141 Ttb Ave. and Twin l to arrive in port this afternoon Saler4ar Eitra (wtk. SCHOONER Canada loves to tell of her girl B S.ll tM 711 I WANTED option or To purchase purchase Schooner or charter or auxiliary with This morning in the police couijt " n. r, ;:, . V"rbIuw """.Heroes of pioneer days Tor gen- i4.il ie.il SuH4r tit Motor Vessel to curry too to SOfl tons. before. Magistrate Car;8, William , .iZ , 7 -" ""derations and even centuries soim li I s : State particulars to Thoross. 1422 Standard 1 m onfiirtlnmAnt Dank Bldg Vancouver B.C 130 Crossley,. of Ninth Avenue, KasU . . . I'luncuv vi ur luriucTisrfcti" Tbeee mft) al- w a b.t - iiiiKMifiiLM inr I'ftPi i ninnnru mi - table at ranni i v - a t: was-cnargea wnn navmg in int--- " v"i heroines of France will bo 're n-nver asl lilts i possession &oo pounds or " mombered. lb fare will fee is - - : vvneatj Among these is a girl ' Watch Your aad fraM liar w 4 fiour, being more than sufficient of fourteen living at Moranncs in Step sal Cote, la ei, tut LOST h mvl nnrv ponn romoiilii nml i'- 1 ol" lrCll OI UlO Illl-!,,.. .... ,, ., . ti nmu . - T " ' "Unrv r.nlirP i In fl. ll iri ;"" ?r mouier was ueau mus contrary ip me uanaaa rood'' " : v !and she was "little mother" to b9 flMMSe bjy 4 LOST Red TVallet. containing. birth cer- Board regulations. Comitafc'. "" .T" '8"" ",HJ three rntfAio timet m t!rir3 1, riHjrMflnn mnri Alt. I m younger than herself. Her ",v '"" - .neuai in t Twvstljr-ftv !K MM naid sit In ih aV. ijince .Adams a v a. between -41 ffi.Kn,i?7 wharf and Hotel Vmuse with ,,e 18 an 0,d 60,dier and 1,ad l- was caneu lo U.e colors HM OrtMre IM it.kei.br-.-:.i lit tununrjoDiy Sew, omce. ?""d' "IT found a ! two other medals for flghl. niarched away, leaving a large Yes Tr sses i . t t jt at t- ; LOST Black leather wallet containing flour laid away in a cupboard. i'"s " jjuiiiiuii unu on tne inuian too-heavily II rvetl :.. k burdened valuable papers. Finder liberally rewarded i frontier. child. 8he tw, by returning same to.the .News Magistrate Carss adjourned tbei . , managed the farm so well, how. Tk er - II Office. U until October 15. IIS) At, i-n iter case The sporting fraternity of the ever lnal t,)0 1,refet of tho Maine Hut bow can you do it If Nwlr4 f lili LOST Brown otter rur, neckpiece, short coast cities are trying to et Lo,re lnanked her publicly. . are not If rrtt.rvia bt il hair, near Hotel Prince Rupert. Finder 4 arrange your eyes right. OUH FATWMtAOt lOLICrtM pliase return to the Hotel Prlnee Rurrrt. a match fiotwoon Willi Muui,nn two young 'sisters say thoii- there Is the slightest sight the m.in uiin im.it. .inv n, threo brothers inarch awnv lo wnr FOUND YE OLDE COUNTRIE -Uv. "wiifoii;,. . ... .1 rr. ,i n i ii I ii i m I 1..... -ill defect to Roya) Hiilo-Brs Stne FISH AMD CHIP3 uuu loiiuny xiurns oi I'rinco Itu-rf ,uuuu hiciujcmci rcn)uiisiuie go an oculist and FOU.ND At Salt Ukes, ladj-s bathing; suit 717 Second Avenue. pert. It is quite possible the ror n 8ty-acre farm, twenty-five optimctrist who has boon ii and two towels, owner may hare same match will come oft in one of Hit C0W8 anJ nve horses. They at Dally News office by paying for this :Iiircor ron a) piitoa "carried on valientlv nml cli,.or trained lo the business. sdvertlsement. tf Will be open every day at ; ... fully lo the benefit of the com- 11 a.m. ! An interesting, feature of the munity where they lived. At the TAKE SOME HOME. Atlin country is tho fox farms, of other end of the line stand the Bulger which there are nearly u dozen. Pooz; old grandmothers, whoe Hi. I SlEPBErlS v44 Frank Moblcy, who has recently Hfo of heavy toil seemed ended returned from that district, says and who were enjoying n well-that Can Attend to It for You. NOTARY PUBLIO they have not been quite as earned release from rcsponsibili- Tommy Burns' Caberet successful for the last two years ties. Upon these war has laid a OFFER? FOR QUICK ; owing lo the lack of the right heavy hand, and among'thc ruins SALE 4 mmmw n - n i i kind of food, A fine lot of black of.their beloved homes they have 3 Wl KfaTJIMIt Cfei 8 to 2 8 tj 12 and silver foxes arjo raised there planted vegetables; over the shell a!urfag The Following Choice Properties:-- j Lota 27 A 28, Block 7. Suction 1. every year. torn and down-trodden fields they 1 fHIGH ROAD ? S6OO.C0 each. . have nttcmptcd to guide the Let 73 24, Block 10, Saetlon 6, Fishermen, Loggers and Businessman Continuous enthusiasm marks plough and sow the crops. That Corner 6th Tstlow, $1,750.00 especially invited of th pair. the pipelines of the new Prince was in 1910, and still goes on. and Accommodation for Ladies YOU Lot 2C, Blcck 23, S.ctlon 6, Eighth uuperi aius4c.il Association, and yet the farmerello is mentioned in MUST CHOOSE ONE Av., E. ntar achooi with thrta-roomad, the plastarad houia and EMPRESS regular attendance of the Canada as moro or; less of n umm.r kltchaA, 1900.00, terms BUILDING largo number on the ijiII testilie novelty in 1018! What n con-to 9100.00 cash and balance, Oe Ce Fither. Manager mcntkly. This is eonvir.ler.t to tho interest vfhich is taken by trast between tho flower-bedecked drydeck and all part of City. '44tIS444Ptlral tho members. Notwithstanding meadows of Canada and the shell-the QET MV HATES BITORZ RZNCWIKa boisterous weather prevailing torn fields of Franco! Hut surely VOUR FIRE INSURANCE IT WILL PAY VOU. 44P44S4lS4P-4 Monday evening, which wrnr a flin- the spirit thai animates the wo. Get parcel of ior joiks 10 stay at home, men In both lands is the same, your the turnout of members was above ; " M. M. Stephens Tobacco for the tne average. John K. Davey is' RSAL ESTATE INSURANCE rapidly licking his choir into TWs weather promotes FINANCIAL AQENT Soldier xhape ami Judging from the ro.: 023 Third Ave. Phono 222 Boys hearsals their flrpt concert which' Coughs THIS THIS is coming ofT soon ought to be h Those who have trouWe in very rredilablo pi-rfonnanne. sfiakiiiK tfl a rotigh aliouM MA OK UP AT I UK Jiote tlmt Jlathleu'a S;run of LEADS TO LEADS TO Tar and Cod I.ivtr Oil not ?rince A R.U bevar SliDuUltoe only soothes the irritation of Cleaning, Pressing Rupert the brouchiil tube, and GOLD WATGH FREE. promptly Lut!UnatvlclillnfrAIIl lipe ttie eolith, YOUR LOSS! YOUR GAIN and Repairing Cigar Store & A MralitiUonrw4 inuron. fyatemtopernutuntly ljea!tr it sxii enables ll-.iow the' I off the cold and r.-t.ns the LADIES AND Billiard Parlor inucuous nietnbraiira lo their GENTS 4wtlMIMl, nnniial lieallhy coliilillou. u ruu UUM THir.f) AVRVFJE WrtU a Malhltu's Symp cf Tar and It Cod Llvtr Oil b.s vx.ii, by U ol M, Best iMkJoMkl, t,4-If Its merit, the M'i-v nleln Billiard I la!I Jack Dunbar in U-itfdM. tt Canada of O-.V AOmZ any intiliclre m Hcit Town. coualis xc large bottle, TAKE NO CHANCES Phcnt 510 725 StcoxJ At. ''.IIm .hi.. sold eeiywlierr. " .id. SiUftM.si itMn,ut J. I- MATillLU CO, rrep Great variety of Tobaccos. bhtrbruube, I'.Q. WITH PIBcres 'l ri loo. ttt. W tiMrt r.n u SUDSOniBE Fort Cigars nnU Cigarettes, t ( m 4 4n tWt.. u, lw Omtol M limn ml m . ill Dwi'i ITtek IM nil .4 Pipes and Pouchy. S .Mut. tuiuA en t. i , I U V The Daily News PUT THEM OUT nnwiMinn ii ! 1 ri .in it'