Detour TUB DAILY NEWS. HAZELTON RED CROSS SUPPLIES fflSWIIfiHl The Hazellon lied Ci-ohs Society MADE IN RUPERT at its annuo! ineclltiK reported - i, i DIE grou receipts fop, tlie year at The annual report of the lied I WOULD 12,354.08, with local expenditure Uiyjiw cotimirtteo on supplies was, nl HO 1.07. Tho following nfllm. renil n( n... -t i .. -r------ - " v-i n uic UIIUIIUl IIICI'lllIK 11 Conquered for tho comiDK year were elected: "'e convener, Mrs. V. t. Dawson i i TIVES" Hon. President, Mrs. Field, Mrs. "d was a follow: Jlogan; President, Dr. II. Wrench; Ten canes have been shipped to , mroaltlenla.., , li. K Horomil (lift Itixl fVn.a ai rt. i.. ,.. v-. -nt.iii, uiusg ot I Ul U1IUJ CUIIWllll- ; Mrs. W, Sharpe, W. W. Watlle; Ing the following articles: Secretary, Miss W. (1. 8oal; treas.. Pa'rs socks, 38 pairs amp. socks,! II, II, Llltle; bxecuilve Committee, fed socks, 207 pairs pyjamas. Mesdamcs Wattle, Scaly. MacKay, 33 lap rugs. 08 stretcher caps, 21 j Grant, Messrs. Anderson, Leveret, towels, 188 personal properly, J. Ilcvenor. wags. 120 handkerchiefs, 13 "T" ! bandages, 41 wash cloths, 12 hot A shoot of ore at Mne Mile has water bottle covet, 3 pairs wrll-been uncovered on the surface for lets. a distance of 500 feet. It aver-' SunnUe Oil hnnri nr lilt n.-ilr ages six feel in width. .socks, 0 bed socks, 48 pairs py-. ' 'Jamas. 20 stretcher caps, 72 per- Arrangements nr bclnir made .na, properly ba(?s. The for a tunnel lo be driven on the Tl)(. c. w c. A wa fc, t ! money TZcalKX NCWTON. Dabinc Ilonania this winter. The'2.b88 nalr., ,f av. i Utile nnsirOr.C.11. government rood frbm Tclkwa to Tota, num,,er of arl)rr.a Inaie Un lo safTfrer from the mine finished and will be ,lurltlff lh(j ap 3 l23 ,alupd al is yours! ItuitiJ' MtiipiMHtorytm. In use during the winter. $3,071.75. j w'ork L reived from ll.e UTh.-snddiJtsleep Development on the Delta J?09 were. ?7,rlii, Ilostsomnchweltht Copper Company's property Is lo! l,ow,,n p,af"; A"Ce AT; Lt'(m 185 pounds to H6 be resumed. Ownt McAlpine '''urn mV fedaaIe'.n You have earned it. !.iUt I became alarmed snd exnecled to reach here In a fewIgfL"' 1 lentil d101 wl10' lloweter days In connection with It. iDanuspu,. bo, pairs; i-ori RImfl.nn r.ssinu-,ifl But ! pod. Finally, Mend IdwUlfr'f"' TWO MORE CLUBS pairs;pairs; Queen Beat Cove,Charlotte fled Cross,City, 101 127 Will you use it for Canada or against Canada? Will 'you I;, ,J,tint ttat , L tsMUlioo wu corrected J od I Ipairs; biewarl, 7 pair?; binun-I aavc your money and help to shorten the War? Or will The following clubs have taltubwof Pln. headache bei;ePii )8 pair; CO I. O. D. E. tl rUe feeling thst Incorporated under Hie Compan-, ,rfnce uupert, 81 pairs Queen you buy what you want, go wherever your pleasure dictates, tuaarpj!1' I continued les Act: The Troll Club. Limited, Mary lm r. o, e, 91 pairs; Queen' Kjjlli splendid fruit medicine nrtvnti. nullmriied canilal 110.- .Utti; JtllliilllK i-hii ni..u UIUU, tt 4 I'dl.Dt ni...i. dress as well or better than you always have dressed, indulge Rj I am well, alrvnf iid 000; registered office of Ihe com- ,,, school Girls club, 9 pairs; afford? Kf such whims t,-. rtonKiiT KEWToy, 'Pny. Prince llnper. Kinff Kdward Public School, Mr. as you can Ik i box, for A ril lw j Ilalnbow Club Company, Limit- McDonald room-ll pairs. Miss IT a dealers cr sent postpaid on rd. public concern. uthorhedinolj,wei s wom m pairs, Miss la'pt f price by Fruit-' tites copital eiO.OOO; registered office.McDonalds room 19 pairs. Miss You must choose Is'.ld.OtUai. of Ihe company at Prince Oeorge Crux room. 15 pairs. The following ladies have knit-led SYNOPSIS or on the machines during the The money u your own to do as it is possible that unwittingly you lENTISTRY LAND ACT AMENDMENT year:Starr. Mrs.l"l Carrulhers pairs; Mi, and gpencer,Mrs. you like with. But when you buy are doing this very thing. rr-mirflon now cotiAn4 lo turrty nrnrt Hiil'M Uin nnir 133 pairs; Miss Tingley. 91 pairs. what you do not neeo! urgently Remember Canada's need. ft i.u 111 1 s s-m. U S iM P . The following ladies also knu DR. J. 8. BROWN MTn T.-. (led: Mrs. Kergin sr. M rs. Harvey need your money actually works Let not Canada's sacrifice go for 01ST1IT bvt rrmi(parti rZl'Z.l I'k, Mrs. C. L. Munroe. Miss against Canada. For, it represent naught. et,l laiHk iUt, Tf ?- ImwinnMiiU v rtrti in. precious materials and labor, both The sewlntr in the HapUsl self-denial, patriotic privation, vmJa nf ll tr ur, itwiixflns erlr.f church, at which place all article of which are absolutely essential Thrift, t4 rHli' 4 I k'". but the socks were made, was under give us who stay at home for rc c Vo-1 Glut. Hal. to the army. Your money use-Ussly witllofl not the supervision of Mry. VtSvr iti'" ' . 'd Ku nu4 r"t, the glorious privilege of a share fn tfcas rm. Ihen from Heaters ! Itonai lir,r.rtofii. h mf. lcttj Peck until July, and spent delays all-important of Ui-bMltli or ohr t (rmai4 unlil the end of September Mrs. the great struggle for human lnlrmIUfa rrrttrt'r of Improrrmont war work merely for your self-indulgenco. .. C. Poole had charge. s tv .oMBMAMt risilil sriwa freedom. I ma m Une4 IrWcJ mfc $3 to $39 iiaai iM imrti niM rr- ru- I As Ihe burly figure of Lord Save for Canada, and hurried down the ho-ranixA your money .'V.Tiu--? .Notihcllffe You would not, knowingly, stop For Coal, Oil or Wood u tUini tb euiou in , lounge a correspondent said. for Canada' lu.MrJ,?!Jra?f X,. n. m..l successful the progress of Canada's war lit W and ctitiiratr ' journalist in lh world. A hard efforts. You would not prolong .Siwryour money to bring nearer ,t!LiJLt5 KcX4mv rrea Ornl mar i . .nun Imi' ttinusll.1 I Onwmtnta! Plain or YaTSautTK; lcoujd never land him. The last the war. , You would not let your that day we all long for the kZi '.'V iip-5 time I wrole him for an inler- money work for Germany. But Victorious end of the War, ffiifsoj Hardware Co. rMMrnr taalnlala! on wf0ie Daclj: "f niTl tMMT Uu-.rrT rroiJlctZZ"- !bul I mut ask you to excuse me UMITtD tuT.ta"- from acccdingr to your ipquest. I S IM Ana.talu M llnH &Ttt&rm '" Ukc miehor at the srlirml PuUUhad oadoff the authority of the Aam som4u-c t aw mar , . wJO when the squire s wire UlnlstcaFol Plaanca of Canada yiU0rJercs:eajed lo pro.opdy Sr7? rTANT. act. Vame round to him with the straw ,ki. la Miirtkl l t..... im nrnmntlf said. ADDV UAMeAN'Cl tWfefeKS? ,hank you. ma'am. I works at the nuui UflHJUU J -uhin hj ih.t.ra "rr.- Diafe where they mr ti. . ' '" - V" - .a. I AAkwiAd from .i.ia " niTl'VMm d till Ifliss " rrticuru I- raa7 Irom tha Jaalfc ot 'f,P"Sn- Fast Heating MINERAL ACT. TOWNSITC rROPKRTY ALLOTMENT CtnitFlCATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Hot Water Coil ACT rmvUloa ta ma4a for Jba grant to prpon boldlac uncompll4 AlTf- koticx. i -urebaa from thi' Crown ot manu to irtbno rrrUon Mlninl Clllm. lltutte' U III mT tl 1' ranrclrd un uch protwrtKm H-ilS.ul I'!,r!:"'? aa tha parmaata atraadr sotick or CAccLUTior.- or nEsthvt In Ibe Skeena Mlnlnr OITUIon of Cumr, rr- nmr In proportion i to tha aala priea or NOTICE li hrrrby rlrrn Ihil ihe rrtanre DlitrlrL Wbere tooled: At Ibe Head or: Two or mora prraooa wbola pareaL ' " 1S AIIm that lh Uta hoiainc uch AaraamanU mar touP tilitlnj on rrrtiln portion! of Lou Two Alice Ann In the Skeena .Mlnlnr Division. thair fntaraata and for Pfopor-Uonata na two ouoarra take .notice that I. J. E. Surk. owner i "jci win, oo up. u tf H hundred and Bve (fo pri. JotaUr. W . aUolmant Coast of Ibe above cUlm, rree Miner's CerUOcate j (fl f mn..l .a. eanaldr4 advlaabla to dltda tha Und tod rllbl tfOt) fuore Thrre (1) NM fj for a propor-ttonata and known Lou No. III7I, Intend, slitr dT irom ine S Mm Ia .L. eovrrad tr an application Dlmricl, lunrrjrrd si an aUotmrnl, of Und tile nereor, to applj lo the Minim Re w coil hundred and nttr-nlnc (tl). tomvf i u nn araiUNa nin Two Questions vft, IflU of toual ralua aalecttd from corder for a Certtflrate of Improvemenu, II r. Ifr. tDd Crown landa In tha localllr 7. Eleven bundrrd od flitr-ona (ltt) and . . . . . conditional of obtatnlnr a Crown Ibe "'l aamtP!. m mada. Thaaa ailotmanla ara r.irtrn buodrcd and lill-to (1161) br for purpose n r-rm-r.l of alt Uiaa dua lha Oraol of Ibe above claim. Tha nolle anrlnr In Ibe rllib or a munlclpalltr. Crown or la aDjr rraton And further lake notice that action, un of prw lo h thajpur. Columbia Oiielle of lllh Drccmber, l0T. ibaar der section 85. mutt be commenced be low-priced k"Nn from lha With " ottwr pluratr rancrlled for m" purpo. so many aU ara alao iwwlactad. Tba 5,u2n,J; II fore tbo tsiutnce or sum cerunctie oi tHTFO il Victoria, uniiaa uuuiuui. ma aiiniairr L7w 4 f?isiuit I"nlw nron to ta adjiulmant nnaL Tha of lima a rroi-oMlonajaaUotmint iit rn... Ibit lom dir of September, A. D. HIS. Improvements.Dated this Jth day of July, A. D. 1818 so-called anti-skids obtain- mm, tirrpunt- ailotmanla 1 llmllrd to 0. R. DEN. . .w i 1 1 Anv atrallc Minuter of Ltndi. " 1.7 iu"w! net b. Deputy LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 ar ibiciwa Will pottjr STa'nU"'AT ble, would that great host ttvt lairlnitnieau. xonaldrrad. Thaaa allolmnU rPT a lha Crown aold MINIMAL ACT aid landa of town lota NOTICE OF ISTESTION TO APPLY TO HARRY HANSON al V.t public li.foniAllon auction. appty to any rroln. LEASE LAND o f motorists pay more for TMt SUM aiUMBIR Uovrrrinant Asant or to Certificate of Improvements. IX. QUEE.N CHARLOTTE; ISLANDS LA.ND DliTltlCTi RECORDI.NO DISTRICT Or i-rjuti HI wtar of l-na. Tread a NOTICE SKEE.NA ASD SITUATE OS SOUTH Dunlop "Traction" frrrti Irifllou Mlnertl Claim, slluale lo SHORE OF LAGOON' INLET, MORESBY tkMn Mlnlnr Division of Casslir ISLAND, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. if they could get its merits Where lociled: .Ner Ibe held of Alice TAKE NOTICE thlt I, JOHN M. MAC- Mil-LAN or. Vancouver. U. C. occuDitlon A hM tup .NOTICE that t. Lewis XV. Paungre. Cannrryman. Intends to apply for permis elsewhere? FRED STORK'S HARDWARE uin.r-a orilflcate No. 10107-C. as sion to lfi ine rouowinr uescriueu lanas: tar John XValford Strombeck, Fw Commcnclnr it a post punted on me r.rtinrite .No I4I9I-C. Intend south shore of Laroon Inlet, Moresby Island, Also, would that other j... lha riila hereof, to apply about one mile from Its moutb; Kstabllshed 1008. Ibe Mlnlnr Recorder for a Leriincita of thence west 90 f tains; tbeure north SO la iniprovemenis. for the purpose oi ouiain cbilnsj thence east 10 chains more or less large list of car owners buy Crown unnl or me aoove ciann. to low water mirk it Ihe beach; thence mr Aim... iMi"1" i.Va nnilra that action. Ull southerly followlnr low witer mark to la.-point " SPECIAL " der section ti musl be commenced before of commencement: ronulnlnr I" FUU AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TB0LLINQ lb Issue of such cenmcsie oi nuinit cres more or lest. "r""' . . . r JOHN McLARTY MAC.MILLAN. if tires which somewhat GEAR AND SUPPLIES. niTtn ihia iftin aiv oi ahsuiii n. Dltcd All rust I9tn. It. N OH SkEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF resemble it in appearance IS TIIK SUrriEME COURT OF BRITISH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. HIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE - MAPLE LEAF IN THE MATTER OF CHRISTIE OIBSO.N, TAKE NOTICE thlt I. Jobu McLarly Mac- resembled it in efficiency ? DECEASED; PAINT FOR BOATS ri4 millin, of X'ancouver, B. C orrupitlon iv the MATTER OF THE MADMIMSTflA ranneryimn. Intends to apply for permission A. 99 TIO.X. ACT." to lei'e the followlnr described lands: i -.-rtrB In nrdf nt 11E HOIK Commendnr at a on tho post planted made Ilia Jth dsy of Mi). F, McR. Younr. . south shore of Liroon Biy, Moresby Is 1117 I WIS IPpoiIllPU AUllliBl6rir .v. )V'TRACTI0N' eitiii of the said Christie Gibson, deceased land, about one mile, from lis mouth, FRED . h.vln, rlllnu arslnil tM thrnre south SO rbttns, thenre west 0 STORK'S HARDWARE Isl'd eslite ire hereby required to furnlsK chains, thence, north to chains, thence fore lh IUt Mot October. A. D. IJ easterly alonr the shore line lo point of commencement, contilnlnr 40 if res more BKCOND AVKNUK iMjlfilneil na to...j me u forthwith,McMlUN.,.,., hir in or less.JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN Advertise in The Daily News Official Administrator Dated June lOtb It It,