THE DAILY NEWS. 1 AMERICAN CONSUL C.H.Arnold For Salnp Rent Local News Notes ii LEAVES NEXT WEEK NOTARY PUBLIC) Miss Nora Kenny returned to FOR IMPORTANT POST the city by tlio Prince Ilupert this FOR SALE Lot t. Block It, section t, price MSO afternoon. ' Will Gpn New Coneutato In Dsn-mark Thli li a fine lol on 7 lb Avenue Three Roomed e e and Will Winter at Just from near McBride. Mrs. It. McCarthy went up river block section , price MOO Copenhagen. Lol 31, 7. On tth Ate. near Hays Core. E-rellent Furnished House. by today's train on a short visit residential lot. to Kwinltsa. Lou ft it l, block 11, section J. George M. Hanson, consul for' Eleventh o. Good garden. Price These loti ire nctr drydock on II. 12. Allen, of the forestry department, tho United States In Prlnco Ilu-perl, em Avenue. is leaving on Thursday next, New York Terms on any at the above. JJOO Ave., near returned to town today rish nd the balance like rent Victory from the south. having been promoted to a position payment bonds at par.will be accepted In Conrad Street. . t ' of trust in Kurope to which Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Kelley. of he expects to go in the near: future. FOR RENT Alii Inlet, arrived in town last Shipment has juat reached us of all. i rurnlahed rooming bouse, and night from the Islands. Mr. Hanson is deputed to open wool Jersey-Cloth Dresses. They are also an nnfornlsned one. McCaffery, Gibbons a new consulate at Aalborg, Denmark, very "smart" in appearance and are LTD. Col. J. M. McMillan arrived in and after a visit in Washington "just the thing" or this climate are H. O. HF.LQERSON, the city lust evening from the for further instruction! fn the newest shades and no two are & Doyle, Ltd. Queen Charlotte Islands. will proceed overseas and prob. alike. ably slay the winter at Copenhagen. THE DAILY NEWS Insurance Real Estate Mrs. li. li. Hen so n was among All-Wool Jersey Cloth Dress the passengers reluming to town Taupe shade, trimmed with Mr. Hanson has been in Prince Classified AdvertiVng this afternoon from the south. brakllng and buttons Irlre U : Prince Rupert, B. C. Ilupert over two years and during Phone 98 O. II. Arnott, of the Table-Sup. his term here has lent dignity to All-Wool Jersey Cloth Dress the ofllce of the consulate and has V .L..I- ilJ!. i i ply Co., sailed last evening for the ,fjw ii-viv vi 'v k c murnMierec c Thla is the Advert.Vng Column that southern cities on a business trip. lak, a ?? V" ,'" 1 l ia collar ton trimmed,nnd sleeve in nei iles trn and lt people reed when they went anything. ALDERMAN M'RAE ... 1 pertained to the city. has had api.twio $42.00 .. ... .. .. . . ... . i 1 1 i. . .. M value at .t brings results DCT1IDMC CDfiM PACT aiier, uaiuei win ipfan; "7 """v i ? KElUluiO rKUlTl LAM in the Baptist Church each evcn-Amerlcan citizens have made! All-Wool Jersey Cloth Dress WANTED. 'ing this week at 8 o'clock. Every-'Prlnco Ilupert and district their This U a very pretty "tunic" tlealsrn. t in tily braided on ycke and ( j r rn BOY OR GIRL WASTED to deliver parcels. Met President Kelley of the Grand one invited. 231,-6-8 leadquarler 'or guuJ many, hem, g-unmetal ahade. Price tO.OU Apply Ormes Ltd. tf Trunk Pacific and Discussed (years past.. WANTED Responsible parly with sumcl-ent The only arrival in port this I The promotion of Mr. Ham-on Other varieties of tbtie Dresses at prices t . capital to furnish and operate boarding Shipbuilding. I.morning with fish was the. Sea.;is one that will please the nwiple to 148.00, In the popular shades, all the and rooming bouse, e bnlldlng. newest New York stjles, and NO TWO Good Contract to right party. Apply E. Foster, which brought in 50.- of this city, white al the same ALIKE. Bot it I, Dally News Office. D. C. Mcllao has returned fijjm 000 lbs. of halibut. 'tim ii.av rarl t,. In. th Vm . . They are mailt ed at a low margin of a long visit in the east. He has' . i ,,., pruflt M, Th fa,, TEAMSTER WANTED, PONV EVPRESS. for quick sale. a been away about two months,! Clyde A. Heller of the Tonapah- !u iuni,im, -inn i n i,. GENTLEMAN WANTS TWO ROOMS AND during which time he was in Win- Belmont Company, who are op-'tani, position of tru.l is board In private home with rhone, apply overseas its tins' terms, vox ioj uaiijr .ifws. nipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, erating the Surf Inlet Mines.. ar.'nn. nr hirh in i, nrn.,H - " ' Minneapolis and Chicago. While 'rived in town this afternoon. s filial em i vi vuimj Leave appiicaUon in own writing at away he combined business with AND MEN H. S. Wallace Co., Lid. omce or tnts paper, aqqressea -"-;nlftaar,, lnakng purchases for D. H. Morrison returned to the LOST ON DESTROYER old false teeth BOUGHT, sound OR!the business and visiting his old city this afternoon from Ocean' worV.n ,?tuenTto Ti Done. &sMnome at Mooretown near Sarnia. "lis, wnere De Das the con racli Washington. October I2.-In a N. Ii'Now arrivals In "ilanhatttn omce Box mo. Vancouver. Hignest Ontario, wiiich lie had not seen or. ie uuiming oi me new school collision between a United States, Skirts nnd Dresses. rasn prices sent by return malt for 25 years. 'destrdyer and a Ilritlsh vessel on Mis" Agnes Grant, of the for- . WASTED Row Boat, phone Red 411 tf WhilA in nifnu-n AiHormnii Mr. i - : . o- ,i,n, i..-,. i, ,1,1. wv.wc , iu u'"ia uu Boy wanted SAVOY HOTEL. u nae saw Thomas P.Kel ejr. Pres.- -""'V" rnll.tfd men of ihe destroyer's - dent of tlie Grand Trunk Hallway, complement were lost, while thir waA'TED waitress. Hom Prince Rupert.'an(j discussed with him the pos Hazelton to spend a long week- teen other members of the crew cook and baker require work ri sibilities of the shipbuilding here end. were Injured. The collision oc camp for winter. Apply r.o. boi ito.jie found. that.. Mr. Kelley had been; T. .91 , curred in British waters and. ar i - i aaw.HWbua aia ud. er iiiiuta 'nun worKng on tnis maiier tor a ion,? cced lh(J -moniing al the-polce cording to reports, was caused by time and was still keen on getting ,,, h' ,,, the Jamming of the destroyer's' SCHOONER work coins: here. He said that i .. - . iiino ; j oaving no papers, lie was .nneu .-""" Phone 37 wanted To purchase or cbarter with should the present arrangements r. P.O. Bet IT4 onion of DurrJuse Schooner or auilllarr! . .l auu tosts. Motor Vessel to carry 100 to 300 tons.no1 eventuate in me snips oeuiRj ... POLICE FORCES MUST state particulars to Tnomas. nil sun:ritiiit hp will nt nnrp lrv Lo nr. ! On account of Monday being! NOT JOIN UNIONS For Comfort, Courtesy nnd Service miu vu. ou.v uuuiuicr "-v, z.v range-for, thcyards to be used in .Thanksgiving Hay the post olBce; t some other way. 'general delivery wicket and (he1 Ottawa, Oct. 12. llegulatlon 'registration wicket will be'open have Leen Paed by the Dominion T H E S AVOY HO T EL US LOST fibril U to 10 only. Government under an order in '", council preventing the Northwest r. T. BOWNUS, Utuiit LOST Red rertstratlon Wallet, containing card and birth other eer-tineate, Im VHANK3QIVINO DAY llev. O, A. Ilix, accompanied' by Mounted Police 'or the Dominion Fifth and Frater St., Prince Rupert, B.C. portant papers, between wharf and Hotel Mrs. ilix, arrived back in the ciiy police from Joining labor unions. I prince unpen, rinoer rewarded by re Monday is Thanksgiving this afternoon by the Prince mi-' to News Ofllce. i turning Dally 137 Day and in order that the perl after taking in the Synod RECOVERING BODIES Home Cooking Running Hot erwl CeU a lost Black leather wallet containing! staff may have a holiday meetings at Toronto ..juauje parr.. riuurr iwer.ii re-1 . . . warded by returning same to the News! along with the rest of the i ; London, October 12. The loss umce. ill people of the city there The O. T. P. Prince Hupert ar- Qf United States soldiers or. the LOST Brown Otter rur. neckpiece, abort will he no issue of the rived in port today a little late', Otranto numbered over 360. Up 1 dPattaas 4a-ysisjssjs-a hair, near Hotel Prince Rupert. Finder as it was after 1 p.m. before she to six o'clock Wednesday 175 fWGtilS6 rtVsB please return to the Hotel Prince Rupert. paper on that day. .... . . , . . . . 1 I n t I I Ik. I n 1 t k n,1 I a 1 .1 ft. If important news comes iuii imu me wuari. one uaa uuiw nau ucen recovcrea irom At ! STEPHENS FOUND it will be bulletined. a laige passenger list. the tost trpusport. ti FOUND At Salt Lakes, lady's bathing suit Miss Ina Linland and Miss Hilda BIRTH NOTAJir PUBUO Dea' and two towels. Owner ma) have same Chichester, students at Ihe high at Dally News offlce by paying tor this OFFERS FOR QUICK advertisement. if Corporation of Prince Rupert. school here, left for. their homes At the Prince Iluoert f.oncral .fit .... I. .l.. . Iratn fn FrAllKt - . ... SALti Wali "J 0 .u.u AitjoLiiLHi. n uauu mpr itnrwi iin. Papers F,SearedP'l;nde;.Pfor.n2 to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tlx Following Choice Properties malerlal wUl be received by the City Clerk Campbell of Claxtoil. B C Lets XI A XS, aioea 7. SkIIm i. ud to i n.m.. October 14th. isis s-;: The Ladies Aid of lias. MelimHiat oo.oo ucn. MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE YE OLDE COUNTRIE of bid must " Lata U a 14, aieck Btlee aeeuulnany same. 'ri... i. i. j..,t.i. i 10, S, THE HOW FI8H AND CHIPS Full speculations from the aiy Eni- " uuieaoie on ac- jam. ti GUt 0 , Oernee Cth T.llew, fl.TM.OO STOCK In neer. 'fount of tiW Loirto- r.w . wv..v.Ui foe the pair. i aref AUrt-tion and 717 Second Avenue. r tDIUa" 001 " Let 20, 1K 23, Secttoa a, eighth Prompt HSS&r tlie Will be open every day at ,of grippe in town to postpone UirltlhUrt . E. nt.f uhMl with these-reemetf, Oivrn to fut 1 T piasters heu.e aed Orders. Hmp'-s w 11a.m. aumm.r SlUhin, ft0O.O0, t.rmt TAKE SOME HOME. navigable waters protection act. l" ""uouuceu later. the construction work l Ih- ,w It 00.00 (uh a ad sxlaate Ilequril " 3" C" UP- US- ! The orchestral branch of the ,',ock n 'ew car' a- dryeeck sneelhly, and Thla all la parte f City.I. FULL LINE OF PITI, The Georgetown Ssw Mill CornDanr. 'Musical Association in inaltlntr - OCT Btr RATES BCFORE RINgWinO KALSOMINE, ETC. Limited, hereby gives notice Hut it has n .,. , Now that the road to the mill VOUR FIRE INSURANCE under section 7 of the said Act deposited IT WILL PAV YOU. with the Minister of Public Works at (it- a. fimrlp.n nnn nn.l,.o. s completed the Prince Ilupert tawa and In the omee of the District Regis- umber Company is readr to do trar of ttu frinm int ii.-f.m from their rehearsals, their num. LUMBER UlUrlrt a Oserlptlon of the site and a her- al llle flrsL concert ou8"t ' er '"'"ber to the local trade. M. M. Stephens Plan of wharf protK-sed to be built on Lot i', )r(ieril mav be .lll. t or Block -F- prince Rupert Town.ite. be very attractive. ;, P,acea Albert RIAL ESTATE INSURANCE Pel . rnunn ou run vu niea in me i.rv.1 . . t .icanenr. ir FINANCIAL AOCNT Notice to he Registry Odlee . J ....... Agents for And take node tlut after the einlratlmi the 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 Sf.K.ff?"'; .ff?ntie.dit r xb ."" sleamen Prince John has had to'! ATTENTION CITY VOTERS ,,,, ..u, .,... t Prince Rupert Lumber Co. saw Mill Corapmy, Linjitfd mi uadr KO into dryuock, her sailing to 1 ImII t operailng a r .-nn Jt Al io uus sinvi i and HrVrcM'Zortbetn Queen Charlottes on'' VOTKH8. either male or female, and St v . the city or otuwa, for approval of in October 16 has been cancelled and claiming to vole on road tax cer-""VwidVrr Mill Im as lin Hastlna's Saw Mills for W to Get parcel of TO SEAL COVt- aIo her sailing to the southern i"cales or as licence holders must your , wsrs Dated at prince Rupert this itb day of Inlands October 19. A'e declarations with me this Tobacco for the Mt S.t 10 ll' lk,kl(i September, IBIS. ... 10 1.19 Ht - COAL THE OEOROETOWN SAW MILL COM- , mOntll. 10 pan y, limited. oi The fishing boat Haysport II. is ! I will attend at the City Clerk's JO atureai Estra w -j ,j Agents for " in port. lor minor repairs to her offlco on Tuesday, Thursday .and Soldier Boys 1.1D S.IO IV 11 ' 1 Nanalmo Wellington Coal machinery. 8he has been carry- Friday of every week between 8 t 9.10 it S.10 110 I.It U ' ". t- and ing dog salmon from the southern and 10 p.m. to facilitate the tak-islands Suedsf. . at Yellowhead Coal Your to Port Kdward's cannery, ine of aueh fWinrnfinn. MADE UP AT Till ind I0.S0 Ml I ' Eyes J he captain says that fish have! FRKDEIIICK PKTKIIS, FROM SEAL COVE- , r CHrnplete line of been plentiful at Jedway but' City Clerk. Prince Rupert ....7.s ....v.-'i S" ,,(1 BUILDING MATERIALS around Pacoll llieiju have not been' nd I I.JO ....I,.. as many as usual, atureav suira , Are the most delicate of all Tommy Burns' Cabaret Cigar Store & 10.11 is 10 m.ia 15 III'7 i ' JUhrt 8 HceaRerji, Lid. your organs and the most Serfteant J. H. Kelly of the Canadian ondsr .... sensitive. If your Glasses Engineers, has Just been Billiard Parlor Thrre will alsd be I!..'V Wharf Offlca, Phone B4 are not exactly right you promoted to be quartermaster table as folium ln : -1 C;en Ho 2, Sattirtag 8 to 12 Sergeant in his rwnwr and IHjs Creek '". OBlee Srond Arsnue, Phone IIS are likely to ruin company, accord. THIRD AVENUE your the fare will be l ' "T'.i. . . .. . .. .. sight. incr to tho Intent niK'iu fr,n m,i.1 ..f or iiujroii) nays .rer in frjont. Sergeant Kelly is with the!? f'hermen, Loggers and Dual-tramway Best Billiard Hall in Seal Cuve, It --rnlf . . ft renia. . To make sure that yon section of the engineers ! I n,,,m,n pecUlly invited Town. A redurtlun on llw have the correct thing get ami linn rinn n .Inl., iruot. i..i.. ! i Accommodation for Ladies be made by a Cleaning, Glasses from t.uvn fulllbi PREPAID TICKET s Pressing your under r since he went over. li Great variety of Tobaccos, tte nrael T EMPRESS BUILDING Hrlil Ite llrkris fr ;. and Repairing Major C. A. Staples left for ; O. C. Fisher, Manager Cigars and Cigarettes, veara Children and belween twelve iw' " Bulger Calgary today after Pipes and Touches. f'jr al ihe i.ilKiwing fsn spending several It cents for one snd '"- days in the city. While here f ur. The will travel bf LADIES AND ears GENTS OptornetrlBt and lie visited tho Important Industrial Till Ave. on Ihe ouiwsei J1' , institutions and was much im St. James Hotel f I instead of lih Ave as .PrMr lelutning by the same fwa. Optician , pressed with lh possibilities of (LATE "QUEENS") Pioneer Boarding House YOUR PATRONACS tOUCITS" Jack Dunbar the city. He is nteresled In cattle - FIIIST CLASS IIOOMS TlllHOAVB - CLOSE TO Day DOCK The man you know and can ranching and Is making inquiries Hot and Cold Water. Nice rwna, iraud Uxnl. Ilvt.i.d uld SerW Phont 510 725 Stt.nd A. w.ter IM.sue. ur. Bona) Jlolo-Bos rely on, in regard to the lauds of in SO per 1'JIONK KEU m terior) valleys. it 0000