Today's W eather ~~: = ae NX clus ae Tomorrow’s Tides Sunday, July 17, 1932 Prince Rupert Overcast, light SERRE oc ices 0:15 a.m. 21.8 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 30.19; e, 13:27 p.m. 19.1 ft. temperature, 62; sea smooth, a% o& 1,1 ft. ly ‘ Sod p.m. 7.1 ft. * ep NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER XX No. 165. we ; ee ss eT -—~ . — ils ae * On _PRINCE RUPERT, BO. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 vinsasasiel ides ern Naan ARMERS’ GA THERING IS rt ee ae | WINNER OF BIG PRIZE Company Sergeant Major Bayly of England Takes Trophy at Bisley Shoot ritish Presiles and lrish President Fail To Reach Agreement BISLEY CAMP. Eng., July 16: | 4 oo j : —Company Sergeant Major Bay- xed Question of Land Annuities is Still Unsettled—Tar- | ty of Engiand today won the iffs Are Now in Effect and Trade is at Standstill— King’s Prize, blue riband of the Free State to Retaliate annual Bisley shoot, with 289 out of a possible 300. SN UBBED BY PREMIER BENNE TT : Wisethioes:' $ Festival 1 Qused Prime Minister i Tae Agriculturalists He Cannot Address Them Did Not Have Time For Even Ten Minute Speech—Minis- ters Also “Busy”—Miss McPhail Calls it “Major Blunder” ONDON. July 16:—Preside EB a Capt. J. W. Holden of Sher- } N LIENS See eens De ent Eamonn de Valera of} brooke, Que., led the Canadians | OTTAWA, July 16:—Shouts and jeers greeted an an- » Irish Free State and Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald | with 285. . Yesterday Capt. Houlden was the winner in a shoot-off with Sergeant Alec Parnell of Verdun, | Que., for top score in the second | stage, the two having been tied the day previous. led to reach an agreement yesterday after several hours ference on the subject of land annuities which the refused to continue paying to the British nent. De Valera has returned to Dublin. % British special tariff cuties are being levied on Free State imports e State has | ATES | *.* . > is a retaliatory measure for the sus riticizes Premier vension of annuity payments and DELEGATES rade is at a standstill. A retaliatory tariff being set up TO MEETING iby the Free State will go to the Senate on Monday Chamber of Commerce Probably | May Be Represented By Vice-President HONORED IN RETIREMENT, nouncement by N. E. Lindsay to the farmers’ army gath- ered here today that Prime Minister Bennett had declined to come and address the gathering. Lindsay, who is a di- rector of the United Farmers’ Co-operative Co., had been on a committee to arrange for the Prime Minister to come %io the meeting. “The Prime Minister has made PROSPECTS some political blunders but pos- , sibly this is a major one,” asserted Miss Agnes MacPhail M.P, from the ~ VERY GOOD Mr. Lindsay informed the meet- i ing unat he had told Mr. Bennett Outlook is Still For Large Crop on|that the meeting, four thousand Prairies This Year strong, was honestly trying to find a solution for the problems of the . Hay Being Cut * Well—what do you think? Officials of Longview, Wash., Wood- men’s festival weren't sure Charlotte Beang could hold down the job as queen of the fete. So Charlotte up and did her stuff. farmers. The Prime Minister had repiied that his time was fully ta- eS mee > wat * * ¥ At is ] Considerable’ interest” was taken (1 —— — ken up and he ditt not think it prac+ vss yesterday by the council of the} ticable to meet a delegation. He had : 3 3 | . ere 2 “4 Presentation to William Andersen (Chambon of Commerce in the forth- Attortie’y Cdiaral it to ‘Alo ce tae oe = ee asked for only ten minutes, con- Ty on Leaving Malkin Co. Service coming meeting of the Associated | {of @ good crop throughout ws tinued Mr. Lindsay, but Mr. Bennett 9" Boards of Trade of Northern Bri B Pri R: t B | Canada seem assured according to} + +44 that he had an appointment % ya 8 ¢ ' NO ra° c ? ate ‘ ‘ e ’ William Anderson, who is retir-|tish Columbia at Fort Fraser. The rewery in rince uper ecause the ort oe eed Be with Lord, Rotherinené witch Mast "0 L 5 : ; ricultural department, Cana : : f ing from the service of-W’. H. Mal-| president, Ald. J. H. Pillsbury, an- 7 M Al d . h P . . — : been arranged weeks ago by teld- kin Co. Ltd. here, was met by ialnoweae that he would be unable | 060 any rea y in t e rovince ee money agit, mene gram. ' fellow workers yesterday afternoon|to attend but that he hoped the} id gues a a ro were ame “IT asked him,” continued Mr. ; - ind presented with a handsome | vice-president, T. H. Johnson, might es aa ee eee ~ |Lindsay, “if any of the members of Fi i | ' ; setbacks are recorded and all grains A ‘ y companion set of smoker's pipes }do so and also W. H. Tobey and sev- At the meeting of the council of the Chamber of Com- are making excellent progress. A his cabinet would come and address > In making the presentation, H. E le ral others. The meeting was.a very lette vad f H R. ’ . ; the meeting but he said that his pee merce yeste orday afternoon a letter was read trom Non. DeWolf, manager of the Prince Ru pert branch of the company, con yeved the good wishes of Mr. An derson’s co-workers and their hope limportant one and it was the wish f the chamber to be well represen ted. The difficulty was that busi- H. Pooley, attorney general, in which he says the govern- |ment w ill not consent to recommend the issuing of a brew- ess people in the city found it dif-! ery license to Prince Rupert. The communication elicited good hay crop is now being cut and wheat cutting in Manitoba will commence within two weeks. In Manitoba the wheat crop is well advanced with stands heavy ” ministers were busy. eee SERED ‘for his improved health aud hap I! fic ult to leave this year jsome strong comment. It was suggested that Prince Ru- mest color: 60d: Opaese. caked an an” ist ’ etireme Mr. Johnson said he would go if ; > x . “ : f piness in his retirement ert should refuse to accept the g str ar so well & M Anderson replie feelingly,|he could possibly make arrange i 18 ; ; ome districts ate not Silled sp well : ; Mr. Ande PHUEr , a to meine aotie of the attorney general and} should be allowed to engage in the} but there will be a fair crop. Grass- . xpressing < lee reciation | ments and he promise oO notity} } iste ; ‘ a ra v4 es { e Skin of aaad thy resident of his intention today, |Should demand the right to estab- |} venture if he so wished hoppers are still active at some ° a , for the gift and expression OF & [or rae : — | h an industry in the north if it so}: “The council of the chamber was] points but it is difficult to estimate sf i wishes “ : oe ae rey. ~ la unit in deciding to continue ef-|the damage from this source. Even . ' ‘ mae anon Mr. Anderson has served for 12] Jg nese Is Dismissed |wished. A committee consisting of|, : . ‘ . ahh a ° |Local Gyro Club Has Visit From \ Mr. An ; | Japanes : smissi | forts to secure a license for Prince|with the damage done, prospects | District Governor—Oruise and 4.) years in the local warehcuse, being | In Intimidation Case|M. P. McCaffery, Mayor C, H, Orme . ’ MacPhail M.P. who |transferred from Kelly-Douglas C |Rupert and authorized the presi- und W. O. Fulton was appointed tO) Gent to appoint the committee. are for a better than average crop.| Beach Party Enjoyed In the Regina division of Saskat- : ; . . . { en t the hh} » +} ter rrr Bennett with political (to F. G. Dawson Co, and then to U Crown witnesses being unable to|deal further with the matter istieds ; on chewan weather has been mostly h i“ oungling W, B. Main Co. Ltd jidentify accused, M, Murata, Jap In his letter to the chamber Mr.| Burglary Hearings warm with local showers. About wert ee in a { 1ing : : "th reference ; . : organization were scusse : janese, was dismissed this morning Pooley said With reference to the Adj rn ad For Week eighty percent to ninety percent of Bg ; scu y } a Pe intimidation in cc 1 eaiiiaaee i Adjourne . James L, Barr of Yakima, district yn a charge of intimidation in con-|/establishment of a brewery In the wheat is headed out and making v f whe G Club, at 4 | ' ttine , g | > ' , » we 3 governor of we Gyr ; }nection with cutting of nets during] city of Prince Rupert, I may say we Oo " 1g before Magistrate good progress. Hail is reported in } eo “7 ae a l+he recent fist 1e trike the |) , hin n appearing p¢ weagh 4 luncheon tendeyed in his honor by ; \ © . he recent fishermen’s strike on the | have been approached on such Mat} \¢ oy nont sit lice court yes-| ne Central Butte subdivision but : $ \ n lish Interests Lookin keena River. Inspector John Mac-| ters on many occasions by different |, ee ee a oe he damage is confined to a small the local Gyro Club in the Commo- » é 1S ‘ L IVAE : on t Si § \ ul, . . . - wy ae age is c > a §& é af g g ionald cut i L. W. Pat alte tanalitinn but erday afternoon for ‘preliminary : : : dore Cafe yesterday afternoon. Mr. onald prosecuted and L at-| interests for different localities but, | | sn burelary charges in connec-|4rea. In the Saskatoon division on Oars . core at d { iefence ae dine foc te he rial on burglary chargé ; | Barr, who is a pharmacist at Ya- nore appeared for the defence yn account of the f that the pro-|, th ber f recent|some damage is reported from nl 0 OSSI I I y 0 sing vir j *r-stock with breweries eee Seed . ’ I ars b lines venerally kima, made a plea for as substan- Wi vince is over-st¢ v . breaking and entering incidents in|8f@sshoppers but crops generally 4 This Port More Extensivelv Halibut Landings Canadian it present—some of which are shut and around the city. William Nick government has not Fishuk and Samuel Olsen were both remanded for eight days. down—the seen its way to consent,’ It was pointed out at the meeting tial representation as possible by ue local club at the international convention to be held in San Fran- cisco next month. and the district convention at Yakima in Septem- look exceptionally well. Pastures ind gardens are in good shape. In the Prince Albert division crop cor.- ditions continue good. Excessiv: Looking over the Port of Prince Rupert for the : : that the brewery licenses were is- ° a noisture is reported from the Ar-|, ... 17 ‘ é Signal, 26,000 Atlin and Cold A G C ‘ a ber. William Cruickshank, president irpose of investigating its possible use to a muc h Storage, 4c and 2.6c sued by the Ottawa government - rain Commission ae ae ag “es : wen -Hesi a of the local club, was in the chair, oo e tne cus ») gre Ss B. Sse cons reater extent than a’ prese nt for other exports and a 9 “i ym aaa iatien. Chai 4 insane is water ; innot be drained Last evening, Mr. and Mrs. Barr, them only on recommendation 0 amé as or Cf f cn 1) . . : ) : , : with local Gyros and their wives ; P orts besides wheat, represent atives of one of the WEATHER REPORT the attorney general of B.C. airman oming| away. Warm weather is required to!" 4'rriends enjoved a cruise around ‘ largest marketing organizations in the world were Mayor Orme said that the former lbring grains along although all 7 In ine city today, arriving from the south on the Prince Robert and leaving this afternoon on the Dead Tree Point—Overcast, light }southeast wind barometer, 30.04; | ame view as Mr. Pooley but the taken the E. R. Ramsay Sanesis to Be in| Prince Rupert Shortly attorney general had works had ex- : the harbor on Dr. L. W. Kergin’s grains are considered ahead of any _” |power cruiser Aledor, supper being previous year with prospects for } . yrovided on the outing ibetter than average crop I : try sail T Smailes and A. temperature, 55; sea moderate. minister of public - ae Mr. and Mrs. Barr are sailing b ; p a oar eed qe a W holes! ale So Triple Island—-Clear, light south-| pressed himself as personally fa The Chamber of Commerce has | In Southern Alberta weather has ie Princess Chattotth this ahha ; ic up, directors of the Co- operative : f the erly wind: sea moderate voring the right to build a brewery) been notified that E. B. Ramsay,|been generally cool with light sca noon on their returit bouth ’ ciety of Manchester, Engl: ind, the charterers of the ie mS ; here if people were willing to put|chairman of the Grain Board, will} tered showers in some distrivis. No ee — rrain ship Fresno C ity whic h left this port rece ntly VANCOUVER WHEAT their money into it visit Prince Rupert following the | damage is reported from any source W with a big cargo of wheat for United Kingdom Paul Armour said there was a] sitting in Vancouver on July 21 He | Pasture land is in excellent condi-'* ####@##4@20@¢€¢4@¢4¢9009% points, They are four ing ( ‘anada and conceived the VANCOUVER, July 16:—Wheat}person in the city yesterday who] will take up with the chamber the | tion, In Central Alberta all crops; * ; cy 4 id ]} } “dl by them more was quoted at 50%4c on the local|had expressed himself as being disposal of the grain elevator in thisiare progressing rapidly. Hail on # THERMOMETER RISES + ” ca that Prinee tupe rt mig at De User ts be- exchange today willing to invest his money in ajcity Saturday last caused slight damage | # TO 119 IN CHICAGO # extensively than at prese nt for other shipme AS De TER oa brewery in Prince Rupert if he could - —— - ———— lat some points. + qemesiase * ‘? ides grain. Mr. Hobley is in che urge of the grain de- With a good-sized list of pas-!get a license | The council of the Chamber of| Rain in Peace River # CHICAGO, July 16;—Chicago # , partment, Mr. Sm ailes of grocer ies and Mr. Pic kup sengers including quite a number! M. P. McCaffery spoke strongly of | Commerce yesterday, by resolution,| In the Peace River territory heavy # had its hottest weather of the # ‘ey of textiles of round trip tourists, C.N.R. ss.| the right of any person to be allow-| thanked R. G. Johnston, manager |rains have been experienced during | # summer yesterday when the # (he »sts of the Prince Robert, Capt. H. B. Nedden,!éd to go into business if he so wish-|of Inverness Cannery, Paul Ar- lthe past week and crops at most|# thermometer ascended to 119 # \ While in 1 the city the party were the guests of the , ad tele well)® in the aun, Seclee mien wane © All | do husiness, arrived in port at 10 o'clock this} ied. There were too many in business | mour, manager of the Pacific Sal-|points are reported as being we in the sun, Twelve persons were . erta Wheat P ool, with whom t my | morning from Vancouver and Oc-| in every line but that was not con- | vage Co., those who loaned cars, j advanced although still more rain,# and scores prostrated. The # ' and the Pool re prese ntative, L. H. H: aworth with ean Falls and will sail at 3 o'clock) sidered a good reason why no one/and the ladies and others who|and warm weather is required # reported dead from the heat # \" Ms vor Orme, showe d them around the c ity and gave this afternoon for Skagway and,else shonld be allowed to start. He | gave their services in connection} A very limited number of good! * death list so far in the present # : them all available data in regi ird to its comme reial other Alaskan points whence she thought it was something the peo-|with the entertainment of the Bri-jcattle have come forward to local. * heat wave is placed at 27 + facilitie | sibilitie will return here next Wednesday, ple here should not submit to, This tish touring party which was in|; markets Prices for the better) ® . F whe: anal sen ik te = morning southbound ‘was a free country and any person |the city recently, grades are a shade stronger. \° teeoreeveee 460 " ‘el >) . 49 en ‘wre wie} Ya ‘ — |