The Daily News MADE IN MAIL. SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA For the East. . . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and 8at-udays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue; at 9:30 a. m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 p. m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. For Vancouver: 10 m.' To Unitecj States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays Sundays 5 p.P.m. Telephone 98. Thursdays 10 p.m. Saturdays 7 a.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 cents per inch. From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. Sundays . ... ........... 10 p.ui. Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. DAILY EDITION. Saturday, Oct. 19, 1918. f Saturdays 10:30 a. in. For Anyox: ' Helps Bolshevism; Sundays 10 pun.' teeth, And Ignorance. Wednesdays 10 p. m, It is estimated that ten per cent, of the Russians are Bolsho Saturdays 10 p. in breath, viki, ten per cent. Royalists and the other eighty per cent, are appetite, non-extremists who want a stable form of government, but will From Anyoxt digestion. not stand for the excesses of the Royalists or the Bolsheviks. It Tuesdays is only the excesses of the Royalists"that has made the rule of Thursdays n.ui. the Bolsheviki possible. TO SUBSCRIBERS undays p.m. Sealed tlflht-kept rlcht Just now ltussia is the happy hunting ground of the pro fessional agitator, the man who refuses to work but who lives Subscribers to The News For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet by playing on the emotions of his fellows. are asked to par the delivery points: it ."Give to me, Toe Bolsheviki resemble very closely the syndicalists of boys each month Sundays ....10 p.m. England and the I. W. W. of America. They believe in the rule when they call, except please. Grand-daddy." of the ignorant and the least fit. Their pet method is to cause where payment has beer From Port Simpson and Naas confusion everywhere in the hope that the mob may get a chance made for the year in advance. River Points? to plunder at the expense of the intelligent That is what happened 'The boys when Tuesdays a.m. in Russia, but it was possible only because the Russians collecting carry ofllcial receipts "Why Bobby. If had bad no training in self government. Where the people have which should always Queen Charlotte Islands: you wait a bit been taught to think for themselves, to reason things out, and to bo preserved. For Masaett, Port Clements and arrive at sane conclusions there is no danger of Bolshevism getting Upper Island point: for It you'll a foothold. It is among the ignorant that it flourishes. - Vcdncsdoys 0. p. m. have It to en-Joy Education the Cure ATTENTION CITY VOTERS From Massct, Port Clements and longer!" For Ills of State. Upper Island paints: Education is the cure for all the ills of the State Education VOTERS, either male or female, ridays, m. of the right sort give the citizens ballast, makes them intelligent laiming to vote on road lax cer-ificatcs p. "Poo-poo! That's and puts them on their guard against the professional agitator or as licence holders must no argument with with Jiia suave manner and persuasive method. With" an educated file declarations with me this For Skhtegato, Queen Charlotte ' WRIGLEY'S people, educated in self government and with practical experience nonth. City and Lower Island points: along those lines, the people realize that they have all I will attend at the City Clerk's aturdayr 8 p. in. causelhz flavour the power there is and that they can do better by constitutional office on Tuesday, Thursday and From Skidcgatc. Queen Charlotte; lasts, anywayl' methods what the syndicalists would do by destructive ugeucies. Friday of every week between 8 City and Lower Island points ' TRUE Education, nd 10 p. m. to facilitate the tak Tuesdays. ing of such declarations. Book Not Learning. For 8kagway and the Yukon. It must not be thought that mere book learning is education.! FREDERICK PETERS, Every ten days. After every meal It is simply a means of education. Boys and girls are taught to City Clerk. From Skagway ,and Yukon. read, -write and cypher so that in after years they may be able to Every ten days. Advertise News. educate themselves. A smattering of education may be given in'the'Dally with book-learning, sometimes a great deal, but reading and MINERAL ACT writing are merely the tools which the man uses as he develops his own intelligence. HcrUflcnto of Improvements. "Education, is something which cannot be imnarted. It is imbibed and developed by the person himself. By providing the KOTICE necessary aios me process can bo made comparatively easy. By rro Fraction Mineral ClLm, situate in Keep the providing the urge, action is likely to follow. Stimulus is the the Skrcna Mlnlnr "Division of Casslar up great thing, and personal contact does more to provide it than District.Where located -Acsr the head or Alice I AM assured ttiat an ine institutions in the world. One live educator in a com Arm. my people will respond munity is worth all the schools in the country. The educator is TAkT TWICE tnat I. Lewis V. Pstniore. Food Free Miner's Certificate Tto. J0107-C as Supply to every call one wno rouses the community to its needs, who stimulates osn fA. t'atfn1 OlMn.k.aif k.. young and old to read and study, to see thincs from the ritrht ini-a certificate no uist.c mitnd. necessary to the sue-cess angle, to develop the mind, to get out of the slough of careless-1111' Uajr trau tbe dw rQr. to apply of our cause with ness and nrerlisnnsprl rinhJt I to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of and Help the indomitable luifisuscuwuMt sua tua iuiiusv ui uuuur same Aoe of Reason I inr a Crown orant of tbe above claim. ardour and devotion j 0 aim lunuer uu uouce uui aciion. un that have filled me with lie wouia lie an ignorant person who would trv to nreue that the lnoe of such Certificate or improve Make .. , .. 41. i - Victory mc iireseufc &mie ui society is aii rigni, mat there are no abuses pride and gratitude DATED tbls 15th day of Autusl. A. D to oe siougnea off, no methods to be reformed. Barnacles have 1918. since the war began," to be scraped from the ship of state now and then, and sometimes u i necessary to renuua tne snip, but that is no excuse for build LAND REGISTRY ACT. Sure Hut MAtirnr Kino Giotoa mg a square ship nor a round one. The general form must be (Sections 36 and 114.) the same. althmipli th linoc mnr f imnnnuiii nri t. -i.: . . ,. ... . . . . . o ' "j J v .u.u.uibu uuu tne muciiu iirv I - ,k;,i, ;ii j . . , I "e nwuiMiwu no. W70S-I 4. 77I-I biiuuju uc up w uaie. TAKE KOTICE that application haa oeen Jt is quite possible, even probable, that after the wnr thnrn nde to rerister Nathan Louis Undo and will be changes. To stick one's head in a hole like an ostrich Pr Bcheininau as owners tn re under soldiers must be fed; the people at wui not prevent them coming, neither will stubborn opposition cu, TTfSZ nwto x OUR nor manifestations of autocracy. This is an are of reason nnrl the sith oar or November. 1917. or all must be fed. And in spite of if tbe mass of the people do not reason right, it is largely the ANn 8,-,t0ULA' " eeruin prcei or fault of those who have had the opportunity to nut them in llm te.?.L ul? ...P'"" MJS! Germany's murderous campaign to way of educatmg themselves but have failed. r rnnce iioperi, more panieuianr known cut off the Allies' Food and described as Lot eleven (ID, Bluck supply, by sinking Lot twenty-nve thirteen(J5),(13) Section Uloclc Itilrty-nre seven (7).(3i),ami every ship on the High Seas an ample and Bection elrut Si. Map 9iS, You ar0 re quired to contest the claim or the tax unfailing flow of food to England and WHICH ROAD ? purchaser within it days from th date or tha service or this notice (wulct) may France must be maintained. be effected by publication In the Dally News, and your attention Is called to set Hon JS of tbe "Land Detistry Act" with YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE thererrom;amendments, and to the rollovrtnc estract This is National Service-Not and In defsull or a caveat or cerlltlrite to the Farmer only tratlon aa owner or the person entitled un- I der suett lax sale, all persons so served I But to YOUo everybody with notice, .... and those clalmlnr .... ... w. m.m..c it., sum .11 sv I mmi ckiuiiux- but snicreii id ine ianu nv viriiiM This appeal is directed or any unretlstered instrument, snd all yrrtvn ciiuumr any interest in the Mud Ui by descent whose title is nr.! rerlstered uwier uju provmons or mis Act, snail be must unite oa a Nation to SERVE Utilixe for ever estopped and debarred from n. WE PLANT a garden wnall or large. tinjr up any.claim to or In respect or too to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, bade Cultivate th una so sold (or lues, and the IterlSlrar t yard. un reamer iu person eniniea under women and children; the young, the middle vacant lota. Make them all yield food such tax sale as owner or the land so aged and the old all in THIS THIS uiu lur Kiel. can help the AND WIIEfiEAS application bas been Nation'i Army of Production. made for a Certincate or Indefeasible Title better of towna can.find no 10 the above-mentioned lands, tn the name WOMEN LEADS TO LEADS TO or Nathan Louis Lando and Dora Schein- EVERY pound of FOOD ralaed, help, important' outlet for their maa tho cost of living and adds to energies than in cultivating a vegetable AND WHEIIEAS on Investlratlnf tbe title t appears that prior to l be Uth day or the Food Supply for Ovenwai. garden. YOUR LOSS YOUR GAIN Kiouer, iwie (tno dale on which the said Jsuds were sold ror overdue taies), you Be were ww reniierea owner Ihereof. Foriitformathnonanu tubjtct itlallng patriotic in act as ruilTIIEIl TAKE NOTICE that It the same time I sball effect rerlstrailon in to the farm and Qatdin, mitt: well as in thought pursuance or such application and Issue Certificate of indefeasible Title to tbe INFORMATION DUUXAU sam ianas in tn0 names or Nathan luls Department of Agriculture i-anao ana uora uctieinman unless you take Use available-Overlook and prosecute tbe proper troeedini tn OTTAWA every means cjiaumn yoor ciairo, u any, to the said nothing. TAKE NO CHANCES m anus,my or prevtnt sudj proposed aetlon WITH FIRES . tnsm i-ana netlstrv' nsiH. Dominion Department of Agriculture K. F. MACLEOD. District Rerlilrir nr thi.. eTTAWA, CANADA. PUT THEM OUT To nobert ir'Jdebrandl, Prince nunerf. B. C.! . ... ..,,..v, uuii, Montana., RON. MARTS BURRMi., Miniate. rraiieii Calve. Prlnca rtupen, B, C (i