——. SS UL Oe ee * ‘aS > 7 ee: Sad a ee a SS SS". . as 2a se = = = ae Ty ae s} ht a ss PAGE TWO a ee THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishea Every. Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H, F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 For lesser periods. paid in advance, per week \ 10¢ By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in: advance for yearly period ......... 3:0! By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, ‘the British km- pire and United States, paid in advance, per year . . $6,00 By mail to all other countries, per year se dk cabana .. 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per WOT... 02 Loeal readers, per insertion, per line . Sil csi ; 25 Lega! notices, each insertion, per agate line nose’ lt 15 Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion ‘ 1.40 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ... 98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone Saba Member of Audit Bureau of Cireulations vai: MUCH MORE CHEERFUL MALLY EDITION Saturday, July 16, 1932 Prince Rupert people seem much more cheerful than they have been for many months. There is a general. feel- ing in the city that the worst is past and that very soon we may, look for a decided improvement. The buyers’ strike seems to be nearing an end andonce again those who have money are beginning to spend it. We think the people here are justified in their views. The past has been gloomy and the present is not what any of us would like. However, there is a glow of red in the| evening sky which presages a brighter tomorrow. As long! as we do not let our expectations run us into unjustified expenditures, the hopeful attitude is beneficial. We must all adjust ourselves to present conditions and then work | ton improvement, a slow and sure development. Chsatige Pienic he ‘LOCAL! (TEMS. Being Held Today «= wnwin seme w we es on the Prince Robert this morning Outing Being Staged This Afternoon from a brief business rrp to Van- at End of New Road—Sports couver and Refreshments einediinieel Mrs. Marshall and child sailed The annual picnic of the Ladies’|/@st night on the Cardena for a Orange Benevolent Association, "Pp to Vancouver. Mr. Marshal! i postponed from last Tuesday, is be-| 2 the service of the Canadian ing held this afternoon at the end Fishing Co. at Butedale of the new road. The nicnicker went out in cars which left the Me- tropole Hall and the Ridley Home in the city on the Prince Robert corner at 11 o'clock this morning. this morning from Vancouver to More will be going out this after-| pay a visit with her sister, Mrs. L noon W. Patmore, Borden Street There is to be a program of sports and an abundance of refreshments. apt. Ruby Steele of the Salva- has been taken out tion. Army. who, has been on 2} Mrs. Robert Murray is convener of ‘iree-weeks’ trip to Vancoryver, re the picnic committee of which ‘“fned to the city from the south| other members are Mrs. W. Hunter.| 0” the Prince Robert this morning Mrs. H. B: Eastman, Mrs. J. G. Vier- eck and Mrs. Wine Miss M:. A. Weatherhead arrived | Rates and THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, Jul Y 16, 19%) ‘Banish Depression By Effective Means You know the stery, of course, how the Eastern Potentate gave to the vizier he wanted rid of a white elephant. The vizier, in turn, couldn’t get rid of it—couldn’t pass it on. He had to keep it until finally the cost of feeding and housing the sacred animal and its retinue of attendants broke him. Although you wouldn’t accept a white elephant in a gift, maybe, though, you ne- ver realized that each time you send good northern money away to a mail order house fer goods you might buy more easily at home, you are presenting a WHITE ELb.- PHANT to. your own town! Spent at home, your money would help give employment to the city’s sons and daughters, would help rent vacant stores and encourage building new ones. Spent at home, your money would mean more ratepayers and more taxpayers, thus making your own rates and taxes less. Your money spent at home, by increasing the volume of, local business, would tend to keep prices down to the minimum, to your own consequent benefit. Your money spent at home would increase the amount of cash in circulation locally and would eventually come back to you with increase. it seems hardly good business for loca! people to provide wages for other cities by buying there when their neighbors are unemployed. Figure it out for yourself! A little thought will convince you that by sending your money out of town, you are paying wages to the retinue of a white elephant, w hile your own servants—the local merchants —go unpaid. Which, in the end, seems ridiculous! “a port Your Home Town Merchants Buy In PRINCE RUPERT H. S. Wallace Ltd. Your Canadian Dollar A Real Bargain! G. Percy Tinker Savoy Hotel Is Worth 100 Cents We have on hand two new 1931 Bxelusive Ladies’ Wear Prince Rupert's Leading Family a Only while circulating at home | Sedans we wish to sel! before the Hotel Real Estate & Insurance irrival of the new models. We are Buy Canadian Insurance {fering a very substantial dis- ce Hot and Cold Water in. All. Rooms Agents 7 count frum. list price Millinery Backed by Canadian Government This is an / Opportunity to get a ee Conveyancing — Rentals Insurance, Stocks & Bond Devosits car at a special price Dry Goods Fire, Automobile and Casualty trom . S. E. Parker Ltd. | M. M. Stephens & Co. Ltd. = Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 A. J. PRUDHOMME Proprietor Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. P » € Phone 9 Corner Fraser St. and Fifth St Prince Rupert, B.C Third Street Prinee Rupert, B.C Household Inventories on Applicatior Mr. and. Mrs. G. A McMillan. and | |Mae’ S Shoe Hospital a) SA 2 The Milady Beauty Get the Best in Acme Importers waits family. who have been on a tw Cj , A ti ° Cc N R. Train weeks’ visit to Vancouver and else-| Second Avenue., Prince Rupert, B.C. hoppe ity $s Auctioneer Workmanship where in the south, returned to. th: aa a » x. $s See : Satisfaction Guaranteed ‘ » oe » Dertnn city on the Prince Robert this/tt’s economy to have your old shor Shampooing — Marcelling om ’ At the Same Price morning repaired <2 Finger Ws ce - : Men 8 and Boys Outfitters for the East— : eos i mger aving Prompt settlements. Valuations free . . * a Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur-. Mrs. George Wilson and family Let Mac Do It! ee at Clothing — Furnishings tays 12:30 noon 2ftived in the city on the Carcena oe Specializing in Permanent|" Yo" a at - oo * - last nicht fror . | atter what it is, phone me ilaiiaheidial Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fri- ‘88! Sight from Vancouver and in Btenati (ile Bitlet in al f laves —s tays 3 pm, tend to resume residence here First Class Workmanship Waves ’ hey -have been in Vancouver for Guaranteed 1 Geo J Da Where Your Dollar . a . Prem: the: Rast— te fe too Qe eee, | ' Phone — 655 - J. Vawes ur Dollar LOUIS SHIBIG Sundays, Thunsdays and Fridays , ll p.m There was a large crowd at an-| nd Satur- other enjoyable dance 1:30. p.m. night by the Mondays, Wednesdays days Mr. and Mrs, Thoma bave been. on a trip t Priest, who Avenue ) Vancouver charge of the and elsewhere in the south, re- furnished by tupnea to the city on the Prince Leacue Robert this morning by affair and music was members of the refreshments being brough: the ladies Se —_ — CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED C. CHURCH Pastor, Rey. A. Wileon. BiA. Rev. C. D. Clarke, Pastor Morning Service, 11 A.M ‘JESUS, A LIVING REALITY’ 7:30 P.M THE FOOLISHNESS OF PREACHING’ Solo by Dr. Large Wednesday Evening, 8 P.M. in Church Parlors “Let's Get Acquainted Social” F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rey. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. Organist, John. E. Davey Subject Evening Service Subject, “ Morning Service at 11 o'clock Evening Service at 7:30 Rev. R. G. Douglas, Preacher LF _==_L___—SSSSaah2E>EEE—E_E held last} Canadian Labor De-| fence League in the hall on Second | A. Seppahammer was in! Black 120 — Phones — Red 633 Goes the Farthest Quality Shoe Repair 318 Sixth St, Prince Rupert, 5 No Job Too Big or Too Small 305 Third Ave., Prinee Rupert, B.C, | Sheddon’s | i } } John Bulger Ltd. Dr. J. F. Maguire Ben’s News Stand& Fraser Stationers » Jewellers Grocery and Confectionery The Jeweller D nti t Gas Station Stationery, Office Supplies Our Workshop is Fully ‘ ‘ e IS \ebacts, lee Cre: coals | Agent For . v ' Where You Get the Best sk scream. © a Check Bool Equipped to Manufac- eailbens , lor Less on ) sy te ture to Your Own De- nr Le a | Rubber Stamps ies aa Rooms 7-8-9 Smith Block Magazines and Newspapers N Iti " =o OYS — Novelties — Lit a e Prince Rupert, B.C. 502 Fifth Avenue Kast en ae Corner Third and McBride |thira Avenue, Prince Rupert, 5.6 | Khird Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C, Opposite the Hospital Telephone — §25 Ben Ferguson, Proprietor Mail orders promptly attended 1 unis J NR oa ep ee ENT ERENT J ne RC OO ERA —————— Tom Ballmger Cut Rate Shoe Leo Contoli ‘Kitchen Hardware Store Manufacturing Jeweller Chinaw arp, ‘Otockery The Home of Quality Shoes €. C. M. Bicycles At Lowest Prices Spring Salmon Guts Trolling Lines — and — The Fulton Grocery Louis Amadio Corner Fulton & Sixth Streets SILVER and GOLD PLATING ALL CLOCK REPAIRING ENGRAVING LINES & BEST BRANDS Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, [te Norwegian Produce of Superior Quality Jack Selvig Prince Rupert, B.C. Get your light footwear for the warmer weather now Mail Orders Attended to Promptly ‘ a Italian Imported Produce Specially Low Prices rrices On Running Shoes a In All Sizes Telephone: Blue 428 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B,C, City Delivery, Lowest Phone—756 Prompt Ationtion to Country Order | /611 Third Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C, a 3 \ ee :