FINEST VIRGINIA | fo iS = ee, ~ OGDEN PAGE FOUR aleyy If you “roll your own", use Ogden’s fine cut cigarette tobacco. Your Pipe Deserves The Best! . . . particularly when the best costs you no njore than ordinary tobacco, Smokers realize how much’ more “fragrant, how cool, how satisfying a pipe’can'be when a ture, Being Capitol es HLISNSNLS WNIGIW 3 it’s loaded with Ogden’s cut plug. \ “4 highly and genuinely recommended x “Sunshine Susie,’ med in England OGDEN’S | CUT PLUG, LIVERPOOL # ver sound effects Renate Muller, UNEMPLOYED | IN. SESSION Province al posals 10Cal Relief Persecution Claimed It was declared at the meeting! icy and the distribution of resources The picture c that the federal rovernment, in that country tunes that Allowance Pro- through the Royal Canadian Moun- Charles Chapman presided over |ciever ‘prpsentatio Protested—Federal ted Police, was persecutine active the meeti hows a roomful ¢ members of the National Unem- Sing iiiibiaipran ciliata out a tap dance ployed Workers’ Association. There With a light list oi passengers, - “— iT py the Nationa] Was much discussion and condem- picture 1s give i branch of Norkers’ Unemployed soil sed the British Columbia Municipalities in aol protesting government ployment relief ried men with families to $20 per month and that for single men to i mass meet action at Montreal Importers, Meeker Block, 3rd A ing to reduce Remember the Address. $10 per month. It was held that the charms, Jack ;Harvey furnish much of which is relief allowances were already in- adequate without thinking of fur- ther reductions. conditions affecting them There considerable discus- sion of Russia’s new economic pol- was consistin gprincipally of round trip C.P.R. steamer William Palm- fects such as thi nation from the platform of alleged autocracy of the federal Association, last night with tourists on board ‘uthorities Princess Aice, Capt chronized. It is al GREAT of Montreal Importers SALE NOW IN FULL SWING ELAYED by the illness of J. B. Miller, the $20,000 stock of the Montreal Importers will be offered for sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, at prices never before seen in Prince Rupert. Bought at Montreal prices originally from the leading manufactur- ers of Eastern Canada, such as Great West Garment Co. and Western King Manufae- turing Co., prices of every article in this big stock have literally been cut to fragments. 520,000 worth of these high class Quality Goods will be offered at Unheard of Prices Come on Friday and Get your pick MEN’S WORK SHIRTS MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS MEN’S TIES & HATS MEN’S SOCKS & SHOES MEN’S PANTS MEN’S OVERALLS CORDUROY PANTS MEN’S MACKINAW PANTS & COATS MEN’S LUMBERJACKS MEN’S SWEATERS MEN’S RUBBER BOOTS MEN’S UNDERWEAR BLANKETS LADIES’ SHOES LADIES’ HOSE LADIES’ SWEATERS CHILDREN’S SHOES BOYS’ UNDERWEAR BOYS’ BOOTS BOYS’ MACKINAWS BOYS’ SWEATERS BOYS’ LUMBERJACKS BOYS’ PANTS CHILD'S COVERALLS FLANNELETTE Sheets SUITCASES SUSPENDERS S. a little of this large stock has been damaged by smoke and water and the great bulk of it is in perfect condition, just as it came from the manufacturers, These are all quality goods and are being offered at unheard-of prices. In these days of economiz- ing, this sale offers an excellent chance to save real money. Come and convince yourself! SALE NOW IN FULL SWING Terms of Sale: Cash Only |when the music an THE DAILY NEWS ‘BRITISH AND GOOD OF Offered on Screen that boasts musical distinguished by) On eque! yf typists click thm in tim iniment TI ot of style by « (COMMITTEES | “Sunshine Susic,” Outstanding Pic-, The jolly English musical comedy of the sereen, “Sunshine Susie,’ being featured on the screen of the | yunro Capitol Theatre here this week-end and ‘tt ‘is’ a picture is being | originally produc- | ed in Germany but re-cast and fil-| yunro good act-| ing, excellent photography and cl as Susie, the girl} who not only finds a job but angles successfully for the director of the |business, Is a charming young wo-| 3; jman. Owen Nares, matinee idol of | vin =| the London stage; plays the part of dance at the meeting and spoke of | the boss who succumbs to Susie's Iulbert and Morris | \ excellent comedy | yntains some catchy ‘ l ind other scene d action are syn Ve. amusing. | 300 persons in attendaince, en-| Which it was declared was being er, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this} a4 ae Sci of the Union of practised all over Canada morning from Vancouver and sail- Summed: uy oul shine ousn Reports from mining centres ed a couple of hours later for eran &4 Uiemally noves the proposal of the showed that still further reductions Skagway. and other Alaska points ane aes ane Se . ws vt,” a : achievement for the British scree the unem-' were being made in wages without whence she is due to return here illowance for mar- corresponding reductions in living. next Wednesday afternoon south Tonight’s mixed train from Several members from the inter- bound. Two persons disembarked | East, due at 11 p.m., was reported ior and the north were in atten- from the vessel nere today }this morning to be on time FIRE SALE! Program Committee’*-—~.W. M Blackstoek (chairman), W. 'L.! Coates and Syd Thomson | Membership Committee—G. H (chairman), J. Dybhavn iyd Johnston | Community Service —Paul | At-| nour (¢hairman), J. G. Steen, erge Moore, George Bryant, J ROTARY The following committees of the | Rotary Club for the coming yeal jhave been named by President G. | 1A, Woodland | Directors—T. H. Johnson, Paul Armour, Weldon McAfee and G. I oe) gh ED 2 ee ee | Little and Norman Watt. | International Relations—J. W holls (chairman), Dr. W. T. Ker James Lee, James Thompson, | Dean Gibson. District Governor Of Gyro Club Here j} James A. Barr of Yakima, Wash.,| Paid Official Visit to Local Organization Today James A. Barr of Yakima, Wash istrict | governor of the Gyro Club, | in the city on the Princess! | Alice this morning from’ the south | ind paid an official visit to the lo- | irrived a rea) |¢al club at a luncheon today in the | Cafe. There was a full' ttendance of members at the lun- heon whiclt was presided over by | William CrulcKshank, thie president. | Mr. Barr gave the club-a' suitable | talk j Barr is accompanied on his} isit to Prince Rupert by his wife {They will return south shortly. | | | } Commodore Waddington of the Forest ervice returned to thé city! afternoon's train from district where g some time on of- es. Recent rains have cor ‘ raay ? T the Burns Lake he been spendir orest fire si- | that district SGREV SPS eer PUREFOOD BARGAINS For Friday & Saturday UGAR CRISP GUKN 6c RikD PRUNES ) t-1b FLAKES, per pkg | i 30c hein. IAN RAISINS 25¢) rr PEKOE TEA 97c re Be | 1-1. tin ! C id 3-lb tins 69¢e ‘ORK & BEANS--Royal City 7 Family Tins, per tin Cc MAGIC BAKING POWDER | | per 12-oz. tin 30c |} READY CUT MACARONI | 2b i3c | FINEST ONTARIO CHEESE |} per Ib i7c |DESSICATED COCONUT per Ib 15c TOMATO CATSUP-—Libby's 3 Sera i3c JELLY POWDERS—Malkin's Best Shien: 18c { pone Oy ORNSTARCH 10¢ Sane eel eee Pee 24c I( se ot 17¢ HAPPYVALE PICKLES-—32-oz, jars Sweet Mixed or Mustard 29¢ per jar ORANGE MARMALADE Mrs Haine’s 4-lb, tins 55¢ 16c lic rhe Best,” per tin PEANUT BUTTER per 1-lb. tin AYLMER PEAS—Choice Quality, Sieve 4, per tin AYLMER PEARS—No. 2 tins, per tin 18¢ F ane Fresh Stock 35¢ \ Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave. “CARRY AND SAVE” RRP SSR ew esa8 @ ! 4 SA i os —TuTCC TT Tl, A Friday, July i Friday & Saturday TWO SHOWS - 7 and 9» S he i Feature Starts at 7:39 & * | AD, ADMISSION — 45, “a Uo SATURDAY MATINEp y, . Feature Starts 3:00 15, &y So Long Sorrow — Good-bye Gloom — See the Smile Sensat “SUNSHINE SUSIE” With All Star British Cast Hear the Latest Song Hits — Romance — Music — Laughter HELD OVER FOR THREE WEEKS IN TORONTO \~Comedy—“SPANKIE” (Our Gang) METRO Neng . PLEASE, DO NOT MISS THIS PICTURE MONDAY & TUESDAY — “LETTY LYNTON” a ee ee ee ORE than half the fun of a picnic or a camping BA expedition is the answer to the question “When do we cat?” That’s where Klim saves the day. No need to tramp miles in search of a farmhouse. A tin of Klim provides an instant milk supply. Klim is Powdered Whole Milk—milk from which only the water has been removed. By replacing it—adding Klim to the required amount of water—you again have fresh, pure, full cream country milk. Ready for us whenever required. Safe, uniform, dependable. Keeps without ice in hot weather. Your grocer can supply you Serd 10c for a trial can of Klim. Taste its goodness for yourself, COUPON Canadian Milk Products Limited, 115 George St., Toronto, Ont Please send me free booklet, “Camp Cooking.” Name G600088 ceneteseesesen The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous —— “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ~ BLACK COD — Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Lid PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 58) el AIR DRIED SHINGLES Retain the cedar oil in the wood affor servation than kiln-dried shingk has been evaporated. Our shingles ar: we ling extra and be rs s from which the ess made on Queen ( Islands and, as a home product, deserve your preferenct makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Pri pert, while Vancouver wages never come north, Support industry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Shing!es Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No, 1 3X $3.25 ve” if you lose anything, try a classified ad