ae " SS % PAGE FOUR ER ieee ey forgotten artist, too modest to sign his name, and a second-hand | they would have appeared passing each other on the broad wastes dealer form the strange combination that brought to light one of | of the Pacific. the best examples of the growth of Canada’s trade with the Orient. Forty. five years ago the first ship ever to fly the house-flag of the cane by a comparison. The ‘Abyssinia’ was 363 feet six i Canadian Pacific, a flag that has since found its way into practically | every port in the world, set out from Port Moody, B.C. She was the barque-rigged steamer “Abyssinia” and, such a marvel was she that the modest artist referred to transferred her graceful shape to canvas with painstaking detail. Another artist, chancing upon the pictu graph of the ficent Emr , | re, imposed it upon a pI latest Canadian Pacific ship in the Orient trade oto- Some idea of the dev elopment of shipping in the 45 year s may be hes on g, 4214 feet wide, had a tonnage of 3,376 and a speed of 15 kr “Empress of Japan” is 670 feet long, 87} 2 feet wide, has at 26,000 and, during her record-breaking p assages between Vancou Victoria, Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Manila has developed as high as 23 knots—more than half as fast again. A strange coincidence is that the “Abyssinia” was chartered W. G. Pearce, who later became the Fairfield Shipbi ea; { , the magni-| which famous Clydeside shipyard built tk an two ress of Japan. They are shown above in exact proportion as' years ago. . od 1 Bpten se ? ELKS LOSE — -| Baseball ame National League WATERFRONT WHIFFS | TO CANUCKS toa Pittsburg 46 33 582 le hicago 45 36 556 Halibut Landings Mounting—Most of Fleet Busy— et ae oe a With | Boston 44 40.524 , x : iree Bingles in Four Times | 3t. Louis 0° 41 Yacht Helena B. Here Gp-—Barey Gets Bemnar | Philadelphia es , | Brooklyn 390s «44 | Sons of Canada stepped out in New York 36 2 462 Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the | {ot im the City Baseball League | Cincinnati 39 52429 1932 season up to and including yesterday, totalled 7,305,- won er ct oat See sie apegee Leagye 150 pounds of which 2,336,750 pounds had been delivered hie Witness tines ° muudnoctity a oe ae ae by Canadian vessels and 4,968,400 pounds by American.’ strengthened by the addition of Philadelphia te aes ai During the week ending yesterday landings amounted to | Sury and Smith who returned from|petroit __ tas eae 396,500 pounds including 41,000 pounds from Canadian |*# ‘Pp © the interior. Bury contri- | washington 17 38 553 boats and 355,500 pounds from Am-¥ buted two hits to the contest while/st Louis 39 43 476 erican. Prices during the week con-|tion of making a month’s cruise of '|S™!th's work at second was effec- | chicago 0 52 366 tinued at a low ebb, 4c and 2c being! Alaskan waters under charter tof Bob Stalker led the Sons’ at-' Boston 19 63 232 paid for Canadian fish while Am-|wyley R. Reynolds. manufacturer | ack with a triple, a double and a ead erican catches received from 4c and|of automobile accessories from | =28!¢ im four times at bat. Barry, 2c to 6c and 2% Jackson, Mich., and party consi | Ks’ first sacker, got a lucky home | ‘Baseball I Standings silica ine of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and |?¥" when he drove one to left centre According to a bulletin issued by|son and daughter and Mr i Mrs. | wales should have been a two-base | ’ I P the United States Bureau of Fish-| Chandler who, howev decided in- | “OUe but the fielders lost the ball Sons of Canada f 5 545 | eries, landings of halibut by Am- stead to go north on the Prince Ro- the grass and he made home on Empress ) 5 SOC erican vessels at Princé Rupert for bert today The Helen B. was|~ Stiles pitched for the seit , , 455 the present season ending with May |brought north from Vancouver by | while Chenesni Nia aids ae taal 7% ceasigcnmeticlliinal ei in totalled 2,786,800 pounds, showing ;}Capt. Barney Johnson, son of Com- lithe dithered ae ° ees BIG SIX STANDING a slight increase over landings of |mander B. L. Johnson D.S. O., who | ait Beatt ce til ttdine ili | — American fish here in the corres- | turned the vessel over here to Capt. | ene ‘ +, SPpeat- G. AB. R. H. Pct ponding period of last year which|Frank Tyler, regularly skipper of _— wel ® Sons’ uniform last night} Lambie (S.) 9 29 10 12 .414 amounted to 2,733,000 pounds | the Salvage Princess, who will be in ye epuaeet poe ation nck, |Farquhar (El.) 9 34 8 13 382 Landings ‘of Canadian vessels her: |eharge during her say here. The| =*S looked like winners at the/Menzies (El) 8 32 5 12 for the first five months of this yee.r | Michigan visit arrived here in a |°™4 of the em o— ~ roe 3-2 Nelson (Em.) 730 4 11 «367 are placed at 1,810,750 pounds as|special car attached to Wednesday |” ae favor but Sons of Canada |Bury (S.) 9 36 11 13 361 compared with 2,552,000 pounds in|afternoon’s train from the east and | ee ee sixth to tuck; Windle (Em.) 10 37 12 13 351 the same period last year were taken out to Lucy Island on | ron ra —e pinking on} ie ee The bulletin gives the following|board the Salvage Princess for ¢ eee or ene SOCEDeN s =n figures for landings to the end of;|try at deepsea fishing on Thursday [reas ween wen FOOTBALL May at various coast points this; g=#=§ i =o-—-— | being made im the frame year and last With the arrival here of D. B.}, woe ee oo oo a July 19—Merchants vs. Canadiai: 1932 1931 Finn to resume his duties as direc- fay aoe eee ‘ty f i oo : age *S | Legion Pounds Pounds jtor of the Prince Rupert Fisheries ot ate antes a: a ae nal July 21—Regiment vs. Home Oil Alaska lExperimental Station, adminis tra-| eee July 26—Home Oil vs. Merch American 3,302,179 5,066,674/tion offices of the tation have i Prince Rupert jbeen now move the new build- American 2,786,800 2,733,000\ing where M1 Finn taker Canadian 1,810,750 2,552,000 charge. H. N. Brocklesby, who was Vancouver jacting director during the two Canadian 417,700 631,000; years of Mr. Finn's absence, re- Vancouver Island Canadian Seattle American tains an office 99,200 old building in the 82,700 Dogfish Skins to England 8,199,431 3,635,854) Canadian 12.760 | The Bacon Fisheries at Prince ce e peer is preparing a special ship- T’'t’l American 12,288,41¢ 11,435,528|™ent of dogfish skins for consigr T’t’l Canadian 2,311,15¢ 3,294,960 /™ment to England for experimenta- s tion In connection with the possi- Grand Total _16.599.560 14.730.488 | Dility of its use in makin f fine May Landings leather. The dogfish being used May landings on the cosst are put |have been specially selected and as follows in the bulletin came from the Queen Charlotte 1932 1931 |Islands. There would appear to be Pounds Pounds ja possibility of expansion in the Alaska juse of this product American 626,502 1,492,116 wae Prince Rupert | M. F. Nickerson, mani fF. E American 1,154,900 1,973,000; Hunt Ltd., left om Wednesday for Canadian 485,700 1,032,000! Vancouver whence he will make a Vancouver motor tour which will include Canadian 200,000 237,000 ;among other places, Seattle and Vancouver Island |Banff. Mr. Nickerson, who expects Canadian 26,900 Seattle American being ac and family 59,400 | to be away a month, i ;jcompanied by his wife 2,875,052 1,590,789 {| Mid-July sees only about half ot Total American 4,656,454 5,055,905/the vessels of the Prince Rupert Total Canadian 712,600 1,328,400 | halibut fleet at work in actual hali- but fishing. However, few of the Grand Total 5,369,054 6,384,305 |boats are actually idle, many being —_—_— lengaged in other lines of work The Department of Marine ad-|such as salmon packing, salmon vises mariners that a lighted bea- trolling and fisheries patrol con has been established on Clark _—- Point, Calvert Island, Fitzhugh Peter Solem, for many yerrs ac- Sound,.and will show an automatic countant for the Booth Fisheries at occulting white light Prince Rupert, has been manager of the bran ing the recent death of C. A. Kir- kendall. In the meantime, the du- ties of manager and accountant are being combined, no additional ap polutment having been made Mais Mr. Solem will be appointed —_- h here follow- Helena B. Here The handsome Vancouver yacht Helena B., belonging to Newton T Burdick, president of the Pacific Salvage Co., arrived in port yester- day from Voncouver with the inten- friends of ' |last fixture of the half. Should the first half honors |Empress take will play However, if the Elks and Em- Friday in the July 28—Canadian Legion them, Regiment ress next ATHLETICS IN SLUMP Mackmen Lose Another Game in| American League—Tight Race For Second Place PHILADELPHIA, July 16:—Phila- aeiphia Athletic recently appeared to be making an- ther bid for the American League pennant, dropped another game yesterday when they were defeated by a margin of one run by the De- Tigers in a heavy hitting game Park A merry battle is being staged for ‘cond place in the American League with little heed being paid he New York Yankees who, with at Shibe 1 nine and a half game lead now appear almost certain to cop the flag. Only a single game now se- parates the second place Cleveland Indians from the fifth place Wash- net Ser with the Phila- ind Detroit Ti- ) weel f rday’s play I ;C ind Phillies f 1 for fourth place in the National League. The Cardinals lost the New York Giants at St. Louis while the Phillies scored a close vic- y over the Reds at Cincinnati sburg Pirates needed only one run to shut-out the Boston Braves at Pittsburg and their margin of leadership in the National League still stands at two full games over 1 Robins at Chicago. y’s Big League scores National League Brooklyn 3, Chicago 8 Boston 0, Pittsburg 1 New York 12, St. Louis 4 delphia 4, Cincinnati 3. American League Cleveland 5 York 8 I it 11, Philadelphia 10 St. Louis 7, Washington 8. ( igo 4, Boston 2 SOFTBALL SCHEDULE, New J 19—Station vs. Navy J 20—Station vs. Round House J 26—R 1 House vs. Navy J 27—Navy vs. Station A 2—Round House vs. Station. | 4 3—N Round House Al St ! Navy 2 t ind Miss Mildred J ton leav tomorrow on the Ca for Alice Arm for a two} | BASEBALL EMPRESS ys. S. O | MONDAY, 6:45 Elks win that game a three-way tie would result, i The Box Score s. 0. C- ABR H POA E} iBury cf a2 .0 8: 0) Smith 2b. 31.86.44. 07 Moran 3b. 401001) Stiles p. 40203 0 Comadina rf 4018 0 0} Johnson ss 40 6.3 6:1 R,. Stalker c S 2-3. 6 9.8 Scott lb 4+$44 8: :- 92 McNulty lf, 3:46.90 °0 Totals 35 61021 7 3 ELKS— ABR H POA E |Raabe cf 4‘ 10 0 81 Barry 1b ities A. Mitchell ss. * £°3°3'3 3 Menzies 3b ¢@.23 6 9 i Arseneau lf SO, 2k. OO Dingwell c $9473 o G. Mitchell 2b. . 2 ee Chenoski p. 30003 0 Stone rf $00000 7 - - om | Totals 30 3 621 7 4} PHOENIX As the perfect 5.0.C . & 2 1. eee S6 6) Lager. Pour it a Elks 20001 0 0-3| paage-conie anal gest Summary 2-base hit, Bury | ness possible-——good malt Stiles, Stalker; 3-base hit, Stalker | Se dh alee Arseneau; home run, Barry; bas | on balls off Stiles (1), Chenoski (1'; | struck out by Stiles (8), Chenoski | (8); left on base, Elks (7), 8. O. C.} (9); passed ball, Stalker (1), Ding- | well (3); time of game, 1:30; ms pires, Windle and D. Stalker | pleased to hear of his aéiiacenins, | Shef Thomson Back Shef Thomson has returned to} his duties as caretaker at the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club after a month’s vaca- tion which he spent in the city This advert Control Board or by the Gov = = See Limitea enix Mrewery Victoria vement 18 not published or displayed by the Liquor ernment of British Columbia. os 3, who up until very | o Cubs who defeated the Saturday, July 19, 1939 ‘=)\\0m080 0000000 Friday & Saturday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 p.m, Feature Starts at 7:30 & 9:39 ADMISSION ~— L5c & 5h¢ SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:39 Feature Starts 3:00—L5e & 35¢ LADILO) a ae So Long Sorrow — Good-bye Gloom — See the Smile Sensation “SUNSHINE SUSIE” | With All Star British Cast Hear the Latest Song Hits — Romance — Music — Laughter HELD OVER FOR THREE WEEKS IN TORONTO Comedy—“SPANKIE” (Our Gang) METRO NEWs PLEASE, DO NOT MISS THIS PICTURE : MONDAY & TUESDAY — “LETTY LYNTON” ern a nn (a) te e2 2 es eee . VT... Peeeaes Fire Sale is being continued Montreal Importers Centre of Business Activity in City Hundreds attended the Fire Sale of the Montreal Importers yes : terday and secured many hundreds of bargains. There are thou ’ sands of bargains left and all will be sold at slaughter prices un | til the entire $20,000 stock is cleaned up. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to secure at lowest possible The Fire Sale " BDDC @te @2OeB.eaeaerkeese & ee... 8 high class goods has become the centre prices of business life in the city Call at the Store and See the Low Prices a... ah eee Peek eee We Sell and Recommend DOMINION TIRES Ask about the new DOMINION ROYALS with Exclusive “TEMPERED RUBBER” for Longer, Trouble-Free Mileage S. E. Parker Ltd. DEALEKS The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. i AIR DRIED SHINGLES Retain the cedar oil in the wood, affording extr servation than kiln-dried shingles from the has been evapurated, Our shingles are 1 Queen Cha! Islands and, as a home product, deserve your preference, Shi makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince ! pert, while Vancouver wages never come north Support a ! industry and your own welfare by Air Dried Shi Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3.25 a and better | which essen| made or specifying HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 MS ooo eee Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results CFD. tere cow ee